Creator Database [Brendon Burchard] Live.Love.Matter Behind the Scenes on the Habits Tour
Andrew Huberman 00:00:00 - 00:00:18
I'm a kid from a small town. People wonder what it's like to speak to arenas full of people, to travel the country, working hard every day to inspire people. I'm on a mission to say that with deep motivation and high performance habits, you can be extraordinary. This is what it looks and feels like to be me, Brendon Burchard.
Run it through your mind, you know, 30 minutes before you're going on stage to 20,000 people.
Andrew Huberman 00:00:40 - 00:01:00
Make producers happy, number 1. Whoever's put on the show, just absolutely celebrate them, honor them because they gave you the opportunity. Number 2, don't think about yourself. And right now, I'm just I'm getting excited. Like, I feel anxiety like anybody else does, but my whole thing right now is, like, I just wanna have fun. I want them to have fun. I want them to have takeaways. I want them to be inspired.
Andrew Huberman 00:01:01 - 00:01:33
And it's a total focus on that. That's it. So now, I just remind myself to be a geek because it's so easy to be on stage and be like, Instead, I'm gonna go on stage and be real, but allow myself to geek out about the things that are important to me, you know, and show them my enthusiasm for what I'm teaching, for what I care about, and really just connect with their heart at one level, but then also make the speech like this. You know, I want them laughing. I want them surprised. I want them deep in their heart. I want them thinking about their family. I want them thinking about their career.
Andrew Huberman 00:01:33 - 00:02:05
So the whole speech should just move and dance, and that only happens if you can be loose and happy and enthusiastic for what you're doing. So Okay. Hey, y'all. It's a quick update from the road on the book tour for my new book, High Performance Habits, How Extraordinary People Become That Way. And I thought I'd give you a little inside look. I don't know if you've ever been on a book tour, but I thought I'd give you sort of a look at it. The last couple weeks, it has been all hands on deck. As I've traveled everywhere, starting to share the message about high performance habits.
Andrew Huberman 00:02:05 - 00:03:00
It's a book about the 6 habits that most correlate with your ability to succeed over the long term. So not just about, you know, what gets you in the game with initial success, but what helps you maintain long term success in your career, in your health, in your personal relationships? And what's powerful is we conducted the world's largest and certainly most comprehensive study of high performers worldwide. What are the habits that they do deliberately and consistently that allow them to succeed. Anyway, I've been talking about that and I thought I'd give you the inside look at the tour. I went out to Los Angeles and did interviews with Larry King and Lewis Howes. And then I went and, met with my Oprah Winfrey network friends to talk about our new course. And then it was just, man, speech after speech. I went to, and spoke to 20,000 people at the Superdome in New Orleans.
Andrew Huberman 00:03:00 - 00:03:24
Went and spoke to 20,000 people in Los Angeles at the Anaheim Convention Center. Just getting back to speaking to another 1,000 some people in, the East Coast. And I'm telling you, it's been such a blessing to share this message and see its impact with people. And with that, I thought I'd give you a little bit of tour. Let me walk you through my last couple weeks. I thought you'd you'd get a kick out of it. We start with my trip to Los Angeles. Okay.
Andrew Huberman 00:03:24 - 00:04:00
We're in LA and, I'm heading over to Larry King show to do an interview for High Performance Habits, which we're stoked about. It's probably the 5th or 6th time I've done an interview with Larry, either me interviewing him or him interviewing me, and I still feel like I'm gonna throw up. It could be the but I definitely am a little concerned about it but it'll be great. I've got Jess Manning with me and the guys from Kajabi. What's up guys? Hello. Got my suit on. Good to go. This is kind of the cool back area that he's got all these amazing celebrities up on the wall and it's super cool in here.
Andrew Huberman 00:04:00 - 00:04:19
And I'll show you the studio with VAST. So I'll show you inside here. Thanks, guys. Yeah. Welcome
to Larry King now. Our special guest is one of my good friends and one of the most talented people I know, Brendon Burchard. He's one of the most successful coaches in the world today. Brendon is a New York Times best selling author whose videos have been viewed over a 100000000 times online. Today, we'll be talking about his new book, High Performance Habits, How Extraordinary People Become That Way. When's it coming out?
Andrew Huberman 00:04:45 - 00:04:47
September 19th.
Look, you're a busy man. Do you deal with anxiety and how do you cope?
Andrew Huberman 00:04:53 - 00:05:15
I used to deal with anxiety. A lot of it. Especially before a big speech or an interview. I still get nervous all the time. And, like Bruce Springsteen says, you know, he he he retire if he didn't feel nervous backstage. So I think it's really important that sometimes nerves are okay. Great talking to you.
I'm gracing myself. Brendon Burchard. The book High Performance Habits, How Extraordinary People Become That Way. It's coming your way in September. And you can find me on Twitter at kingstings. I'll see you next time.
Andrew Huberman 00:05:30 - 00:05:50
I never know what I'm saying. Okay. So we did it. Finished awesome awesome time with Eric King as always. He's been such a huge inspiration of my life. So being in his studio and getting to do an interview with him and and doing courses together has been a huge honor of my life, and I hope you guys enjoy the evening.
Yes. Make sure you pick it up and get pre order it on Amazon. Uh-huh. Right now, High Performance Habits. This book is gonna change your life. Go get it right now, High Performance Habits. You should go follow Brenner right now
Andrew Huberman 00:06:10 - 00:06:11
on Instagram. I love you, Luis.
And say hi.
Andrew Huberman 00:06:12 - 00:06:17
I love you. I love you, Luis. How? Perfect.
Welcome, everyone. Back to the School of Greatness podcast. We have an exceptional human being, Brendon Burchard, in the house.
Andrew Huberman 00:06:24 - 00:06:26
My man. My man. Such an honor to be here.
I'm very excited. Me too. I'm excited to talk about your new book, among many things, which is called High Performance Habits, How Extraordinary People Become That way. So if you haven't already picked this up, I've already been talking about it. Make sure you go get it right now on Amazon. You can go to You can go to Barnes and Noble. You can be on your way where books are sold.
Get this book. You spent the last 2, 3 years researching consistently, constantly on how people become extraordinary.
Andrew Huberman 00:06:54 - 00:06:55
Yeah. And
I'm I'm obsessed with greatness.
Andrew Huberman 00:06:57 - 00:07:01
I know you love this stuff. That's what I knew. This interview is gonna be amazing. It's like we could vibe on this all day long.
Exactly. I probably haven't done any detailed research like the scientific.
Andrew Huberman 00:07:10 - 00:07:54
Yeah. There you go. Bring your show. Yeah. It's a mess in my room this morning and it super sucks because I'm crazy sick right now and being on the road when you're sick and speaking can be brutal, especially, you know, this week I so wanted to enjoy it because I get to first, it's kind of the first time I get to talk about high performance habits, but oh my gosh, I'm barely alive. So I've got some kind of crazy cold, and I gotta do the interview with Larry King this week and Lewis Howes and the Oprah Winfrey Network, Success Magazine, Beachbody, like, all these big meetings while I'm out on the road. And I don't feel good. But it's kinda like that's part of the it's part of the journey a little bit is you don't really get the choice when you're trying to lead others of like how you feel sometimes.
Andrew Huberman 00:07:55 - 00:08:26
Naturally, you have to summon and generate the energy you want. So I'm a I'm a mess right now, but I'm gonna do about 20 minutes of yoga, Hit a really cold shower to wake myself up. Do some calisthenic stretches and some body chi gong to open up my body and my meridians. And, iron a few shirts, and then I'm gonna hit the road. And, today, we're heading over to the Oprah Winfrey network to talk about the launch of another one of my new courses with them called reignite your life. And so when you go to meet with the Oprah team, you don't wanna look like this. So it's time to get ready.
Hi. Trisha, nice to meet you.
Andrew Huberman 00:08:41 - 00:09:25
So my favorite thing about the own headquarters here, for sure, is the design is beautiful. But also on all the walls, they have this huge I mean, look how huge this is. Right? Pictures of Oprah. Over here, there's Oprah with my Angelo, who I love. So if you shoot that over there, that's super cool. It is just it's it's it's really beautiful because it captures the spirit of her show, and we love that about this entire place. So it's always an honor to be here and be working on the courses with the Oprah team because they're caring, they're compassionate, the best practice in the world. They've advised me about my brand and I really love it.
Andrew Huberman 00:09:47 - 00:10:28
It's, I don't know, day 2 or 3 of our meetings in Los Angeles, which I'm so excited about. And today I am hanging out with Beachbody where my famed friends Tony Horton created P90X and Chalene Johnson created Turbo Fire and Turbo kick and Payo. You know, most of America has worked out with somebody from Beachbody. So hanging out with them, talk with our CEO today about how we can help them with some online marketing. And also, I'm speaking at their convention to like 25,000 people at the Superdome. So it's a kind of a conversation about what I might be speaking about on stage and about how I might be able to help the company. So this is really cool stuff. I feel like I'm gonna die, which is funny because, you know, this is health and fitness today, but, I'm still recovering from that cold I told you about.
Andrew Huberman 00:10:28 - 00:10:52
So it's been a long day, long trip in Los Angeles, but I'm super stoked. Last meeting, then I get to go home to my lady. How are you? Good morning, Matt. Good to see you. Good to see you. So I'm in Minneapolis right now, and I don't really know how this is going to go. My hope is I can fly over to I think it's Bradley International Airport. My sister can pick me up.
Andrew Huberman 00:10:52 - 00:11:17
She lives near there. Say hello. See my little buddies, my little nephews. You've seen them in the vlog. Then, get transported to a helicopter pad somewhere, fly the helicopter down to where, my friends are, then go up to New York City to do a, a, series of interviews including one with Marie Forleo, see the Oprah Winfrey production team. Holy cow. It's a lot. But this is kind of the fun thing when you're doing book launches.
Andrew Huberman 00:11:17 - 00:11:59
You actually never know exactly where you're going to be or what's going to happen, but I kind of love that part of it all. So my buddy heard about this, helicopter idea of mine and, this is the text you sent me. And then this more even supportive one right there. Okay. Let's go this way. So, it's the next morning and I am in a car with New York Times best selling authors, Nick Ortner, Alex Ortner, and Jess Ortner.
He's had a he's had the New
Andrew Huberman 00:12:00 - 00:12:02
York Times best selling author yet. That's true.
It's 2 out of 3.
Andrew Huberman 00:12:03 - 00:12:04
Hey. It's
only a matter of
Andrew Huberman 00:12:05 - 00:12:16
time. Author. Stop begging on the non New York Times bestselling authors, people. Man, just a total I mean, you really gotta be qualified these days. Yeah. So what's happening I'm
sorry he's a driver.
Andrew Huberman 00:12:17 - 00:12:31
Is it is is it turned out that it works out, we are are able to catch a helicopter to New York today, which is really exciting because It's your first time in helicopter.
I'm so excited.
Andrew Huberman 00:12:32 - 00:12:34
Hey, you look so pretty. You're talking to Cosmo today.
Do. Yes. I'm speaking at Cosmo and 17 Magazine. I happen to have a meeting, and I happen to get a helicopter ride
Andrew Huberman 00:12:39 - 00:12:42
there. So thank you. This worked out so good.
You're ready. I'm ready. I'm so excited for you. Thank you so much. I'm so excited.
Andrew Huberman 00:12:45 - 00:12:58
This is gonna be awesome. So pretty here. Look how great it is. Oh, yes.
My backpack is not there. Right? Yep.
Andrew Huberman 00:13:46 - 00:14:18
That's the way to fly to New York. Okay. On the streets of New York, just, finished an interview with Marie Forleo, which was super awesome, and she's darling. I'll make sure I give you guys a link to it. And, I'll tell you what, if you ever do a tour in New York, the main thing is to just enjoy it and to spend a lot of time just walking. And as you're walking around, just be present with everything, because you'll be so good in your interviews when you're present. And nothing like New York to pull you right into paying attention to things. I really enjoy it and love it.
Andrew Huberman 00:14:18 - 00:14:19
It's in the book.
I read it. It's fantastic.
Andrew Huberman 00:14:20 - 00:14:33
It just works. That means just release tension. Yep. Set intention. It's just your transitions are where most people's bleeding out their energy and they don't know. And if we can just get you 4 or 5 times of transition really well throughout the every morning of the shower
because we all don't every day. Not every morning. No. We do not. It just doesn't happen. It does not happen.
Andrew Huberman 00:14:37 - 00:14:57
It can happen. I told you, like, 24 hours ago I was staying in a barn in the woods at a friend's house. But the second thing I ask myself in the in the shower every morning is what might happen today that could trip me up? And she just showed up for some guacamole. Hi. It's Marie Ford though. She's the best ever. Marie, thank you for the interview. What did you think?
I thought you did fantastic, and I thought we had a great time. It was nice to have you in the studio finally because our last interview was years ago and it was on tonight. So this is much better. And now someone's calling me and I'm not gonna.
Andrew Huberman 00:15:10 - 00:15:40
Okay. I hope you enjoyed that look into what we're doing. So I thought I'd show you, just highlights from 2 of my recent trips, that were just awesome. One was in New Orleans at the Superdome, that was a beach party convention that was about 20,000 people. And then, another convention in Los Angeles, Anaheim. So I thought I'd get a little bit behind the tour stores so you can see what it's like to be in my life and to be practicing these high performance habits. Check it out. These are team new spots.
Andrew Huberman 00:15:40 - 00:15:41
Super dumb.
They used to make
Andrew Huberman 00:16:49 - 00:16:53
with his leg around I was like, his leg was around me.
It it I was like, oh,
Andrew Huberman 00:16:54 - 00:16:55
I loved him. I was like,
And we're gonna be launching here not just in English, but in Spanish and French.
Andrew Huberman 00:17:28 - 00:17:39
You suck your own pain. You're good at that. No. I was Yeah. Oh, that's working. What's Yeah. Feel like You want me to help? You're It's not awkward. We're totally dressed.
Andrew Huberman 00:17:39 - 00:17:43
I met your wife, dude. We're talk that. See, see? She's great.
Yes. She's great. Beautiful and she's smart and
Andrew Huberman 00:17:45 - 00:18:01
Yeah. She's I don't know what she's doing with you, man. I don't have a clue. You got so lucky you I genuinely don't know what she's doing. You know, you're alright. So I've I've I'm gonna do some fun stuff out there. I get you getting really revved up for any of them super revved up in my face. You got a big one here? I should I should get you.
Andrew Huberman 00:18:01 - 00:18:07
Yep. You gotta get me. That's Oh. Oh, gosh. Yep. That's warm. That'll do you. It.
Andrew Huberman 00:18:09 - 00:18:16
That's great. God. That's really bad. That one right there. That's just painful. So paint you know, that's painful. It is. It is.
So, you know, when I was in San Diego
Andrew Huberman 00:18:18 - 00:18:20
I'm gonna tell tell this story because I think it's funny.
And we're backstage, and I had never been to one of your events, you know, doing a presentation like
Andrew Huberman 00:18:25 - 00:18:27
that. And, he's looking at me.
He's going, how
are you feeling?
Andrew Huberman 00:18:28 - 00:18:29
How are you doing? I feel good.
I feel nice. And right before I go out of stage, he comes up to me and
Andrew Huberman 00:18:32 - 00:18:48
he says he says to me, don't screw it up. I was like, oh my gosh, man. I think I could do it. Alright. Just go like this. Boom. And then back up. Now what I'm gonna do,
you wanna come in again. You wanna come in tight. So I'll show you
Andrew Huberman 00:18:50 - 00:18:52
I'll show you here. Okay. So
you wanna be here. So you kinda wanna go down with some momentum.
Andrew Huberman 00:18:57 - 00:18:58
K? Alright? And when
you go down, you kick up and then kick through.
Andrew Huberman 00:19:00 - 00:19:18
I just kinda don't wanna know what's coming. Oh. I'm gonna be like, you know I I don't know what to say, but if somebody you know? I'm just, you know, hanging out with Tony Horton. He might still he might still, you know, donkey kick. You know, just kinda like sudden. Oh, alright. Like it's like so walk into it. Can you show me how to walk? Yeah.
Andrew Huberman 00:19:18 - 00:19:24
So I walk into it. This is gonna if I fall, I'll be even better. Right? Yeah. The drama. People have the drama. Okay. Alright.
How about you? Tony Wharton and then Jess. Before you know what? On my
Andrew Huberman 00:19:27 - 00:19:28
Oh, I got this
with man, with with the stuff on.
Andrew Huberman 00:19:30 - 00:19:32
Yeah. It's a little hard. End. So Okay. Like
But when you when you you want us to keep it tight. You don't wanna go into that plank position or it's because
Andrew Huberman 00:19:38 - 00:19:49
it's working hard. So so here's one thing. Yours in the plank pile flip. Pile flip. On Oh, beautiful stuff. Alright. Alright. Alright, dude.
Andrew Huberman 00:19:50 - 00:20:01
Focus. I have no idea. This all works out. Me too. I have no idea. Yeah. But you know what? You you you don't if you're not taking risks, who knows? Hey, man. You know what I mean? I'm not known for my athleticism on stage right now.
Andrew Huberman 00:20:01 - 00:20:02
So, you know, put you
know, you gotta smile.
Andrew Huberman 00:20:03 - 00:20:05
See me like this? Oh, that was nice. This Thanks.
Here, then
Andrew Huberman 00:20:07 - 00:20:23
first. Hey. I started to That's beautiful. Look at all the stuff you need before a speech. I mean, who would have thought it, you know? You can't come in this far, though.
I have the pleasure of introducing mister Brendon Bouchard. Yes. There you go. Now, Brendon is a personal friend. He and I co created my my course, Living Large. And he's he's smart, he's thoughtful, he's funny, he's authentic, he's truthful. And he's one of the best at what he does in his business. And I kind of Googled some of his credits, so I just kind of, for those of you who don't know who he is, I want to let you know this man's journey and how much he's accomplished.
Brennan is one of the most watched and quoted and followed persons in personal development history. He is the author of not one, but 3 New York Times best selling books, including The Motivation Manifesto. He is the top 100 most followed public figures on Facebook with over 10,000,000 fans on all of his pages. His personal development videos have been seen by over a 100,000,000 people. 2,000,000 students, myself being one of them and maybe some of you as well, have taken one of his online courses. And there are tens of thousands of people who have attended his live seminars all around the world. He's a p90x grad, loves Beachbody and what we do, and it is my honor and pleasure to introduce to you mister Brendan Forshard everybody success. Don't go right ahead and feel like it's
Andrew Huberman 00:22:49 - 00:23:21
so important to get to these points. Those who have families, you love them. Just love them with everything you've got. You know? Well, I've never got to meet people like this. I mean, me, the kids from Butte, Montana. They're they're so driven and they they have high ambitions and not just for you, but for themselves, their family, for me, and they will raise my game as much as I try to raise them. And I love hanging out with them. You hang out with Tony Horton or Schmidt, you never know what they're gonna do.
Andrew Huberman 00:23:21 - 00:25:39
They're gonna surprise This is cool. I love these. Look at look at all the power back here to get this thing going. And they got stickies all the way in and
out. Same.
Andrew Huberman 00:25:42 - 00:25:48
I think sometimes right before an event, especially right now, if I haven't slept or traveled in, there's lots of expectations. It's just like
really grounded, baby.
Andrew Huberman 00:25:49 - 00:26:02
I feel really grounded in gratitude to get to walk out on stage and talk to 10,000 people twice in one day, you know. It's a blessing. That's what I think.
You and the brand. So
Andrew Huberman 00:26:52 - 00:28:03
How many know exactly what I'm talking about? Raise your heads. It's like here for you. It's right here for you. And I remember looking down, I felt like I was gonna pass out when I saw this glint. It was a reflection in the blood that was going off the hood of the car. It made me look up. And there was this bright, big, and it reset to the direction of my life. I had gone to the bricks or rocks they put up to irrigate nearby Sugar Camp.
Andrew Huberman 00:28:04 - 00:29:15
Pop, something I wham. I hit it myself. And I could look there and see my sister swinging and smiling. And what you see is all these images in your life that you're surrounded by people that you care for, that you love, and it makes you wonder who you're gonna miss. Believe even if you don't have a reason to believe. Be intentional. Jump. Be courageous.
Andrew Huberman 00:29:15 - 00:29:56
Fight for your family. Do that every day because you've been blessed with this opportunity my friends. But go out there and earn this. It's an honor to be to be here. And I thank you. I feel great and super 1, grateful. 2, my mind immediately goes in after speech and go, what could I have done better? You know, what could I have given better? What story could have landed better? Where was my energy? This this one, you know, the audience gave a standing ovation. 10,000 people give me a standing ovation.
Andrew Huberman 00:29:56 - 00:30:17
You feel that. It's real. But also in your mind, if you know you're not at your best, and I'm not disappointed anymore. Super grateful. I'm just always when I get off stage, I'm like like I want that mastery process in my head going, okay. What else next time? Alright. So that's been my last couple weeks on the road sharing a message about high performance. I was, please support the book.
Andrew Huberman 00:30:17 - 00:30:58
If you've been wondering how to reach that next level of success, you need some new practices. You know, we all think that, well, it's certain kinds of people who get ahead, and and that maybe they're just lucky. But what we found from the research is it's not about a specific type of person or personality or or strengths profile that makes someone successful at all. It's not about a specific type of person. It's about a specific set of practices. And in the book, there's these 6 habits. There's clarity, energy, necessity, productivity, influence, and courage. And this might sound like common sense, but it's not always common, common practice for people.
Andrew Huberman 00:30:58 - 00:31:52
And so, if you really wanna go to another level of life success, please look at your habits. Do a full audit being like, how how are you really spending your time? What are you really focusing on? What's really important to you? Because people want practices. They they they wanna know, Brendon, what do I need to do specifically on a daily or weekly or monthly basis to succeed over the long term? And not just like financial success, which is important, or career success, which is important. But what's important about this book is it shows that you can succeed over the long term and be less stressed than your peers. Happier than the average person, and that you can maintain your own well-being. Health and positive relationships as you succeed. Because a lot of us are scared that when we go to the next level that it's gonna make compromises on our family or our relationships or even our character. And it's just not that true.
Andrew Huberman 00:31:52 - 00:32:36
And there are ways to succeed over the long term that are replicable that you can do. And I'm saying, if you're gonna start any new habits, start in the habits in this book. Because out of a 100 different performance variables that we measured in the world's largest high performance study with data from over a 190 countries, these 6 habits matter the most in helping somebody succeed over the long term. So please check it out. If you want to go to the next level, you have to speak up more for what you really feel, what you really think, what you really need, what you desire, what your dreams are. Share them with the world. I never thought I'd be on private planes flying around the world. This kid from a small town in Montana, I never thought I'd be on those big stages.
Andrew Huberman 00:32:37 - 00:33:09
I mean, I never thought I'd be working on my 6th book, my 3rd New York Times bestseller, I hope. I never imagined that for myself, but I also never limited my vision. Never limit your vision for tomorrow based on your current circumstances. I know you might be in struggle or challenge and I really wanna go to the next level and it's been a hard road. Believe in yourself. Believe in your ability to figure things out. All you have to do is get a new set of habits that help you stay more focused on what matters and do a better job in those areas. And there's productivity strategies.
Andrew Huberman 00:33:10 - 00:33:38
There's influence strategies. There's ways of developing clarity and generating your energy so that you can sustain success over the long haul. That's what the book is about. That's what this tour has been about. And I hope that you'll support it. So if you've watched any of my videos before or you've enjoyed any of my books, please support High Performance Habits. It's my most important book, and that's all I'm doing is working 247 on on planes, trains, automobiles, helicopters, trying to serve you and bring this message to the world. You don't have to be a specific type of person.
Andrew Huberman 00:33:38 - 00:35:23
You have to practice a specific set of practices. Practice these 6 practices and you will get ahead in life. Thank you for your time and I I'm not going to show you this beautiful view to end this video. You're one of those guys who is yet to learn to listen through the fear. Thanks for watching. Make sure you subscribe to my new podcast, The Brendan Show. It's available on Itunes and Stitcher and wherever else you get your podcasts, and it's the exclusive place where I share my thoughts about life, about current events, about what I'm going through, about my advice for you as you seek to live an even more extraordinary life. It's called the Brendan Show and it's available anywhere you get your podcasts, so make sure you subscribe.
Andrew Huberman 00:35:25 - 00:36:19
And if you're ready to take your life to a whole new level, make sure you grab my book, High Performance Habits, How Extraordinary People Become That Way. It's available on Amazon right now. And when you order your copy, you're really supporting my channel and the message, and you're also getting a book that will reveal to you 20 years of my research into what is it that helps people go to a new level of success in their life. What does it really take? What habits are proven to help you reach long term success in your career, your health, your personal life, your relationships. It's called High Performance Habits, How Extraordinary People Become That Way. It's available on Amazon right now. And finally, make sure you subscribe to my channel so you get notifications every time I release a new video. And by subscribing, you support me, my message and this channel, so I'd really appreciate it.
Andrew Huberman 00:36:19 - 00:36:20
Make sure you hit subscribe.

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