Podcast Launch Strategy #151 How To Find Guests For Your Podcast or Even Your Next Client-enhanced

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00:38 Personalized messages, individual connections, profile research. Life skill.

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Tobin Slaven 00:00:00 00:00:13

The Importance of Connecting with Real People: "Gonna use you and I as an example because I think that grounds it into real people, and that's a big part of the book for me as well. I don't I don't like thinking in terms of avatars and marketing personas. I like real people because they're the ones that actually have credit cards."

Tobin Slaven 00:00:53 00:01:04

"Personalization and Research: The person on the receiving side knows that that message was meant for them and them alone and couldn't have been shared with anybody else because it would make sense."

Tobin Slaven 00:02:05 00:02:14

The Power of Validation: "we, as human beings, we're very receptive. It's validating for us when someone else sees the good work that we're doing. Like, we it just feels good."

Tobin Slaven 00:02:14 00:02:49

"The Importance of Building Relationships through Recognition and Value": "We don't feel manipulated. We feel recognized. We feel seen."

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🧡Thread Alert: Building Genuine Connections on Social Media πŸ€πŸ’» In today's digital age, it's easy to treat others as avatars or marketing personas. But if you really want to connect, it's all about real people with real credit cards. Let's dive into a conversation that sheds light on building meaningful relationships online.πŸ‘‡ πŸŽ™οΈSpeaker A shares a valuable lesson: When reaching out on social media, make it personal. Take the time to reference something specific you saw or read, showing that you genuinely care about the conversation. It sets the foundation for a different, more engaging interaction. πŸ’­πŸ’¬ And here's a golden nugget from the speaker: the "one person" rule. This means crafting a message that makes the recipient feel special, knowing it was meant for them alone. No copy-paste generic messages here!πŸ‘₯βœ‰οΈ But it's a two-way street! 🚦 As Speaker A explains, taking the time to research and understand the person you want to connect with is crucial. Compliment them genuinely, find the awesome in them. It's about recognizing their efforts, not just in business but in life. It's a powerful life skill! πŸ‘πŸ‘ Why is this so important? πŸ€” Because as human beings, we thrive on validation and recognition. When others see the good work we're doing, it makes us feel seen and appreciated. It's not about manipulation; it's about creating genuine connections that uplift and empower. 🌟🀝 On the flip side, beware of the "value trap"! Yes, bringing value is crucial, but it's all in the approach. Don't be the person who barges in, pointing out flaws and offering to fix them. Instead, focus on highlighting the positives and building rapport. First impressions are everything! 😌✨ So, as you navigate the world of social media, keep these lessons in mind. Engage with authenticity, personalize your messages, and find the awesome in others. The result? Strong, genuine connections that go beyond business endeavors. 🌐🌈 Remember, it's not just a business hack; it's a life skill. Start practicing today and watch your online relationships flourish! πŸ“ˆπŸ’™ #SocialMediaConnections #Authenticity #GenuineConnections #Community #LifeSkills #BuildingRelationships

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1. Personalized connections make a huge impact. Sending a copy-paste message to 100 people won't cut it. Engagement should be tailored, showing that you genuinely care about the individual. #PodcastProTips #PersonalizedConnections 2. Research, research, research! Before connecting with someone, take a peek at their profile. Look for something you can genuinely compliment them on. Finding the awesome in others creates a positive impression and builds strong relationships. #Podcasting101 #PositiveImpressions 3. Validation matters. Recognize and acknowledge the good work others are doing. It's validating for human beings to have their efforts recognized. Building others up creates a connection based on genuine appreciation. #ValidationMatters #BuildingConnections 4. Value should be delivered, but not by pointing out flaws. Instead of focusing on what someone is doing wrong, emphasize the positive aspects of their work. Deliver value by highlighting their strengths and offering support. #DeliverValue #EmphasizeStrengths 5. First impressions matter. Don't start a conversation by pointing out mistakes or offering unsolicited advice. Instead, make a positive impact by expressing genuine admiration for the person and their work. It sets the stage for a meaningful relationship. #MakeAGoodImpression #MeaningfulConnections

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