DTC POD Jeremy Barbara - Sundays
Blaine Bolus 00:00:06 - 00:00:51
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Blaine Bolus 00:01:32 - 00:01:59
Just visit Finalloop.com D to CPOD and get 14 days free and a two month PNL within 24 hours with all the ecom data and breakdowns you need to crush it. What's up, DTC Pod? Today we're joined by Jeremy Barbara, who is the head of Influencer marketing at Sundays. So Jeremy, I'll let you kick us off. Why don't you tell us a little bit about your background and what you guys are up to and what you're responsible for at Sundays.
Jeremy Barbara 00:01:59 - 00:02:35
Sure, yeah. So I've been doing influencer marketing for about seven or eight years. Started at Seekeek, the ticketing company when I was in college as a little influencer marketing intern. Got into influencer marketing in the same way most people do by accident. Basically helped build that program over the next four years. And when I first started, it was really just trading tickets for low level YouTube shoutouts. Just my boss and I trying to be really scrappy about it. Over the next four years, we built that program into one of Cgeek's biggest marketing channels and what SeatGeek ultimately became really well known for.
Jeremy Barbara 00:02:35 - 00:03:09
Then spent the next three years at Current, the mobile banking app. Similar situation. We weren't doing a lot of influencer marketing when I started. Helped build that program into one of Current's bigger programs as well. Also had handled some audio partnerships at both SeatGeek and Current. And now for the last eight months, I've been at Sundays for dogs trying to build a new Influencer Marketing program there just started eight months ago. We haven't really done any influencer stuff leading up to that, so pretty much starting from scratch, which to me is always the most fun part, testing new channels, trying new things. But yeah, that's a little bit about where I'm at.
Ramon Berrios 00:03:09 - 00:03:22
Sweet. Jeremy so I'm curious, can you unpack for us? What does setting up the program entail? How do you set up the program and then how do you define which one is the right channel to start with?
Jeremy Barbara 00:03:23 - 00:04:26
Sure. Yeah. So for mean everywhere I've ever been, everyone I've ever talked to about starting influencer marketing program really the ultimate goal where you want to get to is something that functions pretty it's like a pretty well oiled machine on its own where you are obviously every month trying and testing new things but the things that work kind of run on their own. So when we first started Seekik again, it's a lot of testing different channels, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, testing different categories of YouTuber, Instagram, Influencer, whatever, testing different kinds of strategies, talking points, et cetera, and ultimately doubling down on what works and booking that out long term. So then basically you have this foundation of longer term partnerships that you can build more tests on top of. So that's what I mean when I say building out a program where you can ultimately I mean both CP current and even now at Sundays you can get to multiple millions of dollars a month of spend and influencer with really a pretty lean team of four or five people.
Ramon Berrios 00:04:26 - 00:04:55
Yeah, I just wanted to ask one more thing, Blaine, which is I know there's no blueprint answer for this, but what is enough budget to test? Because we're talking channels, we're talking messaging, we're talking demographics of creators. You can easily spend ten grand just testing one messaging. So at what point is like, look, I wouldn't even bother if you don't.

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