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Jessica Riddle
00:00:15 - 00:00:58
Hi, guys. Welcome to another episode of the FAKTR podcast. I'm your host, Jessica Riddle. Welcome, and thanks for listening. Today, we kick off a new 2 part training on harnessing the science of heart rate variability or HRV for enhanced patient care with doctor David Hopper. When it comes to the science of studying heart rate variability, it's more than just a data point or a health marker. HRV is a comprehensive gauge of our nervous system's flexibility and our overall physiological resilience. In this fascinating 2 episode series, our guest instructor doctor David Hopper will share the significance of understanding both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems for achieving optimal bodily functions and discuss the potential of HRV in predicting illnesses and enhancing patient care.
Jessica Riddle
00:00:58 - 00:01:24
We will also explore how this powerful tool helps athletes adjust training schedules and assists medical practitioners in planning better patient care strategies, all while steering through day to day physiological shifts. Whether you're a health care professional or someone interested in wellness and body metrics, this episode is packed with valuable insights on using HRV to its full potential. So be sure to hit that download button and grab something to take note with. Let's dive in.
Dr. David Hopper
00:01:33 - 00:02:03
Alright. Well, thank you so much for having me today, Jessica. I'm very excited to be talking to all of you about my absolute favorite topic, which is heart rate variability. So let's get in here. And first things first, I wanna introduce myself. So I am a practicing chiropractor as well as an oral myofunctional therapist. So for those of you who aren't familiar with the second term there, think somebody who does rehabilitation for the airway, mouth, and face. That's kind of my zone.
Dr. David Hopper
00:02:03 - 00:02:38
I do a lot with sleep apnea, TMJ, and all of that as well in practice. As well, I I'm a father of 2. Those are my children right there, Jovan and Petunia, and my beautiful wife there, Brooke. And we are located outside of Chicagoland here, and we have a few clinics doing different things out here. So chiropractic, then we have occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, and then, of course, RMT as well. And I am a, as well, an instructor at the National University of Health Sciences. So I'm in their doctorate program help helping to bring chiropractors and naturopathic doctors out into the field. So lots of fun that we get to have over there.
Dr. David Hopper
00:02:38 - 00:03:10
And then, basically, anything heart rate variability certification wise that you can possibly have or get have gone through as much as I could. And I get to talk about HRV everywhere I go to, which is real fun. So that is me. And one more thing that I would like to mention as well, I am associated. My passion for HRV has driven me to, to start an app. So I'm part owner of an app. Within HRV as well, we do have a device as well. So I just want to be forward with my disclosures on that, that I am involved financially with an application as well for this.
Dr. David Hopper
00:03:11 - 00:04:00
What were the basics of heart rate variability? So by no means by the end of this course will you be in a place where you can turn around and start using HRV very confidently in practice. For that, I want you to go through our extended, which we will have up here in the next coming weeks here. And but what we will learn today is the basics. So that way you will know the path to using HRV in practice. And at least what you will have when you leave here today is a good enough understanding to start experimenting on your own and know what you are looking at. So again, just in general overview here, but the first thing that we're gonna dive into is the history and the power behind heart rate variability as well. We're going to define heart rate variability. So with heart rate variability, this is not a new science.
Dr. David Hopper
00:04:00 - 00:04:50
Although it is a hot topic right now, that is just because as of right now, technology is getting to the point where now it is an easy to find thing. So it's an easy metric that we can measure all of a sudden. Whereas before, it wasn't the case. So it was actually 18/95 was when ECGs were first came out and hit the world, and we can actually see that variance. Prior to that, we knew that there was a variance in your in your heart rate, but then we saw that in 18/95. Now in 19 thirties, they came out with this thing called PPG or photoplasmography. And that is actually the most commonly used way to detect heart rate from any source. So anybody who's wearing an Apple Watch, boot band, or a ring, anything like that, that light sensor is a PPG sensor is what it's called.
Dr. David Hopper
00:04:50 - 00:05:30
And that's the preferred method of collection nowadays without a doubt. The chest strap monitor that Polar came out within the 19 seventies, and that was another excellent way for collecting this kind of data. I'm sure you all are familiar with that one. And then in the 19 nineties, we started to get these wearable heart rate trackers. And this was a huge step forward or a huge leap forward. But then it wasn't until just recently again that we started to have wearables that were able to precise enough that we could actually pick up the r to r intervals. And we're gonna see what that means. But, essentially, they were capable of transmitting HRV data.
Dr. David Hopper
00:05:32 - 00:06:05
So, again, by no means a new topic. Right? We have over 30,000 articles at this point. I'm sure this is an this is an old slide, so I'm sure there's over 30,000 at this point published articles on HRV, and that is literally Google HRV and anything. Look up HRV and connect it to any disease process, anything like that. And it's there. HRV is very well tied into everything. It's a it's a a marker for all cause mortality as we will see. And just in the past 8 years, this technology has caught up where we can really start using this powerful metric here.
Dr. David Hopper
00:06:06 - 00:06:44
This is my guy right here. This is how I feel every day when I talk about HRV. I'm just so excited about it because it's such a powerful thing and it advances us all so much in our understanding of human physiology. And now that it is so accessible, we can use this so greatly with our patients. What is heart rate variability? So for starters, it's not heart rate. And that's the biggest thing that we have to get across because that's my biggest challenge, my biggest hurdle when I talk to people as I say, oh, you know HRV, heart rate variability, and people say yes. Yes. And then about 10 minutes into the conversation, I realized that they were leaving that v off the end, and they assumed I was talking about heart rate.
Dr. David Hopper
00:06:44 - 00:07:32
So when we put that v on, it changes what we are talking about. So they are not the same thing. When we add that in, right, heart rate is talking about just beats per minute or BPM, and then we add in that variability. Now we're talking about something that is able to adapt or vary. Right? So we can change with our environment. So heart rate variability is a heart rate that changes, right, or we can give it a proper definition. And heart rate variability is the variation of time intervals between successive heartbeats measured over a given period of time. So what exactly does that mean? If we have a heartbeat of 60 beats per minute, most people would assume that your heart rate is beat one second, 1 beat, 2 seconds, 2 beats, 3 seconds, 3 beats, and so on and so forth.
Dr. David Hopper
00:07:32 - 00:08:22
And, actually, that is not at all how it happens, and we don't want it to ever be like that. That would actually give you an HRV of 0, which would be a very bad place. How it works is more like this picture right here. We have a heartbeat, and that's what this graph is showing. And these are called QRS complexes for those of you who might not be familiar, and a QRS complex is this peak, and we can call this the r spike right there. Between this r spike and this r spike would be our r to r interval, and we want to measure that time distance right there. And as it shows here, this first interval might be 850 milliseconds, and the next one, 980 milliseconds, and then down to 740 milliseconds. And that variation of time intervals is what we are talking about when we say HRV.
Dr. David Hopper
00:08:22 - 00:09:16
So it is that change in time between each heartbeat, And that is very healthy. That is what we want to have. So, in fact, a higher variation is better than a lower variation when we talk about our HRV. What is being measured? Those are to our intervals, and this is our HRV. Now we are talking, we are talking about not just a simple number here, but what this number is a measure of is our autonomic nervous system. So that is why it is so powerful. The system of our body that runs and governs everything that goes on in the background, which is majority of what is happening with our body in any any given moment, we have a measure of this, a very easily accessible measure of this with HRV. So we are looking at abnormal nervous system regulation or in other words, our ability to adapt to any given thing in our environment.
Dr. David Hopper
00:09:16 - 00:10:01
But why should you care about it? Well, low HRV is associated with all cause mortality. Back to that, right? If we, if we look at HRV and pair it with anything, we will see that as HRV goes down, your chances of dying from anything goes up. And it's associated with the 9 of the top 10 killers. And look at this list here of the top 10 killers in the United States. And low HRV is associated with 9 of the top 10. The only one that isn't directly correlated with is motor vehicle accidents or or unintentional death or injury. And I argue that. And the reason why I argue that is because a low HRV means that your reaction time is actually lower.
Dr. David Hopper
00:10:02 - 00:10:35
If you are driving down the street and somebody pulls out in front of you and your HRV is higher and therefore you have a higher reaction time, Might you be able to pull the steering wheel out of the way at the last minute and avoid that life altering car accident? Right? Might you be able to change the way that you step off the curb and rather than injuring or rolling your ankle, you actually just walk away and stumble. So we know that HR V may actually be associated with 10 of the 10 top ten killer. So that's my argument for it.
Jessica Riddle
00:10:41 - 00:11:13
If earning a certification is on your CE plan this year then you're in luck Southeast Professional Education Group just launched 4 new certifications on our online learning platform You can complete your certification in dry needling, functional nutrition, chiropractic acupuncture or clinical human performance with immediate access to get started learning right away. To learn more and get started click the new certifications link in our show notes Or visit online. Sports seminars.com today. Now, back to the show
Dr. David Hopper
00:11:17 - 00:12:44
What is this again? Autonomic nervous system adaptability as seen in HRV will help us determine a patient's ability to heal and recover. So when we get a patient in clinic talking to I I didn't get to see all the different health care practitioners that are on here, but it looks like chiropractors. So when we get a patient in clinic and we have a good idea of where their autonomic nervous system is because we are looking at their HRV, then we can determine their ability to heal or recover from whatever it is that brought them in our door. So somebody with a higher HRV is going to heal faster from whatever they walk in the door with. And we we know that they are going to have a better response. Whereas somebody with a lower HRV is going to have is going to have a slower or delayed response. So that can help us with our care planning, and that somebody with a lower HRV is probably gonna need a longer care plan versus somebody with a higher HRV who we can expect might recover quicker and not need as long of a care plan. And then as well, when we are going through whatever care plan it is, if we see somebody's HRV going down throughout our care plan, then that gives us time to reflect on our care plan and say, are we challenging this person too much possibly? And maybe do we want to back off with what we're doing or maybe talk them about some of their other lifestyle factors that might be playing in and overwhelming this person's nervous system? And the opposite might also be true.
Dr. David Hopper
00:12:44 - 00:13:28
Right? That we can confirm that our care plan is going very well and that we are doing the right thing and that this person's HRV is continuing to climb as they come out of pain, as they continue to improve their life. So HRV has a powerful predictive ability as well. HRV can actually predict the onset of illness or injury up to 2 days prior to the onset of symptoms. And that sounds pretty crazy. But when we think about it, it's not all that crazy. Right? Because our autonomic nervous system is going to be dealing with some of these things before it ever comes to our conscious awareness, Okay? Or before we start to experience symptoms. So this is true with illness. This is true with overuse injuries.
Dr. David Hopper
00:13:28 - 00:14:26
Obviously, if you fall off your bicycle, HRV probably couldn't predict injury so much. But this is where we're talking about with illness, overuse injuries. And then it can also predict performance. And we're not talking just about physical performance, but mental and emotional performance as well. If HRV is a measure of how well our body is dealing with all of life stressors, then we can we can assume that, and this is also fact, is that somebody who has a higher HRV is going to perform better mentally. They're going to perform better emotionally, meaning that they can have more on their plate before they start to break down, and then, of course, physical as well. And we see this in the physical in sports, and that's where HRV has become very popular, is that we see athletes training based on their HRV with the best training programs out there. We see that they're they're reacting and adjusting their training program based on their heart rate variability, and they are having unbelievable outcomes, which is so cool to see.
Dr. David Hopper
00:14:26 - 00:15:36
Alright? And the one of the more powerful things that we get out of HIV, even more so than that predictive factor, is the deeper insights and the deeper connections that we get with our patients. So when a patient comes in and we see that their HRV is trending in the wrong direction and we're pretty confident that we are doing everything correctly, it gives us that opportunity to talk to our patients to the next level. It opens the door to that conversation where we can say, hey, Mary. What is going on that we are seeing this trend down? We are doing everything right here in the office. So what's going on at home? Is there something else outside of here that isn't going the way we want? And then we can start to talk about nutrition. We can start to talk about sleep. We can start to talk about their relationships at another level, and then, of course, we can make a referral if that's what's going to be necessary, or we can help them with some of those other adjustments outside of what we are already working on. So it really helps us make that deeper connection with our patients with that which I think is just amazing and the increased self responsibility too because patients will deny all day long that having a couple of drinks at the end of the day is really affecting their health.
Dr. David Hopper
00:15:36 - 00:16:15
Right? But then when you see an objective number staring you in the face saying that, yeah, in fact, when you do that, your body performs much worse the next day and same with skipping sleep. Right? Well, I'm fine. I don't need to sleep 7 hours. I don't need to sleep 8 hours a night. Well, let's look at what your HRV looks like when you do versus when you don't, and then there is no argument anymore. That is an objective number that tells you both that, yes, you actually perform better when you have slept properly. What about the science of HAR A variability? So we're gonna jump into this very quick. And, again, we are going to skim the surface of this.
Dr. David Hopper
00:16:16 - 00:16:53
But what is HRV looking at? I've said several times what we would define as homeostasis. Right? And that is the maintenance of a constant internal environment despite our ever changing internal and external environments that we have around us. K. So we need to maintain that homeostasis. And how we do that, the work that we put in to maintain homeostasis, well, we label that allostasis. Okay? Those are allostatic processes. And then we have the concept of your allostatic load. And how I like to think of this is is like your load of bricks.
Dr. David Hopper
00:16:53 - 00:17:36
So at any given time round is our load of bricks. We have these basic things that we're carrying around. And then when somebody hands us something extra, so that weighs us down a little bit, and then we get something extra piled on, right, call it finances, call it work, call it family stress, whatever it is, it pushes us down a little bit more. Right? So we have this weight coming on us. And you can call these stressors, but I hate the word stressors, so I like to call them life metrics because it it makes a lot more sense to me. We have all of these bricks, and this is our allostatic load. Right? And this is this is what's weighing us down. So you can imagine that somebody with a very large load of bricks, if they're walking down the sidewalk, it's gonna be difficult for them to move from side to side.
Dr. David Hopper
00:17:36 - 00:18:16
It's going to be difficult for them to react to something in their environment. If somebody asks them a difficult question, it's gonna be harder for them to come up with an answer. Right? It's gonna be harder for a mental task even when you have a large load. If somebody says something upsetting, they're probably gonna react in a more emotional way. And then, of course, if something like a soccer ball came flying out in front of them, right, they would probably have a very difficult time with that physical task when you are carrying this big load. Now let's look at the exact opposite. Somebody just walking down the street and they just have their one little brick and they're walking along all jolly. Right? And somebody comes up and asks them a difficult mental question.
Dr. David Hopper
00:18:16 - 00:19:13
They can think about that pretty easily and they can be very agile mentally. And if something emotionally taxing happened, right, they would probably deal with it in a very positive way. And same with that soccer ball comes kicking back out again, maybe that person could stop it, right, smile, wave to whoever it was, kick it back, maybe even play a little bit of soccer, right, and then get back to walking down the street. And it's the same thing with our allostatic load that we are talking about with HRV. The more that we have on our plate, the more it's weighing us down, the less adaptable we are to everything in life. And that is what our HRV is reflecting for us is that allostatic load or how many stressors we have or how adaptable we are to everything in life. Here it is, HRV. This is what allows the body to be adaptable and maintain homeostasis in the face of our ever changing environments.
Dr. David Hopper
00:19:14 - 00:19:42
K. So we thrive with high adaptability or high HRV. So that's what we are always aiming for. Alright. So what is being measured? Well, I already clued into this in talking about the autonomic nervous system. That is what we're looking at, is the function of our autonomic nervous system. And as a quick refresher for those of you who may have been out of school for quite some time, we have our our two main sides of the autonomic nervous system. Right? We're gonna we're gonna ignore the enteric nervous system for the time being.
Dr. David Hopper
00:19:44 - 00:20:11
But of our sympathetic nervous system. Right? And we can think about that as our gas pedal or our fight, flight, freeze response. And this one often gets a bad rap. And I know for sure as as chiropractors, we often talk about this in a negative way and gets a lot of negative rap, but in other rounds as well. And and it's not all bad. Right? Because if it wasn't for our sympathetic nervous system, we wouldn't get up in the morning. We wouldn't move or do anything. Right? We'd never go to the gym.
Dr. David Hopper
00:20:11 - 00:21:01
And granted if we've got ourselves to the gym, it's our sympathetic nervous system that makes us exercise, that actually gets us moving and doing these wonderful things for our body. Right? But it gets a negative rep when it is left on too long. And that's exactly it is that in the long term, our sympathetic nervous system left on for a long time becomes problematic. That's when we start to see a decreased immune function. We see decreased mental, physical, emotional, all of that starts to ramp down when those gas pedals left on too long. And you can just imagine, right, if you were stepping on the gas pedal in your car and you were just sitting there revving your gas pedal for hours on end, something's gonna break and it's no different with your body. Right? Eventually, something ends up breaking. And that's what we see.
Dr. David Hopper
00:21:01 - 00:21:28
Right? Our sympathetic nervous system was not meant for that. It's meant for acute quick processes. Let's take care of this, and then let's go back to rest and recovery. K? So that's that's what our sympathetics were meant for. So then we have our parasympathetics, the opposite side, or break pedal. So this is our rest, digest, relax, recover. That's the opposite side. And this one, although we always talk about this side so highly, it's not all good either.
Dr. David Hopper
00:21:28 - 00:21:50
Right? We need that perfect balance of the 2. That's what we are always aiming for. We need great function of both sides of the nervous system. If this were only parasympathetic function, yeah, we'd have a huge lack of motivation. We'd have poor circulation. Right? We'd never do anything in life. And this picture is a great one. This is actually my son, and he was really sick, so his body was in full recovery.
Dr. David Hopper
00:21:50 - 00:22:18
Right? Brake pedal. And then he needed to go to the bathroom. So another big brake pedal action. And he was so parasympathetic that he actually fell asleep on a toilet. I like to say he crapped out on the crapper, and this is a pretty fun way to find him. Makes me good. Anyway, so this is our long term survival strategies is our parasympathetic nervous system. So these are the things that, yes, they do take longer amounts of time, and it does take a lot of energy for this side.
Dr. David Hopper
00:22:18 - 00:23:05
So we see things like our digestion, our absorption, our excretion, all the parasympathetic side, a major part of our immune function, our sleep repair, recovery processes, all of that stuff is happening over here. Oh, and we have a higher heart rate variability when we have a well functioning parasympathetic nervous system. That does go hand in hand. Alright. And we can't talk about our parasympathetics without talking about our vagus nerve. Our vagus nerve is our 10th cranial nerve, and it got its name vagus because it's the vagabond or the wandering nerve. And it does. It wanders from our brain stem, so way up in our skull, and it makes its way all the way down into our abdomen, making a true brain gut connection.
Dr. David Hopper
00:23:06 - 00:24:20
And it does parasympathetic nervous system innervation to all of the major organs along the way down. That is over 80% of our parasympathetic nervous system's function is just in this one nerve, just in this vagus nerve. And another really interesting thing is that over 80% of that information from our vagus nerve is afferent information. So afferent information is that information coming back towards our central nervous system. K? And the reason why this is significant is because that means that our parasympathetic nervous system can be stimulated. And if we think about anatomically where that nerve feeds, we can easily influence this nerve, and we can stimulate our parasympathetic nerve system and in turn raise our HRV and in turn make our ability to handle everything in life that much better. Vagal tone is actually what we are measuring with HRV, And that's specifically when we see what most things we measure HRV in is that RMSSD, and we're gonna get there in one second. But that is a very strong measure of vagal tone or the strength or activity level of your vagus nerve.
Dr. David Hopper
00:24:20 - 00:24:49
That is very much what we are looking at. Moving on, we're gonna get on to how to measure HRV. So the actual process of measuring HRV. So anybody on this call who wants to measure their heart rate variability can follow these steps to successfully start measuring HRV. First things first, you need to download your app. So you can go to the App Store on Apple or whatever you Android people call it. I'm not sure, but I'm sure it has a weird name like Android. So then you need to get yourself a device.
Dr. David Hopper
00:24:49 - 00:25:14
And then once you have both of those things, you can connect your device to your app and you can actually start taking HRV measurements. Okay? And how we would do that, we have many apps on the marketplace. So this this is some of the better apps out there that you could find. And thank you, Jessica. Yes. The Google Play Store and Androids, that's that's what it's called. I could not recall it. But it wasn't Apple, so I wasn't very concerned.
Dr. David Hopper
00:25:14 - 00:26:08
But these apps right here are some of the better ones out there at the moment for measuring HRV. So I would highly recommend using any of those starting off with any of those. These are some of the devices that you can use, and the best thing to do is get an open source Bluetooth device, meaning a device that is capable of connecting to any app. So that way you can try several different apps, and you can decide which one you like the best. The things to be cautious of when you get these types of devices is things like your Apple Watch, things like an Oura Ring, a Whoop Strap. Those are closed. So that means that even though you can get a reading from those and get an HRV reading from those, we can't really understand what that information was without some higher level of software that can do investigation essentially into into those readings. Like, I know that Oura Ring has a Aura cloud where you can see some more of that information.
Dr. David Hopper
00:26:08 - 00:26:48
It can be challenging to get that information out to your provider. So especially for those of you on this call who are providers, it's tough to get that information from your patients. Apple measures on their Apple Watch. Their measurements are done in a in a very different way than anybody else does their measurements. And they throw in a lot of random measurements measurements, which makes it quite confusing. So I encourage people to go away from the Apple Watch that they're looking to do HRV readings and use it for for anything with their patients or even just for themselves. The polar straps are excellent. The polar h nine and h ten are excellent straps, and those are very accurate, easy to use readers.
Dr. David Hopper
00:26:48 - 00:27:29
So anything like that works. We have our device as well, the optimal device, and then there's a couple others out there on the market. What are we looking at? So when you want to actually go and take your heart rate variability measurement, you want this to happen first thing in the morning. So in overnight reading, as we're kind of finding out here, the overnight readings aren't as good as the morning readings. We we want to see everybody taking their readings first thing in the morning. And when we say first thing in the morning, we literally first thing in the morning. Use your restroom if you need to, but, otherwise, it's rolling out of bed. You're going to sit up and preferably take this reading in a seated position, and you're going to open up your app.
Dr. David Hopper
00:27:29 - 00:28:10
You're going to connect your reader, and you're gonna sit there and you're gonna take most apps are a 3 or 5 minute reading first thing in the morning, and then that's it. That's all you need. Just that one simple reading, and we want you to breathe at a natural pace throughout that. We want you to keep your mind on neutral thoughts. We don't want you to interact with other people. We definitely don't want you talking because that changes your breath pace, and ideally not interacting with pets or anything like that either. And definitely not checking social media or emails during or before your reading because as we know, that is very capable of sending our nervous systems into a spiral. Alright? So we wanna see where your resting physiology is first thing in the morning.
Dr. David Hopper
00:28:10 - 00:28:58
And that when taken over time consistently, can give us great insights into the direction that this person's health is going. Now we wanna move into interpretation of HRV. We understand the science a little bit. Right? And we understand how to take a measurement. Now how are we going to actually interpret our heart rate variability reading? We can say higher is better, and that's a very basic way of looking at it, but that's only true most of the time. So, really, if we look at this and we just say consistent is better, that might be the best way of looking at it. What we are going to do, you can't diagnose anything with heart rate variability. So you can't look at somebody's HRV and say, you're having a heart attack.
Dr. David Hopper
00:28:58 - 00:29:34
Right? Or you're gonna get diabetes. We can't say that. It's definitely not for diagnosing anything. But it's a marker for health. So we can use it as a great indication of which direction somebody's health is going. And as Lou said, it's very good as a predictive metric. We can look at that and see that somebody's health is drastically changing and they may be getting sick or they may be setting themselves up for injury. Then we need to mix in these subjective data along with that, and then we can make a very good call as to what may be happening with this person.
Dr. David Hopper
00:29:35 - 00:30:13
Okay? So not for diagnosis, but it is a monitoring tool and a very accurate monitoring tool. What we are looking for is a rolling average that I talked about quickly. So we wanna establish a rolling average on our heart rate variability and that is going to help us with our interpretation. So over 4 to 7 days, we're going to get a good idea of where somebody's nervous system is sitting at, and we want them to maintain about that same number. If they go up a little bit, that is great. And especially if they go up and they maintain that up, that is even better. That means that we made a very positive change for this person and that they were able to maintain that positive change for their nervous system. K.
Dr. David Hopper
00:30:13 - 00:30:38
So these are good things. That's what we wanna look for. Alright. But when we start to look at these things, we're gonna see these different numbers pop up. The first one is time domains. A time domain is looking at that actual time difference between r to r intervals. So that's what we talked about way in the beginning of this presentation. And those can be represented in one of 2 ways, the RMSSD or the SDNN.
Dr. David Hopper
00:30:39 - 00:31:11
And we would always prefer to see that RMSSD. That is the more common measure, and especially when we talk about short term measures, RMSSD is going to be a better measure to use. SDNN is proving itself well, but it's better used over a 24 hour measure. So most devices with the exception of Apple will measure an RMSSD. K. That's what you're gonna see. So whenever you get your HRV on pretty much any device, it is actually just an RMSSD number, especially if it says milliseconds. That's what we're talking about.
Jessica Riddle
00:31:20 - 00:31:53
That's it for today's episode. Be sure to tune in for part 2 of this training where doctor Hopper will discuss HRV trends in various populations, such as athletes and individuals under high stress. We will also learn how to use this data to measure visceral stress and how to optimize care plans based on HRV data you've gathered. You won't wanna miss it. Episode 80 drops in 2 weeks. Be sure to check out our show note for a link to the full webinar featured in today's episode as well as any links to special offers from our sponsors. We'll see you next time. Hey, guys.
Jessica Riddle
00:31:53 - 00:32:33
If you like what you heard today, I encourage you to visit our website at FAKTR hyphen store dot com. That's spelled f a ktrhyphenstore.com to find out more information about all that we have to offer. We have a variety of online offerings as well as our hands on FAKTR rehab system course scheduled in cities around the globe. Be sure to also check out our event calendar and bookmark any of these upcoming live webinar dates coming up in the near future so you can join us live. And of course, the biggest compliment we can receive is for you to help us spread the word to your friends, colleagues, and classmates. You'll find all the important links as well as info about our sponsors in the show notes, so be sure to check those out.