Creator Database [Bailey Sarian] The spoiled brat got rid of his whole family to keep on spending! Mystery & Makeup
Bailey Sarian 00:00:00 - 00:00:40
Hi, friends. How are you today? My name is Bailey Sarian, and today is Monday, which means it's murder, mystery, and makeup Monday. If you're new here, hi. My name is Bailey Sarian, and on Mondays, I like to sit down and talk about a true crime story that's been heavy on my noggin, and I do my makeup at the same time. It keeps my hands busy, and I need it. Hi, friends. Just popping in here really quick to mention today's sponsor, Rocket Money. Look, I opened up my bank account app, you know, the other day, and I found out that I was being charged every month for a streaming service that I don't even use anymore.
Bailey Sarian 00:00:40 - 00:01:13
Like, I used it once, like, many, many, many months ago, and I was paying for it. You know? I just wanted to sign up for a free trial and watch one show. Next thing you know, I'm being charged a lot. You know? I mean, they always get us with the free trials, and then we forget about it. You know? And the next thing you know, you're just paying for stuff that you don't even use. And then on top of that, to fix it, I mean, you can waste hours and hours on the phone trying to cancel it. Sometimes they make it, like, so hard, don't they? Well, thankfully, Rocket Money is here to help. If you don't know, Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions.
Bailey Sarian 00:01:13 - 00:01:49
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Bailey Sarian 00:01:50 - 00:02:03
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Bailey Sarian 00:02:04 - 00:02:41
And not only that, let's say you just think a monthly bill is just too damn high. Well, simply upload a photo of your bill and tap a few buttons, and Rocket Money will then negotiate your bills for you. Oh, yeah. Everything from, like, Internet service to cable and phone bills. So it's time you took back control of your money. To save more and spend less, join the over 5,000,000 members using Rocket Money today. Just go to rocket sarian, s a r I a n, or click the link in the description to get started for free. That's /sarian to get started for free.
Bailey Sarian 00:02:41 - 00:03:04
Now let's get into today's story. If you're interested in true crime and you like makeup, I would say, hey, subscribe because I'm here for you on Mondays. Yeah? Great. Other than that, I'll shut up, and let's get into today's story. I actually never heard of this story. Happened not that long ago, and I just, I don't know. I'm always surprised. Every every time I do a murder mystery, I'm like, really? It gets worse.
Bailey Sarian 00:03:04 - 00:03:26
It always does. So today's story is about, like, a shopaholic spoiled teenager, pretty much, who was never told no, and that was, like, the only intro I could think of, pretty much. So let me start doing makeup. I'm thinking I'm gonna do blue today. Okay. Great. So the Harubi family, that's who we're talking about. It was a family of 4.
Bailey Sarian 00:03:26 - 00:03:57
There was the father, his name was John. Mother, her name was Joy, but everyone called her Tinker. They had a son. He was the oldest son. His name was Alan, and then a daughter named Katherine. So John, who was 50 at the time of this story, he was a publisher of a local weekly newspaper. His family, like generations before him, had owned the Duncan banner, which was a local paper. And it was, like, 3 generations in his family this paper was in, and then he ended up selling it in 1997.
Bailey Sarian 00:03:58 - 00:04:23
So when he sold the paper, it left the family, like, with a good chunk of change. You know? Like, they had a good amount of money, and they were able to live pretty, pretty comfortably. Then in 2007, John bought 2 other, local papers, the Marlow Review and then the Comanche County Chronicle. So again, local paper. It's what he knew. It was in the family. I think he liked it. Right? So he kept it going.
Bailey Sarian 00:04:23 - 00:04:38
I got eyelash glue stuck all over my lashes. This is a side note. If you know a good makeup remover that gets like I can't get the eyelash glue off. I have tried all of my makeup removers. It's so frustrating. So let me know down below. Thanks. Okay.
Bailey Sarian 00:04:38 - 00:05:04
Back to this family. So still talking about John. So John on these papers, doing very well. He was also the vice president of the foundation of the Oklahoma Press Association. He was also, like, an active boy scout leader and did lots of different charitable activities. Everyone who knew him considered him, like, very trustworthy, loyal, friendly, cheerful, just a good guy. K. Here I go.
Bailey Sarian 00:05:04 - 00:05:31
I'm kinda nervous about this blue. So Joy, his wife, she was 48 at the time. She was a formal school teacher who wrote for the local paper, the MARLO review, the one that John owned. And on top of that, she was actually a licensed private investigator. I'm not sure if she was, like, working as a PI. I couldn't figure it, but it doesn't matter. Like, she was licensed. She could.
Bailey Sarian 00:05:31 - 00:05:59
So again, everyone called her Tinker, and they had nothing but, like, good things to say about her as well, that she was a devoted friend. She was committed to doing good for, like, the community and also her family. Yeah. They just sound like, you know, simple, quiet, nice people. So then they had their 2 kids. They had Allen and then Catherine. So Catherine was the younger daughter of the 2. She was 17 at the time when the story takes place.
Bailey Sarian 00:05:59 - 00:06:28
And she, at this time, was a junior at Duncan High School, and she was, like, on the volleyball team. And it was said she was, like, really good, really smart. She was a great friend, loyal, funny. She always had a smile on her face. Her family, like, wanted their kids to, like, go to college and be successful in life. And so she was on that path to go to college and, you know, go on and do whatever, whatever she was gonna do. And then she had her older brother, Alan. And Alan and Catherine are kinda close in age.
Bailey Sarian 00:06:28 - 00:06:55
He was 18, 19. When this story takes place, she was 17, so close. And I guess growing up, the 2 of them were pretty close, like the siblings. You know? And then as they got older, they they drifted apart. It's believed because of Allen's crappy behavior, which we're gonna talk about in a second. You know, just trying to paint the picture here. Okay. So the family, the 4 of them, they lived in Duncan, Oklahoma.
Bailey Sarian 00:06:55 - 00:07:29
I guess it's like a is a pretty small area. Has like 20,000 to 25000 people living there, but the family lived in, like, a very nice nice neighborhood. They lived on Bent Tree Street, which housed people with, like, money. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's a neighborhood that you would go trick or treating at, that neighborhood. So it was said that, you know, every time you go, you know, at, that neighborhood. So it was said that, you know, everyone, not everyone, but, like, a lot of people in this neighborhood, they weren't familiar with the Herruti family. You know? They had, like, a large presence there. They were well known, and it was said they were extremely well liked.
Bailey Sarian 00:07:29 - 00:08:06
You could have not liked them. They were just nice people. There was a neighbor who would, like, later give an interview, and this neighbor was like, oh, the Hervey family would always help you out. Like, if your car wouldn't start, they'd come out and, like, help you jump your car. If, your dog ran off, they'd try and help you catch your dog, just like doing neighborly things. So they were a close family, well off, and everyone, for the most part, was, like, familiar with them. Now their son, Alan, he was not ideal. Okay? He was born December 13, 1995.
Bailey Sarian 00:08:06 - 00:08:34
Thinking about that because he's a Sag, but he's a December Sag and they're different. I can say that because I'm a Sag too. So not much is said. I don't know how he was raised or anything, but it was like once he hit his teenage years, that's when he became like little. Shit. He was a troublemaker to say the least. Well, I don't know, actually, because I don't know what it was like when he was a kid, but it was like, you know, he hit those teenage years and like that. He's just like things went south, but it could have been going south for a long time.
Bailey Sarian 00:08:34 - 00:09:01
I don't know. Anyways, what we do know is that at the age of 13, Allen, like, he got caught stealing his grandmother's car. Yeah. I'm not sure what the outcome of this was, but, you know, he did that. Then when he was 15, he was driving and he got pulled over for speeding. And he told the officer like, Oh, I don't have my wallet or anything. You know, like, ugh. Alan, he gave the police officer a fake name and a fake birthday.
Bailey Sarian 00:09:01 - 00:09:34
Like, he made it up. Right? I mean, luckily, the officer, Beep, Bob Boobs, looks up the plate and all that stuff, and he was able to, like, find the correct information. And that backfired on Allen, stupid kid. But he ended up getting charged with, like, speeding, obstructing an officer, and for having no license slash insurance. I was surprised he didn't get arrested. You know, like, isn't that like a major crime? But I don't know. Again, not sure what, like, the what happened afterwards. I'm sure he got a stern talking to, but unclear.
Bailey Sarian 00:09:34 - 00:10:09
The only positive thing I read about Allen was that in high school, he won the best actor award at, like, the Duncan theater summer teen workshop. So that was the one positive thing I read. He won that, so good for him. His peers, they felt about him based off of what I was reading. A lot of the people who knew him or whatever, they they felt like he was a a bit of a fibber. You know? Like, everything out of his mouth was like, yeah. Sure. Okay.
Bailey Sarian 00:10:09 - 00:11:02
You know? Like, Ellen was ranked well, he told people that he was the 5th ranked high school tennis player in the state, but it turns out, like, that wasn't true. His tennis coach would later say that, like, Allen actually wasn't even very good, like, at all, but he told people otherwise. Gonna be a that wasn't true. And, like, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but, like, if you look at a picture of him, male model, you know? Whoops. Whoopsie. Oops. But that's what he went with. Some of his peers would say that he came off like a bit stuck up, that he was just a big talker.
Bailey Sarian 00:11:02 - 00:11:37
And again, nobody really believed what he said. He's just always everyone was beneath him. Okay? So there was some trouble, family trouble that happened in 2012 when the police were called to the Herbie household because Allen, I guess he attacked his mom. Like, he's still a teenager. So I guess there was some kind of argument. Sources said, like, over money. I'm assuming here that he probably stole money, but whatever. What we do know is that there was an argument and Alan ended up attacking his mom.
Bailey Sarian 00:11:37 - 00:11:59
Like, he got so mad that he attacked his mom, Joy, and then he was choking her. So the police were called. I think the parents were trying to, like, spook him or something, but they didn't press charges. I get it, though. Like, it's your kid. I'm sure that's the last thing you wanna do like, press charges, but they should have. You know? So charges weren't pressed, and, like, the story would honestly get buried because they owned all the newspapers and stuff. Yeah.
Bailey Sarian 00:11:59 - 00:12:33
So they kinda, like, swept that under the rug. But it just, like, showed that Alan had a temper, and he wasn't afraid to attack. So after this, we're not sure like what the parents did. Like they probably punished him, you would hope. I'm sure they did, but there, you know, there's no like reports as to what they did. But what we do know is that the parents, John and Joy, when Allen graduated high school, which was, like, not long after this attack, they bought him a brand new Jeep as a graduation present. Yeah. I don't know.
Bailey Sarian 00:12:33 - 00:12:49
If my kids try to choke me, I would not be buying them a Jeep. Okay? Mm-mm. I'll choke them right back. You know? But then again, I'm not a parent. I don't have kids, and I'm not in their shoes. So but they bought him a Jeep, so I'm sure that really taught him a lesson. You know? But the car, it wasn't enough for Alan. He wanted more.
Bailey Sarian 00:12:49 - 00:13:28
So in 2013, Allen, he signed up for an American Express credit card, but he did so by using his grandmother's information, like her name and, you know, her social and all that, and he signed up for a credit card, got approved. He's like, hell, yeah. He He said that he would like go visit his grandma all the time. I guess she lives close by, but like, yeah. So Alan, he liked to spend money, right? He liked to spend money, and he liked to show off his extravagant lifestyle on social media. Oh, yes. He, like, loves social media. He was all over it.
Bailey Sarian 00:13:28 - 00:14:00
He used his well, his grandma's, but, like, you know, the American Express card. He used that card to book a 6 week trip to Rome, Naples, and Paris. 6 weeks. Okay. So during his trip, like, of course, he was, you know, sharing pictures along the way or at least posting pictures along the way. I mean, he's like, look. He got, like, expensive watches, wallets, cars. Like, he didn't get the cars, but you know when, like, people, like, post pictures, like, next to the car as if it's theirs? He's doing a lot of that.
Bailey Sarian 00:14:00 - 00:14:24
He was sharing a lot of these large purchases he was making on this trip. There was, like, one picture that Alan took. It was like of this $4,000 watch. And in the background, you can see like the twinkling lights from the Eiffel Tower. Can't, I can't. I hate those types of people on social media who just like, try and flex about how much money they have. Like, it's so fucking loser ish. It's so lame.
Bailey Sarian 00:14:24 - 00:14:41
Doesn't matter. Okay. Look. So he posts that. He's like, Oh, look at me. Oh, I got like, I'm living the life that you wish you had. And then like a few days later when he was staying in Paris, he was staying at, like, this really nice famous landmark hotel. It was like in the chic left bank district.
Bailey Sarian 00:14:42 - 00:15:16
I probably couldn't pronounce it, so it's just, like, a well known hotel. Okay? He, you know, he takes a photo, and he posts it on social media, and he puts the caption, like, you know you're at a nice hotel when it's the same one, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stayed there. Like, first of all, it doesn't make sense, but okay. Alright. So many would say that Alan was, like, a shopaholic, but, like, even Alan himself said that he was. His Twitter, which is still up. So, naturally, I spent forever going through all of his tweets. Research.
Bailey Sarian 00:15:16 - 00:15:54
Okay? Anyways, so he tweeted a lot. There was numerous tweets from himself where he's calling himself like a shopaholic, and there's also a ton of tweets that did not age well. Whoo. But, yeah, he loves his shop, and, like, also on his Twitter, he would always post about fast food and, like, wanting fast food. He's just, like, a dumb teenager. So there was even a blog post from Alan, which is now deleted, but this original blog post said there is no bigger rush than getting to the register at a store and swiping your credit card. And in that moment, you're waiting for the screen to say approved. You start to get heart palpitations, and you get a rush of adrenaline.
Bailey Sarian 00:15:54 - 00:17:01
By the time she's handing your stuff to you, You are so high on adrenaline, the $15,000 total does not even phase you until you've gotten home and seen the receipts. Alright. Okay. So I'm not sure, like, what he he told his parents before going on this 6 week trip. Right? Like, he must have had some kind of good explanation at first, but doesn't matter because the fun won't last it won't last long. So Alan's father, John, discovered the credit card fraud, and he ended up reporting it to police, who said that he was furious and he wanted his son, Alan, to be prosecuted. 1 of John's friends at the time said that John was, like, just beside himself, that he could tell it was really wearing on him, and, like, he was enraged. So his father followed through, and Allen was officially charged in August of 2013 with racking up nearly $5,000 in fraudulent purchases on his grandmother's card.
Bailey Sarian 00:17:01 - 00:18:05
But law enforcement, they said, like, the real amount was closer to $80,000. Yeah. I believe that more because, like, $5,000 for a 6 week trip, you know he charged way more than that. So then in January of 2014, Allen, he actually pled guilty to the charge of, the credit card theft. So after this, he would be placed on, like, delayed sentencing, which is a form of probation for young offenders. So as part of the punishment, the court ordered him to pay restitution. He also had to attend drug and alcohol counseling and complete a cognitive behavior program, and then also undergo a substance abuse evaluation. I don't know if you caught your kid doing this, like, what would be the proper punishment? Didn't learn anything, because, like, the next month, it was, like, February 20 shit didn't learn anything because like the next month, it was like February 2014, you know, Alan, his spending wouldn't be stopped right back at it.
Bailey Sarian 00:18:05 - 00:18:36
So he posted 2 photos of these expensive ass wallets, including like, one of them had the initials monogrammed on them. So, you know, it was, like, extra money for that one. He posted this online of the 2 wallets. One of them have been chewed up by a puppy, so I had, like, bite marks all over it. And Alan captioned it, 2 wallets, 2 days. Like, wow. He has so much money. He went through 2 wallets in 2 days.
Bailey Sarian 00:18:38 - 00:19:05
Oh, get better goals, people. Okay? Get better goals. Right? Come on. This doesn't flex. So he post this. No idea where he got that money from. And then a few months later, Alan started up a Facebook page that contained the following line. Having observed surgeries at Duncan Regional Hospital during his high school years, his career plans include studying plastic surgery.
Bailey Sarian 00:19:05 - 00:19:35
I guess this is was his new lie. Well, maybe it wasn't a lie. Well, it's probably a lie because he was telling people Alan was telling people that, you know, he was studying to become a plastic surgeon. Okay. You know? Alright. And then also on this Facebook page, it said that he was being represented by a public Again, Okay. Alright. Sure.
Bailey Sarian 00:19:35 - 00:20:07
Alright. Okay. Modeling. Alright. Okay. Well, Alan, he needed to keep up appearances, and he went back to what he knew, stealing from his grandmother. So this was the summer of 2014, and, like, Alan would visit his grandma, and I guess she would leave her checkbooks out, like, you know, because she's trusting or whatever that her grandson isn't gonna be a little shit. So she's leaving her checkbooks out, and he would just, like, steal checks from the checkbook.
Bailey Sarian 00:20:07 - 00:20:59
There were some sources that said his grandma had dementia, but then other sources said that she didn't. So I don't know if that was true or not, but either way, he was taking advantage of her. Okay? We can all agree on that. So between, June 1st July 15th, 2014, Alan stole some of his grandma's checks and he used them to spend around $17,500 until the bank, grandma's bank, like, had caught on and contacted her and told her that they believe she was a victim of forgery. They actually had they pulled, like, video surveillance that caught Allen cashing one of the checks. Oh, yeah. So he was caught, and he was about to get in trouble. I guess, like, nobody knew yet or at least, like, there weren't any consequences happening yet.
Bailey Sarian 00:20:59 - 00:21:27
So Allen just, like, kept posting on his social media like normal. You know? There's this one photo from August 2014. It's of Alan. It was on his social media. It's, like, on his Twitter, I think, still. But he's at the local WinStar Casino and he's holding up a cash voucher. And the caption said, like, I was the big winner. And like, but I think maybe it was sarcasm because like the cash voucher was for $41, but yeah, you know, okay.
Bailey Sarian 00:21:27 - 00:22:31
So once the summer is over, a few weeks go by and Alan, he goes to college and he's attending the University of Oklahoma where he would be majoring in political science. So no plastic surgery, I guess. So the school was about 75 miles from his Mont with mommy, all moved in. According to the students at the University of Oklahoma, the people who, like, kind of, like, knew him or was around him, they said, like, Allen would often brag about how much money he had or, like, how much money his family had. Plus he was known to go on spending sprees. He would show up to class or, like, at a friend's house wearing a Rolex watch. He would have, like, Louis Vuitton, shoes and would tell people if he traveled, he only flew 1st class. He was just annoying.
Bailey Sarian 00:22:31 - 00:23:05
On social media, anytime Alan would post something, you know, he's always showing off. He would use, like, hashtag expensive. Friends who knew him at the time, they referred to him as impulsive, spastic, and obsessed with money. And I think based off of everything we've heard, we can all agree on that. Sounds about right. So Alan has moved in, right, in October of 2014. He's driving his Jeep, and he once again gets pulled over for, like, a traffic violation. And he does the same thing that he did when he was younger.
Bailey Sarian 00:23:06 - 00:23:51
He told the officer he didn't have his driver's license, and then he gave, like, a fake name and birth date. This time, though, the officer, like, didn't look him up or anything. Just kind of like was like, alright, and, like, gave him a ticket, which is a shame. And I believe this is, like, when he's reaching his like, the boiling point. Some sources said that, like, after Alan got caught sealing his grandma's checks, he went and he borrowed money from loan sharks and, like, payments were due, but he had no money. So he needed to fix this quick. Alan decides the only way to continue this life style was to get rid of everyone. So that same night that he got his ticket, he actually drives out to his parents, his parents' place.
Bailey Sarian 00:23:51 - 00:24:34
You know? He knew that his dad, John, he carried, or he had, like, a 9 millimeter pistol in his pickup truck. So his dad was, like, at work or something, and Alan drives to his location, kinda, like, parks the Jeep so his dad doesn't see him. He finds his dad's truck. He gets into the truck. He takes the gun, and then he drives back to his college. Just hours later, John, you know, he goes out to his truck and he notices that the gun was gone. So he instantly went to the police and reported it's stolen. So Allen, he steals the gun, he drives back to his college.
Bailey Sarian 00:24:35 - 00:25:16
He, like, waits a little bit, and then he drives back out to Duncan and waited down the block from his parents. So he's doing a lot of driving. So he kinda, like, parks down the street so no one would see him. And he's, like, waiting for his mom to get home. So once he sees his mom, like, you know, pull into the house, whatever, he waits a little bit. He, Alan, snuck around the like around the house to get to the backyard so he can go through the back door. When he gets inside the house, he shot his mother in the head. When the first shot didn't kill her, he shot her a second time over what you say.
Bailey Sarian 00:25:16 - 00:25:58
I know, is Then his poor younger sister, Katherine, she was in the front driveway and she was just like out there fucking washing her car. She heard something, so she comes into the house and, you know, that's when she comes into the house, Alan shot her in the head, which killed her instantly. So then Alan said that he then waited in the house for about an hour for his dad to get home from work. Yeah. He was sitting in the house with the bodies of his mom and sister just, like, laying there, and he's sitting there for, like, an hour. What in the sick? I know. So gross. So Alan's just waiting there for his dad.
Bailey Sarian 00:25:59 - 00:26:43
So his dad does get home, and when he did, John walked into the house where Alan shot him and watched his father fall and then shot him a second time. After killing his whole family, he staged the house to make it look like well, he tried to stage the house to make it look like a robbery had happened. And then before leaving the house, he took the gun, the murder weapon, and then also, the home surveillance equipment. Yeah. He took that with him. Now some reports say that, he tossed this stuff into a nearby lake. But then I was watching, like, the court footage, and I believe they said that Alan took the stuff and put it in the family storage unit. But either way, what I'm trying to get at is he he was trying to rid the evidence.
Bailey Sarian 00:26:43 - 00:27:28
He tried. So then after doing all this, he drove back to college campus. He returned to his dorm. During the murders, Alan had left his phone in his dorm room so he wouldn't be tracked. Like, he was, you know, trying to think ahead, I guess. So when he got back to the dorm room and back to his phone, he sent out a few tweets. Some had photos of, like, the view from his dorm room, like, wow, what a nice night, walk, you know, To make it look like that he was in his dorm room, having, like, a normal evening, just being a normal college kid, nothing to see here. Now it may sound like it was late in the evening, but it was not.
Bailey Sarian 00:27:28 - 00:28:13
It was still early. I mean, I thought it was like, I was like, oh, it must be like late at night because he was doing so much driving, but he wasn't. When Allen got back to his dorm, you know, he posted all those tweets and whatnot. Then he drove out to annual football annual football game against the University of Texas. So it was like this you know, everyone was going. He didn't go to the game, but he booked a room at the Ritz Carlton Dallas so he could, like, hang out with his friends and, like, party in the room, and they could have it all weekend. I guess it's a big party scene. But he literally just killed his family, and he went out, and then he was, like, right, he's, like, partying.
Bailey Sarian 00:28:13 - 00:28:53
Alan even posted an Instagram photo of him and, like, some of his friends in the hotel room. He posted it, like, that Sunday as if nothing happened. You know, no big deal. He also tweeted, College wouldn't be half as great without these 2 peaches. Hashtag best friends, hashtag roommates, hashtag college. 1 of his friends said that, like, nothing that he said or did raised any suspicion. Like, every time he saw him on the weekend, he was happy, he was laughing, he was having a good time, and that, like, the 2 of them were up in the early morning of, like, Monday morning, just joking and studying together. Nothing literally happened.
Bailey Sarian 00:28:55 - 00:30:25
So around 9 am, Monday, October 13, 2014, Duncan police, they receive a 911 phone call from a you know, distraught woman who turned out to be the Huerube family housekeeper, who had been working for the family for, like, almost 20 years at this point. She arrived at the house like normal, and that's when she, you know, she found the dead bodies of John, Joy, and Katherine, and all of them had been shot dead. So at the crime scene, I mean, it was all 3 bodies, and then also around them were the 5 spent 9 millimeter shell casings. Sadly, the bodies weren't discovered for like almost 4 days, but people were starting to get worried when John didn't show up for work Friday morning. And also according to employees, he also failed to cover the weekly high school football game, and like John always attended football game. So it was just, like, it was weird. So when, the police get out there and, you know, they see the the crime and all that stuff, they The Duncan police, they inform Allen about his family, and it was said that he was, like, crying and, like, he was very upset, but some people, like, kinda felt like it was funky, you know? I don't know, it was acting a little bit, but So Ellen went down to the police station with them, and they're telling him about like the early stages of their investigation. The police chief noted that Allen was distressed and very upset.
Bailey Sarian 00:30:25 - 00:31:05
And then he even, like, spent a long time with a chaplain confessing his sins. Because Alan was suspected in a pending stolen check complaint, police held him for the night for, further questioning. On top of that, Allen had also violated his probation for the credit credit card fraud offenses by traveling out of state to Dallas. So they're like, we're holding you here for that. They knew something was up, okay? They just didn't know what, but they knew something was up. So police are questioning Allen, asking him like where he was. You know, he was, you know, he was, you know, up. So police are questioning Alan, asking him, like, where he was, you know, like, when was the last time he saw his family? And initially, Alan had to hold the investigators that he hadn't been home, like, for days by this point.
Bailey Sarian 00:31:05 - 00:31:58
But again, they knew something they knew something was up. So the next day, investigators, they used a search warrant to get all of Allen's toll records from the recent months. Oh, pretty smart. The toll records, they show that Alan had used the turnpike murders. Police in Norman also found 4 more stolen checks under Allen's dorm bed, along with, like, a notebook with handwritten notes that was mainly, like, him practicing signatures, I guess. So that evening, while still in police custody, Allen would eventually crack, and he confessed to killing his family. They were pushing him. There's, like, a little clip you could watch on YouTube.
Bailey Sarian 00:31:58 - 00:32:43
It's only, like, 30 seconds, but they're, like, pushing him and pushing him, and you could see he's just like, okay. I did it. Like, he couldn't take it anymore. You know? From the description of the officers, there was, like, no emotion when he was retelling what he had done. So Allen was arrested, and then investigators announced to the public that he had been charged with concealing stolen property in relation to the stolen credit card. But then, like, not long after, they had announced that Allen was the sole suspect in the murders of his family. So prosecutors alleged that Allen staged the crime scene to make it look like the killing was the act of a robber. You know? And then 3 days after his arrest, the district attorney told the media, quote, I think the only remorse he has shown is that he got caught.
Bailey Sarian 00:32:43 - 00:33:32
It's remorse because he knows his life is basically over. He's either going to be incarcerated for the rest of his life or he'll be on death row, end quote. So the district attorney also told the media about the previous incident at Allen's home where he had assaulted his mother, Joy, remember over money. He was referring to that incident where he tried to choke his mom and the district attorney called Alan, who mind you, I forgot to mention he was 19 at this time. Sorry about that. But he referred to Allen as an evil kid, which I was like, yeah, I'm sure we can all agree, we can all agree on that. Yeah. So the district attorney general said that Allen killed his parents to inherit the family's estate, and he killed his sister so he would be like the sole heir.
Bailey Sarian 00:33:33 - 00:34:29
Allen had also confessed to owing $3,000 to a loan shark in Norman, and he felt that the murders would generate an inheritance to pay off his debt, over $3,000 Wow. So Duncan police detective, his name was John Byers, he reported that Allen admitted to killing his family because he had been cut off financially due to an abundance of spending in the recent times. At first, Allen was going to plead not guilty, which is like, really dude? But it didn't last long. He ended up changing it to guilty to 3 counts of first degree murder after the prosecutors dropped their request for the death penalty. So the deal was made at the request of the surviving Hoorabee family members. They didn't wanna go to trial. They did not want this to go to trial. They didn't wanna sit through the trial or anything, and they had said that they had been through enough.
Bailey Sarian 00:34:30 - 00:35:23
So without a trial, there would be no death penalty, which personally, I think that's better. Right? Like, why give him the death penalty and give him an easy way out? Let him sit in there and just, you know, have just for the rest of his life. Like, that, I think, is worse than the death penalty. In June 2015, 15, Allen and a journalist from the local paper called the Oklahoma Oklahoman, yeah, they were in contact with one another. And the journalist asked Allen, like, why? And he also asked Allen if the tears that he was shedding in the courtroom, like, was that real? Why were you crying? Was it all for a show or something like that? Just anything and everything. Surprisingly, Allen wrote back saying, quote, I 100% welcome the death penalty. What occurred is so horrible is deserved. It is so unspeakable.
Bailey Sarian 00:35:24 - 00:36:02
This has been the hardest thing I've ever done. Which side note, I was like, This is the hardest thing you've ever done? You killed your whole family, like what? Like that part, I was like, I've got hung up on that sentence for a little too long. This is the hardest thing you've ever done. He went on to say that the tears have all been real. I lost my entire family at once. How could they not be real? Then he went on to say, Not taking a shot at you, it's just hard to hear that somehow I'm faking all this. Then he added, This didn't happen because of shopping. My shopping wasn't something I or my parents could not pay.
Bailey Sarian 00:36:02 - 00:36:26
They just thought my spending was out of control and it was. End quote. Okay. Like then, what was it, Alan? You know? Okay. It's like, okay. I don't know what anyways, Alan's letter also said that he didn't feel like himself that day, and that he's still trying to work out why he took this inconceivable action. Not once did he ever say like, Sorry, I'm sorry I did this. Sorry.
Bailey Sarian 00:36:26 - 00:37:00
He never said sorry. Not once. During sentencing in 2016, family members had showed up to give some statements. His grandpa was there and looked right at Allen and said, my only comment to the boy is, 'May God have mercy on your soul.' Period. Then John Hruby's sister, her name's Allison. She wasn't present in the courtroom, but she had requested that during sentencing her letter be read out loud. This is what I said. I have known the killer since he was born and spent many holidays and vacation time as family over the years.
Bailey Sarian 00:37:00 - 00:37:28
The killer was part of our family, but no more. He has destroyed that family by the evil and insidious acts. If there were ever a definition of evil, it would be the killer who took our family. I want him never to hurt another soul or to ever see him again, end quote. Seems like there's not enough words to, like, tell someone, like, fuck you. You know? Like, you just god. I'd wanna punch him in the face so bad. Such a there's no word.
Bailey Sarian 00:37:28 - 00:38:02
Yeah. You get it. Like, what do you even say? Allen, he he was, like, able to speak, but he was barely audible during his statement. He was just shaking and crying as he told his family members that were there, how he killed his parents and sister. But again, like, not once did he ever give any type of apology. Not once. Fucked up. So the district attorney said that he firmly believed Allen was deserving of a death sentence, but that he would honor the family's position in, like, not wanting to sit through a trial.
Bailey Sarian 00:38:02 - 00:39:03
And then he also asked the public, like, to respect the family's decision. So under the plea agreement, Allen was sentenced to 3 consecutive life terms in prison without the possibility of parole. He in turn agreed not to appeal, not to contact his relatives, not to profit from his crimes, like through book or movie deals, and to not communicate with the media. The DA said that he he's gone to prison, and no one is gonna hear from him again. After this, Alan was transferred to the Oklahoma Department of Corrections in McAllister, where he is currently serving his life sentence and will be there probably forever. He's like nothing more than a butt buddy, really, and that's gonna be the rest of his life. All for what? Stupid. So I was reading, like, where is he now? You know? And right now, they're like there's still some ongoing stuff because he did become the sole beneficiary for his father's estate.
Bailey Sarian 00:39:03 - 00:39:45
Yeah. So that includes, like, his trust, money, all that bullshit. So they're trying to, like, figure this out and how to terminate this so he doesn't get the money, but, like, there there's you know, it's a whole legal mess, really. So, hopefully, he doesn't get it, but, like, by his 35th birthday or something, if nothing, like, changes, then he would get the whole estate. Just a mess. And that, my friends, is the case of Alan Harubi. He killed his whole family for what? For what? Oh, it's so awful. Luckily, he's gonna be locked up forever, but, like, you know, that doesn't bring anyone back.
Bailey Sarian 00:39:45 - 00:40:08
Oh, so sad. The fact that he, like, killed he just killed Evelyn's sister. It's just such a sad story. I went deep, dude. He because you could find his Twitter and, like, all of his tweets and stuff. Everything else has been deleted and removed, but if you have, like, extra time and you got nothing else to do, find his Twitter. He's a little shit. Let me know what you guys think down below.
Bailey Sarian 00:40:08 - 00:40:32
I don't know what you what what? What are you gonna say? What are you gonna tell me? I don't know. Like, what I'm sure the parents thought they were doing everything that they could. You know? Yeah. Let me know what you think down below. My makeup came out cute. This is, I don't know, something to end on there. I was like, no, I shouldn't do blue. It's a little worried, because I haven't done blue in a while, but no regrets, no regrets.
Bailey Sarian 00:40:32 - 00:40:45
I like it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, let me know who you want me to talk about next time. Make good choices. Don't be a little shit out there. Okay? Fucking come on. Okay? Okay. Have a good day.
Bailey Sarian 00:40:45 - 00:40:49
Make good choices, and I'll be seeing you guys later. Goodbye.