Creator Database [Gerard Adams] The H5 Routine (My Daily Factors of Success)
Gerard Adams 00:00:00 - 00:00:34
This video and episode is brought to you by Superhuman. The fastest email experience ever made. Stay tuned for a segment about Superhuman later in this episode. What's going on? So in this video, I'm gonna break down my millionaire routine. This is the routine that I have mastered. I've been an entrepreneur for 18 years. I've been a millionaire, multi millionaire since I was 24, 36 now. So well over a decade, continuing to grow my net worth to build multimillion dollar businesses.
Gerard Adams 00:00:34 - 00:01:54
And so I really attribute that more than anything else to the small habits that compound every single day that lead to these massive results that people see and they don't realize has been years of me just mastering these small things that are behind the camera, that are behind the scenes. Right? Shooting in the gym, I guess, Kobe would say, when nobody's there. You know, the way that I I think about my routine is a framework that I call h 5. So the h 5 is based on what I believe takes you from a level 1 conscious leader to a level 10. Right? And most of you that wanna have a level 10 life, level 10 success, level 10 net worth, you have a level 1, a level 2, a level 3 routine, and yet you expect to have these epic results in your life. And so if you wanna get to a level 10 in in success in your life and level 10 results as a leader, then ultimately you have to make sure that you're embodying what it means to play at that level because you're not gonna get those results if you're at a level 1, level 2, level 3 in what you do on a daily basis, your habits, right, your routine. So the h five, how it breaks down is 1, the first h, the first pillar is your health. Alright.
Gerard Adams 00:01:54 - 00:02:48
So what do I mean by health? I'm talking about, are you exercising? Are you energizing? What's your environment like? And so a couple of things that I do to make sure that I am healthy is, 1st and foremost, I'm waking up before the sun wakes up. And this doesn't necessarily need to mean that you have to have a 5 AM club, but before the sun. So is that 6 AM for you, 6:30 AM for you, 7 AM for you? In some places, or if you're lucky, between 7 and 7:30. But most likely, it's about around 6 AM, around 6:30 AM. Beating the sun. When you do that, you're already ahead of the game. You're ahead of so many others and you have a leg up and the first thing you wake up, what are you doing? Are you making your bed getting that win? You washing up, brushing your teeth and then what? The most people, what do they do? They go and they grab the phone. Right? And they immediately get into a reactive state.
Gerard Adams 00:02:48 - 00:04:05
So it's so important that when you go to sleep and when you wake up, you are disconnected from technology. You not have your phone. A lot of people are scrolling as they go to sleep and sleep is so important for your health, right? Getting a good quality 8 hours of sleep is so important for your productivity. And then when you wake up, not grabbing the phone, but getting up, drinking some water, making that bed, getting that wind, getting some sun if you can, getting in nature, and most importantly for me, meditation. Meditation is proven to take your productivity and your team's productivity up a 120% simply by meditating. So who wouldn't wanna have a 120% more productivity in their day when you're talking about success and talking about goals? So starting off small, even if that's 10 minutes and eventually working your way up for me, now it's typically around 30 minutes, give or take, whether it's listening to nature, having guided mantras, meditations from Deepak Chopra or the Calm app, just music. Right? I have a meditation playlist and I'll put that in the description. And then from there, going and exercising, getting in the gym and just doing some movement for you, that may be yoga, that may be just stretching, that may be lifting with weights.
Gerard Adams 00:04:05 - 00:04:39
That may be pilates. That may be dancing. Whatever that is for you to get your body moving. Right? Get for me, it's strength training with my movement coach. And then just making sure to get some healthy food to energize some green juice, a protein shake, and really paying attention to what you're putting in your body as fuel. And then the next h is harmony. Right? So harmony for me is all about creating that balance between both the masculine and the feminine energy. And the greatest way that I create harmony is, I actually mentioned it in health, is meditation.