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Tai Lopez
00:00:01 - 00:00:23
Listen to this very carefully. This may be the most important video I have ever posted. I'm serious about that. I'm here. I'm actually in a hotel in Melbourne, Australia. But this was so important, I wanted to record it even before I got back home to California. If you're experiencing tremendous pressure, stress, it could be financial. You don't have enough money, things aren't working out for you in your life.
Tai Lopez
00:00:23 - 00:01:07
Listen very carefully. This is what they should have taught us in elementary school, junior high, high school. This is what our parents should have taught us. I don't know your background, but, you know, I didn't grow up with perfect background. I didn't grow up with, you know, I was born to a single mom. My dad was in prison, lived my teenage years, a lot of them in a mobile home. And so what I'm about to tell you is, like, literally what I've spent my life up to this point learning from five millionaire mentors, learning from traveling the world, building businesses, learning from talking a lot of it through social media with millions of people, and interacting with this world about health, wealth, love and happiness. Look, if you do not have a roadmap to success, I can pretty much predict your future.
Tai Lopez
00:01:07 - 00:01:30
People always come to me, ah, Ty, I want to be successful. I'm like, answer a few questions, I'm gonna predict your future. Who'd you learn from? Who are you learning from? Now, tell me about your upbringing. You know those three basic questions? I can predict the future. People don't like to hear that. Cause they're like, no, I'm special, Ty. I'm special, man. Once you step out the door, like Chris Rock the comedian says, once you step out the door of your house, nobody cares about you.
Tai Lopez
00:01:30 - 00:01:50
There's a big, bad world out there if you're broke, nobody's gonna put money in your bank account for you. Maybe you win the lottery, you be one of the billion. Are you gonna hold out for that? No. I'm gonna give you a formula. I'm gonna give you what I call the twelve foundations. There's twelve things they should have taught us in school. Twelve things. Zero was taught in school.
Tai Lopez
00:01:51 - 00:02:18
Literally zero. Three things about health, three things about wealth, three things about love, and three things about happiness. These twelve things, if I had known them when I was 19 years old, graduated high school, my life would be ten times better than it, you know, is now. And I have an okay life now. If you're struggling, you must learn these twelve foundations. You must. It's not even optional. It's basically, like, here's your two paths in life.
Tai Lopez
00:02:18 - 00:02:46
Life can suck, or you can follow the twelve foundations. Now, some people go, oh, well, there's people succeeding in life. And do they know about these twelve foundations? Well, they're doing them without knowing it. Everybody who follows the twelve foundations has a badass life. And all the twelve that don't, don't. It's that the people that don't follow the twelve don't. It's literally that simple. Why can't I say it that black and white? Well, and how do I know it's exactly twelve? Well, maybe it's 16, maybe it's eight.
Tai Lopez
00:02:46 - 00:03:11
The point is, you ever heard of the book the seven habits of highly successful people? That's about business. The seven habits of highly successful people. But life's not only about business and making money. You got to know how to read people. You have to know psychology, you have to know health, right? You have to know happiness, managing anxiety, procrastination, regret, all that stuff. That's why I said it's probably more. It's more than seven. So I've compiled it down into twelve things.
Tai Lopez
00:03:11 - 00:03:31
Let me go over some of them. I don't know if I have time to do all twelve. To really explain all twelve takes a little while. Probably take at least 12 hours. I don't have that much time right now, and you probably don't either. Let's start with money. So basically, one of the foundations is you have to know how to pick your career. Period.
Tai Lopez
00:03:32 - 00:04:12
Now, for some of you, your career, like me, is to be an entrepreneur, run your own business. Some of you, it's to work for somebody else. That doesn't even matter at this point in juncture. One of the twelve foundations, maybe the most fundamental foundation, is selecting your occupation. You will spend the majority of your life in some sort of occupation, okay? If you work 8 hours a day, nothing, no other single activity, not marriage, not time with your kids, time with your friends, watching football, whatever. Nothing compares with career. And there's basically zero preparation. So people just grow up and they're like, oh, my dad worked for post office, I'll do that.
Tai Lopez
00:04:12 - 00:04:32
Or they stumble into a job, oh, I need money. So I'm gonna drive Uber and then this. And they just like kind of randomly go from thing to thing. Even entrepreneurs, I see it. Even entrepreneurs making big money, they don't like what they do because they just randomly chose. They're like, oh, it looks like that'll make me money. My friend sells clothes online. I'll sell clothes online.