Fully Awake #50 Reflecting on a post from the holistic psychologist
Michelle Lach 00:00:00 - 00:01:32
So I came across this post, and I'm I'm gonna share that with all of you. But the point of the post was how inflation like, when you're checking out the grocery store or you have to put items back or you barely have enough to cover, like, expenses, how that becomes. It is actually a mental health issue, and oftentimes, people don't want to talk about that aspect. If you've been around, you know, my corner of Internet, or are familiar with my story, I came here as a refugee from Laos, experienced poverty in both a third third world country in here in the United States, you know, was raised by a primarily single mom, and so we were barely, make making ends meet. And so I've experienced poverty, and I've witnessed what that did not only to us as children with the scarcity mindset of not knowing if you're gonna have food on the table and then being okay with scraps. And so being okay with getting food from the food bank and knowing that, you know, it's close to expiration date or it is already expired, but not by much, and just growing up with that mentality and then experiencing that once again, in adulthood, right, and how that has really impacted my mental health, and in witnessing that in my mom who, you know, I don't talk about it enough. Obviously, it's a combination of both, like, emotional and, like, physical, it's such a psychological abuse that has led her to have early onset dementia. I don't have.
Michelle Lach 00:01:32 - 00:02:35
I'm not a scientist or a doctor. Obviously, I can't make that connection, but, you know, she started showing signs in her early fifties. And, part of that, I think had to do with the level of stress that she had to take on, especially how trying to hold multiple jobs just to make sure that we survived. And an eyewitness, how my mental health tanked when I was in that season, as an adult as well. And so all that to say that oftentimes you'll see and, like, post and things of that nature. And then for those of you who are my community, you are attracted to and you desire more. And I want to share that with you because oftentimes, there's so much guilt around I should be content with what it is that I have. And it's almost seen, like especially for those of us who are Christians attend church.
Michelle Lach 00:02:35 - 00:03:10
There's almost like money is made to be like this evil thing that only people who are evil want or have and obtain. And for me, it's like, no. No. No. When we hold on to that belief, what happens is money and power because money can buy you a lot of power. And now is in the hands of really bad people who do horrible things to the world. Right? And, obviously, not everyone who has wealth is a bad person. But if we were to buy into the the lens that in order to be a good person, you have to be poor.
Michelle Lach 00:03:10 - 00:03:50
You have to, like, barely make ends meet. You barely have to get by. I'm like, no. No. No. Because look what's happening with a per individual, especially a mom, right, or it could be a single dad who is struggling to make ends meet and provide for their family, what happens to their to health. What happens to the mental health of those children? Again, I'm not gonna speak into that element because I try to stay like, kind of my, my side of things just because I'm not a psychologist. And so I'm just going to share, like, the post here for all of you, but I just want you to dig into that because that's going to help free you up of so much guilt around desiring more.
Michelle Lach 00:03:50 - 00:04:42
You should not only want just enough, but abundance for your children because that allows you the freedom to then not be bogged down by being in this constant, like, flight. Right? We go into fight, flight, or freeze, and it's so well documented in this post, so I'm not going to repeat that. But it's mind boggling to me that we still in society and it's definitely gotten better, where, like, people are shamed for wanting more. And I was like, well, the women I into my community. They have the biggest heart. They have a heart of service. They deeply care for people. They deeply care for their children and their community, and they're gonna do amazing, incredible things with the money that is given to them.
Michelle Lach 00:04:42 - 00:05:56
It's gonna be of service to them, to their family, to their children's children, into the community at large. And so for me, it's like I work I the work I do, I'm so passionate about the work I do because I know firsthand what happens when you are so deeply embedded in scarcity. When you go up to that checkout line at the grocery store and you can't you have to put step back. Right? And so because of that, it's like, for me, it's like, okay. If that is what I have gone to what I've experienced, then without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely 1000%, I would do everything within my power to help you with your mindset because it starts there first, and you still take the aligned action. That's the the work. Right? We talk about, like, the work and just, like, the inner work we do because you can make a lot of money. I know this because I have clients who start making a lot of money and still feel like you don't deserve it.
Michelle Lach 00:05:57 - 00:06:32
Still feel like a bad person for having money. Still feel like you're being ungrateful for what you desire more. And I'm like, no. Screw that. I want money in the hands of goodhearted women. I work a lot with mothers. I know it's gonna transform their lives we do the inner work. So that way, you take the aligned action and experience abundance for yourself, for your family, for your children's children, for your entire community.
Michelle Lach 00:06:33 - 00:06:52
Because money in the hands of good hearted women is powerful. And so with that being said, friends, I am so grateful for all of you who are my community, so grateful for you for doing the work, and I will catch you next time.