Uploading... #22 - The Art of Going Viral: Content Lessons From Dakota Robertson, Founder of Growth Ghost

Castmagic LinkedIn Post
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Cracking the code on viral content is every creator's dream, but it's not as simple as just putting out more posts. So what's the key to content that gets shared like crazy? Dakota Robertson, founder of Growth Ghost and creator with over 550k followers across social media, joins host Blaine Bolus on this week's episode of Uploading... to share his hard-earned insights. Through his ghostwriting agency and his own viral Twitter threads, Dakota has mastered the art of creating scroll-stopping, ultra-engaging content that demands to be shared. In this jam-packed episode, Dakota unpacks his techniques for grabbing the audience's attention, crafting compelling stories that resonate, and strategically repurposing content to maximize reach. He also pulls back the curtain on his "what, why, how" framework behind his biggest posts and his streamlined workflow for churning out top-notch content week after week. Whether you're just starting to build your personal brand or looking to take your content to the next level, this is a masterclass you won't want to miss. Listen to the full episode here: [link] #contentmarketing #socialmedia #viralcontent #personalbranding #twitter #ghostwriting #uploadingpodcast

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Here's a post for Twitter based on the context and strategies shared in the recording, matching the tone, style, and format of the example: 3 tips for creating engaging content: 1. Share personal stories When you share personal stories, your content becomes: • Relatable • Memorable • Emotionally impactful 2. Focus on "how I" instead of "how to" "How to" content is everywhere. But when you share your own experiences and transformations? It sets you apart and builds trust with your audience. So... How do you shift to "how I" content? 1) Share your challenges 2) Highlight your journey 3) Reveal your vulnerabilities It's okay to mix in some "how to" content, but make sure to infuse it with your personal insights and experiences. 3. Repurpose your content across platforms Don't just create content for one platform. Maximize your efforts by repurposing it: Don't just tweet. Turn your tweets into: • LinkedIn posts • Instagram captions • YouTube scripts Don't just write. Turn your writing into: • Podcasts • Videos • Infographics The smartest content creators work smarter, not harder.

1 Hack 3 tips
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Here's a post incorporating the strategies from the recording in the style of the example: There's 1 underrated hack for creating addictive content that builds a loyal audience: Sharing vulnerable, personal stories. Many top creators like @AndrewTate and @GaryVee use this: • Tate shares his rags-to-riches journey • Vaynerchuk talks about his immigrant roots • @naval shares his early struggles and failures Why is this so powerful? Vulnerability creates relatability. When you share your challenges, your audience sees themselves in you. They root for you. They feel a connection. Think about it: Do you prefer generic, surface-level content? Or raw, real stories that hit you in the feels? Exactly. Emotion is the key to engagement. But sharing your truth takes guts. What if people judge you? Reject you? Here's the thing: Those who mind don't matter. Those who matter don't mind. Your real fans will love you for your authenticity. The haters? Their opinions are irrelevant. So how can you use vulnerable storytelling in your content? 1) Identify pivotal moments - What struggles shaped you? - What challenges did you overcome? - What lessons did you learn? 2) Share your transformation - How did these experiences change you? - What did you learn about yourself? - How can your insights help others? 3) Invite your audience in - Ask for their stories and struggles - Engage in conversations - Build a community around shared experiences In a sea of pictureperfect highlight reels, your unfiltered truth is your competitive advantage. Dare to go deep. Dare to get real. Your loyal tribe will love you for it.

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1. Unleashing Viral Content: Dakota Robertson Shares Strategies for Engaging Social Media Posts 2. Crafting Captivating Content: Dakota Robertson's Journey to 550k Followers 3. From Crypto to Content Creation: Dakota Robertson's Transformative Journey 4. Mastering the Art of Ghostwriting: Dakota Robertson's Insights for Social Media Success 5. Relevance and Curiosity: Dakota Robertson's Keys to Compelling Content Creation 6. The Power of Personal Stories: Dakota Robertson on Building an Engaged Audience 7. Simplifying Messages and Understanding Psychology: Dakota Robertson's Copywriting Lessons 8. Hooks, Open Loops, and Actionable Content: Dakota Robertson's Tried-and-True Strategies 9. From Low Ticket to High Ticket: Dakota Robertson's Funnel Strategy for Business Growth 10. Nurturing Relationships through Long-Form Content: Dakota Robertson's Insights for Conversions

💬 Keywords
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Content creation, Audience engagement, Personal experiences, Content prompts, Personal stories, How-to content, How-I content, Personal transformations, Vulnerability in content, Challenges in content, Hero's journey, Cohort-based business model, Community offer, Social media growth, Ghostwriting, Content outsourcing, Content workflow, Repurposing content, Content idea generation, Viral content, Personal branding, Content strategies, Copywriting, Audience psychology, Pain points, Relevance in content, Curiosity in content, Content hooks, Open loops, Actionable content

💡 Speaker bios
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Blaine is an influential figure in the world of content creation, marketing, and professional prosperity. As the host of the highly insightful 'Uploading' podcast, Blaine engages with renowned creators and marketers, discovering and sharing their strategies for profiting through content. Aside from the podcast, Blaine also runs Cas Magic - an encompassing content workspace for professionals. Through Cas Magic, he sends out weekly newsletters featuring valuable tips from the podcast's episodes. In addition, Blaine presides over a slack community of over a thousand creators, encouraging active interaction and knowledge sharing. His recent guest on the podcast was Dakota Robertson, a successful content creator and the founder of Growth Ghost. Blaine navigated a captivating conversation around Dakota's viral framework for social media, building a powerful personal brand, and the top content strategies for 2024.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Hey there podcast listeners! In today's episode of Uploading, we have a very special guest - Dakota Robertson. Dakota is a content creator extraordinaire with over 550k social media followers and the founder of Growth Ghost. In this insightful conversation, Dakota shares his journey from the world of crypto to becoming a master of Twitter growth and content creation. He dives deep into the strategies he used to go viral on social media and build a strong personal brand. Dakota breaks down his evolving content approach, from initially covering broad topics to now focusing on providing valuable, actionable skills like copywriting. He emphasizes the importance of simplifying messages, understanding audience psychology, and addressing pain points to create truly compelling content that hooks people in. We also explore Dakota's expert tips on using relevance and curiosity to drive content engagement. He shares a powerful "what, why, how" framework for crafting succinct yet impactful content, and discusses the crucial role ghostwriting plays in helping clients succeed on social media. But that's not all - Dakota gives us a peek behind the curtain of his business strategy, explaining how he plans to build trust with a low-ticket community before launching high-ticket coaching programs. He stresses the significance of nurturing audience relationships through long-form content and email marketing. So grab a notepad and get ready to learn from one of the best in the business. Without further ado, let's dive into this value-packed conversation with Dakota Robertson!

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Podcast featuring content creators, marketers, strategies, tips.

04:45 Experiment, get started, and find what works.

07:10 Value and psychology key to compelling content.

10:56 Identifying pattern in successful thread writing technique.

16:05 Considering outsourcing content creation vs. doing it yourself.

16:51 Outsource content creation if not your strength.

20:17 Repost tweet, add context, expand on content.

25:06 Balancing personal and value-based content for creators.

28:53 Sharing challenges is important for creating content.

31:24 Create hype, launch low ticket community, upsell.

33:21 Content strategies, workflows, and social media promotion.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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1. Creating engaging content - Using personal experiences and beliefs - Employing prompts and personal stories to connect with the audience - Shifting content from "how to" to "how I" - Sharing personal transformations and vulnerabilities 2. The importance of sharing challenges and the hero's journey in content creation 3. Dakota's money-making strategy - Cohorts - Plans to build a lower ticket community offer 4. Growing your own social media before doing it for someone else - Understanding how this applies to ghostwriting 5. Outsourcing content creation to ghostwriters - Depends on individuals' strengths and preferences for content creation - Recommended for those who do not enjoy or excel at content creation - Importance of ghostwriter's professional expertise, process, and understanding of the brand 6. Dakota's workflow for creating and repurposing content - Spending 6 to 12 hours a week on content creation - Utilizing an organized system in Airtable - Repurposing tweets into longer content - Approach to idea generation for content creation 7. Podcast "Uploading" overview - Hosted by Blaine - Features interviews with content creators, marketers, and professionals - Guest: Dakota Robertson, content creator with 550k social media followers and founder of Growth Ghost 8. Dakota's background and content strategy - Started in crypto, found interest in Twitter growth - Shifted focus to writing and providing value through actionable skills - Initial content strategy: broad topics, then teaching copywriting and providing valuable, actionable skills 9. Copywriting lessons - Simplifying messages - Understanding psychology to provide value and solve pain points for the audience 10. Compelling content - Hooking the audience psychologically to stand out among the overwhelming amount of content 11. Relevance and curiosity in content consumption and purchasing decisions - Addressing pain points, desired outcomes, and individuals directly - Using curiosity as a powerful engagement factor 12. Hooks and open loops in content retention - Drawing parallels with TV show structures 13. "What, why, how" framework in successful threads - Providing actionable, valuable content in a succinct manner 14. Importance of ghostwriting in social media - Helping clients gain more followers, leads, or sales - Serving as a stepping stone for understanding social media principles and content writing 15. Dakota's marketing strategy - Starting with low ticket purchases to build trust before moving to higher ticket coaching programs - Building an evergreen low ticket and coaching program, followed by a high ticket one-on-one offer - Focusing on building a waitlist for the low ticket community - Funneling content to email courses and newsletters to build hype and demand for offerings - Upselling to higher ticket programs 16. The value of long-form content - Nurturing relationships and converting short-form content to long-form - Engaging and building trust with the audience 17. Connecting with Dakota Robertson - Searching for his verified social media accounts - Free course for building personal brands

❓ Questions
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Here are 10 discussion questions based on the episode with Dakota Robertson: 1. How can content creators effectively use personal experiences and vulnerabilities to connect with their audience and create engaging content? 2. What are the benefits of shifting content focus from "how to" to "how I" when sharing personal stories and transformations? 3. How important is it for content creators to share their challenges and the "hero's journey" in their content, and why? 4. What are the pros and cons of outsourcing content creation to ghostwriters, and in what situations might it be most beneficial? 5. How can content creators effectively repurpose content across multiple platforms, and what tools or strategies can help streamline this process? 6. What role does relevance play in content consumption and purchasing decisions, and how can creators ensure their content addresses audience pain points? 7. How can content creators effectively use curiosity and open loops to keep their audience engaged and coming back for more? 8. What are the key components of Dakota's "what, why, how" framework for creating successful content threads, and how can creators apply this in their own work? 9. How can content creators use low-ticket offerings to build trust and eventually upsell to higher-ticket coaching programs or communities? 10. What is the significance of long-form content in nurturing relationships with an audience, and how can creators effectively convert short-form content into longer, more engaging formats?

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Dakota Robertson 00:06:10 00:06:39

"Importance of Simplicity in Effective Communication: They want something easy. They want it simplified. So using simple words, it was using simple sentences and just simplifying the entire message so people could understand. So I think that's one of the biggest things."

"Psychology and Incentives in Encouraging Desired Actions: And then also just understanding psychology and understanding what's the incentive for the person to read or take an action on something. So if there isn't a benefit or you're not solving a pain point, then, like, really, what's the motivation for people?"

"Identifying Audience's Pain Points to Enhance Engagement: And again, like, that comes back to me at the start where I wasn't solving pain points or I wasn't moving people toward a desired outcome, and so there was no incentive to follow me, no incentive to consume my content. And then when I made that pivot, that's when it started falling into place. That's something I've noticed with all my clients."

Dakota Robertson 00:11:13 00:11:54

"Successful Thread Structure for Writing: And I noticed there was a simple pattern I followed subconsciously where it would be, maybe a step by step thread. And then in each step, I would say what the step was, why the audience should care, why it's relevant to them, and then I would explain how to do it, and I would do it really succinctly in under 280 characters for each one. And what that does, at least my theory, is that it just hits on all the elements someone needs to understand. Okay, what is going on? Why should I even care? Oh, that's how I do it. And when you understand what's going on and how to do it, it's valuable because you can go out and apply it."

Dakota Robertson 00:14:30 00:14:41

"The Essence of Ghostwriting: So, ghostwriting, put simply, is you're pretending to be people on the Internet with the aims of getting them more followers, more leads, or more sales. That's simply it. At the end of the day, you're just pretending to be someone else with the helps of getting them some kind of benefit."

Dakota Robertson 00:17:30 00:17:43

"Outsourcing Content Creation in Business: I think, like some people are just more business oriented and they have no desire to create content or they, they're just ass at it and, you know, it's gonna take a long, long time for them. At the end of the day, what I've noticed, a lot of business owners, they just want to make money and they just see content as a way to get more leads, and that's totally fine. I think it's a very good idea to get a ghostwriter, to be honest, if that's not something you want to learn, because you're just going to hate it, you're not going to enjoy it, and you're just going to take away from what you are good at, what you do enjoy."

Dakota Robertson 00:18:20 00:18:35

"Choosing the Right Ghostwriter: I would look for somebody with a, at least maybe a thousand or 2000 followers. I would also look at how professional they are on the call. You want to look for someone that has a process, some kind of system, they know what they're talking about and they're walking you through why they do stuff. And any good ghostwriter, they're going to sit down with you for one session every month and just interview for probably one to 3 hours. That way they're getting content from you. They can hear your voice, understand how you speak, and get your experiences, your stories."

Dakota Robertson 00:20:18 00:21:11

"Effective Social Media Marketing: So what I'll do is I will get, I'll get a link to that post, I'll put it in my airtable, and I'll get my va to turn it into a Twitter screenshot, and then I will write a caption, a longer form caption that gives more context to that post. So if I say, here's five tips on growing your personal brand, and they're just a listicle, while in the caption that it goes along with that picture, I would, I would expand upon it. So maybe do the what, why, how that we referenced earlier, so I could take that, that picture, post it on Instagram. In the caption, I have the expanded version, and I can also post that same thing on LinkedIn because it's pretty much the same format image with a caption. And then I'll have a CTA. I'll have different CTA's for LinkedIn and Instagram."

Dakota Robertson 00:23:38 00:24:23

"Strategy for Successful Content Creation: So I'll say, hey, this is my target audience, and I'll give it a ton of data on my target audience. And then I'll say, this is my offer, and I'll give it information on my offer and it'll say, what are the main, give me the top 50 main objections someone would have that would prevent them from buying my offer. And it's going to spit out a ton of different objections. And then you just create content handling those. You tell it in stories, different ways of handling it, but stuff like that. I also like thinking about what are the main failures, what are the main wins, what are personal stories that have changed my beliefs on things, just stuff like that."

Dakota Robertson 00:27:25 00:27:47

"The Power of Vulnerability in Content Creation: You know, there's things that happen in your life where it changed your perspective on things, it changed how you, you do things. And usually that's the more relatable stuff when you talk about the small things because people can relate to that more. But I think the biggest thing is sharing vulnerability and sharing, this is the hardest one, but sharing what you're afraid of, what you feel like you don't measure up to, what you're scared to post. That's the stuff that really connects with people because everyone's trying to flex and show, look at me, we go by Lambo and Rolex and stuff like that."

Dakota Robertson 00:30:46 00:31:08

"Trust Building and Pricing in Sales Strategy": "So a lot of people, they don't want to buy a five seven k package for coaching because they just, they haven't established that trust yet. But if they go from zero to a lower ticket purchase and they get to know me and understand, oh, he actually knows what he's talking about then making the leap from say dollar 400 to dollar five k is lot easier than going zero to five k. So building a low ticket community and then I'll probably build out a evergreen low ticket or evergreen coaching program that's mid ticket high ticket and then I'll have a one on one offer that'll be higher high ticket."

Dakota Robertson 00:31:44 00:32:29

"Content Marketing Strategy: With content for anybody, I would think about how do I funnel the content? I have to a longer form conversion mechanism, whether that's a newsletter or some kind of lead magnet or YouTube. I always think of like time under attention. If someone consumes a three second tweet, it's like, okay, but someone consumes a ten minute YouTube video, you're taking up more real estate in their mind, and you're nurturing that relationship way more because they can see and hear you. And that's the stuff that converts way better, is long form. So I'm always thinking about how can I convert my short form content to long form and ideally get them on my newsletter so they can have a direct line of access?"

🎬 Reel script
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Hey there, it's Dakota Robertson, and I just had an incredible conversation on the Uploading podcast with Blaine. We dove deep into the world of content creation and how to build a thriving personal brand in today's digital landscape. I shared my journey from crypto to becoming a successful content creator with over 550k followers, and the strategies I used to get there. We discussed the importance of providing value through actionable skills, understanding your audience's pain points, and leveraging curiosity to create compelling content. I also shared my "what, why, how" framework for crafting engaging threads and the power of ghostwriting in social media. But that's not all – we also talked about building a successful business through low and high-ticket offerings, and how to use content to build trust and demand for your products and services. If you're looking to take your content game to the next level and build a profitable personal brand, you won't want to miss this episode. Head over to the show notes to connect with me and access my free course on building your personal brand. Until next time, keep creating and keep growing!

🔑 7 Key Themes
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1. Personal experiences create engaging, relatable content. 2. Sharing vulnerabilities connects with the audience. 3. Ghostwriting depends on individual strengths, preferences. 4. Effective content repurposing saves time, effort. 5. Relevance, curiosity drive content consumption, purchasing. 6. Low-ticket offerings build trust before high-ticket. 7. Long-form content nurtures relationships, builds trust.

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E73: In this episode of Uploading..., we have a very special guest, Dakota Robertson, a content creator who has amassed over 550k followers across his social media platforms and is the founder of Growth Ghost. Dakota shares his secrets to creating viral content, building a strong personal brand, and the content strategies that he believes will dominate the digital landscape in 2024. From his humble beginnings in the crypto world to becoming a sought-after content creator, Dakota takes us on his journey of discovery and growth. He reveals how he initially approached content creation and the pivotal moment that led him to shift his focus to delivering actionable, valuable skills to his audience. In this value-packed episode, you'll learn: - The art of simplifying your message and leveraging psychology in copywriting to create compelling content - How to craft content that grabs your audience's attention and keeps them hooked - The critical roles that relevance and curiosity play in content consumption and purchasing decisions - Dakota's proven "what, why, how" framework for creating highly engaging content threads - The growing importance of ghostwriting in the social media space and how it can help clients achieve their goals Fun fact: Dakota shares an exclusive sneak peek into his future plans, which include the creation of an evergreen low ticket coaching program and a high ticket one-on-one offer, all while focusing on building a waitlist for his low ticket community. This episode is a goldmine of information for anyone looking to elevate their content creation game and build a thriving personal brand. Dakota's insights and strategies are based on his real-world experience and the proven results he has achieved for himself and his clients. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the most successful content creators in the game. Tune in to Episode 73 of Uploading... now and discover how you can apply Dakota's strategies to your own content creation journey. And be sure to follow Dakota Robertson on social media for a continuous stream of valuable insights and game-changing strategies.

Interview Breakdown
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In today's episode, Dakota Robertson, a content creator with over 550k social media followers and founder of Growth Ghost, shares his valuable insights on creating engaging content and building a successful personal brand. He discusses the importance of sharing personal experiences, using curiosity and relevance to hook audiences, and utilizing a content funnel strategy to nurture relationships and convert followers into customers. Throughout the episode, Dakota covers: - Techniques for creating engaging content based on personal experiences and beliefs, such as using prompts, personal stories, and sharing vulnerabilities - The significance of relevance and curiosity in content consumption and purchasing decisions, emphasizing the importance of addressing pain points and desired outcomes - A "what, why, how" framework for creating successful content threads that provide actionable and valuable information in a succinct manner - The value of ghostwriting in understanding social media principles and content writing, and how it can help clients gain more followers, leads, or sales - Strategies for building a content funnel to nurture relationships and convert followers into customers, starting with low-ticket purchases and gradually upselling to higher-ticket coaching programs Dakota's insights serve as a valuable resource for content creators, marketers, and entrepreneurs looking to build a strong personal brand and create engaging content that resonates with their audience.

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In this episode, Dakota Robertson shares his strategies for creating engaging content by infusing personal experiences and vulnerabilities to connect with the audience. He also discusses his plans to build a low-ticket community offer and funnel it into higher-ticket coaching programs, emphasizing the importance of long-form content in nurturing relationships and converting prospects.

🎠 Social Carousel
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10 Content Creation Tips from Dakota Robertson Slide 1: Title: Personal Experience Matters Explanation: Share your own stories and vulnerabilities to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Slide 2: Title: Shift Your Perspective Explanation: Move from "how to" content to "how I" content, focusing on personal transformations. Slide 3: Title: Embrace Challenges Explanation: Share your hero's journey, including the obstacles you've faced, to inspire others. Slide 4: Title: Grow Your Brand Explanation: Focus on growing your personal brand before creating content for others. Slide 5: Title: Consider Ghostwriting Explanation: If content creation isn't your strength, consider hiring a professional ghostwriter. Slide 6: Title: Repurpose Content Wisely Explanation: Develop a workflow to efficiently repurpose content across various platforms. Slide 7: Title: Relevance Is Key Explanation: Address your audience's pain points and desired outcomes to create relevant content. Slide 8: Title: Spark Curiosity Explanation: Use open loops and hooks to keep your audience engaged and wanting more. Slide 9: Title: Build Trust Gradually Explanation: Start with low-ticket offerings and nurture relationships before introducing high-ticket programs. Slide 10: Title: Connect with Dakota Explanation: Learn more about creating engaging content by following Dakota Robertson on social media.

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Idea #1: Sharing Vulnerabilities and Challenges Share your own vulnerabilities and challenges to create more compelling and relatable content: 1. Shift from "How-to" to "How I": Instead of just providing instructional content, share your personal journey and transformation. Discuss how you overcame obstacles and the lessons you learned along the way. 2. Embrace the Hero's Journey: Structure your content around the hero's journey framework. Share the challenges you faced, the low points you hit, and how you ultimately triumphed. This will resonate with listeners facing their own struggles. 3. Open Up About Failures: Don't be afraid to discuss your failures and missteps. Sharing these vulnerable moments will make you more human and relatable to your audience. It shows that success is not a straight line and that setbacks are a normal part of the journey.

1 Key Learning
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Share Personal Experiences to Create Engaging Content Dakota Robertson emphasizes the importance of incorporating personal stories, challenges, and vulnerabilities into content creation to foster a deeper connection with the audience. By shifting from "how to" to "how I" content, creators can showcase their own transformative journeys, making the content more relatable and compelling for readers.

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Here is a list of maxims distilled from the key concepts discussed by Dakota Robertson in this podcast episode: 1. Share personal experiences, stories, and vulnerabilities to create relatable and engaging content. 2. Shift content focus from "how to" to "how I" to showcase your own journey and transformations. 3. Embrace the hero's journey by sharing challenges and obstacles you've overcome. 4. Grow your own social media presence before attempting to do it for others. 5. Consider employing a skilled ghostwriter if content creation is not your strength. 6. Develop an organized system for creating and repurposing content across platforms. 7. Simplify your messaging and understand audience psychology to provide value and solve pain points. 8. Use hooks and open loops in your content to retain attention and keep the audience engaged. 9. Apply the "what, why, how" framework to deliver actionable, valuable content succinctly. 10. Start with low-ticket offerings to build trust before introducing higher-priced programs. 11. Funnel content to email courses and newsletters to build hype and demand for your offerings. 12. Leverage long-form content to nurture relationships and convert short-form content consumers. 13. Make content relevant by addressing pain points, desired outcomes, and speaking directly to individuals. 14. Capitalize on curiosity as a powerful factor in engaging and retaining your audience. 15. Continuously provide value and actionable skills to your audience to establish trust and credibility. Remember, these maxims serve as guiding principles to help you create compelling content, build a strong personal brand, and effectively engage with your target audience.

Hustle Thread
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Tweet 1: Dakota Robertson was a crypto enthusiast, But he found his passion in writing on Twitter. He started broad, then narrowed his focus. Providing valuable, actionable skills was his breakthrough. Today, he's a successful content creator with 550k followers. Here's his inspiring journey: 🚀 Tweet 2: Meet Dakota Robertson (@dakotarobertson), a content creation expert. He built a massive following of 550k across social media. His journey from crypto to content is truly remarkable. Tweet 3: Dakota's story begins with a shift in focus. From broad topics to teaching copywriting, He found his niche in providing value through actionable skills. Tweet 4: The key to Dakota's success? Simplifying messages. Understanding psychology to solve audience pain points. His compelling content hooked people, Standing out amidst the noise. Relevance and curiosity were his secret weapons. Tweet 5: Dakota's "what, why, how" framework was a game-changer. Succinct, actionable, and valuable content brought him success. Ghostwriting became a stepping stone, Helping clients gain followers, leads, and sales. Mastering social media principles was crucial. Tweet 6: Building trust was Dakota's next move. Starting with low-ticket purchases, then moving to high-ticket coaching. An evergreen low-ticket community, followed by one-on-one offers. Funneling content to email courses and newsletters, Building hype and demand for his offerings. Tweet 7: Long-form content was Dakota's trust-building tool. Nurturing relationships and converting short-form to long-form, Engaging and building trust with his audience. A smart funnel strategy that paid off. Tweet 8: From crypto enthusiast to content creation expert, Dakota Robertson's journey is one of passion and persistence. Providing value, understanding psychology, and building trust, His story inspires content creators everywhere. Connect with Dakota and learn from his free course.

🧿 Viral Breakdown & CTA
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Here's my attempt at a structured post in a similar style: Are your content ideas getting crickets? 🦗 Unlock the secrets to viral content in just 2 minutes! 🔓 I'm Dakota Robertson - I've built a 550k social media audience and help brands scale with strategic content. Ready to dive in? Let's go! 🚀 To create content that converts, focus on these 3 keys: 1. Relevance 2. Curiosity 3. Action Let's break it down... 1. RELEVANCE 🎯 Your content must be hyper-relevant to your audience's pain points. It's like someone dying of thirst in a desert - offer them the solution they desperately need and they'll pay any price. Call out their struggles directly and show how you can help achieve their desired outcome. Make it impossible to ignore. 2. CURIOSITY 🤔 Ever binged a Netflix show because you needed to know what happens next? That's the power of curiosity. End your content with an open loop that compels them to keep consuming. Tease the tantalizing result they'll get by sticking around. Curiosity may kill cats, but it creates customers. 3. ACTION 🏃‍♂️ The best content provides clear, actionable steps. Give your audience a succinct "what, why, how" framework so they can implement your advice immediately. Deliver real value they can apply to get results. When you teach and transform, you build trust and authority. Want to dive deeper? Check out the DTC Pod where top Founders and Operators share insider insights on scaling Consumer, Creator and Commerce businesses! 🚀 How did I do? Let me know if this post captures the key lessons and style you were looking for based on the podcast excerpt. I aimed to convey Dakota's main points about relevance, curiosity and actionable content in a succinct yet engaging way.

Uploading... Titles
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Here are some clickbait-style titles for the episode with Dakota Robertson, matching the tone and format of the examples: Dakota Robertson, Growth Ghost - Unlocking Viral Social Media Growth: 550k Followers and Beyond Dakota Robertson, Content Strategist - Crafting Irresistible Content for 2024 and Beyond Dakota Robertson, Copywriting Expert - Mastering the Psychology of Compelling Content Dakota Robertson, Personal Branding Pro - From Crypto to Content: Building a Thriving Online Presence Dakota Robertson, Twitter Growth Guru - Simplifying Your Message for Maximum Impact Dakota Robertson, Content Repurposing Wizard - Streamlining Your Content Workflow Across Platforms Dakota Robertson, Ghostwriting Maverick - Elevating Your Brand Through Strategic Outsourcing Dakota Robertson, Content Funnel Architect - Nurturing Trust and Converting Followers into Loyal Customers

Twitter Post 1
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Here's a fun fact from the episode in the requested tone, style and format: Dakota repurposes tweets into long-form content. His framework: 1. What 2. Why 3. How Hook attention quickly with succinct, actionable info.

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If you're hoping to create more engaging content, here are some mindset shifts that can help as you begin the process: 💭 Shift your content focus from "how to" to "how I". Instead of simply providing instructions, share your personal experiences, transformations, and vulnerabilities. This will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level and make your content more relatable. 💭 Embrace the hero's journey in your content. Don't be afraid to share your challenges and the obstacles you've overcome. This will not only inspire your audience but also demonstrate your expertise and credibility in your niche. 💭 View content creation as an opportunity for growth. Consistently creating content can be challenging, but it's also an opportunity to refine your skills and explore new ideas. Embrace the discomfort and view it as a sign that you are making progress and strengthening your content creation abilities. Dakota Robertson's insights on creating engaging content based on personal experiences and beliefs are now available on the Uploading... podcast. Check out the latest episode for additional mindset shifts, as well as other practical advice for creating content that resonates with your audience!

Future State, 6 reasons post
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Desired Outcome: In 6 months, I generated 550k followers on social media, created viral content, and built a successful personal brand. As a content creator, I've discovered the power of personal storytelling and vulnerability. But many creators are missing a HUGE opportunity. Here are 6 strategies that, if applied, can unlock massive growth and engagement: BACKGROUND: Forget generic "how-to" content, the future belongs to "how I" content that shares personal experiences and transformations. Social media is where authenticity and relatability resonate with audiences and create loyal followers. If content creators pay attention, they can transform their content strategy into one that not only generates views but also builds deep connections and trust with their audience. Old Content Strategy: - Broad, generic topics - Impersonal "how-to" guides - Focus on quantity over quality - Slow growth and low engagement New Content Strategy: - Personal, relatable stories - Sharing vulnerabilities and challenges - Focus on providing value and impact - Accelerated growth and high engagement At Growth Ghost, we are generating hundreds of thousands of views and followers, without investing in expensive tools or teams - all while building a strong personal brand. It's hard to replicate this success with traditional content strategies. HOWEVER... We are putting in a lot of effort to make this work. Content creators should consider applying these strategies and transforming their approach to content creation to deliver on personal, impactful storytelling. Here are my 6 recommendations: 1. Shift from "how-to" to "how I" content. Share personal experiences, challenges, and transformations that resonate with your audience. 2. Embrace vulnerability. Don't be afraid to share your struggles and the lessons you've learned along the way. This builds trust and relatability. 3. Use prompts and personal stories. Engage your audience by asking questions and encouraging them to share their own experiences. 4. Focus on providing value and impact. Ensure your content offers actionable insights and helps your audience overcome their pain points. 5. Repurpose content across platforms. Maximize your reach by adapting your content for different social media channels and formats. 6. Consistently create and share. Maintain a regular content schedule to keep your audience engaged and growing. I believe that by applying these strategies, content creators can unlock massive growth, build loyal communities, and make a meaningful impact on their audiences. As traditional content strategies become less effective and the world shifts towards authenticity and personal connection, content creators have the opportunity to stand out and build successful personal brands. P.S. What content strategies have you found most effective in building your personal brand? Do you believe that personal storytelling and vulnerability are key to creating impactful content and engaging audiences?

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Sure, I can create a workbook based on the key insights and strategies discussed by Dakota Robertson in this podcast episode. Here's a potential outline: Title: Crafting Compelling Content and Building Your Personal Brand Introduction: - Importance of personal branding and content creation in today's digital landscape - Brief overview of Dakota Robertson's background and expertise Module 1: Finding Your Niche and Providing Value - Exercise 1: Identify your areas of expertise and unique perspectives - Exercise 2: Brainstorm pain points and desired outcomes for your target audience - Exercise 3: Develop a content strategy focused on providing actionable, valuable insights Module 2: Crafting Engaging Content - Exercise 1: Practice simplifying complex ideas into easy-to-understand messages - Exercise 2: Analyze successful content pieces and identify hooks and open loops - Exercise 3: Apply the "what, why, how" framework to create a compelling piece of content Module 3: Leveraging Personal Experiences and Vulnerabilities - Exercise 1: Reflect on personal challenges and transformations relevant to your niche - Exercise 2: Practice shifting content from "how to" to "how I" by incorporating personal stories - Exercise 3: Create a piece of content that showcases your vulnerabilities and the hero's journey Module 4: Repurposing and Distributing Content - Exercise 1: Identify key platforms for your target audience and adapt content accordingly - Exercise 2: Develop a system for organizing and repurposing content across multiple platforms - Exercise 3: Create a content calendar to ensure consistent and strategic content distribution Module 5: Building Your Funnel and Monetizing Your Brand - Exercise 1: Brainstorm low-ticket offerings to build trust and grow your audience - Exercise 2: Outline a high-ticket coaching program or service based on your expertise - Exercise 3: Develop an email course or newsletter to nurture relationships and build demand for your offerings Conclusion: - Recap of key takeaways from the workbook - Encouragement to take action and implement strategies learned - Call-to-action to connect with Dakota Robertson for further guidance and resources By working through this workbook, content creators and aspiring personal brand builders can apply Dakota's insights and strategies to their own journey, refining their content creation skills and building a strong, engaged following.

Tweet thread on learnings
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Tweet 1: 🎙️ Just listened to an incredible episode of the Uploading... podcast with @DakotaRobertson: Dakota dropped some serious knowledge bombs on creating engaging content that resonates with your audience. 💣 Here are my top takeaways: 👇 Tweet 2: 1. Shift from "How To" to "How I" Content 📝 Instead of generic how-to guides, Dakota suggests sharing personal experiences and transformations. By revealing your own vulnerabilities and challenges, you create a deeper connection with your audience. Tweet 3: 2. Embrace the Hero's Journey 🦸‍♂️ Every great story involves a hero overcoming obstacles and emerging transformed. Dakota emphasizes the importance of sharing your own hero's journey in your content. This allows your audience to relate to your struggles and celebrate your triumphs. Tweet 4: 3. Repurpose and Maximize Your Content 🔄 Dakota spends 6-12 hours a week creating content, but he has a system to maximize its impact. He repurposes tweets into longer-form content across multiple platforms. By organizing his ideas in Airtable, he ensures a steady flow of valuable content. Tweet 5: 4. Relevance and Curiosity Drive Engagement 🧲 To capture attention in a crowded content landscape, Dakota stresses the importance of relevance and curiosity. Address your audience's pain points directly and leave them wanting more with open loops and hooks. Tweet 6: 5. Build Trust with a Low-Ticket Offer 🎟️ Before launching high-ticket coaching programs, Dakota recommends starting with a low-ticket offer. This allows you to build trust and demonstrate value to your audience. From there, you can upsell to higher-ticket offerings. Tweet 7: 6. Nurture Relationships with Long-Form Content 📚 While short-form content is great for grabbing attention, long-form content is key for building trust. Dakota emphasizes the importance of funneling your audience to email courses and newsletters. This allows you to nurture relationships and prime them for higher-ticket offerings. Tweet 8: 🔥 My biggest takeaway from @DakotaRobertson's episode on Uploading...: Authenticity and vulnerability are the keys to creating content that truly resonates with your audience. By sharing your own struggles and triumphs, you build trust and inspire others to follow in your footsteps. Tweet 9: Huge thanks to @blaineuploadingpod for hosting such an incredible episode with @DakotaRobertson! 🙌 If you're looking to level up your content game and build a loyal following, this episode is a must-listen. Check out the full episode here: [link to episode]

Youtube Description
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Unlock the Power of Personal Content Creation in 2024: Learn from Dakota Robertson's Proven Strategies for Audience Engagement and Business Growth In this podcast episode, you'll discover: - Why personal stories and experiences are the key to creating content that resonates with your audience in 2024 - How to shift from "how-to" content to "how I" content, showcasing your own transformations and vulnerabilities - The importance of sharing your challenges and hero's journey to build stronger connections with your followers - Dakota's proven content creation workflow for repurposing content across multiple platforms efficiently - How to generate a never-ending stream of content ideas by drawing from your personal experiences and expertise - The critical role of relevance and curiosity in capturing your audience's attention and driving content consumption - Dakota's "What, Why, How" framework for crafting compelling, actionable threads that provide immense value - The significance of ghostwriting in helping clients achieve their social media goals and mastering content principles - Dakota's winning strategy for building trust and demand through low-ticket offerings before launching high-ticket programs - The power of long-form content in nurturing relationships and converting short-form content consumers into loyal fans If you're a content creator, marketer, or entrepreneur looking to take your personal brand and business to new heights in 2024, this episode is a must-listen. Dakota Robertson, with his impressive 550k social media following and wealth of experience, shares his battle-tested strategies for creating content that not only engages but also drives tangible results. By embracing the power of personal storytelling, you'll learn how to forge deeper connections with your audience, establish yourself as a trusted authority, and ultimately grow your business. Dakota's insights on repurposing content, idea generation, and crafting irresistible hooks will help you maximize your content creation efforts and stand out in an increasingly crowded online space. Moreover, Dakota's practical advice on building a profitable business through a mix of low-ticket and high-ticket offerings will provide you with a roadmap for monetizing your content and expertise. His emphasis on the value of long-form content will inspire you to create more in-depth, relationship-building content that complements your short-form content strategy. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the most successful content creators and entrepreneurs in the game. Tune in now and unlock the power of personal content creation to take your business to new heights in 2024!

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Here is a simplified version of the key points from the podcast episode with Dakota Robertson: - Dakota says it's good to share personal stories and experiences in your content. This helps you connect with your audience better. - He suggests focusing content more on "how I did something" rather than just "how to do something". Share your own journey and challenges. - Dakota thinks it's important to grow your own social media skills first before trying to do it for others. - For people who don't like creating content themselves, Dakota says hiring a skilled ghostwriter who understands you/your brand well can work. - Dakota has a system for efficiently creating content and reusing it across different platforms. He spends 6-12 hours a week on content. - In content, it's key to be relevant to your audience - address their problems/pain points directly. Use curiosity and "open loops" to hook people. - Dakota recommends a "what, why, how" content structure. Provide actionable tips concisely. - He suggests starting with low-priced offers to build trust, then moving to higher-priced coaching later. Build an email list to promote offerings. - Long-form content is valuable for building deeper audience relationships and trust compared to just short posts. The main themes are crafting relatable, valuable content, working efficiently, and building up to higher-priced offerings strategically. Personal stories and addressing audience needs are essential.

Uploading LinkedIn-YouTube
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@Dakota Robertson has amassed over 550k social media followers and founded @Growth Ghost, a content creation agency. Dakota joins @blaine on this week's episode of Uploading to share his journey from crypto to content creation, emphasizing the importance of providing value through actionable skills and understanding psychology to hook audiences. He breaks down his content repurposing workflow, spending 6-12 hours weekly on content across platforms using an organized Airtable system. Dakota also shares his strategy for building evergreen low and high-ticket offerings, focusing on funneling content to email courses and newsletters to nurture relationships and convert prospects. We discuss the power of relevance, curiosity, and long-form content in engaging audiences and building trust. Full episode here: [Insert YouTube link] #uploading #contentcreation #personalbranding #socialmediamarketing #ghostwriting #marketingstrategy #entrepreneurship

5 Characteristics of Winners
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🏆 Characteristics of winners based on Dakota Robertson's content creation insights: ✅ Sharing personal experiences and vulnerabilities ✅ Focusing on relevance and curiosity in content ✅ Providing actionable, valuable advice ✅ Building trust through low-ticket offerings first ✅ Leveraging long-form content to nurture relationships #contentcreation #personalbranding #onlinebusiness

The Rule, The Process, Keys to Success
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Dakota Robertson exemplifies the power of personal storytelling in content creation. His process involves sharing relatable experiences, challenges, and vulnerabilities to connect with his audience on a deeper level. By shifting from "how to" to "how I" content, he draws people in and keeps them engaged. Dakota's journey from broad topics to specific, actionable skills like copywriting has been key to his success. He emphasizes the importance of simplifying messages, understanding psychology, and addressing pain points to provide value to his followers. To achieve broader success, Dakota recommends growing your own social media presence before doing it for others. This firsthand experience is invaluable, even if you eventually outsource content creation to ghostwriters. Dakota's own workflow involves dedicating 6-12 hours per week to creating and repurposing content across platforms using an organized system in Airtable. He generates ideas, crafts compelling hooks, and utilizes open loops to keep his audience curious and engaged. By funneling his content to email courses and newsletters, Dakota builds hype and demand for his offerings. He starts with low-ticket purchases to establish trust before introducing higher-ticket coaching programs, with the ultimate goal of nurturing relationships through long-form content. Dakota's approach demonstrates that by sharing personal stories, providing actionable value, and strategically guiding your audience through a well-crafted funnel, you can build a loyal following and achieve success as a content creator.

3 bullets 3 bullets (dakota)
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The secret to viral content: • It's not about being an expert • It's not about having a huge budget • It's not about luck or timing It's about: • Sharing personal stories vulnerably • Providing relevant, valuable insights • Piquing curiosity to keep folks hooked You have everything you need to create engaging content that resonates.

Framework To Build From Scratch
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If I had to build a personal brand from 0 in 2023, here's the content I'd create: (This is the exact strategy I used to gain 550K+ followers). To turn strangers into superfans (and superfans into customers), focus on 3 things: • Relevance • Curiosity • Simplicity So... How do you create relevant, curiosity-driven, simple content? By using my RCS Framework. It breaks down like this... The "R" stands for Relatable Content. This content hooks people in by relating to their experiences, challenges, and desires. You can do this by sharing: • Personal stories • Lessons learned • Aspirations and goals Tap into the emotions that drive your audience. For example: A business coach could share: • The struggles of their early entrepreneurial journey • Key insights from a recent failure or success • Their vision for helping clients achieve financial freedom The "C" stands for Curiosity-Driven Content. This leaves your audience wanting more and boosts engagement. Create curiosity with: • Open loops • Thought-provoking questions • Contrarian opinions Tease the value you offer to entice people to stick around. The "S" stands for Simple Content. Simplicity cuts through the noise and makes your message memorable. Simplify your content by: • Using clear, concise language • Focusing on one key takeaway per post • Offering specific, actionable advice The biggest mistake creators make is overcomplicating their message. (Don't be that person). Implement the RCS Framework into your content strategy and watch your audience grow and engage like never before. Ready to turn your followers into customers? Reply "RCS" for a free guide on monetizing your audience.

3 Success Strategies
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Here are 3 strategies for success based on Dakota Robertson's insights on the podcast: 1. Get Personal and Embrace Vulnerability Dakota's secret sauce for creating thumb-stopping content? Infusing every post with a heavy dose of personality and authenticity. Instead of churning out generic, "how-to" style advice, Dakota recommends shifting your approach to "how I"—sharing personal stories, transformative experiences, and hard-earned lessons that showcase your unique perspective and journey. When you open up about your own challenges, failures, and triumphs, you create an instant connection with your audience. They see themselves in your struggles and feel inspired by your successes. So don't be afraid to get raw and real in your content. Vulnerability is a superpower that will help you stand out in a sea of cookie-cutter posts and build a loyal community of raving fans. 2. Master the Art of Repurposing Consistency is key to crushing it on social media—but that doesn't mean you have to start from scratch with every post. Dakota's winning strategy? Repurposing content across multiple platforms to maximize your reach and impact. Here's how it works: Start by identifying your core content pillars—the topics and themes that align with your brand and resonate with your target audience. Then, create a handful of in-depth, value-packed pieces of content around those pillars, like blog posts, videos, or podcast episodes. From there, the repurposing magic begins. Slice and dice that foundational content into bite-sized snippets optimized for each social platform, from tweets and LinkedIn posts to Instagram carousels and TikTok clips. By adopting a repurposing mindset, you can streamline your content creation process, maintain a consistent posting cadence, and ensure your message reaches your ideal clients wherever they hang out online. 3. Embrace the Power of Ghostwriting As a busy entrepreneur or thought leader, you might not always have the time or inclination to pump out high-quality content on the regular. That's where ghostwriting comes in. Dakota is a big believer in the power of ghostwriting to help individuals and brands amplify their voice, grow their audience, and achieve their business goals. But here's the key: For ghostwriting to be effective, you need to find a writer who deeply understands your brand voice, target audience, and unique value proposition. They should have a proven process for capturing your insights and translating them into compelling, on-brand content that sounds like it came straight from your mouth (or keyboard). When you find the right ghostwriter, you can focus on what you do best—serving your clients and growing your business—while still showing up consistently and providing value to your audience. It's a win-win. Whether you love writing or would rather delegate it to a pro, the bottom line is this: In today's content-driven world, sharing your message and expertise is non-negotiable. So find a content creation strategy that works for you and commit to showing up for your audience, day in and day out.

About the Episode
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In this episode of Uploading, Dakota Robertson shares his insights on creating engaging content that resonates with audiences and drives business growth. He emphasizes the power of personal stories and vulnerabilities in crafting relatable content that hooks readers psychologically. Dakota breaks down his "what, why, how" framework for structuring successful social media threads, stressing the importance of providing actionable, valuable content concisely. He also delves into his content repurposing workflow, which involves spending 6-12 hours per week creating content and utilizing an organized system in Airtable. Looking ahead, Dakota plans to build an evergreen low-ticket community and coaching program, eventually leading to a high-ticket one-on-one offer, all while funneling content to email courses and newsletters to build hype and demand.

Episode Summary
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Here is the episode summary in the requested format: Dakota Robertson is the founder of Growth Ghost, a ghostwriting agency helping creators build personal brands. With over 550k social media followers himself, Dakota shares proven techniques for creating engaging, viral content. In this episode of Uploading, Dakota discusses the importance of crafting personal, relatable content that connects with audiences on a deeper level. He shares his content creation process, repurposing strategies across platforms, and emphasizes providing valuable, actionable insights. Dakota also dives into his business model of offering low-ticket digital products to build trust before upselling to higher-ticket coaching programs.

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50% 的美国成年人的阅读水平低于八年级。 以下是 3 个简化写作的快速技巧: 1. 使用要点符号 当你使用要点符号时,你的写作会变得: • 可以快速浏览 • 让眼睛舒适 • 更容易理解 2. 拆分长句子 写作越难读 = 读者越少。 读者越少 = 销售额越少。 但是当你拆分较长的句子时呢? 它减少了读者的思考负担。 那么... 如何拆分较长的句子? 1) 使用列表 2) 提出问题 3) 使用 "..." (即省略号) 偶尔写一个较长的句子是可以的,就像这样,但不要过度使用,否则会让读者感到疲惫。 3. 用简单的词替换复杂的词 不要说:"肯定。" 说:"是的。" 不要说:"困惑不解。" 说:"困惑。" 不要说:"利用。" 说:"使用。" 最聪明的作家写得 "愚蠢"。

Blaine Content Sample
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Personal stories drive audience connection and content virality, here's how... Just a few years ago, I was stuck creating generic "how-to" content that failed to truly engage my audience. But after reflecting on what content resonated most with me personally, I realized the power of personal stories. Ever since I started incorporating my own experiences, beliefs, and vulnerabilities into my content, I've seen exponential growth in engagement and virality. My social media following has skyrocketed to over 550k. So I'll be doubling down on this approach as I continue to scale my personal brand and teach others to do the same. Background - Most people default to generic, impersonal content - Audiences crave relatability and human connection - Sharing personal stories requires vulnerability These are 4 principles that helped me harness the power of personal content: 1. Shift from "How to" to "How I" Instead of just giving generic advice, I started sharing how I personally implemented strategies and the transformations I experienced. Framing content around your own journey instantly makes it more engaging. People connect with the human behind the insights. 2. Embrace Your Hero's Journey We all face challenges and adversity. Openly sharing your lows and vulnerabilities, not just the highlight reel, draws people in. Mapping your experiences to the "hero's journey" framework, with its ups and downs, creates a compelling narrative that hooks audiences. 3. Use Prompts to Mine Your Experiences Sometimes we overlook the fascinating stories we have to share. I use prompts to reflect on defining moments or beliefs that shaped me. Examining your experiences through different lenses can unearth powerful content ideas you may have never thought to share. 4. Repurpose Across Formats Once I have a personal story that resonates, I repurpose it across multiple formats. A tweet can become a Twitter thread, then a blog post, then a video script. Organically integrating your story into your content mix allows you to reinforce your message and reach different audience segments. I'd love to hear how others have leveraged personal stories in their content strategy! Drop a comment sharing your experiences.

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