ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka #13 Ep 248 Educating Neurodivergent Students with Former NYU Professor and Author Sivan Hong

πŸ”– Titles
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1. "Empowering Neurodivergent Students: Insights from a Former Professor and Author" 2. "ADHD and Education: Unlocking the Potential of Neurodivergent Students with Sivan Hong" 3. "Navigating ADHD in the Classroom: Expert Advice from Former NYU Professor, Sivan Hong" 4. "From Diagnosis to Empowerment: Educating Neurodivergent Students with Sivan Hong" 5. "Tools for Success: Supporting Neurodivergent Students in Education with Sivan Hong" 6. "Inside the Mind of a Neurodivergent Student: Lessons from Sivan Hong's Personal Journey" 7. "Unleashing Potential: Education Strategies for Neurodivergent Students with Sivan Hong" 8. "Addressing the Challenges: Education for Neurodivergent Students with Sivan Hong" 9. "Creating Inclusive Learning Environments: Sivan Hong's Insights on Educating Neurodivergent Students" 10. "Adapting Education: Sivan Hong Shares Strategies for Neurodivergent Students"

πŸ’¬ Keywords
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ADHD, household, tested, diagnosis, supportive, family, children, tools, coping, anxiety, books, true stories, experiences, Halloween parade, school, schedule, worries, fears, solutions, structured format, distraction, scattered, confidence, societal expectations, holiday book, sensory overload, winter holidays, demand, neurodivergent kids, late diagnosis, reading, writing.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Welcome back to ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka! In today's episode, we have a fascinating conversation with former NYU professor and author, Sivan Hong. Sivan shares her personal journey of discovering her ADHD, inspired by her children's own ADHD diagnoses. Together, they created a series of books that tackle the challenges of neurodivergent children, providing practical solutions and empowering stories. We dive into their latest book, Benny Jay and the horrible Halloween, and explore the importance of creating tools to help kids navigate anxiety and change. Sivan also shares insights into the unique perspectives that ADHD individuals bring to the world, the need for positive messaging, and the importance of making resources accessible for neurodivergent kids. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of educating neurodivergent students!

πŸ“š Timestamped overview
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02:13 "Tracy Otsuka interviews Siobhan Hong on ADHD."

06:01 Need to fidget constantly, struggle with focus.

07:43 Late diagnosis sparked anger, longing for accessibility.

12:14 Grounded, but prone to emotional outbursts.

16:21 Messy childhood, disorganized drawers and school desks.

18:13 "Being selective about socializing with friends."

22:50 Child's Halloween worries addressed with structured solutions.

23:56 Kids show neurodivergence with fidget toys, schedules.

27:24 New holiday book aimed at neurodivergent kids.

31:15 Private school for twice exceptional kids.

34:21 Master class empowers ADHD brains to stand out.

39:21 Frustrated student unable to pursue desired finance classes.

42:36 Non-linear path of learning and career growth.

43:59 You're fine, choices don't limit greatness.

49:27 Phone reminders keep me on track.

51:37 Spanish books with free teacher guides available.

❓ Questions
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1. How did the speaker's journey of discovering their own ADHD impact their understanding of their children's experiences with ADHD? 2. Why do you think the speaker and their children felt it was important to create books that address the challenges and anxieties associated with ADHD? 3. How do the books in the series provide structured solutions and address the concerns of neurodivergent children? 4. In what ways can ADHD impact a person's ability to focus and retain information, as discussed by the speaker? 5. Why is it important for neurodivergent kids to have access to books that cater to their experiences and challenges? 6. How does the speaker's own late diagnosis of ADHD affect their perception of their own abilities and self-esteem? 7. Discuss the ways in which embracing non-linear career paths can be beneficial for individuals with ADHD. 8. What strategies and tools does the speaker employ to make their children's books accessible for neurodivergent kids, including those with ADHD? 9. How does the speaker's constant need to fidget and sensory challenges impact their daily life and interactions? 10. Reflect on the importance of understanding ADHD and neurodivergent traits in order to provide support and foster inclusivity for individuals in educational and professional settings.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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I. Introduction to the episode and guest speaker's background A. Brief overview of Tracy Otsuka's podcast and episode 248 B. Introduction of guest speaker Sivan Hong, former NYU professor and author II. Personal experiences with ADHD A. Guest speaker's journey of discovering her ADHD 1. Husband's observations and realization that she doesn't fit in with the household 2. Children convincing her to get tested after their own diagnoses 3. Discovery of her own ADHD B. Supportive children and their acceptance of their mother's ADHD C. Husband not surprised by her behaviors due to ADHD, such as unfinished tasks D. Realization of the need to provide tools for their children to cope with ADHD challenges and anxiety III. Creation of books for neurodivergent children A. Development of books based on true stories of their children's experiences B. Example of Benny Jay and the horrible Halloween 1. Difficulties experienced by their son during a Halloween parade at school C. Addressing fears and concerns of children through structured format in each book D. Introduction of a plan to help children overcome fears for specific events IV. Importance of providing resources for neurodivergent children A. Lack of books catering to neurodivergent kids B. Speaker's upcoming holiday book addressing changes and sensory overload during winter holidays 1. Requested by parents to help their children navigate the holiday season C. Previous books achieving high demand and consistently ranking as number 1 on Amazon's list for children's books with disabilities D. Discussion on the impact of books and resources on neurodivergent kids' self-esteem and understanding V. Speaker's personal struggles and late diagnosis A. Speaker's difficulties with focusing, memorizing, and enjoying reading, literature, and writing B. Skipping sentences while reading and struggling to comprehend the material C. Anger and frustration over late diagnosis and impact on self-esteem D. Discovery of accessibility to audiobooks later in life and its impact on reading enjoyment VI. Embracing non-linear paths and unique perspectives A. Our brains are not linear, and neither are our career paths B. Importance of embracing unique perspectives and strengths of individuals with ADHD C. Overcoming negative messages and focusing on incredible qualities and achievements D. Speaker's personal experiences in consulting and securing a teaching job at Stern without a finance degree VII. Creating accessible books for neurodivergent kids A. deliberate simplicity of illustrations in the books B. Use of dyslexic-friendly font and audiobook format C. Addressing ADHD-related distractions and challenges within the books' content D. Speaker's personal need to fidget and use of fidget toys VIII. Sensory challenges and managing emotions A. Speaker's realization of sensory challenges, particularly with noise and excessive input B. Previous confusion between sensory challenges and introversion C. Managing social interactions and selective relationships D. Impact of sensory challenges on personal comfort and enjoyment at events IX. Books for communication and support A. Inclusion of visual elements indicating neurodivergent characteristics, such as fidget toys and schedules B. Target audience and age range of the books C. Books aimed at facilitating communication of worries and providing tools for parents and teachers D. Focus on making changes less overwhelming for neurodivergent children X. Excerpt on finding the right path A. Individual's desire to take finance classes and limitations due to not being enrolled in Stern B. Consequences of not being on the right path early on – missed opportunities for classes, internships, and club participation C. Individual securing a banking internship and enjoying the experience XI. Conclusion A. Recap of key points discussed in the episode B. Encouragement to listen to Tracy Otsuka's podcast and explore the resources provided by Sivan Hong

🎬 Reel script
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[Background music playing] [Text on screen: ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka] [Text on screen: Ep 248 - Educating Neurodivergent Students with Former NYU Professor and Author Sivan Hong] [Clip 1: Tracy's husband noticing her ADHD] Tracy's husband: "You don't fit in with our household." [Clip 2: Tracy's kids convincing her to get tested] Tracy's kids: "Mom, get tested for ADHD!" [Clip 3: Tracy discovering she has ADHD] Tracy: "I have ADHD?!" [Clip 4: Tracy's kids welcoming her to the "club"] Tracy's kids: "Welcome to the club, Mom!" [Clip 5: Creating books to help neurodivergent kids] Tracy: "We created books to help kids like ours!" [Clip 6: Example - Benny Jay and the horrible Halloween] Tracy: "In Benny Jay and the horrible Halloween, we tackle fears and provide solutions." [Clip 7: Interviewee discussing child scared of school] Interviewee: "We helped the child identify and understand their worries." [Clip 8: Interviewee explaining book format] Interviewee: "Each book addresses concerns and provides solutions." [Clip 9: Tracy's free master class] Tracy: "Join my free master class for confident decision-making!" [Text on screen: "What do I do with my life? From chaos to confidence"] [Clip 10: Embracing our non-linear paths] Tracy: "Embrace your non-linear path and stand out!" [Clip 11: New holiday book coming soon] Tracy: "Stay tuned for my new holiday book!" [Text on screen: "Helping kids navigate the winter holidays"] [Clip 12: The demand for neurodivergent books] Tracy: "Less than 1% cater to neurodivergent kids!" [Clip 13: Overcoming reading challenges] Interviewee: "Audiobooks opened up a new world for me." [Clip 14: Embracing our unique perspectives] Tracy: "Our ADHD brains offer a unique view of the world!" [Clip 15: Celebrating ADHD achievements] Tracy: "Let's focus on their incredible qualities!" [Clip 16: Making the books accessible] Tracy: "Simple illustrations, dyslexic-friendly font, and audiobook format." [Clip 17: Addressing sensory challenges] Tracy: "No distractions for ADHD kids!" [Clip 18: Supporting emotional well-being] Tracy: "Understand triggers and manage emotions." [Clip 19: Being selective with socializing] Tracy: "Choose quality over quantity in friendships!" [Clip 20: Helping children communicate their worries] Tracy: "Our books provide tools for parents and teachers to discuss solutions." [Final text on screen: Available now - #1 Amazon Bestsellers] [Background music fades out] [Text on screen: Follow @PodcastADHD for more insights] [End with Tracy's podcast logo] Note: The script may need to be adjusted to fit within the time limit of an Instagram Reels video and to include visuals accompanying each clip.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» LinkedIn post
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🎧 Exciting news for #ADHD and neurodivergent individuals! πŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to share that in our latest episode of ADHD for Smart Ass Women, we had the privilege of speaking with Sivan Hong, a former NYU professor and author, about educating neurodivergent students. Sivan's personal story of discovering her own ADHD, along with her journey of creating books with her children, is not only inspiring but also provides valuable insights for parents, teachers, and individuals with ADHD. πŸ“š Here are 3 key takeaways from the episode: 1️⃣ Embrace the gift of neurodivergence: Society often pushes us to fit in, but ADHD individuals have brilliant minds that are meant to stand out. Sivan encourages us to celebrate our unique perspectives and stay confident in who we are. 2️⃣ Addressing challenges through storytelling: Sivan's books, like "Benny Jay and the horrible Halloween," provide true stories of her children's experiences and practical solutions for overcoming common ADHD-related challenges. These books are a valuable tool for parents, teachers, and children themselves to navigate through anxiety and uncertainties. 3️⃣ Focus on the incredible qualities and achievements: Kids with ADHD often face negative messages about themselves. Sivan reminds us to celebrate their creativity and accomplishments, rather than nitpicking on minor issues. By acknowledging and supporting their strengths, we can empower them to embrace their full potential. ✨ If you want to learn more about Sivan Hong's incredible journey and gain insightful tips for educating neurodivergent students, make sure to check out this episode of ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka. And don't forget to stay tuned for Sivan's upcoming holiday book, addressing the changes and sensory overload that come with the winter holidays! #ADHD #Neurodiversity #Education #PodcastEpisodes #BooksForADHDKids #ParentingTips #Teachers #ADHDAwareness

πŸ—žοΈ Newsletter
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Subject: New Podcast Episode: Educating Neurodivergent Students with Former NYU Professor and Author Sivan Hong Dear [Podcast Name] community, We hope this email finds you well and excited for another engaging episode of ADHD for Smart Ass Women with Tracy Otsuka. In this week's episode, Tracy sits down with former NYU professor and author, Sivan Hong, to discuss the importance of educating neurodivergent students. In this insightful conversation, Sivan shares her personal journey of discovering her own ADHD and how her children played a crucial role in her diagnosis. Tracy and Sivan discuss the challenges faced by neurodivergent children in school and how Sivan's family turned their experiences into a powerful resource for others. Sivan's books, inspired by her own children's struggles, address different situations children with ADHD may face. One example is "Benny Jay and the Horrible Halloween," which explores the difficulties a child faces in participating in a Halloween parade at school. The series follows a structured format that identifies children's concerns and provides solutions to help them navigate through these challenges. Throughout the episode, Tracy and Sivan emphasize the importance of embracing our unique perspectives and skills as neurodivergent individuals. They touch upon the societal pressures to conform and the need to shift the focus to celebrating the incredible qualities and achievements of kids with ADHD. As always, Tracy offers valuable resources to her listeners. She mentions her free master class, "What do I do with my life from chaos to confidence," which provides tools for making confident decisions that align with personal desires rather than societal expectations. In addition, Tracy gives a sneak peek of Sivan's upcoming holiday book that addresses the changes and sensory overload that come with the winter holiday season. This book, like Sivan's previous works, aims to make neurodivergent kids feel seen and understood, filling a much-needed gap in children's literature. We invite you to tune in to this episode for a heartwarming and informative conversation about educating neurodivergent students and embracing our unique talents. You can listen to the episode on [Podcast Name] website, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred podcast platform. Remember, your support means the world to us, so don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with your loved ones who may benefit from Sivan and Tracy's insights. Thank you for being part of [Podcast Name] community, and stay tuned for more inspiring content. Warm regards, The [Podcast Name] Team

🧡 Tweet thread
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🧡🌟THREAD: My journey with ADHD, parenting, and creating books for neurodivergent children! πŸ“šβœ¨ 1️⃣ So, I recently discovered that I have ADHD, thanks to my amazing kids! My husband noticed that I didn't quite fit into our household dynamic, and my kids convinced me to get tested after they were diagnosed. Guess what? I have ADHD too! 🧠πŸ’₯ 2️⃣ But you know what? My kids welcomed me to the "club" with open arms, and my husband wasn't even surprised! πŸ™Œ I mean, I've always struggled with finishing tasks, like unloading the dishwasher, but now it all makes sense. ADHD explains so much about my experiences! 3️⃣ That's when I realized something crucial. Our children needed tools to cope with the challenges and anxiety associated with ADHD. So, we decided to create books - true stories of their experiences and how they worked through them. πŸ“–πŸŽ¨ 4️⃣ One of the books, "Benny Jay and the Horrible Halloween," is about my son's difficulty participating in a Halloween parade at school. He was scared of not recognizing friends due to costumes and worried about feeling left out. 😨 5️⃣ With this book, we helped him identify and understand his worries. We created a plan to help him overcome his fears for the Halloween parade. πŸŽƒ And guess what? It worked! πŸ™ 6️⃣ Every book in our series follows a structured format, addressing the child's concerns and providing solutions. We wanted to make sure that each story resonated with them and made changes less overwhelming. πŸ’ͺ 7️⃣ Attention all parents and teachers! Our brains are wired to be attracted to new, bright, and different things. But for those with ADHD, it can lead to distraction and feeling scattered. Are you ready to learn some tips for dealing with this chaos? πŸ€”βœ¨ 8️⃣ I'm offering a FREE masterclass called "From Chaos to Confidence: What do I do with my life?" It's all about making confident decisions that align with YOUR personal desires, rather than societal expectations. Let's embrace our brilliant minds! 😎🌟 9️⃣ Society often urges us to fit in, but I believe that individuals with ADHD have brilliant minds that are meant to STAND OUT. Let's celebrate our unique perspectives and talents, instead of trying to conform! πŸ™Œβœ¨ πŸ”Ÿ Oh, and guess what? I have a holiday book coming out soon, but it's not about school. Many parents requested it because of the changes and sensory overload that come with the winter holidays. Stay tuned! πŸŽ„βœ¨ 1️⃣1️⃣ Did you know that less than 1% of children's books cater to neurodivergent kids? 😲 That's why our previous books have a high demand and consistently rank number 1 on Amazon for children's books with disabilities! We need more inclusive literature! πŸ“šπŸŒˆ 1️⃣2️⃣ I struggled with focusing, memorizing information, and enjoying reading, literature, and writing. Reading was a laborious task for me, until audiobooks became accessible. Talk about a game-changer! 🎧 1️⃣3️⃣ Our career paths are not linear because our brains are not linear! Let's embrace our non-linear journeys and the unique perspectives we bring to the table. Who says there's only one path to success? πŸš€βœ¨ 1️⃣4️⃣ Kids with ADHD often hear negative messages about themselves. Let's silence those voices by focusing on their incredible qualities and achievements! 🌟 1️⃣5️⃣ Our books for neurodivergent kids have simple illustrations, dyslexic-friendly fonts, and even audiobook formats! We want to make them accessible and inclusive for all, especially those who struggle with distraction. πŸ“–πŸ’‘ 1️⃣6️⃣ And you know what? I always have a fidget toy in my hand, even while typing this thread! 🀣 It helps me stay focused. In the past, I used metal hangers as a fidget tool. Who else can relate? πŸ™‹ 1️⃣7️⃣ Remember, our unique perspectives are gifts. I've secured jobs and success despite not following the "traditional" path. Embrace what makes you different, because it's what sets you apart! πŸ’ͺ✨ 1️⃣8️⃣ Parents, let's not nitpick about cleaning rooms. Instead, let's recognize and applaud our children's creativity and accomplishments! πŸŽ‰ 1️⃣9️⃣ Our books aim to make changes less overwhelming for neurodivergent children. Let's help them communicate their worries and provide tools for parents and teachers to discuss solutions. We're in this together! πŸ€πŸ’™ 2️⃣0️⃣ So excited to share that a new book is coming out soon - one that tackles the sensory overload and changes that come with the winter holidays! Stay tuned, my friends! 🎁✨ 2️⃣1️⃣ Remember, inclusive and diverse literature matters! Let's support and celebrate books that cater to neurodivergent kids. Together, we can make a difference! πŸ“šπŸ’— 2️⃣2️⃣ Thank you all for joining me on this journey! Let's spread awareness, support one another, and celebrate the brilliance of ADHD minds! 🎊✨ #ADHDAwareness #Neurodiversity #ChildrensBooks

πŸͺ‘ Threads by Instagram
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Post 1: 🎧 Tune in to our latest podcast episode featuring an insightful conversation with Sivan Hong, former NYU Professor and Author, as we explore educating neurodivergent students! πŸ§ πŸ’‘ #ADHD #Education #Neurodiversity Post 2: πŸ“š In our interview, Sivan Hong shares how her personal journey with ADHD led her to create books that empower neurodivergent kids. 🌟 Join us as we discuss her latest book, Benny Jay and the horrible Halloween! πŸŽƒπŸ“– #EmpoweringKids #ADHD #Books Post 3: πŸŽ“ Sivan Hong's experience as a former professor provides valuable insights on how to support neurodivergent children in the classroom. 🏫 Listen to this episode to discover effective strategies for educators and parents! πŸ‘©β€πŸ«πŸ“š #ADHD #Education #Support Post 4: 🌟 Join us as we dive deeper into the challenges faced by neurodivergent students and explore the importance of creating inclusive educational environments. ✨ Let's empower the next generation to thrive! πŸŒˆπŸ“š #Inclusion #Empowerment #Education Post 5: πŸ“’ Don't miss out on Tracy Otsuka's free master class, "What do I do with my life from chaos to confidence"? 🌟 Discover practical tools and strategies to help you make confident decisions and embrace your unique path. πŸ™Œβœ¨ #MasterClass #Confidence #ADHD

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