Creator Database [Brian Dean] How to Get More Views on YouTube (NEW Strategy)

1️⃣ One Sentence Summary
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Brian Dean shares the SQL technique for more YouTube views.

🔑 Key Themes
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1. SQL technique for more YouTube views 2. Suggested video is a key traffic source 3. Find popular videos in your niche 4. Create better, longer "sequel" videos 5. Use attention-grabbing intros and pattern interrupts 6. Optimize videos for suggested video placement 7. Increase click-through rate with standout thumbnails

💬 Keywords
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1. YouTube views 2. SEO technique 3. Suggested video 4. YouTube search 5. Video SEO 6. Keyword research 7. SEO tutorial 8. Video rankings 9. YouTube algorithm 10. Expected watch time 11. Video engagement 12. Video intro 13. Video length 14. Audience retention 15. Pattern interrupts 16. Video optimization 17. Video metadata 18. Target keyword 19. Video title 20. Video description 21. Video tags 22. Click-through rate (CTR) 23. Thumbnails 24. Human faces in thumbnails 25. Video analytics 26. Competitor analysis 27. YouTube Creator Academy 28. TubeBuddy 29. vidIQ 30. Incognito mode

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 YouTube SEO led to significant increase in views.

04:06 Video watch time determines video promotion on YouTube.

09:16 YouTube understands 90-95% of spoken words. Optimizing keywords boosts video visibility.

10:50 Increase suggested video CTR for more views.

13:14 "Free strategies - pick one and share."

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Brian Dean 00:01:22 00:01:30

"YouTube SEO Techniques: In my case, 25% of my views came from search, but 41% came from suggested video. And if you can get your video to appear as a suggested video, you can get 1,000 or even millions of views. In fact, when I used the SQL technique, this video from my channel racked up over 25,000 views in less than 3 weeks."

Brian Dean 00:01:59 00:02:10

"Effective Video Marketing Strategy: Remember, the goal of the sequel technique is to show up as a suggested video. And when you get your video to appear next to a popular video, lots of people will click over and watch your video."

Brian Dean 00:02:57 00:03:02

"Understanding YouTube Success: Jeff used the sequel technique to get over a 1000000 views on one of his videos."

Brian Dean 00:04:45 00:04:51

"YouTube Algorithm Insights: So, as you can see, to show up as a suggested video, your video needs to keep people watching."

Brian Dean 00:05:15 00:05:27

"Creating Engaging Content: YouTube's data shows that the first 15 seconds of your video is huge. In fact, YouTube says that if you lose someone's interest in the first 15 seconds, they're gonna click away and watch something else."

Brian Dean 00:05:59 00:06:04

"Creating Engaging Video Intros: I let people know that I was gonna show them how to increase their Google rankings fast."

Brian Dean 00:07:13 00:07:46

"Using Pattern Interrupts in Video Production: Pattern interrupts are something that you add to your video to change things up. A pattern interrupt can be a visual, a camera angle change, a joke, music, basically anything that's different than the rest of your video."

Brian Dean 00:09:23 00:09:29

"YouTube SEO Strategy: When YouTube hears your target keyword in your video, it helps them understand that your video is about that topic."

Brian Dean 00:10:33 00:10:43

"YouTube SEO Strategies: And because my video's title, description, and tags match this popular video so well, I consistently show up as a suggested video next to that video."

Brian Dean 00:11:21 00:11:26

"YouTube View Optimization: And needless to say, the higher your CTR, the more views you'll get."

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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1. Introduction - Personal experience with YouTube views - Importance of suggested video for gaining views 2. The SQL Technique - Definition and explanation - Personal success story using the SQL technique 3. Step 1: Find a popular video in your niche - Strategies to find popular videos - YouTube search - Competitor's most popular videos 4. Step 2: Create a bigger and better video (the sequel) - YouTube's research paper on expected watch time - How to create an awesome video intro - Importance of creating longer videos - Adding pattern interrupts to increase audience retention and watch time 5. Step 3: Optimize your video - Optimizing for suggested video instead of YouTube search - Copying competitor's keywords - Saying the keyword in your video - Using the keyword in your title - Optimizing your description with competitor's keywords - Copying competitor's tags 6. Bonus Step: Increase your suggested video CTR (Click-Through Rate) - Definition of CTR - How to improve CTR - Analyzing suggested video thumbnails - Creating a unique thumbnail that stands out 7. Conclusion - Recap of the SQL technique - Call-to-action for viewers to subscribe and join the newsletter

How to Create Content Like This
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Based on the recording, there are several key strategies that other creators can use to replicate the success of this content: 1. Use the SQL (Sequel) Technique: Find a popular video in your niche, create a "sequel" that is bigger and better, and optimize your video to show up as a suggested video next to the popular one. 2. Create an engaging intro: Grab viewers' attention in the first 15 seconds by highlighting the value they'll get from watching your video and providing proof that your approach works. 3. Make longer videos: Longer videos tend to have higher expected watch time, which YouTube's algorithm favors. Aim to create videos that are at least as long as your competitor's popular video. 4. Incorporate pattern interrupts: Use visuals, camera angle changes, stories, and humor to keep viewers engaged throughout the video, increasing audience retention and watch time. 5. Optimize for suggested videos: Use the same keywords as your competitor's video in your title, description, tags, and spoken content to increase the likelihood of appearing as a suggested video. 6. Improve your click-through rate (CTR): Create a distinctive thumbnail that stands out from other suggested videos to encourage more people to click on your video. By implementing these strategies, other creators can increase their chances of creating content that goes viral and achieves a high number of views, similar to the success demonstrated in this recording.

Anatomy of Good Content
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The video transcript from Brian Dean, an established YouTube creator, demonstrates a well-structured and engaging piece of content. Several elements make this video effective: 1. Clear introduction: Brian starts by presenting the main topic and the "SQL technique" he will discuss, along with proof of its effectiveness, which hooks the viewer's attention. 2. Step-by-step structure: The content is organized into clear steps, making it easy for viewers to follow and understand the process. Brian presents three main steps: finding a popular video, creating a "sequel" video, and optimizing the video. 3. Examples and case studies: Throughout the video, Brian uses real-life examples and case studies (including his own videos) to illustrate his points, making the content more relatable and believable. 4. Detailed explanations: Each step is thoroughly explained, with Brian providing specific strategies and tactics to help viewers implement the technique effectively. 5. Engaging visuals: Although the transcript doesn't show the visuals, Brian mentions using pattern interrupts, such as changing camera angles, adding visuals, and incorporating humor, which help maintain viewer engagement. 6. Bonus tip: Brian includes a bonus step at the end, providing additional value to the viewers and encouraging them to stay until the end of the video. 7. Call-to-action: Brian concludes the video by inviting viewers to subscribe to his channel and newsletter, encouraging further engagement with his content. The combination of a clear structure, detailed explanations, examples, and engaging elements makes this video an effective piece of content that provides value to the audience while encouraging them to take action and engage with the creator's channel.