Creator Database [Steven Bartlett] Managing Work Life Balance As A Multimillionaire - Here's HOW!
Steven Bartlett 00:00:02 - 00:00:30
Good morning. Have you been to Vegas before? Because today we are going to Vegas. And what happens in Vegas, as they say, stays in Vegas. I have a banging headache, and I feel like absolute shit. I do have some footage of me doing a tour of the house. Would you like to see it? You can't let Vegas take you. So many of my podcast guests have said this to me. I don't know where I'm speaking.
Steven Bartlett 00:00:30 - 00:00:31
Steven Bartlett 00:00:41 - 00:01:02
Early morning here in London. Today I'm going to Vegas. I'm speaking out in Vegas, I think tomorrow or Sunday. So, um, 24 hours in Vegas. Here we go. Flight London this morning, 07:00 a.m. land in Vegas. Speak, fly back.
Steven Bartlett 00:01:02 - 00:01:52
I have just made an offer for a house in London. Been looking at a lot of different houses in London for the last couple of, really about the last year, and I found this house that I love that has a gym in it and a sauna. And so I made an offer, and the offer was accepted. I should be moving into that house in about two, three weeks. I do have some footage of me doing a tour of the house. Would you like to see it in 2019? I was flying 50 weeks a year, so having a home when you're a single dude, when you're flying 60 weeks a year, isn't interesting. But things changed, and I'm now 30 years old, and I'm in a different chapter of my life, enjoying different things, looking for different things. I just had this growing desire to have a.
Steven Bartlett 00:01:53 - 00:02:53
Have a bit of my own base, I guess. Where's my driver? How am I look? Tired. 24 hours later, I've landed in Vegas, and I'm literally here for, like, 24 hours. Man, when you travel, you end up eating so much crap. It's like, I had seven meals or something. Like, it wasn't necessarily that I ate bad food, but it was just that I ate so many. Because you get on the plane, they're like, would you like breakfast? And then you fly, and they're like, would you like evening meal? You land, you get to an airport, and it's a morning again, and then you have breakfast again, and then you get on the plane, they're like, would you like breakfast? And you have breakfast again. And then you're like, would you like lunch? You have lunch again, and then you land and it's morning.
Steven Bartlett 00:02:53 - 00:03:20
It's just very confusing, isn't it? And you just keep eating the same meal over and over again because you get on different airlines and you arrive in different time zones. So, anyway, I'm out here to talk at a conference. Reminds me of my old life back in 2019, where I flew to every corner of the world and I spent 50 weeks a year speaking on stages. But I'll arrive at the venue tomorrow. My commercial manager Danny's with me out here. Will is out here as well. He'll say, you're going up on stage. This is the audience.
Steven Bartlett 00:03:21 - 00:03:34
This is what they'll want to talk to you about. Do your best, and that's it. And then I'll do it. And then I'll fly back to the UK and I'll carry on working, because that's what I do lots of things. I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay? Let me sleep. We'll talk in the morning.
Steven Bartlett 00:03:37 - 00:03:57
Woken up here in Vegas. Will is in the room. We've just managed to get rid of the. Get rid of. We've just managed to upload this weekly vlog with minutes to go. Will didn't sleep. I have a banging headache, and I feel like absolute shit. Got a talk on stage in, I don't know, an hour or something.
Steven Bartlett 00:03:57 - 00:04:31
It looks easy. Just upload the vlog. Looks so easy to do, but do it weekly on top of everything else that's going on in my life is very hard, but we're gonna do it with everything in life. The difficulty of the challenge you overcome equates to the rewards that you reap. So if something is difficult, if a new process, a new habit like this vlog is for us, that would indicate that the resistance and the obstacles you're overcoming equate to the size of the rewards on the other side. So to persevere is to win. And that's what we're trying to do. It's difficult.
Steven Bartlett 00:04:31 - 00:04:47
I feel sorry for Will as well, because Will didn't sleep last night. And I said to him, do you want to go to the gym? And he just turned to me and went, bro, my body is you doing your little vlog. Here we go. This is 04:30 a.m. 04:30 a.m. last night.
And then.
Steven Bartlett 00:04:48 - 00:04:49
Whose dressing gown is that?
Chris Williamson 00:04:49 - 00:04:51
It's the hotel on the. Unreal.
Steven Bartlett 00:04:51 - 00:04:55
Jesus Christ. Make yourself at home. Unreal. How are you feeling?
Chris Williamson 00:04:55 - 00:04:56
Tragic, but excited.
Steven Bartlett 00:04:57 - 00:04:58
Why tragic?
Chris Williamson 00:04:58 - 00:05:13
Tragic because my body start whack with what? Traveled 10 hours. First of all, problems. But I'm feeling it's getting easier. It's not there yet, and it probably won't ever be there, but it's getting easier, which is good.
Steven Bartlett 00:05:13 - 00:05:47
I think no one believes you. That was not believable. You know when you feel deeply tired, not like all my eyes are tired, like my core feels tired. I'm gonna work out just to sweat out a little bit so I feel good, and then I'm on stage shortly here in Las Vegas in front of thousands of people. Sure, it'll be fine. So, yeah, let's go to the gym. Got to my hotel about midnight last night. Gary Bracker, who came on my podcast, really taught me a lot about traveling and how to handle your body when you travel.
Steven Bartlett 00:05:47 - 00:05:56
Here's a little bit of what Gary Bracker taught me about travel routine. I guess you've got a bit of a system for traveling because when I travel, I feel like shit.
Oh, I feel amazing when I travel.
Steven Bartlett 00:05:58 - 00:06:00
What do you think we're doing differently?
The single most important thing that you can do is preserve your sleeping window. Do not eat during your normal sleeping window.
Steven Bartlett 00:06:09 - 00:06:11
For how long do I preserve that window?
Well, depending on how long you're going to be there, usually I'm only. If you're there a week or less, preserve your sleeping window the entire week. When you're there for more than seven to ten days, then you need to really adjust to that time zone. And then I eat fats and proteins on flights. Carbohydrates at altitude are terrible for you, and it's usually where all the salt hides.
Steven Bartlett 00:06:34 - 00:06:36
Why are carbs so bad in the air?
Carbs are bad in the air because as soon as you divert blood from your brain to digestion, so now you're seated and your gut is flooded with blood, it's all come from your brain. So now you're tired, you're not focused, you're exhausted, and you're seated. So this isn't a good place to be tired because you're not going to.
Steven Bartlett 00:06:54 - 00:07:18
Get good sleep if you know me well enough. You know how obsessed I am with details and small things and all that stuff, and I sweat that. So I'm obsessive about my businesses and what I do and the podcast and all that stuff. But with my fitness, it's not a game where I'm trying to get to number one. My goal here is just to be consistent. I'm not trying to win no awards. I'm not trying to out compete anybody else in terms of results. I'm just trying to be consistent.
Steven Bartlett 00:07:18 - 00:07:57
So sometimes perfectionism can be the enemy of the pursuit of consistency. Hello, Matthew, how are you? Pleasure to meet you. How are you?
Very good.
Steven Bartlett 00:07:58 - 00:07:59
Thanks for having me.
Thank you. For being here.
Steven Bartlett 00:08:00 - 00:08:01
What an incredible venue.
Thank you.
Steven Bartlett 00:08:01 - 00:08:11
Beautiful. Nice to meet you. What, like six years ago? Yeah. He was talking about your book. Oh, wow. So I read it, by the way.
All my children have read it.
Steven Bartlett 00:08:12 - 00:08:13
Oh, really?
My 14 year old.
Steven Bartlett 00:08:14 - 00:08:19
Oh, Danny was telling me. I know. I heard. Three page summary, everything. Is he heredez? Oh, yeah.
He can't wait to meet you.
Steven Bartlett 00:08:20 - 00:08:24
You know, it's funny because my new book comes out this month.
Steven Bartlett 00:08:24 - 00:08:51
Yeah, I just came through. Oh, did you see it there? Okay. Yeah, my old book feels like a different lifetime ago. And, you know, in my world, like, what was it, three years? Now is a lifetime ago. It's like a different human being. Okay, I'm 64, dude. But I was saying to my kids, I have adult children. I wish this book came out when I was their age, to give them some perspective.
Steven Bartlett 00:08:51 - 00:08:59
Right. So anyway, can you give me a window into the life of, like, the average person in the audience? Well, they're all in hospital.
They're either travel advisors or they're in some sort of travel provider. So whether a cruise line or a hotel or whatever.
Steven Bartlett 00:09:06 - 00:09:26
And the things that they, you know, I think everybody in their profession has a, like, a psychological barrier, various psychological barriers. It might be a changing landscape. It could be AI, it could be things that are changing that are concerning them and that might, if they don't feel empowered, might lead them to procrastination and to lean out.
For me, vulnerability means also being like, trust, of course, and all that. So I think that's the number one thing. So any advice that you have on, like, you know, in the age of AI, what are the things that you feel are going to maintain the value? How do they. How do they keep. How do they keep from freaking it out?
Steven Bartlett 00:09:44 - 00:09:46
Yeah, yeah, no, I get it.
And then how do they, you know.
Steven Bartlett 00:09:47 - 00:09:49
Yeah, yeah, cool.
If you know me, you know that I love discovering new thinkers. And recently, on a flight home from London, I found a podcast called Diary of a CEO. Please welcome Stephen Barlett.
Steven Bartlett 00:10:07 - 00:10:38
Thank you so much. Yeah. The point about vulnerability, I think, is so central to probably why I'm even sat on this stage in front of you today. I started a podcast in my bedroom, and it was an experiment. It's called the diary of a CEO. And I made the commitment to myself that I was going to share everything. Everything from talking about masturbation, the problems with my mom, any challenge or mental issue I had, anything, I was going to share it all. I did that.
Steven Bartlett 00:10:38 - 00:10:59
And there's nothing I have ever done that has been received so well. The basis of it is vulnerability. If I stood there and said, my life is perfect, I've never made a mistake. There's no bridge. So when we talk about sales, we talk about the world of AI, we talk about human competitive advantage. It is that. It is being a good tribe member. It is sitting in the mud with someone else.
Steven Bartlett 00:10:59 - 00:11:29
It is sharing your struggle. The world is going to continue to change. If you listen to Ray Kurzweil, who's the head of innovation, who's maybe the world's leading futurist, and you listen to the forecast from Google, in the 21st century, we'll experience 20,000 years of change. If you're ten now, by the age of 60, you'll experience a year's change in just twelve days. Things are going to get faster. The world's going to change. But the thing that's not going to change fundamentally is humans. Humans desire at that very maslovian level for connection and community.
Steven Bartlett 00:11:29 - 00:11:54
There are many things on Maslow's hierarchy of needs at that bottom, shelter, food, water. The thing Maslow should have included is community, because people aren't getting depressed because they haven't got enough food, as the psychologists should. But they do get depressed when they feel disconnected. And where we are right now, if you go back 20 years and ask an american, how many people have you got to turn to in a time of crisis? The medium answer was three. You asked that question today, it's zero.
Ladies, Stephen Barlett.
Steven Bartlett 00:11:58 - 00:12:12
That's it. Back in my room, looking out on Las Vegas, talk went really well today. Really, really enjoyed it. Great people. I think it's important to share these moments because let me just. Let me set you up here. Let's have a chat. Let me just.
Steven Bartlett 00:12:12 - 00:12:36
I'm gonna grab some boxes so I can put you in front of me. They took a big bottle of champagne in my room. Look at this. You're gonna sit on this. How's that? Be right back. Oh, there's some, uh. Look at this love kit. Male massager, lubricant and condoms.
Steven Bartlett 00:12:37 - 00:13:18
Personal massager, lubricant and condoms. But I will use that temporarily for this. How's that, by the way? It's in my room because it's in the minibar before some newspaper runs that I have lubricant or something in my room or whatever. I'm in a hotel. Okay. Um, I had a moment today where I'm sat in the front row and I was waiting for them to introduce me to go on stage. I had a kind of an I call them like out of body gratitude moments where my mind just drifted off for a second and went, fucking hell, Steve, you're in Las Vegas, that place from the movies, and you're about to walk on stage in front of 5000 people or whatever it was today. And they've come to hear you talk about stuff.
Steven Bartlett 00:13:19 - 00:13:59
What the fuck is going on? Like what the fuck is going on in your life that anyone would care? And I think it's really important. You know, mo Gordat said on my podcast, one of my favorite quotes, happiness is when your expectations of how your life is supposed to be going are met. And therefore one could deduce that unhappiness is when your expectations of how your life is supposed to be going go unmet. And the problem we all have is as the bar of our lives get raised, as our expectations increase, life gets fancier, things stop impressing you as much. You get to go on that amazing holiday you always dreamed of. You get to fly a business class or you accomplish your goals. What happens is your expectations increase. So with that, you become increasingly harder to satisfy.
Steven Bartlett 00:13:59 - 00:14:48
And so these moments of awe and wonder and deep gratitude and amazement become rarer and rarer and rarer. So with that goes your happiness, right? You're harder to make happy and you lose perspective of your privilege. And the, the fact that so many of the things that you have in your life now, so many of the joys and privileges and the nature of your life right now was once a dream. Like you're in the middle of a dream that you used to have. This is it. This is the dream. This is the thing you dreamed of. You dream, Steve, of being in Las Vegas and, you know, having a huge talk, loads of people and meeting all these wonderful people like that.
Steven Bartlett 00:14:49 - 00:15:22
You know, that's. You're living the dream. And I tell you what, mate, I've got some banging podcast guests coming on the show this week. Do you want to know who I've got coming on this week? Trini Woodle. She's fantastic. Ivan Toney, that's a big one. If you know football, you'll know why that's a big conversation because Ivan's been talking about eventually speaking about some things that have gone on in his life with the charges he got for betting and had a chat with him and he wants to come on and tell the story. Tomorrow I'm flying back to London.
Steven Bartlett 00:15:22 - 00:15:48
It's a long, long flight. I'm flying from Vegas to Dallas to London. When I land into London, I've got two podcasts that day, filming with Google, meeting with my team at third web, talking about marketing stuff, doing a big strategy away day flight story, weekly meetings, phone call with the Hutt group to talk about some stuff. I've got some press calling Australia to do an interview with australian media. Oh, dinner with Simon Sinek as well. Listen, I'm gonna go to bed, if that's okay. Um. Love you.
Steven Bartlett 00:15:48 - 00:16:20
Good night. Okay. Landed from Vegas. Have to be honest, I think I'm running on empty a little bit. And we have two podcasts today. We have Trinny woodle and we have the podcast with Ivan. Tony, that should be really interesting if I can focus, because I have to be honest, I'm very, very tired. And these are two very important conversations.
Steven Bartlett 00:16:20 - 00:16:30
Maybe a little bit jet lagged, but looking forward to it. I'm feeling grateful. Vegas was fun. Let's do it.
Chris Williamson 00:16:33 - 00:16:33
Steven Bartlett 00:16:34 - 00:17:01
Hello, everybody. Doesn't work here for me. Yes, some Trinny London goodies. My girlfriend's gonna think I was coming back from this podcast and I pretend to my girlfriend. I brought you some today. I've missed you. Same back for Valentine's Day. I love your jacket.
Chris Williamson 00:17:01 - 00:17:12
Trini, can I get your coffee? I'm getting it because I haven't. I just got off plane by getting a tea and coffee. Yeah, I'm gonna agree to use the coffee because I know he punched my brain and told me to wake me up.
Steven Bartlett 00:17:12 - 00:17:13
Just got off a plane.
Chris Williamson 00:17:13 - 00:17:14
Yeah, I just came from New York.
Steven Bartlett 00:17:14 - 00:17:15
Me and you both.
Chris Williamson 00:17:15 - 00:17:16
Did you. This morning.
Steven Bartlett 00:17:16 - 00:17:21
Yeah, this morning you did. Which, like, came from. Well, I came from Vegas to Dallas to here.
Chris Williamson 00:17:21 - 00:17:22
You had a longer flight than me.
Steven Bartlett 00:17:22 - 00:17:26
Yeah, yeah. I feel like I've been travelling for 24 hours, so we're both of which.
Chris Williamson 00:17:26 - 00:17:28
Act like you got a copy. Do you listen to David Sinclair?
Steven Bartlett 00:17:29 - 00:17:29
No, I don't.
Chris Williamson 00:17:30 - 00:17:31
No longevity proper.
Steven Bartlett 00:17:31 - 00:17:35
Oh, him. Yeah, I know who he is. Yeah. Yeah. I've watched a couple of YouTube videos that he's done.
Chris Williamson 00:17:35 - 00:17:39
He talks about the internal glycation of the body a lot. It's very interesting. It's about stress.
Steven Bartlett 00:17:39 - 00:17:40
Chris Williamson 00:17:40 - 00:17:41
I'm sugar to me, as the enemy.
Steven Bartlett 00:17:41 - 00:17:46
And everything you write about sugar in your book, quite surprised to see it in my book.
Chris Williamson 00:17:46 - 00:17:51
You got like, literally the third copy. I really got it the day before I went to New York and I haven't had a chance to look.
Steven Bartlett 00:17:51 - 00:17:52
She's not out yet.
Chris Williamson 00:17:52 - 00:17:54
Can I straighten you up?
Steven Bartlett 00:17:54 - 00:17:56
This is copy number two. I'll leave you in.
Chris Williamson 00:17:56 - 00:17:58
Is it better than the title of your first book?
Steven Bartlett 00:18:02 - 00:18:27
Do you know what's funny is I wrote that title as a way, as, like, a mouse, as, like, we call it like, a mousetrap for a generation that would be aspiring to be that. And if you open the first page, it says, I was insecure and full of shame. So when I was 18, I wrote in my diary, I want to be a millionaire, a ranger, of a sport, have a six pack and a girlfriend. I was wrong. So it's like a trap. But when you get introduced on stage by the media, they go, the happy, sexy million. I go, fucking.
Chris Williamson 00:18:27 - 00:18:42
I'm like, so it's always interesting when you think of titles for things to think of. If somebody only gets to step one, what is it that you need them to get? Because we paint the movie forward, that they get to see the whole picture. If they only see that 10%.
Steven Bartlett 00:18:42 - 00:18:43
I had no idea.
Chris Williamson 00:18:43 - 00:18:44
What are they going to see?
Steven Bartlett 00:18:44 - 00:18:47
I had no idea. It's a good lesson learned.
Chris Williamson 00:18:47 - 00:18:56
Well, it's just a good. It's like, this is good. This is you. This is a big part of what your brand is, and it's the right title for the man. You want to stay.
Steven Bartlett 00:19:00 - 00:19:03
I've always kind of procrastinated on skincare routines.
Chris Williamson 00:19:03 - 00:19:05
I know, but if it's easy, if it's really easy.
Steven Bartlett 00:19:05 - 00:19:07
Oh, no, don't call me oh, fucked.
Chris Williamson 00:19:07 - 00:19:15
I is. I do this. Look at me. And I close my eyes because I need to feel your skin without judging you by looking at you.
Steven Bartlett 00:19:15 - 00:19:16
Chris Williamson 00:19:16 - 00:19:30
So what I do is I just have a feel. And I feel. So first thing I feel immediately is the congestion you have here, right in the center. A lot of people, like women will have congestion here because they don't like to get their hair wet when they wash their face. You have congestion here.
Steven Bartlett 00:19:30 - 00:19:32
Sure it's not muscle or something?
Chris Williamson 00:19:32 - 00:19:37
It's not muscle at all. I know the difference. Darlingen. Okay, um. So you're oilier here.
Steven Bartlett 00:19:37 - 00:19:38
Thank you.
Chris Williamson 00:19:38 - 00:19:40
You've got a slight dark circle.
Steven Bartlett 00:19:41 - 00:19:42
Yeah. It's unslapped. Yeah.
Chris Williamson 00:19:42 - 00:19:53
You need to touch your face. A lot of people just don't touch their face enough. You need to get the oxygen to your face. You just do it with me. Get your. Get your fingers like this. Yeah, like that. So it's like you've got a scissor and do friction.
Chris Williamson 00:19:53 - 00:20:05
Like this. Up, down, up, down. Then go left and right. Up, down. Like that. Okay. And then you want to get your hands here and you want to lift your cheekbones like this. Fast.
Chris Williamson 00:20:06 - 00:20:17
123457. Feel the energy. Okay, just let go now. Do you feel there's movement, a rush in your face.
Steven Bartlett 00:20:17 - 00:20:18
Chris Williamson 00:20:18 - 00:20:33
That's your lymph. Your lymph is like your hose pipe around your face. And if you put a sort of foot on the hose pipe, it stops. You need this to move around. If it's moving around it releasing the toxicity, taking them down here at the moment, it's leaving them on your skin, under your skin.
Steven Bartlett 00:20:33 - 00:20:34
So it's cleaning out my face?
Chris Williamson 00:20:34 - 00:20:36
Yes. You want it to be moving.
Steven Bartlett 00:20:45 - 00:20:46
Steven Bartlett 00:20:46 - 00:20:47
Chris Williamson 00:20:47 - 00:20:48
Steven Bartlett 00:20:48 - 00:20:50
Tony has been suspended for eight months.
Chris Williamson 00:20:50 - 00:20:52
With breaching netting rules.
Steven Bartlett 00:20:56 - 00:21:20
You ready to 100%? Yeah, I really enjoyed it. Really enjoyed the conversation. Really enjoyed it. I think might open some eyes to some people to see a bit about me. No, definitely. That's what. That's what this kind of does, is like this. When people do this, people know who they really are.
Steven Bartlett 00:21:21 - 00:21:40
And that's what we. That's what we kind of really pride ourselves on is just having a. An honest reflection of a person. Because we all have narratives painted about us, headlines. Whereas you can't dispute listening to someone talk for 2 hours. You just fucking get to know it. You get to know what's driving them. Stuff about your mum, your dad, where you're from, your belief in yourself, all of these things.
Steven Bartlett 00:21:40 - 00:21:57
You get to know the whole picture. I think it's a window into your mentality that I've not seen before. And your dad, is he like your manager or something? Or is he like just involved in and around? Agent. Yeah. So your dad's your agent? I'm signing with my dad and my dad signed. We're talking with agents. So it's kind of like my brother's the same brother. I'm with the three kids.
Steven Bartlett 00:21:57 - 00:22:19
He's full time here? Oh, yeah. He works with the venture team, so manages all my investments, my dragon's den, deals, anything with money, my bank accounts. And he's like a maths genius. And he's also worked in finance for ten years, so there's no contract between me and him. He's defending me. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
Steven Bartlett 00:22:19 - 00:22:43
Appreciate it, bro. Thank you so much. Looking forward to getting back. I can't wait to watch it again. Thinking about it in the context of a marriage, you might need to go to marriage counselling and resolve a lot of issues with your partner. If you believe you could make it not suck, and the rewards on offer are worth the effort it would take to make it not suck. Don't quit, stay and fight. But I.
Steven Bartlett 00:22:43 - 00:23:05
If you believe you can make it not suck, but the rewards for the effort, it would take to make it not suck aren't worth it. It's time to go. Oh, sorry. I'm just watching, um, myself. I'm just, uh. People like you in your free time, you watch yourself. No, sorry. I've never seen this video before.
Steven Bartlett 00:23:05 - 00:23:19
So I'm just reviewing the video and choose processor. Okay. That's the, uh. That's the end of the podcast this week. Podcast. Fucking. Look how tired I am. That's the end of the vlog this week.
Steven Bartlett 00:23:19 - 00:24:01
If you've gotten this far, then I should probably say this to you. I think it was vlog two or three, where I said to you, if we hit 50,000 subscribers, I promise you that for one whole year, I will upload an episode of this vlog every Sunday without fail. At the same time, we actually hit 49,000 subscribers that week. So we didn't hit the goal, but we hit 50,000 thereafter. I had a conversation with Will because we both want to do this vlog weekly, we're getting closer. So will has told me that in November, we will be able to do the vlog every single week, every single Sunday, and at 06:00 p.m. that's. That is the goal.
Steven Bartlett 00:24:01 - 00:24:36
That is the aim. So we're gonna fix that in November. Thank you for rocking with us and watching and clicking and staying with us. Next week is a huge week because I'm launching my book next week, and it's gonna be absolutely crazy because I don't do podcasts, I don't do interviews, but next week, I looked at my calendar, and I think I'm doing about 15 of them. I'm gonna be going on tv, on radio, on other people's podcasts. I'm gonna be doing it all while running my businesses and doing the podcast and everything else. So it's gonna be a crazy, crazy week. So tune in.
Steven Bartlett 00:24:36 - 00:24:47
I'll see you there. If you enjoyed this, the only way you can tell me if you enjoyed it, leave a comment and hit that subscribe button. Hit the like button. If you do all three, that means you've really enjoyed it. I'm gonna get some sleep.