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Sarah Panus
00:00:00 - 00:02:32
Marketing leadership roles require a diverse set of skills. Because as you all know, marketing is a big umbrella that a lot of different functions and channels and skill sets and aptitudes fall under. Today's guest surveyed tons of marketing and wrote a book on her findings to help senior marketers maximize their potential and scale the heights. If you're looking to move up the marketing ladder within your company, today's episode is a must listen. My guess Nancy McDonald Rooter is the owner of Noetic Consultants and wrote a book called How Senior Marketers Scale the Heights. She's joining us today to share insights from her book along with her own 25 year career where she's worked with a lot of big brands with the Leo Burnett company including Procter And Gamble, Eli, Lily, the Gap, Lexmark Computers, and her own consulting business where she's had clients including Samsung, pep CEO, Nike, Marriott, Mayo Clinic, and Discovery. Nancy's also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University and the creator of the Noetic Art and science assessment that we're gonna be discussing today. Welcome to marketing with empathy. The podcast that helps content marketers more confidently navigate the world of brand storytelling. I'm your host, Sarah Panous, and I've spent the last 20 years creating and growing successful editorial brand storytelling strategies teams and operations. People are craving connections, and I'm on a mission to help brands better connect with their audience By creating content, people actually want to consume. Think of this show like your creative content marketing jam session mix with chicken soup for the soul. Let's hear from today's sponsors and then jump right into today's episode. Okay, Nancy. We talk a lot about story selling and content marketing on this show. And and often how it's this blend of art and science, but, you know, too often people might lean too hard one way or the other, which creates gaps. And when we were talking before this show, you had brought that up as well. as, like, this this this blend of art and science and these gaps in our careers that can slow our professional growth. And it's where I want to start the conversation today because you found a way to help marketers navigate through this with your knowetic art and science assessment. So will you walk us through how this assessment works exactly?
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