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1️⃣ One Sentence Summary
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🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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"Working with Industry Leaders: I've gotten to work with really cool people I work with. Just finished deals with Ben Silverman, one of the co founders of Pinterest. Parag, the ex CEO of Twitter, John Zimmer, he's one of the co founders at Lyft."
"Marketing Strategies: We can't be solely dependent on two channels or three channels... try to balance that pressure with taking advantage of a channel that's actually working because it could be so rare to get a channel that works that you can scale."
"Startup Insights: I think especially for earlier stage companies, you kind of earn the right to go diversify into other stuff, but when dinner served, you eat."
"Knowing When to Adapt: Everyone goes through that process, but I should have just put pedal to metal on paid social and spent as much time and money as I could there, versus trying to figure out Pinterest ads, right?"
"Importance of Diversification Strategies: We really spread across a bunch of different channels as we got up and running. Email was a big channel for us, as well as social."
"Balancing Testing and Targets: What is my customer acquisition cost at the end of the month but having more leniency to try things and test out, does it work or not? I think that is a challenge that a lot of folks run into, which is, hey, we want to test some stuff, but also we've got these really tough targets to hit."
"Channel Exploration Challenges: Too many, right? Just like we're doing Pinterest, we're doing Reddit, we're doing affiliate, we're doing tv, we're doing radio, we're doing Anaphone. It's like you can't do all those things really, really well, especially with a small team and limited resources, which everyone has."
"Focusing on Priorities: So picking and choosing, what are our bets for the quarter? We're going to really lean into those and give them a solid try."
"Difficulty in Changing Bad Habits: And I think what we learned in retrospect is just how hard it is to get someone to stop doing something, even if they know it is bad for them. If they enjoy it, like taking away somebody's smoke break, they know it's bad, but they look forward to it every day, and so they're not, like, proactively looking side up."
"Maintaining Reputation While Scaling: 'We just wanted to make sure we always very clear that, like, we were a good actor and we were taking things very seriously. And so I think that has the potential as you scale to fall apart.'"
"Challenges in E-commerce: 'Like, what does customer service look like? You know, what's response time? Like, what's your unsub rate look like on email. Just it can be hard to keep track of that because there are so many things going on and growth a lot of times smooths everything over.'"
"Effective Strategy Communication: But I think the, the big thing for us that we tried to really spend time on Washington building out a strategy and clarity around goals as well and having that come from the top and then spending time with our direct reports who are senior folks at the company, having them buy in and understand and then presenting it more broadly to the company, that can get lost sometimes when you're moving so fast, which is like the senior execs, the founders know what's going on."
"Pharmaceutical Industry Insights: 'Like, any prescription medication that a doctor might recommend is not ro branded. It's not ro making medication. It's the same medication that you would get if you sent it to Walgreens or a local pharmacy.'"
"Setting Business Expectations: Here are things that we would love to do but we're not going to do because we are prioritizing these other things and really calling out the, the nose there, I think is incredibly important because inevitably somebody is going to slack, somebody else. Could you help put together this thing for this new launch or whatever? Everyone needs to know, like, hey, that's on ice until next quarter because we've got to nail this stuff."
"Role of Executive Level in Business Decision-Making: And you only really get that visibility at the executive level. When you're looking at the p and l, you're looking at growth."
"The Importance of a Good Domain Name for Marketing: 'Having a tighter domain name can be really helpful. Like if you're doing a radio ad and you're like, go to trypodcast IO. It's like clunky and no one's going to really remember that. Going to be harder, I think, to make that a channel that works.'"
🔑 7 Key Themes
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💬 Keywords
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Interview Breakdown
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DTC Pod Linkedin
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📚 Timestamped overview
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💼 LinkedIN - 6 Reasons Post
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❇️ Key topics and bullets
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🎬 Reel script
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✏️ Custom Newsletter
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🐦 Business Lesson Tweet Thread
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🎓 Lessons Learned
✨ Preset prompt
💎 Maxims
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🌟 3 Fun Facts
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📓 Blog Post
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🎤 Voiceover Script
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🔘 Best Practices Guide
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🎆 Social Carousel: Do's/Don'ts
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🎠 Social Carousel
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One Off Tweets
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Twitter Post 1
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✨ Preset prompt
✨ Preset prompt
In Depth Thread
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New Idea
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Tweet thread on learnings
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Future State, 6 reasons post
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About the Episode
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Episode Summary
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Success Strategies
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Castmagic LinkedIn Post
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