Creator Database [Eric Thomas] Separate Yourself (Motivational Speech)
Eric Thomas 00:00:00 - 00:00:03
Somebody talk to me. Yep. Before I point, what do you gotta do to separate yourself?
Random 00:00:04 - 00:00:05
Wake up earlier than the rest.
Eric Thomas 00:00:05 - 00:00:08
Yep. What time is that? What time are they getting up?
Random 00:00:08 - 00:00:09
Getting up to 9.
Eric Thomas 00:00:09 - 00:00:25
Good. So you need to be up at least by what? 7. 7. Am I better than the other motivational speakers? I don't know if I'm more talented than them. I just know I get up at 3 o'clock and put my videos out first. I just know I do 5 a day. So if you're actually better than me, nobody will know. Alright? Watch this.
Eric Thomas 00:00:25 - 00:00:49
Tony Robbins back in the day, Les Brown back in the day, when you watched a 2 minute video and you ordered one of their videos, how long you think it'd take for the CD to get to the crib or the DVD to get to your crib? Anybody, how long do you think it takes? 2 minutes. 4 weeks. 4 weeks. I did something nobody else did. I gave away my content. I put my content out every day. You're probably in love with ET at that point. You're about to get a divorce.
Eric Thomas 00:00:50 - 00:01:13
You just failed your bar exam. Your team just lost in the championship. You don't need motivation 4 weeks from now. I saw a gap y'all. I saw a gap in the industry, and I said, just give your stuff away for free. And guess what? When you give it away for free, they will be endeared to you because I believe the content is sweet. You know when you go to the grocery store or you go to the, to the mall and they say, try fried rice. He was like, yo.
Eric Thomas 00:01:13 - 00:01:13
I'm good on that.
Random 00:01:13 - 00:01:14
No. No. No.
Eric Thomas 00:01:14 - 00:01:15
No. Try fried rice.
Random 00:01:15 - 00:01:15
He like, bro,
Eric Thomas 00:01:15 - 00:01:26
I want them try fried rice. And then you taste it. You're like, woah. They're like, come come 5.99. Right? They gave it to you for free, and then you bid it for free and guess what happened?
Random 00:01:26 - 00:01:27
You brought a whole meal.
Eric Thomas 00:01:28 - 00:01:48
So I'm being real. What are you gonna do to separate yourself? I separated myself. I started getting up early, 3 o'clock in the morning. I'll never forget a kid from Chicago told me, like, yo, E, you talking about thank God it's Monday. You release your videos on Sunday night. I said, bruh, it's Sunday in Chicago. It's Monday in Singapore. It's Monday in Australia, baby.
Eric Thomas 00:01:48 - 00:02:02
We ain't just getting American money. We all over the world. I'm separating myself. I'm putting my stuff out on Sunday night in the shy, but in the world, it's Monday. So what are you doing to separate yourself? 2, 3 more. Talk to me. What are you doing? Wake up early. I love it.
Eric Thomas 00:02:02 - 00:02:03
What are you doing?
Random 00:02:03 - 00:02:04
Having extreme hardship.
Eric Thomas 00:02:04 - 00:02:16
Good. Taking extreme I love that. Accountability. Coach ain't gotta tell you. Your mama ain't gotta tell you. Your daddy ain't gotta tell you. But that's what happened when you got an entitled spirit and you think you're there already. You don't hold yourself accountable.
Eric Thomas 00:02:16 - 00:02:17
Good. Talk to me.
Random 00:02:17 - 00:02:18
Figure out your priorities.
Eric Thomas 00:02:19 - 00:02:21
Good. Figure out your priorities. Give me some of your priorities.
Random 00:02:23 - 00:02:24
So you're
Eric Thomas 00:02:24 - 00:02:32
leaving the gym early, give me an example sometime what you left the gym early for? Dude, how much money that pay?
Random 00:02:34 - 00:02:35
Now I'm a
Eric Thomas 00:02:35 - 00:02:47
say it again. How much money that pay you? But staying in the gym could possibly do what? Take care of your family. Good. Somebody else love it. Talk to me. Stop worrying about what other people got. Good. Stop worrying about what other people got.
Eric Thomas 00:02:48 - 00:02:49
Because one day you're gonna what?
Random 00:02:49 - 00:02:50
Happy yourself.
Eric Thomas 00:02:51 - 00:03:30
Bro, when I see these bros making bro, when I see them making paper, this is what my mama used to tell me. My mama say, if he got his mail, then I mean the mailman is on it. When I watch, in this year, he got I'm like, woo hoo. We can make that kind of money. Let's go. And guess what? It don't mean I'm a make the same money, but it shows me I can be a millionaire as an African American male who puts in the time with his craft. So I'm not I'm not watching what other people are doing, but am I being inspired by other people? Absolutely. So we're not watching what they do because guess what happens? Just because a man is on top one day, it don't mean he gonna be on top forever.
Eric Thomas 00:03:32 - 00:03:48
And just because you're not on top today don't mean you ain't gonna be on top forever. Who would have ever thought Toronto would have won this year? Right? That came out of nowhere. Everybody was saying what about the east? Everybody was saying what about the east? They don't got a chance. Right? All kind of stuff happened. They got a chance. So I love it. Good. 2 one.
Eric Thomas 00:03:48 - 00:04:11
Where we at, baby? Talk to me. This is where the rubber meets the road where you take personal accountability. Good. Hey. Can I say this? No disrespect to rap and where rap is, but, like, don't try to be something you like, don't listen to stuff on and try to be something you're not. Alright? Don't be like a studio gangster. Right? For real, some of y'all, you come from good backgrounds. Like, embrace that.
Eric Thomas 00:04:12 - 00:04:31
Some of y'all come from good homes, good parents. You got 2 parents at the crib, or you got your mom and your dad both involved in your life. Your grandma dog gone took you to church. Your mom pray with you, and you get out the house trying to act like you feel me? Look. I like I told you, I'm from the shot. You can look up my birth certificate. I went to school too in Detroit. You can look it up.
Eric Thomas 00:04:31 - 00:04:42
I don't gotta act like I'm hard. I don't gotta act like I'm nothing. Like, I'm going to be who I am. Y'all came out y'all all came outside. Each one of y'all, when y'all came outside, I did what?
Random 00:04:42 - 00:04:43
Shook your hand.
Eric Thomas 00:04:43 - 00:04:56
I shook your hand and look you in your eye and said, what's up? And I said, I said, what to you? I said, who I, who I was and where I'm from. Some of y'all, you big time. You like, whatever. Who was this jerk?
Random 00:04:56 - 00:04:57
Or who's this dude?