Creator Database [Emma Chamberlain] what i actually do in a day.
Emma Chamberlain 00:00:10 - 00:00:39
Oh, God. Good morning. You know, today's gonna be a little weird because I don't do this anymore. Okay? I used to vlog my day to day life a lot. And then I got bored of my own life. I feel like my life has changed so much. I was like, you know what? Why don't I just try to vlog a day in my life these days, you know? And today, I have an extremely busy day. I mean, it's not that bad, but I it feels busy to me.
Emma Chamberlain 00:00:39 - 00:00:48
Okay. Oh, fuck. I forgot to bring Oh, no. Okay. I have to go home. I forgot something at home. Okay. I'm literally about to tell you what I forgot and it's so embarrassing.
Emma Chamberlain 00:00:49 - 00:01:09
There's a dog running in the middle of the street. No. No. No. No. No one hit this dog. There was literally just a dog running in the middle of an intersection that was currently that was awful. Anyways, I always forget to bring shorts to wear just in case that we try on skirts because I don't want the people looking at my vagina.
Emma Chamberlain 00:01:10 - 00:01:23
You know? I mean, well, not that they would be looking at my vagina, but it's, like, awkward. I'm, like, wearing my underwear. Like, it it's better if I'm wearing, like, little shorts or something. So I need to go get that. Fuck. I'm so stupid. And now I'm gonna be late. Okay.
Emma Chamberlain 00:01:23 - 00:01:43
Now we can go. Thank you, God and Jesus. I reorganized my entire closet last night, which was literally incredible. Like, I'm so happy with the results. That's why I'm tired. Okay? It's not just cause I was out on the town. I don't do that. I wanted to get matcha potentially before my fitting or coffees.
Emma Chamberlain 00:01:43 - 00:02:12
I like to start my day with matcha, and then I drink coffee later in the day when I need a real pick me up. But, I don't think I'm gonna have time, so I'm just gonna freaking cry now. I'm gonna drink this now that's been in my car for probably a week. It tastes like it's been in here for a week. I wanna listen to music and you guys wouldn't be able to do that with me because of copyright. So, bye. Bye. Bye.
Emma Chamberlain 00:02:12 - 00:02:16
Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. I don't know how to daily vlog anymore.
Emma Chamberlain 00:02:18 - 00:02:29
I'm here. Although parking, I just can't park. I'm driving like an idiot. Everybody's probably so annoyed with me right now. Alright. Let's do this fitting. Okay. So I'm in the fitting room.
Emma Chamberlain 00:02:29 - 00:03:03
Here's outfit number 1. I really like this one. I have the second look on but I think we we like the first two that we tried on so we're only trying on 2 today which is great. Awesome. Okay. Let me show you what the second look looks like. Oh. I've been drinking so much matcha recently because I feel like I think I really just like the color of it because it's just such a pretty green color.
Emma Chamberlain 00:03:03 - 00:03:21
I don't even think I like matcha that much. Actually, I do. Filming my whole day made me realize that I really don't do anything interesting. It's just kind of like minorly stress minorly? Is that a word? Like, it's just boring. But I mean, I'm gonna keep filming. Right? That's what YouTubers do. Hey, guys. I'm in the bathroom.
Emma Chamberlain 00:03:21 - 00:03:45
If the camera's crooked, it's fine. What are you gonna do? I have my podcast session in a few minutes, but I have to take a shit. So I'm in the bathroom. Let me finish this. I'm gonna, like, rocket finish this so that I can just throw it away and be done. Okay. I can't finish it. Gonna I'm gonna take a poop.
Emma Chamberlain 00:03:46 - 00:04:09
Do I tell too much to the vlog? Oh. Come here. Are you gonna hold the first this is my, first guest on my podcast. And so you guys get a little BTS on my podcast. It comes out every Thursday, Stupid Genius. You can get it on Spotify, Itunes, or anywhere else you get your podcast. Link in the description. Hi, guys.
Emma Chamberlain 00:04:09 - 00:04:39
Welcome back to Stupid Genius. I'm Emma Chamberlain, this is Stupid Genius, and my name is Emma. Anyways, me and my 2 girlfriends, we're all like attracted to such different types of guys, like we all have such different types. And why are we all friends with each other? Like, and why do we like like different types of guys? Like, why does that why is that that way? Anyway, I was talking about that to my dad, and then I was like, and he was like, stupid genius. And I was like, bitch, you're so right. I because, like, based on my own, like, personal okay. I'm turning my camera off now. Bye.
Emma Chamberlain 00:04:39 - 00:04:59
Also, look how cool this is. They put me they put my logo up on the TV. Anyhoo. Bye, guys. Bye. Now I'm going to a dermatologist appointment. Today is just so fun. So basically, I go to the dermatologist, like, once every few months just to see what I should be doing for my skin because if you didn't know, that bitch got acne.
Emma Chamberlain 00:04:59 - 00:05:04
It's getting better. It used to be a lot worse. So my back knee is like completely cleared. Although, I
Emma Chamberlain 00:05:05 - 00:05:05
did Can
Emma Chamberlain 00:05:06 - 00:05:14
you Yeah. You can't see. I'm also so hungry. I'm starving. The question is do I go grocery shopping or do I just postmate?
Emma Chamberlain 00:05:14 - 00:05:14
You know
Emma Chamberlain 00:05:14 - 00:05:28
what I'm saying? Yeah. I'm going on a trip in, like, a week. So I should probably not go grocery shopping, you know, because everything will rot. Right? No. I just don't wanna go grocery shopping. It could be fun to go grocery shop. Adulting be like, this vlog is so boring. I'm so sorry.
Emma Chamberlain 00:05:28 - 00:05:56
I I was like, hey. Hey, maybe it'll be fun to show what I do in a day. This is boring as hell. Okay. My dad's calling. You gotta go. It's leaking gas. What did I just do? I knocked that over.
Emma Chamberlain 00:05:56 - 00:06:21
I just wanted to look at this skin diagram. Oh, that's an acne. As you can see, here's a real life demonstration. Look at the view. I'm so hungry. Okay. I'm scared the doctor's gonna come in and be like, what the fuck are you doing? It's been a few minutes. I'm getting bored.
Emma Chamberlain 00:06:25 - 00:06:44
Fuck. Okay. Listen how fucking stupid I am. So, I parked in this parking garage and it's cash only. And, I only have credit cards and credit cards don't work at the ATM unless you, like, call your credit card company. So, my mom's calling my credit card company and we're gonna try to get this fixed. But for now, I'm stranded in this parking garage, and it's not okay.
Emma Chamberlain 00:06:47 - 00:06:51
Also, I wanted to work out today at, like, 6:30, but now I don't want to anymore because I'm just fucking
Emma Chamberlain 00:06:52 - 00:07:12
I'm drained. I am not going grocery shopping today. Okay. I really should, actually. Or should I? Do I have to? I'm my own mom now that I moved out. So, like, I can kind of choose these things. Okay. So, I'm currently walking to a bank so that I can get cash out.
Emma Chamberlain 00:07:13 - 00:07:38
But because I only have credit cards, you can only get cash out at an actual bank. So I have to walk to a bank now. I don't know where my closest bank would be. So, I'm a fucking mess. I've been trying to ask people if they would Ven if I could Venmo them for $12 cash. Everyone has said either I don't have Venmo or I don't have cash. All of which I've been lying, but I also understand because they probably think I'm trying to steal from them. So, let's see if I can okay.
Emma Chamberlain 00:07:38 - 00:07:51
Wait. There's a bank literally down the street. Sorry. I'm so loud. Okay. I'm walking to go to the bank. I'd be able to deal with this if I wasn't so hungry, but I'm fucking starving. So and this lady is staring at me.
Emma Chamberlain 00:07:51 - 00:08:14
Great. Okay. Wish me luck. I did it. I'd like to thank not only God, but Jesus and also my mom because she called my bank and asked if they could get, I could get cash with my credit card and she did this. I would be dead without her and I would be nothing. So, now, let's go get food or go to the grocery store or something. Just anything.
Emma Chamberlain 00:08:14 - 00:08:33
But, I just need to get out of this fucking parking garage. I've been trying to get out of this parking garage for 2 hours. Actually, it's been like a half hour, but still feels like 2 hours. Okay. Bye. Thank God. Guys, I got my car back. Literally, the poor woman that was working the, valet probably thought that I was psychotic.
Emma Chamberlain 00:08:33 - 00:08:51
Not only do I not have the cash to pay for parking, I was also begging everybody to give me cash in exchange for Venmo. Like, that was a lot. Now it's 5 o'clock. I wanted to work out it. Oh, it's dark. Great. Fucking great. Do I just skip a day? No.
Emma Chamberlain 00:08:51 - 00:09:10
I don't. Okay. I'm working out. Unless, I don't really want to. So what do I do? I need to like read my horoscope right now and just see why all of these things are happening. But do you know why I think I'm angry? I know this always happens because I'm hungry. Okay? So right now I'm hangry. Literally no one cares about your motorcycle.
Emma Chamberlain 00:09:10 - 00:09:22
Shut the fuck up. And you know what? I'm not going grocery shopping anymore because fuck grocery shopping. Okay? I don't need to be doing that. Oh, I need to call my mom and tell her that I'm good. Success. We're done. I'm out of the garage. Yes.
Emma Chamberlain 00:09:23 - 00:09:49
That was one of the most stressful things that's ever happened to me. The bank was 600 feet away. How long of a walk is 1600 or 600 feet? Like, it was like a 3 minute walk. It was a lot. I felt so sad for you because you were crying, but I couldn't stop, like, giggling. You little. So what did the doctor say? Just keep doing what I'm doing. He also has a crush on me.
Emma Chamberlain 00:09:50 - 00:10:19
Is that what he said? No. I'm kidding. But he always comes in, he's like, how's your beautiful face? I'm like, well and then he's, like, talking to me, and he's like and I'm like, oh. My mom didn't know I was filming that conversation, so that's kind of awkward, but whatever. Is that like a violation? Could she sue me? I am so hungry. I'm just gonna eat Tic Tacs until until I can get home and eat. This will tide me over. Thank God.
Emma Chamberlain 00:10:20 - 00:10:38
Hi, Declan. Okay. It's 5:30 PM and it's pitch black out, so let me turn lights on apparently. I need to eat right now. I'm fucking losing my marbles. I wanna find a fun griddle. Let's see. I like this one but I'm running out.
Emma Chamberlain 00:10:38 - 00:10:57
This is why I need to go grocery shopping but will I? I don't even know. Oh my god. This is literally expired. Okay. I just cooked up a great meal of cereal. Wow. So good. Okay.
Emma Chamberlain 00:10:57 - 00:11:13
I swear today is never ending. I literally have my workout class in 40 minutes. I'm not ready. Can I catch a break today? Jaclyn, what are you doing? I'm cutting you. I look like shit. I'm on such a good roll today. I've gotten so much done. Sorry.
Emma Chamberlain 00:11:13 - 00:11:37
Gotten a lot done today. I feel like I can work out and go grocery shopping. Why not make today the perfect day? Am I gonna go grocery well, I have I've been just like trying to decide if I'm gonna go grocery shopping all day. Like in much rather post made dinner. Do you know what I mean? Do you know what? Fuck it y'all. After what I've been through, the least I deserve is to post made my dinner. I just decided I'm not going grocery shopping, but I really need to. I have no I don't know.
Emma Chamberlain 00:11:37 - 00:12:02
I don't know. Oh, wait. I moved my workout clothes out of my closet into this. Hold on. Look what I did yesterday. So my dad built this for me yesterday, and so I moved my workout clothes into this little room. So I just went into the closet thinking I was gonna do a cool transition, go into the closet wearing these clothes and come out wearing different clothes, but that's not gonna happen because my workout clothes are not in there anymore. That's fine.
Emma Chamberlain 00:12:02 - 00:12:17
Done. Workload clothes, done. Found it. This is just awesome. You guys don't give a fuck. You guys don't give a flying shit about the fact that I'm getting socks. Like, you don't care. But why am I why is my camera on? You know? And now the light's out.
Emma Chamberlain 00:12:17 - 00:12:34
So let's try this again. Bye, guys. Yay. POV, you're an ant. Alright. That's enough jokes for this episode of my channel. Okay. Bye.
Emma Chamberlain 00:12:36 - 00:13:02
Oh, he's so Ow. Here's the situation. I'm 30 minutes early to my workout class. What do I do with my time? I also am gonna throw up cereal during my workout class because I just ate. And now I'm gonna work out in a half hour and I'm gonna be full and then it's gonna go, well, I don't usually like throw up, but like, I like will throw up in my mouth a little bit when I'm working out. I'm excited to work out though. I feel like it'll help release my tension. Alright.
Emma Chamberlain 00:13:02 - 00:13:06
I'll see you after my workout. Don't know what I'm gonna do for the next 30 minutes.