Creator Database [Kayla Itsines] Train With Kayla Itsines - 10 Minute Ab Workout!
Kayla Itsines 00:00:00 - 00:00:10
Today, I'm gonna take you through a 10 minute follow along ab workout with me. Now you can do this anytime. You can do this anywhere, and you do not need any equipment. So there are 6 exercises, 3 rounds.
Kayla Itsines 00:00:10 - 00:00:32
And don't worry, I'll give you a rest in there too. Let's do this. Alright. So we're starting with plank dips. Make sure you keep your hips nice and high and keep breathing through this. Well done, everyone. Keep it going. We're getting into an X Plank next.
Kayla Itsines 00:00:33 - 00:00:55
You got 10 seconds to go. Keep pushing through. 321. Let's go. Alright. So we're touching our opposite foot. Nice and steady. Touch your opposite hand to foot.
Kayla Itsines 00:00:55 - 00:01:20
Now keep your wrist in line with your shoulder and always make sure you're coming back into that plank position each time. We're going to a standing x crunch next. So get ready to get up. 3, 2, 1. Let's go up and standing. Ace crunch. We're touching our opposite elbow to knee now. Good.
Kayla Itsines 00:01:20 - 00:01:42
Really get that knee and elbow touching. So crunch in. Go down, everyone. Keep breathing. It's only 30 seconds per exercise. We're going into ab bikes next. We've got 10 seconds. 321.
Kayla Itsines 00:01:42 - 00:02:05
Let's go down. Alright. Into ab bikes. So get that opposite knee to elbow and and really rotate at your torso. So make sure you're rotating at your torso. Push that opposite leg out. Well done, keep breathing. We're going to a bent leg jackknife next.
Kayla Itsines 00:02:06 - 00:02:28
Keep going. Let's go. Straight into it. The legs out, arms out, and then crunch in. Now my head is off the ground because I'm pressing my lower back into the floor. If you want your head down, you can. Keep pushing through. Keep breathing.
Kayla Itsines 00:02:31 - 00:03:02
Bring those knees in. So we're going to commando next, everyone's favorite exercise. 321. Let's go. So down to plank, up into high plank. Down to plank, up into high plank. Keep that elbow and that shoulder in line, keep that forearm back straight, don't rock too much, breathe the whole time. Now, if you want to drop down to your knees, you can.
Kayla Itsines 00:03:05 - 00:03:29
Let's go. Keep going, not long. Gonna have a rest after this and rest. So I'm dropping down here and I'm stretching out. But this is child's pose, and then I'll go in and stretch out my abs. Grab a drink. Whatever you want, guys. I'm just gonna do a few stretches here.
Kayla Itsines 00:03:31 - 00:04:11
We're gonna get straight back into it soon to get back down on the ground. Let's go straight into those plank dips. Keep those hips up, push away. That's good. Sink down nice nice and low, focusing on those oblique muscles. Moving into an x plate next. Almost there. Push through push through.
Kayla Itsines 00:04:12 - 00:04:36
321, let's go. Make sure you're touching your opposite foot. Nice one guys. Keep it going. Keep returning to that push up position. Touching that opposite foot. If you can only get your shin, that's fine. We're going to standing x crunch.
Kayla Itsines 00:04:38 - 00:04:58
Keep going. 321. Let's go. Standing up. Crunch crunch. Touch that opposite elbow to knee really crunch in. Crunch down. Get that opposite knee and elbow touching.
Kayla Itsines 00:05:01 - 00:05:19
Going to add bikes next. Make sure you keep breathing through all of this. 3, 2, 1. Down on the ground. Let's go into ab bikes. So get that opposite knee to elbow. Push that other foot away. Rotate at your torso.
Kayla Itsines 00:05:20 - 00:05:48
You can go as fast and as slow as you want. The higher you bring your feet the easier it becomes. The lower you lower your legs the harder it becomes. I'm going at a nice slow pace here really focusing on my core. We're going to bent leg jackknife next. 5 seconds. 4, 321, let's go. Stretch all the way out, come in.
Kayla Itsines 00:05:53 - 00:06:31
If you find this difficult, if your abs are burning, you can place your feet on the floor and lift up from the floor. You don't have to extend all the way up. Keep breathing. Let's go to commandos starting in 5, 4, 321. Let's go straight into commandos. You want a quick transition. Keep that elbow in line with your shoulder. When you're up, keep that wrist in line with your shoulder.
Kayla Itsines 00:06:31 - 00:06:52
Core on. Make sure you're breathing. Really get out of your comfort zone here, guys. We're going into our rest in 5, 4, 321, and rest. Stretch out those abs. Stretch out. Stretch out those abs. Good.
Kayla Itsines 00:06:55 - 00:07:27
If you need to grab a drink, so I'm gonna stay here and I'm gonna stretch out my abs for a bit. We're starting in 5 seconds everyone. Last round. 3, 2, 1, let's go. Back to those plank dips. Side to side keep those hips up nice and high. Push away. Keep breathing.
Kayla Itsines 00:07:33 - 00:07:54
Let's move into that x plank coming up. Quick transition, everyone. 3, 2, 1. Let's go. So quickly transition into your next exercise. Your abs should definitely be burning by now. You wanna make sure you're breathing. Take big, deep breaths.
Kayla Itsines 00:07:57 - 00:08:31
Make sure you're returning to that push push up position every single time. Moving into standing x crunch next. 321, and standing up. Fixing my hair. Sorry. Here we go. Crunch crunch. What arm bring that elbow and that knee together? Don't underestimate this exercise.
Kayla Itsines 00:08:31 - 00:08:49
It does burn. Let's go. Under 10 seconds. Push through. Big deep breath. 5, 4, 321. Down the ground into ab bikes. I've definitely slowed my pace down.
Kayla Itsines 00:08:49 - 00:09:19
I'm really focusing on my core here. The slower you go the more this burns. Push away with that opposite leg. Moving straight to bent leg Jackknife, I can definitely feel my abs burning here. Almost there. Let's go. Extend all the way out and back in. Really get out of your comfort zone.
Kayla Itsines 00:09:19 - 00:09:52
I know this can be hard, but get out of your comfort zone and push through, keep pushing, keep breathing. Keep going. 10 seconds. Keep pushing 5 seconds. 4321 and into commandos. Last exercise. You've got this. If you need to, you can drop down to your knees, but try not to stop.
Kayla Itsines 00:09:54 - 00:10:20
20 20 seconds and we're done. Keep going. Last 10 seconds. Push through. 5 seconds. 4 321 and done. Stretch it out. Well done.
Kayla Itsines 00:10:21 - 00:10:30
My abs are absolutely burning. Well done, everyone. Grab a drink. Have a great day. I'll see you for our next workout.