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00:00:00 - 00:00:51
You. Welcome to the Seek First CEO podcast, a community for high achieving kingdom women committed to seeking God first and keeping God first in all we do. If you believe you're called to impact the world through your gifts, then you're in the right place. Hi friend. I'm Heather teacher, turn speaker and your host of the Seek First CEO podcast. I'm passionate about helping ambitious, servant hearted women find their worth in whose they are, not what they do. As a certified Master Neuroscience life coach, I help you connect the dots between biblical principles and brain science so you can take your thoughts captive and be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I don't do surface, so we go deep here and we talk about the stuff underneath the surface because I want to help you get to the source of your heartset and mindset roadblocks so you can have breakthrough by aligning your heart and mind with biblical truth.
00:00:51 - 00:01:57
If your heart's desire is to grow in your relationship with Jesus while fearlessly fulfilling your purpose and calling, then let's open up the Word together and see what the Holy Spirit has to say about living your life in flow with Him. Are you ready? Then get excited for today's episode. Have you felt like you needed a break from social media? If you have built a business of any kind and you're listening to this episode, there is a really good chance that you have felt a desperate need for a break. I work with women just like you. I am just like you. And I have found myself in places over the last nine years of being an entrepreneur desperately needing a break. So much so, in fact, the break that God asked me to take, that I felt like I could not take, turned into an annual taking the month of December off of social media. And if you've followed me for a while, you know that I call it my month of Jomo.
00:01:58 - 00:02:39
It's the opposite of FOMO, which is the joy of missing out the holidays. There seems to be a lot of pressure and it's busy in general. And so with having no pressure of posting my entire life online and sharing all the things, it has allowed me to enjoy my family and the holidays a little bit more. So if you want to listen to those episodes, you can certainly tune into those. I post them the last few years around the month of December. Just type in Jomo and you will find it. So with that being said, I have had some clients come across that and or they find out that I have taken social media breaks and dun dun dun. My business did not crumble.
00:02:39 - 00:03:25
In fact, I always see an increase in my business when I do it. And I just recently walked a one on one client through how to take a break, and I thought it was good enough that I needed to go ahead and share it with you guys. And so if that's you and maybe you're not in this season right now and things are going really well for you, great. Maybe you want to go listen to another podcast episode of mine. But if you are feeling like this is right where you are, then this episode is for you. So first and foremost, can you take a social media break? I'm going to answer a lot of questions that I have gotten over the years from women. Just like you desperate for a break, but feeling like they don't know if they can. They don't know if that's smart.
00:03:25 - 00:04:17
They don't know how, and they don't know really what, like, all these who, what, when, where, why kind of questions. And so we're going to walk through each of those, and I just pray that the Lord gives you exactly what you need, because it sounds like if this is for you, you have been asking for permission to take a break. And I want you to know that you have that permission today. And today I want to give you some tips to do it the right way. So number one, can you take a social media break? Yes and yes, why not? Social media is simply a tool. And for those of you like me who have built your entire business on social media, that feels really scary, right? It's like your friends and your family, if you're like Jesus and you're not welcome in your hometown, that's how I feel all the time. I'm like, I'm not welcome in my hometown. And that's not to say I do have friends in my hometown.
00:04:17 - 00:04:47
However, my business is not where it is because of the people in my neighborhood. It is not where it is because of my family. It is not where it is because of my friends from high school or college or whatever, love them. And God has done amazing things through social media for me. And so social media seems to be like the lifeline. It's the lifeline to the provision. It's the lifeline to the clients. It's the lifeline to helping people and getting away from it feels really scary because it doesn't make sense.
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