Create Like A God Podcast S1 • E2 #02. How to be Original
Jaron Mitchell 00:02:11 - 00:02:44
The podcast where you can create, afford your own destiny because you are the creator of your own destiny. You are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul, and the king of your goals. So first you have to work like a slave, eat like a king, and create like a God. This is Jaren Mitchell, here to bring you to today's podcast, the State Clarity podcast. Welcome. Welcome to episode two that I'm going to tell you guys about, which is the topic today is going to be how to be original. We just talked about yesterday's episode is nothing is original. So I'm going to tell you how you all can be original.
Jaron Mitchell 00:02:44 - 00:03:37
But first came with this topic because I think with people have unique, I mean, they can come up. If you listen to the last episode, we're going to talk about it more. Today's episode, which is kind of, you can say it's kind of contradicting itself, but you're going to see what I'm going to talk about today's episode for you guys, how you can be original. This is going for artists and also for business as well. This topic came in, let me get on to that, is that you can basically grab other things and you can make something unique to your own, basically. So think about like with the iPhone, basically any Android device that we have, telephones, I think his name Andrew Graham Bell, I believe he the one that made the telephone. That's the original source. He the one that invented the telephone.
Jaron Mitchell 00:03:37 - 00:04:08
But everything, it got built on top of that. Now we have today, which is the iPhone. Something else can be built off of the Android in the iPhone, but it's still communication still. That's been done with the phones pretty much. Yeah. That's how it's going to be with being creative. But let me get to today's topics with how to be original. First, let's get to the definition of what is original.
Jaron Mitchell 00:04:08 - 00:04:37
What defines being original? Well, original. So we have two definitions. It's going to be original and originality. So this is adjective, which is for original, which is present or existing from the beginning, first or earliest. The original owners of the house, basically. That's kind of like a sense going with that. So here's another definition of it. Creativity, directly and impersonal by a particular artist, not a copy or imitation.
Jaron Mitchell 00:04:38 - 00:05:05
That's funny, but yeah, I mean something unique to your own, you know what saying. So. But it's still a know, talking about yesterday's episode. Those are the two adjectives. Now let's go to the nouns of original. And you can go and type in Google. This is going from a Google definition. So the first for the noun, the first definition I have is something serving as a model, as a basis for imitation of copies, being original.
Jaron Mitchell 00:05:05 - 00:05:44
Right? So here's another one. I may pronounce this word wrong and it trick a usual person, you know what I'm saying? He was one of the true originals, but that's a noun. So let's go to originality. This is Google definition. I got multiple definitions with this, which Google definition is the ability to think independently and creative. So being original, able to think independently and creative. And that's another thing with me wanted to create this podcast, a mission, digressing a little bit, but I wanted to create this podcast to bring people to have their own, be independent and create independently. That's another reason why I created the state creative podcast.
Jaron Mitchell 00:05:45 - 00:06:05
And not even that. We're going to talk about it more other episodes, but not on today's topic, which is you can forge your own destiny. What we think about, we become. So that's the reason why in my mission is to let everyone know everyone is creative. No matter what you do. That's a mission. Let everyone know that they have creative power. They are creative.
Jaron Mitchell 00:06:05 - 00:06:33
It does not matter what it is. You don't have to be a straight up drawer artist or anything like that. You have creative talent. You are creative, but you have to expand. And a lot of people have limitation on themselves and limited beliefs. So let's go into the of originality, a quality estate of being original. That's the first definition from that. And the second one is the ability to think, express oneself independently in individual manner.
Jaron Mitchell 00:06:33 - 00:06:57
Creative. Creative ability. So here's the third. Freshness and novelty as of an idea, method or performance. That's originality. So that's the definition of originality. So basically, I'm looking at it as making it something unique of your own. You taking, you mashing up something that already has been done, but you're making it unique to your own.
Jaron Mitchell 00:06:57 - 00:07:21
That's how I see something, being original. You know what I'm saying? Being original. And we're going to talk about authenticness as well. So let's go to point number two, which I'm going to tell you all this, which is contradicting. There is no such thing as being original. You hear that? I'm keeping that pause. But there's no such thing as being original. So basically you got to learn that we talked about in yesterday's episode.
Jaron Mitchell 00:07:21 - 00:07:49
Nothing is original. First you got the definitions I gave out, but first you got to know that there's nothing is original. Okay? Nothing is original. And here's a quote from the writer. John Lintham has said that when a people call something creative the original, nine out of ten times, they just don't know the reference of the original source involved. Yeah, I mean, I do agree. People be like, hey, Jaren, they probably think about that now. Are you probably thinking about that? Hey, Jaren.
Jaron Mitchell 00:07:49 - 00:08:15
What do you mean? What do you mean? No one can't be original. What do you mean? You have to be original. Something new, something, you know, people don't know the original source they think it's new, but it's not really new. We talked about it in yesterday's episode in the Bible. Ekalaskis. I'm probably pronouncing it wrong, but there's nothing new under the sun. Everything already has been done. And guess what? But the thing about it is, if it hasn't been done, you can do it first, because guess what? You're the master of your own universe.
Jaron Mitchell 00:08:16 - 00:08:42
You're the master of your own universe. You can forge your own destiny. You can create it with something. You can see the vision that you have in your mind and make it a reality. You know what I'm saying? But it's still built upon the things that inspire you or you grabbed upon. It's a mashup, but you make an original to your own. You put your own little flair to it and never existed. Think about what Henry Ford people think he invented the automobile.
Jaron Mitchell 00:08:42 - 00:09:05
The automobile was already invented. He didn't invent the automobile, it was already invented. He did mass production. If you look at, think and grow rich. Read a little bit about that. I don't know much about it, but I know a little bit about it. But he's not the creator of the automobile. He wasn't the one that created the automobile.
Jaron Mitchell 00:09:05 - 00:09:31
It was already invented. It was already made, but he used other sources, other things to make it, to make something that unique to his own. And look, mass production. But still people don't know the original source. But there's no such thing as being original. So you got to know that first. And here's something else, too. This is from yesterday's.
Jaron Mitchell 00:09:31 - 00:10:09
I repeat it again, from yesterday's topic. Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates, inspires you and fills your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversation, agriculture, bridges, street signs, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, lights and shadows. Select those things to steal from and speak directly to your soul. If you do this, you will work in thief and will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable. Originality is nonexistent.
Jaron Mitchell 00:10:14 - 00:10:48
And don't bother concealing your thievery. Celebrate it if you feel like it. You know what I'm saying? So that's what yesterday's topic it seems contradicting, but this is something I'm going to truly believe in. But let's get to episode. I'm not episode, but point number three. What is originality? Undetected plagiarism. Undetected plagiarism. Basically, we're going to get to point number four, which I'm going to talk that there's nothing new under the sun.
Jaron Mitchell 00:10:48 - 00:11:45
The things already been done, but you're using something unique to your own, you may say. What do you mean by that, Jaren? I'm grabbing all this inspiration. I'm grabbing all this. I'm putting it into my story, I'm putting it into my business, I'm putting in his ideas that doing this, I'm still in like an artist, I'm doing all this. What do you mean, Jaren? What do you mean? Making it unique to your just you're saying that there's no such thing as being original, but you're saying there is being original, but right here on point number three is nothing. What originality is undetected plagiarism, basically. That's what it is. And point number four, which I'm going to get to right here, is the basic elements of creativity, and that is from Kirby Ferguson's everything is a remix, which first you copy, then you transform, then you combine.
Jaron Mitchell 00:11:45 - 00:12:17
To remix. Yes, it's a remix. What are you doing is you're grabbing all these things, you're copying these things, you're using these things, you're transforming it and you combine it and make it unique and original to your own. And it may seem like it's original, but is not original, but it's undetected plagiarism. Yes, undetected plagiarism. It's already been done already before. It already has. It's just undetected plagiarism.
Jaron Mitchell 00:12:17 - 00:12:31
It's already been done. But that's the thing, you're making it unique to your own. You make it authentic to yourself. You're making authentic to. What are you doing? You're grabbing this. You're grabbing that. You're putting this in your little collection. Little collection box, whatever.
Jaron Mitchell 00:12:31 - 00:12:52
Oh, yeah, I'm going to use this. Oh, yeah, I'm going to use this. Oh, yeah, I'm definitely going to use this. But then you combine it. I won't say combine it, but then you transform it. You go around and put the pieces together like a puzzle. Like a puzzle piece. You put the pieces together so that way you can combine it and make it unique to your own and be original to your own, which is undetected plagiarism.
Jaron Mitchell 00:12:52 - 00:13:36
That is originality. That's how you can be original. It's undetected plagiarism where people look at it like, oh, man, they're trying to figure out where you got it from, but they don't know, they have to probably look, research, see how it is, pay attention to what was going on in the comics, what's going on in the film or in the business where they got it from. The first computer was, I think it was Xerox, not the commercial Xerox. But if you look at everything is remixed by Kirby Ferguson, I hope I'm pronouncing his name right. But you can go ahead and check that. I'll have that in the show notes, and you can go ahead and watch some four part series. Or I think he hasn't won the whole with 30 minutes or something like that, but you can go ahead and watch that.
Jaron Mitchell 00:13:36 - 00:13:58
He talks about this, he brings this up. He talks about the combined. That's where I got this from, the combined transform, copy, transform. And combine. Those are two things still, like an artist by Austin. And nothing is original. It's a remix. So that's how you could be original is being undetected.
Jaron Mitchell 00:13:58 - 00:14:24
Undetected. Plagiarism, making something unique to your own copy, copying all them things. Then you transform it. You make it unique to your own and combine all the pieces together and make the puzzle piece. So let's go ahead and recap on today's topic, which is how to be original. The definition of original persisting to existence of the beginning of first and earliest. That's the definition of Google. That's from adjective.
Jaron Mitchell 00:14:24 - 00:14:50
Let me give you the first one. Something is serving in the model. The basics of imitation or a copy. Originality, definition, the ability to think independently and creatively, the quality of being novel and unusual. You know what I'm saying? Point number two, there is no such thing as being original. Remember? There's no such thing as being original. But you got to know that first. How to be original.
Jaron Mitchell 00:14:50 - 00:15:39
Kind of contradicting, right? So the writer John Loomis said that when people call themselves original nine out of ten times, they just don't know whether reference of the original source involves. So do your research. Make sure you look it in. And what is the original source? Where is the original source? Who created the original source? Like I said in Ludacris verse, at the end of one of his songs, I think it was not long, he said, if it hasn't been done, I'm going to do it first because I'm the master of my own universe. Remember, nothing is original. Still, anywhere that resonates, inspires you, fills your imagination, devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversation, agriculture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light, and shadow. Select those things to steal from and speak directly to your soul. Do this and your work and thief will be authentic.
Jaron Mitchell 00:15:39 - 00:16:04
Authenticity invaluable, and originality is nonexistent. And don't bother concealing your thievery. Do not bother concealing your thievery. Celebrate it, feel it, like it. You know what I'm saying? It's not where you take things from. It's where you take them to. Okay, so point number three, what is originality? Undetected plagiarism. Undetected plagiarism.
Jaron Mitchell 00:16:04 - 00:16:26
Where you combine all these things, you steal all these things, all these ideas from. So that way you can stick them in your little box of ideas of collections where you can use. And you over here and go ahead and use what? Point number four, which is the elements of creativity, is combine. Transform. I'm sorry, copy. Transform. And combine. Those are the three elements.
Jaron Mitchell 00:16:26 - 00:17:01
That's what you got to do in that completely order. It is a remix. You're remixing something, but what you're doing is you're creating something new so that way it can be original and authentic to your own. You get what I'm saying? So that's it for today's topic. And hope you guys enjoyed today's topic. I hope God gave you guys value. And also, what y'all gotta do, stay Did you enjoy today's episode? Make sure you go ahead and leave a five star rating and review so that way we can move up in the rankings on the Apple podcast on iTunes.
Jaron Mitchell 00:17:01 - 00:17:31
So that way everyone else can see us. And not even that everyone want to see what the crate like a God podcast is about. And make sure you go ahead and follow me. That'll be Jaron W. Mitchell. That's the JaronMitchell. And if you want to become a monthly contributor of the create like a God podcast, become a supporter, become a monthly contributor. If you want to help me post content every single day, I'm doing it anyway, but actually more efficiently.
Jaron Mitchell 00:17:32 - 00:18:10
Okay, so make sure you go ahead. You can contribute to zero, 99 per month, 499 per month and 999 per month. And that will be you going to anchor fmjaramitchell, which is JaronMitchell. Again, anchor f. M anchor FM Jeremitchell, which is JaronMitchell. You can go ahead and follow me on Twitter, Facebook, snapchat, and Instagram. That would be Jaron W. Mitchell.
Jaron Mitchell 00:18:10 - 00:19:16
So talk to you guys tomorrow and thank you. Really appreciate it. The more you learn, the more you earn AI Affiliate Institute is an educational platform specialized in teaching affiliate marketing. Who's it for? Those who are struggling to build an online digital business or struggling with their business? Those who wants to build an online digital business? You learn a new skills to build an online digital business, such as copywriting, financing, funnels, content 101, entrepreneurship, influence, creativity, content creation, all that you are able to learn from six to seven and eight figure earners, and much more. Go ahead and get your free playbook from My gift to you and Julian's gift to you about affiliate Playbook go to and go ahead and pick up your free playbook. A free affiliate playbook.
Jaron Mitchell 00:19:16 - 00:19:18
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