Creator Database [Tai Lopez] 12 Foundations To The Good Life
Listen to this very carefully. This may be the most important video I have ever posted. I'm serious about that. I'm here. I'm actually in a hotel in Melbourne, Australia. But this was so important, I wanted to record it even before I got back home to California. If you're experiencing tremendous pressure, stress, it could be financial. You don't have enough money, things aren't working out for you in your life.
Listen very carefully. This is what they should have taught us in elementary school, junior high, high school. This is what our parents should have taught us. I don't know your background, but, you know, I didn't grow up with perfect background. I didn't grow up with, you know, I was born to a single mom. My dad was in prison, lived my teenage years, a lot of them in a mobile home. And so what I'm about to tell you is, like, literally what I've spent my life up to this point learning from five millionaire mentors, learning from traveling the world, building businesses, learning from talking a lot of it through social media with millions of people, and interacting with this world about health, wealth, love and happiness. Look, if you do not have a roadmap to success, I can pretty much predict your future.
People always come to me, ah, Ty, I want to be successful. I'm like, answer a few questions, I'm gonna predict your future. Who'd you learn from? Who are you learning from? Now, tell me about your upbringing. You know those three basic questions? I can predict the future. People don't like to hear that. Cause they're like, no, I'm special, Ty. I'm special, man. Once you step out the door, like Chris Rock the comedian says, once you step out the door of your house, nobody cares about you.
There's a big, bad world out there if you're broke, nobody's gonna put money in your bank account for you. Maybe you win the lottery, you be one of the billion. Are you gonna hold out for that? No. I'm gonna give you a formula. I'm gonna give you what I call the twelve foundations. There's twelve things they should have taught us in school. Twelve things. Zero was taught in school.
Literally zero. Three things about health, three things about wealth, three things about love, and three things about happiness. These twelve things, if I had known them when I was 19 years old, graduated high school, my life would be ten times better than it, you know, is now. And I have an okay life now. If you're struggling, you must learn these twelve foundations. You must. It's not even optional. It's basically, like, here's your two paths in life.
Life can suck, or you can follow the twelve foundations. Now, some people go, oh, well, there's people succeeding in life. And do they know about these twelve foundations? Well, they're doing them without knowing it. Everybody who follows the twelve foundations has a badass life. And all the twelve that don't, don't. It's that the people that don't follow the twelve don't. It's literally that simple. Why can't I say it that black and white? Well, and how do I know it's exactly twelve? Well, maybe it's 16, maybe it's eight.
The point is, you ever heard of the book the seven habits of highly successful people? That's about business. The seven habits of highly successful people. But life's not only about business and making money. You got to know how to read people. You have to know psychology, you have to know health, right? You have to know happiness, managing anxiety, procrastination, regret, all that stuff. That's why I said it's probably more. It's more than seven. So I've compiled it down into twelve things.
Let me go over some of them. I don't know if I have time to do all twelve. To really explain all twelve takes a little while. Probably take at least 12 hours. I don't have that much time right now, and you probably don't either. Let's start with money. So basically, one of the foundations is you have to know how to pick your career. Period.
Now, for some of you, your career, like me, is to be an entrepreneur, run your own business. Some of you, it's to work for somebody else. That doesn't even matter at this point in juncture. One of the twelve foundations, maybe the most fundamental foundation, is selecting your occupation. You will spend the majority of your life in some sort of occupation, okay? If you work 8 hours a day, nothing, no other single activity, not marriage, not time with your kids, time with your friends, watching football, whatever. Nothing compares with career. And there's basically zero preparation. So people just grow up and they're like, oh, my dad worked for post office, I'll do that.
Or they stumble into a job, oh, I need money. So I'm gonna drive Uber and then this. And they just like kind of randomly go from thing to thing. Even entrepreneurs, I see it. Even entrepreneurs making big money, they don't like what they do because they just randomly chose. They're like, oh, it looks like that'll make me money. My friend sells clothes online. I'll sell clothes online.
I don't really care about clothes, but I'll do it to make money. That's the wrong way to do it. There's an exact formula, okay. And it's basically like you can draw co centric circles and you have to find where all these intersect strengths, your background, you can use some cognitive quizzes and things like this and you can use. But let me just go back to that thing about strengths. See, people get very delusional about what their strengths are. Like, ah, ty, I'm good at everything. So I don't know what career I should do.
It's not what you think. You're strong at the relative to other people. So I'm good at basketball compared to somebody who's worse than me, but relative to pro basketball players, I'm not good enough to play. And so one of the things I should have tossed in school and one of the twelve foundations that I had to learn over many years because I've started different businesses. My first business was in agriculture, grass fed beef. First business, I had a consulting business. I own nightclubs all, all around North Carolina. I invested in real estate.
Still do. Real estate investor. I started a wealth management company that's still going 6000 clients, you know, manage money for individuals. I did obviously a lot of Internet stuff and social media. I own a company called Mentorbox which we just signed a contract with Walmart. We have the largest nonfiction book shipping company in the world. So I've done all these businesses and yet in hindsight I could have gotten to where I am ten times faster if someone had taught me the twelve foundations. So I just want to tell you the good news and the bad news.
The good news is if you're under tremendous pressure, you know, stuff seems to not be working out for you. The good news is there's light at the end of the tunnel. If you go down the right tunnel, there is a solution. There is a better day for you. There is. I've seen it. I've been broke and then all of a sudden I've made a million dollars in a day. You know, I made a million dollars in an hour before and I've been completely broke.
Sleeping on a couch in a mobile home. It's like I've been on both ends of the spectrum. I can tell you there's light in the end of the tunnel. But when you go down the wrong tunnel, which is what most people are being led down in this modern world, it's only darkness there and people go, oh, things will get better. Now if you go down the wrong tunnel, there's no light. So I gotta get if. And this is the reason I'm recording this is I get about 10,000 snaps. Instagram, DM's, all that per day.
And I see, man, that people are hurting. Twitter. I posted a Twitter and it was like, controversial. I said, if you're not traveling four times a year, like, you're missing out on one of life's greatest pleasures. And people were like, but ty, we're broke. We can't even travel once in ten years. And so I feel the pain of the world. So I was like, I gotta lay this out simpler.
Not everybody has time. I've spent decade over a day. I started when I was a teenager as an entrepreneur, traveling the world, learning from mentors, reading books and experimenting with my own businesses. And I've been lucky enough to meet some of the greatest minds in the world. Billionaires, top entrepreneurs, people that have reached the top. And I've asked them the same question. And that's how I came up with this. Twelve foundations.
So, like I said, the twelve foundations. There's three things you got to know about health. There's three things you have to know about wealth. There's three things you have to know about love, friends, family, romance. And there's three things you have to know about happiness. If you can keep these twelve things as your central guide to life from today forward, I promise you this, you will revolutionize your life so much that when your friends meet you six months from now, twelve months from now, you will be unrecognizable in every area. Health, wealth, love and happiness. I know how to make money.
Like I said, I've made a million bucks in an hour. But if you don't have the other three things, health, well, love and happiness, then it's all empty on the other side. I've had love before, but no money. And then you're so stressed out, what's the number one cause of divorce? Financial stress. And I've seen people who have love and who have wealth and even have health, they got a six pack, but they have massive anxiety or depression even, because depression can come even with all those other things. So you got to manage all four of these things. And each of them, like I said, I divide into three. So four, eight.
Yeah, 4812. Sorry, three. Three, 6912. Right. There's four things with three inside of them. My math, I am shocked at look, as I look back at my life and go, I didn't know those three. I didn't know those three. I didn't know those three, and I knew those three, so I knew like three out of twelve.
There was nine things missing in my life. So life kind of sucked then, or the time when it was even worse. I only had three of them. I was young, I was healthy, but I had no wealth. I didn't have the three foundations of wealth in my life. I didn't have the three social ones. Love, you know, romance. We could say friends and family wasn't working right.
I had a messed up family. Friendships weren't right, I was friends with the wrong people. Social life was messed up. And I, again, I've had all nine and not the last three. Happiness, overcoming anxiety, procrastination, regret, depression. How do you actually be happy? Because really, the twelve foundations, like the first nine, are just building for the 12th, the 10th, 11th and 12th. So you got a choice. Life's at a crossroads at every moment.
Like I said, there's light at the end of the tunnel, but the whole world's going down the road. The whole. The wrong tunnel. How many people do you know that really have the twelve foundations operating in their life? You look at them physically, they're healthy, they're fit, they're eating right, they're sleeping, they feel good physically. They take pride in their body, they look good. They got the three pillars of wealth going, right. They get, they're in the right career or entrepreneurship activity. They selected correctly.
They have active investment and passive investment, because those are the two different things. So active investment is like you're making money with, let's say, your job or your entrepreneurial job, right? Career. Passive investment is while you sleep, money's being made for you in real estate, in the stock market, maybe in cryptocurrency, the new thing, right? So how many people do you know that have those three health, three parts of health, you know, which is basically diet, weights or resistant training and all the supplement side of things. They have that. So their body's good, their bank account's good, the next three, then you go to the next three. Friends, family, romance, all three of those are rock and rolling. You look at them, they got the best dating life or marriage. They've got the best friendship, social circle, best business partners, their relationship.
They've weeded out the bad people. They got, it's just like amazing. And then on top of that, they got the last three, you know, of the twelve foundations, the last three are like, they, they take all the first nine and they just make them beautiful. The happiness side of things where people just like, I've had different times of my life, man. Literally, I've had times. I remember a real. I remember good years and bad years. Like I.
2011 was a crappy year. I didn't like 2011. Weird things with business partners we saw, didn't see the eye to eye. I remember waking up and feeling stressed. Then I worked on those three of the twelve foundations and I remember amazingly, like revolutionizing and waking up so peaceful and happy. That's the ultimate test, by the way, when you wake up, do you feel stressed? Is your mind racing? I just woke up and I was just like, ah, I feel good. But it didn't last because I didn't understand. Even at that time in 2012 ish, around then, I didn't understand.
It was kind of luck that those three of the twelve foundations were operating my life. You have to have a system. It's almost like a daily routine. You gotta have the correct daily routine, the correct mental routine. Now some people say, well, ty, what you're talking about is all about the mind. This is all in the mind. Well, the twelve foundations aren't just about the mind. They're also about income and I making money and filling up your bank account and, you know, your body all, they're like practical things too.
But yeah, like most of human life is in the mind. There's people who are millionaires and billionaires and who commit suicide. One of the wealthiest, de Beers, the guy who's started the diamond company, one of the wealthiest people in history, when he sold the De Beers company, the diamond company, he jumped off a bridge, a boat, committed suicide. The guy who started Victoria's Secret, now one of the biggest brands in the world, he jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. I'm telling you, I know people that are wealthy, but so fat they can't enjoy it. They lost their health, they can't even fit in a Ferrari. I know people that are so happy up and they got great love life, but their bank account sucks. So they're always stressed.
Like the twelve foundations. Mark my words, one day, this is what will be taught in schools, this is what will be taught in universities. Not because I've compiled these twelve things. Like they'll probably be transformed in people will put their own modifications. But I'm telling you, you are witnessing this video and I wanted to record it because I wanted to mark this day and say, let me hand you the twelve foundations. Because I. I can think of nothing, no greater gift that I could give myself if I had a time machine, if I was 19 again, man, I go back, give myself this video from. I'm here in Melbourne, Australia.
I was speaking at a conference with Arnold Schwarzenegger. And if I could just hand this video to myself and then give myself like 12 hours of training, like 1 hour per video, roughly. I mean, 1 hour per foundation. That's it. That's like, what I would do. I would do that more than give myself business tips, more than give myself a million bucks to invest in my own business. Once you get the mindset right, things start to fall in place. And if the mindset's not right, nothing works.
You need the twelve foundations. Three about health, three about wealth, three about love, three about happiness. You know, I wonder why I didn't record these twelve. I just yesterday. Start. Yesterday, I was recording the video, training for one of the twelve foundations. And it's. I was talking to my cousin and I was like, I'm almost depressed recording this.
She's like, why? I'm like, because why didn't someone tell me this? I was recording about controlling your social circle, how to build your social circle correctly. You know the saying that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, your incomes, the average of the five people that are closest to you and your social circle. All that. And I was like, why didn't they tell us that in school? Like, why was I learning geometry? Like, geometry is good, but how about the geometry of my social circle? You know, why was I learning pre calculus and calculus and algebra? Why didn't they teach me, like, how to invest in the stock market or invest in real estate? That's mathematic, but it's practical. It applies the twelve foundations these apply to, and they will begin to change your life today and this week. For those of you that start watching the twelve foundational, it will begin to change you. You can watch. I mean, if you have time, you can watch all twelve in one week, I guarantee you, you're going to go and be like me.
You're going to be happy and depressed at the same time. Happy. Because all of a sudden, your life starts to change. Your income starts to change. Start to do what you love and make money doing it. And make more money doing it. Your social circle starts to improve. Your love life starts to improve.
Your body starts to improve. You wake up happier, less stressed, less depressed. So on that side, you're going to be like, jumping for joy. On the flip side, you're going to start to have a little bit of anger. I'll talk about that in the training. How to deal with the anger, where you want to look at your family and friends and teachers and say, wait, you said you cared about me. How come you didn't teach me? How come some guy on social media recording from his hotel room in Australia is the first person to lay this out in just this simple, systematic way, transformational way? I'm gonna tell you this right now. I'll give a little hint, just forgive them.
No one taught them. I've had to do that and just go, man, b's. But you know what? Live and let live. Just move on and be glad that you learned it now. Now here's the deal. I recorded this 67 steps in 2014, which are 67 things that my mentors taught me. It was my first kind of attempt at a mindset program for people. The crazy thing is, it became one of the most downloaded courses in history about, I haven't looked recently, I would say close to 200,000 people, close to a quarter million people went through that program.
To put that in perspective, like in California, I live near UCLA. A quarter million people, like, I think UCLA has like 20 or 30,000 undergrad students. That's like ten years worth of students going through undergrad at big universities. So a lot of people went through it in 90 countries. And I was walking in the streets here of Melbourne, Australia. People come up to me literally every day and say the 67 steps, like, was the biggest thing, changed our life, blah, blah, blah. But I didn't completely have all the twelve foundations in it. So this twelve foundations is like the better version of the 67.
It's not better, they're different. Let me be clear on that. The twelve foundations, I know a lot more. I built the, the 67 steps in 2014, and I've gone through a lot in the last years and tested a lot and reached a lot more. I reach about 200 million people a year through social media. So I've had more interactions with people. I had more ability to test. I built bigger business.
Bigger and bigger and bigger businesses. Forbes named me the top ten business influence in the world entrepreneur last year named me the number one social media influencer in the world. Business influencer in the world. And so I'm not saying that to hold myself out as something special. I'm just saying, like, I've been able to reach more stuff. And this twelve foundations program, I wanted to kind of model after how I built the 67 steps. And so let me plug this in. By the way, my phone's gonna die.
Get my handy little brick here, plug this bad boy in excuse me. This is like the 67 steps. The way that that program worked, it was a paid program. It was way cheaper than university and college and high school tax dollars, all that money. But I wanted to make it a paid program, the 67 steps, because I've learned if people ain't worth. If they're not willing to invest in themselves, this stuff doesn't work. So I've tried. I've given away almost 2 billion minutes of YouTube and Facebook videos, and it.
It gets results, but not as much as the people who go in paid programs, which makes sense. Like, I've had when someone gives me a book versus when I spend $30 on it. Like, I read the book that I paid $30 for, and some people say, oh, you're just saying that because you want people's money. Not really. This is not gonna be a big part of my income. And I got. I have literally 20 sources of income right now, okay? This is not me trying to get another one. This is me going, what works for you? What works for you? And I'm telling you, becoming a learning machine and a person who invests in themselves works.
I invest at least $100,000 a month in my own education. Literally 100 g's a month, not a year. I got a CPA back that number up. I've shown it. It's obvious, too, if you watch my Snapchat, traveling mentors, coaches, consultants that I pay. And I've been doing that for years. And it's funny, the more I invest in myself every year, my income's gone up massively. And people go, oh, well, I'm not gonna pay for stuff.
I'm just gonna google it. Well, go ahead. But I'm telling you, there is a magic investing in yourself. People get it. Invest in real estate's good. Oh, okay. I do that. Invest in stock market, that's good.
I buy land. I invest in, buy businesses. It's all good. But nothing touches the ROI on investing in my own brain. So here's how this twelve foundation works. If you want to go in, I've created a test group. If you're watching this video here early, you are literally one of the first people in the world. See this.
You can come in the test group. I did the test group about a year and a half ago for my social media marketing agency. About 30,000 people have gone through that. One of the first people to go through, he made $1.2 million in his first year. So I know the power of test groups. Small group, let them in. Get your feedback. Let you be in the beta program of this thing working.
Okay, so the twelve foundations, I'm gonna put a button below or above. You click that, you get in. There's a fee to get in, and it'll be all explained on the page. For some of you, you won't want to pay the money. Don't go in the test group. It's not a big deal to me. Literally, I'm telling you, I'm looking out of 100 million people, 200 million people who watch my social media. I'm looking for a teeny group that are like committed and go, whatever it takes, I'm gonna change my life.
If it means, you know, I don't go out to sushi this weekend, so be it. You know, if it means I won't buy a $400 pair designer jeans or a like pair of shoes, that's all right. I'll sacrifice that in order to get something in here. Now, some people go, oh, was this a scam? Like you're gonna pay for online? Course, I'd never do that. Well, it's kind of like a textbook. Textbooks are a couple hundred bucks and, you know, it's. Or a regular book. I mean, seven habits of highly effective people.
I think 50 million people or 25 million people have bought that book. People have spent a quarter of a billion dollars on that book. How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie. Sold millions and millions of copies. You're talking $100 million worth. Humans have invested in their brain with that book. This is the same thing. I just use videos because they're like books.
But I can get them to you quickly and I can update them if something's wrong. And I'll have to go through a third party publisher. And I don't have to be politically correct, I can tell you. Cause some of these twelve foundations can be shocking for you when I get in, like I said. So we're gonna talk about wealth. That's the first foundation. Health, wealth. Love.
Happiness. We're gonna focus on wealth and income. Because there's already a lot of people teaching you how to be physically healthy, but not a lot of people teaching about your income. Active income, passive income. Real estate. Building businesses. Marketing. Building your brand.
How to choose a company. How to start your own business. How to do a part time business while you keep your full time business. How to invest your money passively, meaning you invest and other people grow your money while you sleep. How to build recurring income. All those things are part our foundations in the twelve foundations. And we're talking about social circle, how to read people. You know the book how to win friends and influence people.
More important that was written, I don't know, thirties or forties, long time ago, almost 100 years ago. This is the updated version. It's how to read people. See, you don't want to win friends and influence the wrong people. You got to know how to read people. Practical psychology, negotiation, weeding out, controlling your social circle, whether it be in dating, business, partnerships, friends. If you don't get this right, nothing works. Nothing works.
We're gonna talk about happiness, specific things, overcoming stress, anxiety, procrastination, knowing how to motivate yourself. Remember I said one of the biggest foundations is like the number one, you know, picking the right career. The other one is knowing what motivates you. That's how you overcome procrastination. Most people procrastinate because they don't feel confident that what they're doing really motivates them. If it really motivated you, you wouldn't procrastinate. It's like a 14 year old kid that the mom and dad can't get the kid to do anything, but the kid's motivated to play video games. Kid will ride his bike across town and buy a video game and come back like, so there's motivation there.
The parents just don't know how to find it. And as you grow, you have to know how to find deep within yourself that motivation. And once you have motivation, you have no problem with procrastination. My first mentor, Joel Salatin, I'm not a procrastinator in many ways, because he taught me at 19 one of the twelve foundations, which is how to motivate myself. People say, do you really read a book a day? How do you do all this stuff? I see you on Snapchat and now I get a lot. My Snapchat and Instagram stories are in the millions per day. People watching them. I get a lot of feedback and people are like, oh, well.
And I'm going, I was blessed by a mentor giving me one of these, but he didn't give me all the twelve foundations. But he gave me that one. He gave me a few. That was a big one. I want to pass that on to you. So the way it works, you click the link, you as quickly as you enter your card info, card numbers approved, you're in. You're gonna get twelve videos plus a whole bunch of bonuses. Okay, but I want to talk about the twelve foundations first because that's the core part of what you're getting.
Very simple. You download them on your phone, you can watch them on your phone, you can watch them on your laptop, you can download them and listen to them later. Audio. You know, while you're jogging or riding exercise bike or treadmill, you listen to those twelve videos. They're on average about 1 hour. So it's about 12 hours worth of stuff. You can do it in one week if you want. You can spread it out over a month.
But don't, don't take a year. Don't do like one a month. That's too slow. Okay. Then there's ongoing training, weekly training, live training. There's a private Facebook group I've made so you can access me and other people in the group and grow together and network. But those twelve foundations, those twelve videos are the game changer. And the cool thing is, as I add new things, I can just swap out the videos.
So it's a dynamic, living and breathing course. It's like this book. But imagine, I can pull the pages out and put better pages in without having to republish and resend the book. That's what the twelve foundations are. This is the culmination of everything that I've learned. Everything I wish I had been told on health, wealth, love and happiness, building that. How do you build wealth? They don't teach us in school. We're all broke and struggling until we find out.
And you know what? You don't have to do the 12th foundation. It took me since I was a teenager to learn this stuff. You can just spend that many years. You can spend over a decade, you know, you can spend however many years you want. But I want to give you a shortcut. Let's cut the learning curve by ten years. I don't care if you're already 70 years old. I don't care if you're twelve years old.
That doesn't matter if you're young. The advantage is, well, you learn this early and you look, oh, man, if I could learn this at twelve, I'd give all my wealth to learn the twelve foundation. Every penny I've ever earned and will earn for the next three years. Let's say that's a lot of money, that's in the hundreds of millions. But I would give that all to be twelve years old again and have these twelve videos you're about to get access to. I know that sounds dramatic, and it isn't, because I could do ten times more and ten times faster. It's not just how much you accomplish that you love in life, it's how quickly you can do it. You don't be 90 years old with the keys to the kingdom.
You want to be 90 years old and buy your first Ferrari or whatever. It's not about. I just use Ferrari because it's like a metaphor. You want to be happy at 90, you want to find love at 90. You want to find health at 90. You want to build your bank account at night by 90. Forget that. Life's too short, man.
Life to me, people like, why do you read a book a day? I got four books that I'm reading simultaneously, trying to get through these while I'm in Australia. I finished that one. Oh, no, this is one I didn't actually history one, sales one, all, the Pulitzer Prize winning one, because I'm trying to cut the freaking learning curve where the ticker, tick tock, tick tock of life is going, man. And I'm worried about this world. I'm worried about myself. When I deviate from the twelve foundations, actually, me creating the twelve foundations, creating this twelve hour, over twelve hour video training program is also been one of the most important things I've ever done, because it's forced me to be disciplined in laying out of what those twelve things are and holding myself to that standard. I deviate from it. I'm a human.
I'm as mortal as anybody. I make as much as many mistakes as anybody. The difference is, remember I said there's light at the end of the tunnel. If you get yourself going down the right tunnel, even if you make mistakes, you're still going in the right direction. You can be a wonderful person with the best intentions. If you're headed in the wrong direction, down the wrong tunnel, there's no light there, there's no endgame, there's no winning. I'm telling you, I'm concerned, I am genuinely concerned that the majority, if not 99% of people in this world are not going to get what they want out of life. They are going to die.
Like Thoreau said, in the 18 hundreds, the massive men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. Resignation. Desperation is up to a maximum in the world. Look around you, Mandev. How many people do you know are thriving? They love their life, every area. And they're not delusional. They're not just saying that because they're embarrassed, but like, because sometimes when people, when I was broke, I'd be like, no, everything's good.
Because I didn't want to admit I was like, oh, money doesn't matter at all, because I was tricking myself I was trying to fool myself and others into thinking that some of the twelve foundations weren't important. They're all important. The three foundations of health, the three foundations of wealth, the three foundations of love, the three foundations of happiness, do not leave any of those out of your life. And some of you are entrepreneurs making a lot of money. And I meet you and I'm like, talking to you and I'm going, they're missing half the twelve foundations. They ain't going nowhere. I don't care how much money. You know how many people I've made millionaires? Not trying to brag.
Do you know how many people I'm literally in the process of compiling. I call my 300 group. It's more than 300, but there's. So it's hard to reach everybody. I'm flying them all into my house. The first 300 that I'm documenting. But not all of them are on the right track. That's why I created the trial foundations for those people.
If you're one of those people that I've helped make, six figures, seven figures, even eight figures go in the twelve foundations. Some people go, well, I'm not gonna spend that kind of money, Ty. I'm just not gonna. Well, what are you gonna spend the money on? I don't understand. Sometimes. Well, Ty, gotta pay the bills. I gotta pay rent. Well, yes, you do.
To make somebody else rich. I get it. You're just like the mass of people. They pay their rent, the landlord takes the money and builds wealth because you're paying off the building for them. Or you got a bank, you got to pay your mortgage. I know. And bank of America, or Wachovia, or Chase Bank, HSBC, they're making interest on you. You're making them wealthy.
That's the problem. People go, well, I got bills to pay. We'll cut some of the bills, keep some money every month. Aside to invest in your brain. I started in 2001, putting $500 investment into my own brain. I bought a course by Corey Rudolph. It transformed my life. In nine months, I went from zero, literally.
Well, I had about a $500 saved up. I put it all into this course, but basically zero. I went to making six figures almost on autopilot. Like, I had six figures. I had about six to $10,000 a month coming in within nine months of investing in my own brain. In 2001, I was one of the first people to use Google Ads. It's called adwords. I was one of the first people.
I wouldn't have known about that. I was a kid living in a mobile home before that, you think I would have learned about marketing? I want to learn how to go online and make money online in 2001. No, it's because I invest in my brain and I caught a trend before most people. I got an angle, I got an edge. I got a competitive advantage. If you don't have that, you ain't going nowhere fast. You're gonna get caught in the crowd and the crowd's gonna hold you back. Get every competitive edge and angle you have.
Even if you have to pay for it. Even if you have to pay. When you click this button. I'm not apologizing. People get mad at me. There's a group of people online that are mad that I charge money and I'm like, I'm over it. I then don't buy it. It's a free world.
Free country, man. Buy whatever you want. Those same people that complain about that, you know what they buy? They go into McDonald's, one of the wealthiest company corporations in the world, $28 billion. They're eating junk food, they're eating fast food. They're. But everybody spends money. I'm not even making fun of them for eating fast food. Sometimes I eat fast food.
I'm not. Perfect health. This isn't about perfection. My point being, your money is going to flow out of your bank account somewhere. Why not divert some of it into your own brain? I'm not trying to get rich off you. I'm opening a small test group of people who are serious. Jaden Gross got him. Was in my test group of the SMMA program.
He's now second year. He's 22. He's on track. He thinks he'll be making $10 million this year. Last year he made 1.2 million and netted 400. Over 400,000 he's now. And he went from zero income, never had a bank account, never filed a tax return, to now filing with IR's in the US for pay taxes at I think four or 500,000 or something. I'm not sure his exact tax return.
But the point is, if you make that much, you're in the 99.99% of the world. Because of what I showed him how to do. I showed him step by step. I didn't even give them the twelve foundations. Jayden, if you're watching, make sure you get in the twelve foundations. Cause this is the whole plan here. I just gave you some of it, my friend. Those of you who are in my drop shipping course, how to make money online or all the other programs real estate investing.
I want you to know you just got some of it. This trial foundations is all of it. This is all I know. This is it. This is my last video and I die. I hope I leave. This is what I want to leave to the world. Honestly, you know, this is what I want.
I don't have kids right now, so, you know, this is what I want to leave to the world. This is like my, this twelve foundations, as I told you at the beginning of video, to me is the most important thing that I've ever done. And maybe it's the most important thing I ever will do to give you the twelve foundations to build your life. Train you in theme. Now, you don't have to come to me. You can get the videos, download them, put a headset on or watch them. Pay close attention, take notes. Twelve videos, about 1 hour each.
Some are a little longer, some are a little shorter. It averages out to roughly 12 hours. Then I've got. You'll see when you click the button, there's bonuses, there's advanced training, there's all this other stuff. But the twelve foundations. Get the twelve foundations and then I. I'll give you a little exercise to begin to put them in place and practice in your life. And as you do that, health is going to start falling in place.
Well, now you might already be healthy, so some of that stuff might not be relevant to you. Work on the twelve foundations that are. You're the weakest on. You can skip around. Do the wealth ones. If you're already wealthy, do the ones on happiness or love. Now people go, Ty, who are you to think you'll know all these things? I don't. A lot of what you'll learn about social circle is from my mentor, doctor David Buss.
He was a professor at Harvard, now he's a professor at University of Texas, Austin. He wrote the textbook on evolutionary psychology. Him along with the top scientists in the world. This isn't just me making up stuff. Say, oh, ty, who are you? How do you know about real estate? Investing in this and wealth and building businesses and that? Well, I've had some of the best mentors in the world. I'm lucky enough now to call, you know, friends or acquaintances with some of the most powerful business people ever to live. I've interviewed them, I've talked to them, I'm partners with some of them in business. I'm gonna give you what they tell me behind closed doors.
You think all these people are gonna give this stuff out? Doctor David Buss. I pay him he's a paid consultant. He's not gonna just reveal all this stuff. These business billionaires and millionaires, you think they're just gonna go around and make YouTube videos? They don't make any YouTube videos. They don't make any. They sometimes wonder why, why I do it. I'd be like, well, I have a different upbringing than you. You know, a lot of them, some of them inherited their money, some of them had parents that gave them businesses and things like that.
I didn't have that. And I'm telling you, there was a point in my life where I said, I prayed to God. I'm not super religious. I pray to God. I said, if you help me out of this, if you bring me mentors that help me, I will share this one day with the world. And this is me. And that's what I've been doing on my free YouTube videos. And those reach a lot of people.
Facebook videos. But more importantly, I want that small test group. I love the movie 300. You seen that movie 300 Spartans? They were better than a whole army. And I know how to reach a lot of people, but I want to reach a few of you. And if this appeals to you, you'll know. If this doesn't appeal to you, just close this video. You shouldn't be watching this far.
This isn't for everybody. I'm not trying to make. Maximize sales and profits and do a marketing and get a landing page that you're gonna be ultimately convinced by and by. That's. That's not what I care about. Give me a small handful of people who get it, who are committed, you know, give me 300 people. You change the world, there's a ripple effect. Give me 300 people who have mastered the twelve foundations of health, wealth, love and happiness, and like, that ripple effect will begin to change the world.
People are always talking about who's the president? And wars and crimes and mass shootings. I don't know how to fix all of those. But I'm gonna tell you one of the best ways. I don't know the whole answer, but I'm gonna tell you one of the most common sense ways. Get a ripple effect going. Pay it forward. A small group of people have transformed their lives from rags to riches. Let them pass on the story to a few people, to 300 people that they know, and those 300 to 300.
And the next thing you know, the whole world has changed. And maybe I'm naive on that. And people go, that's never going to happen. I don't know. I've seen it start to happen. And it's bigger than me. This is bigger than me. Twelve foundations is bigger than me.
Yes. I've compiled it for you. I put in some of my own original stuff. I've taken, some of my mentors have taught me. But I've made this. You know, if you went around the world and tried to find this, it would be like 200 hours. It'd be too complicated. The biggest task that I've accomplished for you is to make this easy to remember, easy to learn and easy to put in practice, so that you won't procrastinate, so that you won't invest in another book, another course, another video.
And it not work. This will work. All I need from you is a commitment to take it seriously and listen to twelve videos or watch. Listen to twelve audios or watch the twelve videos. Your choice. Video or audio. You do that and I'll do my part. There's ongoing training.
There's extra bonuses to round this whole thing out. But you listen to those twelve. And all I ask of you, you don't need to thank me. I get people sending me gifts. I'm telling you, I've affected the lives. Not just me, but these programs. There's other people, you know, my business partner's in them. So I'm not taking credit.
But I've seen what I'm. What this movement is change an incredible amount of people's lives. But it's not enough. It's not enough. It wasn't complete. And I realize that now in hindsight, and I apologize for that. But I didn't know how to do this before. And so I hope, and all I really ask is that when it begins to transform your life, not just a little change here, when we say transform your life, that you'll send an email.
Just send me an email. Okay. just saying how it changed your life. You don't even have to thank me. I'm not doing this for thanks. You paid for it. You don't have to thank me.
But I want to know. I want the testimonials. Because that's one of the highlights of my day. It's cool waking up. Every day. I post them. You see them on my snap and Instagram. There was literally a guy who went in one of my real estate programs who was in the test group.
It's closed. You can't even get in. By the way, this group is going to close. I didn't mention that. I don't want you to feel like there's urgency, and I'm trying to pressure you, but there is urgency. I close these test groups. The real estate test groups closed. I just posted if you saw my Snapchat or Instagram story with his actual Facebook so you can follow up with him to make sure I'm not lying about it.
He closed a real estate deal for $144,000 he was making in the first couple months of getting in my test group. In that investment program, he's making $17,000 a month. Never made any money before. He was a young guy. Now he's moving up. He's just closing 150,000. It was $144,000 deal. Profit.
That's the profit side of it. I've seen this stuff work. I love waking up to the testimonials. That's what I ask from you. Send me the testimonials. That's it. You don't have to send. Thank you.
I'm not a special person. Whatever. I don't deserve, you know, whatever. I don't even CAre what you think of me. But send me the truth on how this stuff changed your life, because it'll also inspire other people, a lot of people on the fence. You might be on the edge on this. You're like, tye, I I don't know if I want to do this. I don't know if I have time.
You have time. I've made it EASY. Put a headset on when you're on the way to work, when you're at work, on a break, when you're at lunch, when you're, you know, brushing your teeth. Watch the videos while you're on a treadmill, at the gym or at your house. Go for a walk, go for a jog. Do it with a friend, whatever. You have the time. People say, but I don't have the money for this.
Trust me, everybody has the money for the things that they want. I remember I grew up, growing up, I lived next door to the projects in North Carolina, and we didn't have a lot of money. We weren't in the projects, but we were literally adjoining the projects. And I remember, man, even in the projects, people had new shoes because that's what they prioritized. So you got to change your priorities. Joel Salatin, my first mentor, used to say, there's no change without a change of routine. One of the routine things you have to change is your priorities. If you make this a priority, it'll work for you.
You'll find the money. If it's not a priority, you won't and you'll procrastinate like most people. Okay, people, go. One question you might have is, Ty, but how do I know this will work for me? I see it works for you, and you talk about these other people, but how do I know if it were for me? Ty, my situation is different. No, it's not. If you're a human, I don't care where you live in the world, literally, this works in every continent. Every country. I don't care if you're starting out poor, if you're starting out, you know, if you're like me, you know, you're mixed.
You're white, you're black, you're asian. But this male female doesn't matter. Humans DNA is all the same. Literally, DNA is almost identical from person to person. We all come from the same gene pool, basically. Okay, hopefully you didn't marry your cousin or your mom didn't marry your cousin, but you know what I mean? This stuff works. The way you become happy, the way you become wealthy. You think it.
You think it matters. Oprah Winfrey's a black woman. You think the way she built wealth is totally different than the way Elon musk built wealth. White male. Yeah, there's some differences. There's some challenges. If you are a minority, I get it. My last name's Lopez.
You gotta preach to me. Okay? But the basic thing don't matter. It doesn't matter. One of the twelve foundations you'll learn is how to not make excuses. Yeah, you can make life's hard. I get it. Life's real hard. And what you're going to do about it, I hope you move forward.
And that's one of the foundations that you'll learn about. A little more advanced stuff than that, but that's the gist of it. So if you're thinking of getting in this, but you're held back because you don't think it'll work, because of your age, you're young, you're old, you're middle aged. Man, enough is enough. What else are you gonna do if you're young? Do you want to wait 20 years to learn the secrets? If you're old, do you want to wait 20 years till you're dead? If you're middle aged, you want to wait till you're old? I mean, like, I don't even get that argument, but people make it all the time. What about if you think, well, ty, can I trust this? Can I trust you? I got a refund on the thing. Go through it. It doesn't work.
For you, I'll send you your money back. And you got to get the twelve foundations for free, okay? Don't abuse this, please. But for genuinely. Whatever. You didn't think it worked? I believe in this so strongly. I give you 100% of your money back. What else could you want for that? This stuff works. This is the most important day of your life.
I'm telling you. If you're willing to get in and actually implement it. I know that's a bold statement, but life? Seize the day. I'm seizing the day. Life favors the bold. Fortune favors the bold, is the exact statement. But I like life because fortune sounds too much about money. Only life favors the bold.
I'm being bold, and you be bold, too. You gotta change. What you've been doing hasn't been working. You've tried books, you tried this, you tried all this stuff. Has it been working? Maybe it's worked on some of your life, but. Or all twelve foundations rocking and rolling, in health, in wealth and love and happiness. Are you like one to ten? I'm a ten in all four of these. That's what you got to aim for.
And you might not hit a ten in all four, but you need to be an eight or more out of ten in all four of those areas. The twelve foundations are going to get you there. Start to fix your bank account. Start to fix your income. Start to fix your love life, happiness, social life. No more betrayal by people. No more being broken, worrying every month. No more procrastinating anxiety.
No more regret. Let's do this. Those of you who are interested, I'm not going to try to convince you anymore. I want the people that are ready to go. And if you're not, it's not your day. For those of you that it is your day, click the button. It's either above or below, depending on if you're on your phone or your laptop. As quickly as you get in, you can start learning.
You can start adopting the twelve foundations. And as I said, send me that testimonial with how it transformed your life. That's all I ask. All right, thanks so much and I'll talk to you soon. Bye.