Podcast Launch Strategy #151 How To Find Guests For Your Podcast or Even Your Next Client-enhanced
Gonna use you and I as an example because I think that grounds it into real people, and that's a big part of the book for me as well. I don't I don't like thinking in terms of avatars and marketing personas. I like real people because they're the ones that actually have credit cards. So so when you and I connected, Chris, you reached out to me first, which many times. I'm I'm the one doing the out the outreach. But one of the things that you that you did really well was you talked about you had seen a post, and you referenced that specific post, and you talked about conversation that was happening around the book that's coming out. Yes. That was important to me because immediately, you and I had a different conversation going.
It was personalized to the point that I knew the message I received from you was not a copy and paste message that you sent to a 100 other people. So that's one of the rules that we have in our program. The one of the rules that we teach is that 100%, the person on the receiving side knows that that message was meant for them and them alone and couldn't have been shared with anybody else because it would make sense. Another thing that I like to do and that I would do in return with you is I would look at someone's profile before before we're connected. I'm doing a little bit of research on who are they? Is this my kind of person? Is this kind of person I would want to invest my time into? And I'm looking for something that I can compliment them on. I want to find the awesome in another person. And I want you to think about that for a second because this is not just business, you know, hack. It's not a, this is a life skill.
Like, your life is better if you can get really good at this one thing, and that is continually looking at other people and saying, you know what, Chris? I love the fact that you're that you're doing a podcast every week. You pick this this group of folks, experts, and you're profiling someone else every week to make them feel like $1,000,000. Yes. That's an awesome thing, and that is me. That's an example one of the awesome things that I would identify about you. And the reason why this is important is because we, as human beings, we're very receptive. It's validating for us when someone else sees the good work that we're doing. Like, we it just feels good.
We we don't feel manipulated. We feel recognized. We feel seen. On the flip side, people will say you have to show up. You have to bring value in order to build a relationship with other people. But the way most people build value is they they come in and they say, hey, Chris. I saw you're doing this thing. And did you know you have a typo here on this? And did you know you didn't really do this thing very well? And I could help you do better with like, if you'd hire me, I could give your, you know it's like you they show up to to deliver value by telling people everything that they're doing wrong, which is a terrible first impression.

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