iOS Recordings Dealing with self-sabotage
Lise Cartwright 00:00:01 - 00:00:43
Hey. Hey. Lise here, and I wanted to record this really quick audio because I have noticed over the last couple of weeks just a lot of self sabotage. And, you know, this is normal. When it comes to filtering things through what is easy and fun for you, we are always going to run into our head trying to protect us from lots of different things. Now here's the thing. Our head isn't our decision making process. We always make decisions based on what feels correct and right for us based on what our intuition tells us.
Lise Cartwright 00:00:44 - 00:02:19
But if you are struggling with self sabotage, I wanted to just give you some very quick things that you can do to really help you hone in on fixing that. Now it's always gonna come up. Self sabotage is just part of being a human being, we are not perfect. But if you are finding that you are stepping into your head, right? If you're following things like or your head is saying things like, I should be doing a, b, c, or I should be doing x, y, z, or I have to a, b, c, or I have to do this or I have to do that, any of those scenarios are you stepping into self sabotage, and you've now stepped out of doing things in alignment, doing things that are easy and fun for you. Now if you are familiar with your human design chart, the correct way for you to make a decision is to follow your strategy and authority. Now I will say this. For those of you who are in my world and particularly in my DIA membership, if you have emotional authority, this is where I see self self sabotage coming up a lot is because you lack a 100% certainty on decisions that you make, and that's okay. You've just gotta get comfy with the fact that certainty is not something that is in your makeup.
Lise Cartwright 00:02:19 - 00:03:34
You're not designed to have a 100% certainty because you need flexibility, right, that's why you have emotional authority is to allow your body to feel all the different things and lead you to a decision that is correct and aligned for you. Where we often run into problems, though, is our head is fueled by that uncertainty because our head doesn't like not knowing, which is why our head is not our decision making center. Right? The head is here to deal with logic, to deal with facts, to do problem solve, but it cannot understand potential and possibility. That's what our intuition is for. So if you are finding yourself in that self sabotage space where you keep saying to yourself, oh, why do I keep doing the same thing again and again? And it never works. Why do I keep finding myself in this situation, why does this keep happening? If that's you right now, what I want you to do is find a quiet space. So definitely need to be on your own, particularly if you're a generator or a manifesting generator. Your aura is huge.
Lise Cartwright 00:03:34 - 00:04:43
But if you don't know your human sign, it doesn't matter. You just need to be on your own. You need to be on the opposite side of the opposite side of the house if you're with people, so that you're not around anybody else. When you are in that space, I want you to sit and I want you to close your eyes and I want you to center yourself, I want you to pay attention to how you feel when you're on your own. Really focus in on that. How do you feel? Not what does my brain think? How do I feel in my body? Then what I want you to do is just sit there. Right? This is one of my favorite mindfulness practices called Just Sit There, which is literally just to sit in that quiet, in that scented space and allow thoughts to just kind of wash over you. When I do this, I imagine or I keep my eyes closed, and I can literally see thoughts passing by on a cloud, and I don't attach to them.
Lise Cartwright 00:04:43 - 00:05:26
Now this is this will take a little bit of time. It's not something that you're going to get immediately, but that's not the point. The point is to pay attention to how you're feeling, to pay attention to what you feel like on your own, and to just allow the thoughts to go by. Now if you do this for 30 minutes, I can guarantee that you're going to feel a lot better. You're going to feel a lot more centred, and then you can trust and tap into your intuition, whatever that feels like for you. Now most of us don't go through life completely unaware of what our intuition is. So follow whatever your intuition tells you. Right? You might experience it in your gut.
Lise Cartwright 00:05:26 - 00:06:19
You might just have that 6th a sense that you just know something. You might find that writing things down, journaling, processing out loud is what will help you find your intuition, but do that. But first, get yourself centered, get yourself into a space where you are calm, then trust that decision. And here's going to be, the kicker. Right? So you're going to do all of this, and you're going to feel really good. You're going to move forward, and then you're immediately going to find that your head is going to step into self sabotage again. Your job, your only job is to pay attention, to be aware of when you experience that, and then to recenter yourself and not follow the head. Right? The head is not the thing that is here to guide you.
Lise Cartwright 00:06:20 - 00:06:44
It is here to help you discover your genius. Right? That's what that's for. It's here to help you problem solve. It's here to absorb facts, it's here to logically process things, but it's not here to make a decision. So I want you to try this, and I'd love to hear how that goes you. You are amazing. You got this, and I look forward to chatting with you again soon. Take care.