Creator Database [Marina Mogilko] 50 COMMON ENGLISH PHRASES
Marina Mogilko 00:00:00 - 00:00:32
Hey, guys. Welcome to my channel. In this video, I'm gonna give you top 50 English phrases that you can use in your everyday life. So if you are just about to embark on a journey to an English speaking country, you can totally use these phrases. If you have been learning English for a while and you wanna resume learning, this is the best video to start with. So let's go, 50 phrases in English in hopefully 10 minutes. Phrase number 1, this is another way to ask how are you, how is it going?
Sample Clip 00:00:32 - 00:00:33
How's it going?
Marina Mogilko 00:00:33 - 00:01:27
So you meet someone and you tell him how is it going? Phrase number 2, when you haven't seen somebody for a while, you tell him, long time, no see. So that means that you haven't seen this person maybe weeks or months. Long time no see. Phrase number 3, if you wanna ask him what have you been doing, you ask what have you been up to? So what was going on in your life? What have you been up to? Phrase number 4, if everything is going well, you can just answer can't complain. Everything is pretty cool. Can't complain. Next phrase, somebody tells you something and you haven't really mentioned it in the conversation, like they guess somehow that you have a new job and you ask them, how do you know? Where did you get the news? Like, how do you know? If somebody tells a cool joke, you can tell, that's a good one. That's a great joke.
Marina Mogilko 00:01:27 - 00:01:34
So the phrase is, that's a good one. If you wanna thank somebody, you can say it's very kind of you. Thank you so much for doing that.
Sample Clip 00:01:34 - 00:01:36
That's very kind of you.
Marina Mogilko 00:01:36 - 00:01:46
It is very kind of you. If somebody was trying to help you but couldn't reach the result, you can say thank you anyway. It doesn't matter, but thank you anyway. Thank you for your
Sample Clip 00:01:47 - 00:01:48
effort. No. Thank you anyway.
Marina Mogilko 00:01:48 - 00:02:07
And another phrase that I use in my email, sometimes when I have an ask for a person, I ask, and then I say in the end, thank you in advance, which means that I really hope that you're gonna do it, so I'm thanking you in advance. Thank you in advance. If somebody made a mistake and he's really upset about it, you can just say no worries.
Sample Clip 00:02:08 - 00:02:08
No worries.
Marina Mogilko 00:02:10 - 00:02:40
No worries, which means don't worry about it. It's fine. No worries. Imagine you came home and there are all of your friends sitting on your couch, and you're like, what's going on in here? Like, what are you doing here? What is going on? If you didn't catch something or didn't understand the person, you can always ask, did I get you right? And then go ahead and explain what you got. Did I get you right? If you ask somebody not to be upset, not to cry, you can say, don't take it to heart.
Sample Clip 00:02:40 - 00:02:41
Don't take it to heart.
Marina Mogilko 00:02:41 - 00:03:05
Like, seriously, don't be so upset. Don't take it to heart. Another way to ask if you didn't catch a part of a phrase, you can say, I didn't catch the last word. I'm sorry, can you repeat it? Because I didn't catch the last word. If you want somebody to repeat the whole phrase again, you can say, sorry. I wasn't listening because maybe you were busy. Maybe you were talking on the phone and somebody was talking to you, and you're like, oh my god. Sorry.
Marina Mogilko 00:03:05 - 00:03:08
I wasn't listening. Can you repeat it?
Sample Clip 00:03:08 - 00:03:10
I'm sorry. I wasn't listening.
Marina Mogilko 00:03:10 - 00:03:29
Another phrase that I use all the time, it doesn't matter. Like, don't worry. If you drop your coffee all over me, it's like, it doesn't matter. I'll be fine. I'm going to laundry anyway. It doesn't matter. If you want to wish somebody luck, and I always do that, you can say fingers crossed, and you cross the fingers like that. Fingers crossed.
Marina Mogilko 00:03:29 - 00:03:42
Another phrase that Americans use is, oh, that. That explains it. And the situation is you didn't get something, and then you get an extra fact and you get it and you're like, oh, that. That explains it.
Sample Clip 00:03:42 - 00:03:43
Well, that explains it.
Marina Mogilko 00:03:43 - 00:04:03
Another way to tell a person to not be upset is you can say things happen. Like, it's okay. Things happen. Do not be upset. If you don't know the name of a person and you wanna talk to him, you can say, sorry to bother you. You know, you see somebody's busy. You can always say, sorry to bother you, and then you can go ahead and ask, sorry to bother you.
Sample Clip 00:04:03 - 00:04:05
Excuse me, sorry to bother you. If you are
Marina Mogilko 00:04:05 - 00:04:55
in the middle of something and somebody's asking you something, you can say, I'll I'll be if you're in the middle of something and somebody somebody's asking you to do something, you say, I'm sorry. I'll be with you in a minute. I'll be with you in a minute. And then you resume doing something and you say where were we? Like, when did we stop? Where were we? And you have to repeat it because w is the sound that somebody some people, mistake with b. So this is a great way to practice where, were, we. Again, if you're in the middle of a conversation and you didn't get what the other person was saying, you can say you were saying And with a question mark, which means which prompts the person to repeat once again. You were saying? If somebody got a job of his dreams or whatever, you can say lucky you. Or somebody got into the university of their dreams, you're like lucky you.