Creator Database [Jenna Kutcher] 120x Your Content's Life Span With This ONE Strategy
Jenna Kutcher 00:00:00 - 00:00:54
If you're an entrepreneur, there's a really great chance that you are also creating content. And while you might not be quick to call yourself a content creator, the work that you're doing surrounding your offer, whether it's a digital offer, a service, or a physical product, is considered content. If you're showing up on the Internet if you're posting anything, if you're shooting off emails, recording podcasts, writing blogs, or making videos, you, my friend, are a content creator. And as a business owner, the content that you spend your precious time creating is so valuable. You pour your insights into a social media post, a blog, a podcast episode, and oftentimes, it only lives on for a few minutes or a few hours. That's such a bummer. Right? Today, I'm gonna share with you my secret weapon in multiplying the shelf life of your content that you're already creating with one of my favorite free platforms. It's not Instagram or Facebook.
Jenna Kutcher 00:00:54 - 00:01:23
It's not even TikTok. I'm talking about this is the Gold Digger podcast. So get this. This was kind of mind blowing to me. The average entrepreneur is spending 20 hours, 20 hours a week on marketing. 20 hours per week. Now most of the business owners that were surveyed in a study by Constant Contact, 82% of them say that they spend at least 20 hours a week marketing their business across multiple platforms. Platforms.
Jenna Kutcher 00:01:24 - 00:02:08
This includes web, email, social media, all of those big platforms. But 20 hours is a lot of time that we are trying to get eyeballs on our offers. Now the reality is is that most of our content that we're working so hard on creating is landing on platforms where there are algorithms, and algorithms are dictating how our content is seen, how it's experienced, how it's consumed, how it's engaged with. This means that so much of our efforts are out of our hands. They're at the mercy of the platforms that we are sharing this content on. We don't own these platforms. We can't control them. And there's also a very good chance that when we are busy creating work, the people that we're creating that work for are probably not even getting a chance to see it.
Jenna Kutcher 00:02:08 - 00:03:02
So I wanted to do a little research going into this episode because I just think it is so interesting, and I wanna paint a little bit of the picture of why this is so important. For me, when I look at the work that I do and I look at the life that I want, I am often pulled in 2 directions. I've shared this before. This is no surprise. Part of me wants to, like, shut everything down, live in the woods, have a chicken coop, and make sourdough bread with my kids every day, and the other part of me wants to make this business as powerful and impactful as it can possibly be. Now this means that every single hour of my day, I wanna make sure that wherever I'm spending it, if I'm with my kids or if I'm working on the business, there is a return on the investment. And when it comes to business, I wanna be able to tie my efforts to a true ROI. I wanna make sure that not just the money I'm spending on my business, but the time I'm spending is actually worth it.
Jenna Kutcher 00:03:03 - 00:03:54
So I had my team look up the average lifespan per post on different social media platforms just to paint this picture because this is a huge thing I don't want you to miss. So the average longevity of an Instagram post in the general feed is about 48 hours, and that's slightly generous in my opinion. This is when it's gonna get the majority of its likes, comments, saves, shares, all those things. After that 48 hour period, the post is far less likely to receive much attention at all. Now on LinkedIn, posts last even shorter. They are usually shared and distributed within a time span of about 24 hours. Facebook, although it varies, a post typically receives about 75% of its total activity within the first 5 hours. X, which is formerly Twitter, is even shorter since users can send up to 5,000 tweets per second.
Jenna Kutcher 00:03:55 - 00:04:36
It's no wonder tweets lose their relevance very quickly. So this is undoubtedly the most competitive venue with the fastest disappearance of your post. The number of people that follow you on Twitter determines how long your tweet lasts. So if you're one of 3,000 people, your tweet is most likely gonna be limited to, like, a few seconds. TikTok videos have a much shorter lifespan than videos on other platforms. Within the first few minutes after it's released, your video gets most of its views. So unless it goes viral after that, it's pretty much dead. So when we're thinking about all these different platforms that we're likely thinking about or creating content on, 48 hours is, like, the most generous time span of that content, which is kind of heartbreaking.