DTC POD #245 - Chelsea Schulz, Ettitude: Data Driven Performance & Growth

1️⃣ One Sentence Summary
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"Data-driven growth and performance marketing insights with Chelsea Schulz."

Interview Breakdown
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In today's episode, we engage in an insightful conversation with Chelsea Schulz from Attitude, revealing how she harnesses data for strategizing performance and growth. We delve into her transition to Google's new platform, launching Pinterest for Cyber Week, and her experience with podcast advertising among others. Today, we'll cover: - The transition to Google's new Ga Four platform and its implications for small scale businesses - The role of alternative advertising channels like podcasts and direct mail in driving successful sales - The challenge of sourcing creative across different platforms and the significance of cohesion in branding - The dynamics of using trust platforms like Yappo in building customer trust and retention - Discussion on the increasing need for an integrated platform that consolidates multiple aspects of data for operations.

🔑 7 Key Themes
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1. Transition to Google Analytics Four. 2. Performance initiatives at Attitude. 3. Data tracking and key indicators. 4. Challenges in podcast advertising. 5. Role of reviews in trust-building. 6. Need for centralized data platform. 7. Opportunities in subscription market growth.

💬 Keywords
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Ga Four, Google Analytics, data tracking, digital marketing, small brands, data experts, Chelsea Schulz, Attitude, Pinterest, Cyber Week, podcasts, direct mail, audience loyalty, creative sourcing, Asana, project management, Ramon Berrios, ecommerce, Editude, eco-friendly products, Red Circle, Gumball, podcast advertising, Bachelor podcasts, key performance indicators, Attribution platforms, customer acquisition cost, Google Shopping, Yappo, retention strategies.

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Chelsea Schulz 00:13:16 00:13:42

"Importance of Basic Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Metrics: But to your point, having that just like very basic blended CAC I think is so useful and so many people just, I don't know, I think don't want to use it because it's so basic, but it is your absolute source of truth. Why not measure that? That's going to take you a few minutes to calculate out and put together, monitor it, make sure that the business is moving forward."

Chelsea Schulz 00:14:16 00:14:38

"Optimizing Sales Strategies: I constantly have the disagreement of, like, are we optimizing to a ROAS or are we optimizing to a cost per order or a CPA? I was like, those two things are different. I can scale up a ton of orders for you, but a lot of those are going to probably be small orders of $50 and then our ROAS is going to go down. So what do you want more?"

Chelsea Schulz 00:23:24 00:24:15

"Growth Tracking Tips for New Brands: So that's really what it gets down to is you need to have your Ga connection set up. It is so, so simple to set up any sort of tracking in Ga to have just like a UTM source equals pinterest and put that on every single thing that you do on pinterest and it'll put it into a nice little source bucket in ga and you can easily view that and manipulate it however you want to, to see that data by time, by customer. And that's really where I think that everyone should dive in when they're starting a brand just very clean, like, okay, we got this amount of traffic from this source, and then the orders, and then you can back out how much your cost per order is and all that fun stuff."

Chelsea Schulz 00:30:54 00:31:10

"Google's New Analytics Platform - Ga Four: But if you haven't heard from Google already, they're rolling out Ga Four, which means that the current structure of Google Analytics and that platform will be no longer getting data. I believe it's in June."

Chelsea Schulz 00:42:07 00:42:25

"Targeting Bachelor Podcast Audiences: So we have been on Bachelor podcasts before that just drive so much revenue and it's so fun to see like, oh, we'll test out this audience, we'll test out this and here's this Bachelor podcast, let's work with them and it just blows up."

Chelsea Schulz 00:43:20 00:43:44

"Challenges in Podcast Marketing: So podcast is forever a test and learn because sometimes you'll be on a podcast for, let's say you have a six month long partnership and it'll just start to tank and you need to be aware of that, of like when did you tap out that audience? Have they heard about you enough that they're not getting new listeners in? And that's it, you need to move on."

Chelsea Schulz 00:45:29 00:45:37

"Podcast Marketing Strategy: When you first start out with podcasts, I feel like you just pick something and you're throwing spaghetti at a wall and seeing what sticks."

Chelsea Schulz 00:51:49 00:52:12

"Need for a Unified Data Platform: I would love a one size fits all data platform. I really wish that there was someone that came through and just removed the need for everything else because I think some companies have tried, but you have these things that are here's our data Attribution platform for Paid...And it's just like there's a lot and we have looked into numerous options of like, what do we want to bring on, what data points are we missing, what are the next steps?"

Chelsea Schulz 00:59:08 00:59:23

"Career Growth in Marketing: 'And just being aware of what can you take on, what you want to take on and what's going to help the company grow has really helped me have a clean vision of like, I'm going to work every day to help the company grow... And marketing is all about testing and learning, so why not, I guess, do the same thing with your career and learn what you're good at, learn about what you want to do and grow from there.'"

Chelsea Schulz 01:00:58 01:01:16

"Adapting Marketing Strategies for Different Platforms: That's a great question and something that we're diving more and more into as we're scaling across these different channels and different platforms because we're finding obviously like what is working on Facebook won't work on Pinterest, what works on Instagram Reels won't work on TikTok."

📚 Timestamped overview
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06:34 Driving app traffic, converting and selling products.

07:28 Service vs product in marketing, learning curve.

14:16 Optimize to ROAS or cost per order? Money matters, be specific with data.

23:06 Good data, but lacking traffic sources. Use Google Analytics for tracking and analysis. Industry differences make a one-size-fits-all approach difficult.

29:23 Focus on Google search and AdWords first.

30:38 Google rolling out Ga Four; changes to data tracking in June, causing concern for marketers.

39:56 We use various platforms to coordinate podcasts. Red Circle and Gumball are popular self-serve options where you can find and book podcasts with specific audiences. These platforms offer affordable ad reads with smaller audiences.

43:05 Podcast marketing has risks and expenses.

48:37 Different touch points for podcast marketing.

51:49 Desire for all-in-one data platform, high costs.

01:00:58 Scaling channels requires diverse creative for platforms. In-house and agency teams coordinate content creation.

01:05:40 Cozy podcast guest loves marketing and coffee.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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1. Introduction of Ga Four - Introduction of Google's new platform, Ga Four, replacing Google Analytics. - Urging of marketers to transition to Ga Four for data collection. - Concerns about the transition process, particularly for smaller brands. - Available support through agencies and Google classes. 2. Discourse with Chelsea Schulz - Discusses her concerns about the Ga Four transition. - Talks about successful performance initiatives at Ettitude and the challenge of new channels. - comments on the difficulties of measuring podcast performance. - Discusses the process of vetting podcast partners. - Emphasizes on the ability to embrace new opportunities and step out of comfort zones. - Insights about sourcing creative for different platforms and channels. 3. Ettitude's Marketing Strategies and Planning - Advertising through self-serve platforms and the preference to have hosts read their ads. - Continual testing and finding consistent success with podcasts. - Tracking data via landing pages, specific codes, utms, and post-purchase surveys. - Intentions to scale spend on successful podcasts and continue testing new ones. 4. Analytics and Evaluating Performance - Importance of Attribution platforms for calculating marketing cost and tracking performance. - Chelsea's views about Google Ads and Google Shopping for direct-to-consumer brands. - Using reviews as a trust-building tool. 5. Chelsea's Desire for a Consolidated Data Platform - Desire for one-size-fits-all data platform consolidating their various platforms. - Discussion about prospective options like Shopify and Peel Insights. 6. Chelsea's Experience and Professional Journey - Reveals her career growth via branching into branding. - Introduction of Chelsea's background and experience in data and analytics. - Talks about her involvement in performance marketing at Ettitude. - Importance of attributing data and alignment on the organization's source of truth. 7. Effective Utilization of Online Platforms - Comprehensive understanding of Google Analytics and using it for tracking traffic and gathering audience insights. - Benefits and limitations of Shopify. - Recommendations for setup of Ga tracking, using UTM parameters, and analyzing data. - Importance of testing different platforms and channels. 8. Upcoming Opportunities and Future Recommendation - The potential of organic TikTok and Instagram Reels for building brand awareness. - Recommendation of Google Ads as a core approach and uncertainties of Facebook advertising. - Discussion about the effectiveness and measurement of YouTube ads. - Need for understanding user context, high intent, and platform differences when allocating ad budgets.

🎬 Reel script
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"In today's episode of DTC POD, we sat down with Chelsea Schulz from Ettitude, exploring the fascinating world of data-driven performance and growth. We dug deep into the imminent change with Google Analytics transitioning to Ga Four, and the implications for brands. Chelsea shared valuable insights on performance initiatives at Ettitude, understanding podcast metrics, and the need to adapt to different marketing platforms and channels. She also touched on the importance of reviews in building customer trust and the dilemma of finding a consolidated data platform. Above all, she emphasized learning, testing, and constantly adapting in this dynamic digital world. If you're in the ecommerce or performance marketing arena, this is an episode you cannot miss."

👩‍💻 LinkedIn post
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🎙️ Tuned in today for episode #245 on DTC POD with Chelsea Schulz, featuring hosts Blaine Bolus and Ramon Berrios. A deep dive into data-driven performance, growth strategies, and navigating transitions in the ever-evolving landscape of data platforms. Here are my 3 key takeaways: 1️⃣ Embrace The Unknown: The transition from Google Analytics to Ga Four is impending and might seem daunting, particularly for smaller brands. Chelsea advises staying up-to-date with the latest platforms and not hesitating to leverage resources like Google classes or agencies that can guide you through the transition. 2️⃣ Diversify Advertising Strategies: Experimenting with different platforms is key. Chelsea talks about podcasts and direct mail as lucrative channels, highlighting the challenges of vetting podcast partners and measuring performance in such forums. But the results? A personal connection and word-of-mouth recommendations that might well be worth the effort. 3️⃣ Prioritize Learning & Optimization: Navigating Google Shopping may be complex, but focusing too narrowly on optimizing search campaigns for high-value customers can be futile. Rather, Chelsea suggests utilizing ad visuals and copy that targets Google's demographic to attract these customers. Stay tuned for harmonized insights on performance marketing, exploring avenues for advertising, and venturing beyond the comforts of known data systems. To connect with Chelsea, find her on LinkedIn or hit her up at chelsea@ettitude.com 👥 #DTCPod #PerformanceMarketing #DataDriven #Podcasts #DTC

✏️ Custom Newsletter
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Subject: 🎧 New DTC POD: Chelsea Schulz, Ettitude Datas Dive - Have you tuned in yet? Hello Pod Squad, We're back with yet another insightful episode of DTC POD. This time we sat down with Chelsea Schulz, the data guru from Ettitude, to chat all about data-driven performance, growth, and the ins and outs of digital advertising. Here are 5 🔑 keys that you will learn from this episode: 1. How to ease the transition from Google Analytics to GA Four: We've got loads of tips to ensure your tracking and year-over-year data don't get lost in the shuffle. 2. The challenges and solutions to measuring podcast performance: Chelsea opens up about how personal connections and word-of-mouth recommendations can drive purchases. 3. Spotify vs. Google vs. Facebook: Schutz dives into navigating these advertising channels and how to optimize your search campaigns. 4. Hacks for customer retention strategies: Think reviews and trust platforms. Oh, and SPOILER, Schultz chats about the role Yappo plays for Ettitude. 5. The potential power of a one-size-fits-all data platform: Imagine a world where you could consolidate all your current platforms. Yes, please! Did you know? 🚀 This episode drops a fun fact that the subscription market is expected to grow by a whopping $500 billion by 2025! Since we're in the DTC world, we figured you'd appreciate that slice of knowledge. Stay tuned till the end for Chelsea's take on the future of all things data analytics, and don't forget to listen out for a mention of a potential game-changing platform for DTC brands - Peel Insights! As always, if you enjoyed our chat with Chelsea, we'd love if you could share this episode with your fellow data enthusiasts, marketing mavens, growth hackers, and anybody else who might appreciate a deep dive on gauging growth insights, data analytics and more. Don't forget to drop us a review on your preferred podcast platform, and remember, you can always connect with us on social media. Your feedback helps us bring you more of what you love. 🎙️ Till next time, Blaine & Ramon The DTC POD Team P.S. Catch Chelsea on LinkedIn or shoot her an email at chelsea@editude.com to discuss more marketing marvels! 🚀 [Listen Now Button] Good podcasts start with great episodes. Let's get sharing! 🙌 [Social Share Buttons]

🐦 Business Lesson Tweet Thread
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1/ "Data is the new oil" has become a cliché. But what if you're sitting on a goldmine without a drill? Sat down with Chelsea Schulz of Ettitude at DTC POD. Here's a thread about making data your best friend. 2/ Unfamiliar terrains are intimidating. Think about Google's new Ga Four platform. Huge shift, but crucial to stay relevant in the marketing world. So, equip yourself with knowledge, tech assistance, classes. 3/ It’s not always about 'Go Big or Go Home'. Startups and small brands don’t always need a dedicated data specialist. Agencies and classes are out there to help. 4/ Choosing partners, be it podcast or otherwise, takes more than a leap of faith. Chelsea focuses on genuine, loyal audiences over size. Fickle crowds with high drop-out rates can lead to false starts. 5/ Creative teams are vital for any venture. But it's also about successful collaboration. Tools like Asana help Ettitude manage and coordinate their vast resources. 6/ Nothing replaces human oversight. Chelsea highlights this when it comes to brand cohesion amidst multiple content sources. Good management = Good business. 7/ Experiment! That's a mantra Chelsea followed with podcast advertising. There might be hits and there might be misses, but it's a constant learning journey that pays off. 8/ Tracking performance can be tricky. To get around this, Ettitude uses landing pages, specific codes, and post-purchase surveys. It's all about getting the data. 9/ Talk about KPIs shook me. Chelsea believes in specificity. Too much data can become a jumbled mess. The key is to know what to track, what to measure. 10/ Google Shopping can be tricky. Take it from Chelsea’s experience: Tailor advertising to Google’s audience. The algorithm already optimises for high-value customers. 11/ Reviews build trust and that's how you retain your customers. Chelsea uses Yappo for customer reviews, and she links them right to Google. 12/ It's easy to lose yourself in the digital world. Chelsea and I agree on something. The gap in streamlined data platforms has a big business potential. If Shopify could do it, so can we. 13/ Learning is the bedrock of entrepreneurship. Chelsea attributes her career growth to being open to new opportunities. It’s all about wearing different hats. 14/ Scale. If there's one word to remember from Chelsea's chat, it should be this. Keep finding those successful areas, like podcasts for Ettitude, and pour your resources into scaling them. 15/ That’s it! Remember, your venture is as good as your knowledge and application of data. Listening to the likes of Chelsea Schulz makes a difference. Keep learning, keep growing.

🎓 Lessons Learned
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1. Navigating Google Analytics Update: Explore Google's new platform, GA Four, ensuring data continuity and proper setup for small brands. 2. Maximizing Podcast Advertising: Learn how to measure podcast performance, vet partners, and maintain genuine, loyal audiences for optimum sales generation. 3. Creative Sourcing Challenges: Overcome difficulties in sourcing creative for various platforms and coordinating with an in-house team and external agencies. 4. Importance of Brand Oversight: Understand the need for cohesive brand oversight and consistency when collaborating with multiple content sources. 5. Understanding Advertising Platforms: Discover the various platforms for podcast advertising, including self-serve platforms like Red Circle and Gumball. 6. Data-driven Advertising Strategies: Advertisers can continually test and learn about their audience using landing pages, codes, utms, and post-purchase surveys. 7. Attribution Platform Utilization: Use Attribution platforms for cost-effective marketing, tracking performance, and filling potential data gaps. 8. Customer Review Importance: Assess the role of customer reviews in building trust and retaining customers with tools like Yappo. 9. Cross-Platform Data Integration: Grasp the necessity for a platform that consolidates different aspects of data to ensure optimum performance marketing. 10. Google for Direct-to-Consumer Brands: Capture Google's audience by employing optimized search campaigns and utilizing Google Shopping for your D2C brand.

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Maxims from DTC POD Episode #245, Chelsea Schulz, Ettitude: Data Driven Performance & Growth: 1. Stay proactive and up-to-date with new platforms and services - don't be caught off guard by tech transitions like Google's Ga Four. 2. Dive into learning opportunities, like classes or training sessions, when managing shifts in technology or platform structures. 3. Never underestimate the power of podcasts and word-of-mouth recommendations for driving sales and brand growth. 4. Persistently assess your partnerships to ensure the audience alignment and effectiveness - every collaboration can contribute to or detract from the brand's performance. 5. Be open to and seek different opportunities beyond your comfort zone. Stepping into the unfamiliar can lead to growth and advancement. 6. Regardless of time zones and other barriers, keep your team aligned and coordinated for consistent outcomes - tools like Asana can support this. 7. Continuous testing and learning with different platforms and channels is crucial to remain agile and adaptable in an evolving market. 8. Employ various tools to track performance data effectively - landing pages, specific codes, utms, and post-purchase surveys are all valuable. 9. Keep a keen eye on your key performance indicators and strive for specific returns on ad spend. 10. Make use of Attribution platforms for a clear perspective on performance. 11. Always be mindful of potential data overload - clarity comes from focusing on specific KPIs. 12. Sourcing creative materials requires agility and flexibility - balance in-house creatives with agency partnerships for a varied content mix. 13. Maximize user-generated content and influencer partnerships; they add authenticity and amplify reach. 14. Leverage customer reviews and other trust-inducing platforms to boost retention rates and customer trust. 15. Always be on the lookout for gaps in your tech stack - acknowledging what's missing can open pathways to more streamlined and holistic solutions. 16. Be open to exploring unknown territories in your role to facilitate your growth and the growth of your company. 17. Understand that predicting consumer behavior can be incredibly tricky - varied testing and diligent performance tracking are key to unlocking trends. 18. Maintain strong communication links between acquisition and retention teams to improve customer experience. 19. Utilize Google Analytics to your advantage, it's a treasure trove of insights to improve your understanding of your audience and website performance. 20. Diversify your performance marketing channels but be aware of each platform's unique features and challenges, from Google Ads to Facebook advertising. 21. Understand user intent on each platform to allocate your ad budgets efficiently, as each platform has its unique user context and purpose. 22. Know your audience well and target your ad copy and imagery to cater precisely to them, attracting high-value customers. 23. Strive for brand oversight and cohesion when working with multiple sources of new content. A consistent brand story is key to customer retention and attraction. 24. Do not fear change. Transit periods can be challenging but ultimately lead to more efficiency and better results. 25. Growth depends on continuously analyzing and improving your customer acquisition process, remaining aware and flexible to shifts in consumer behaviors and industry trends. 26. Incorporating sustainable practices into your business model can differentiate your brand in the market, as well as contribute positively to the environment.

📧 Podcast Thank You Email
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Hey Chelsea, We just wanted to drop you a quick note to say a massive thank you for inspiring us all on our recent DTC POD episode. It's not everyday that we get to dive deep into data driven performance and growth with someone as knowledgeable as you. The episode, "#245 - Chelsea Schulz, Ettitude: Data Driven Performance & Growth", is now live and we're thrilled with the response so far. Your powerful insights, coupled with practical tips and anecdotes, made for incredibly insightful content. We're confident it's going to help many marketers transition toward the new Ga Four platform, and we couldn't have tackled such a dynamic topic without your expertise. If you get a chance, we’d really appreciate it if you could share and engage with the content related to the episode on your social profiles. As you know, every like, share, or comment goes a long way towards spreading the word about the podcast. Plus, we’re sure your audience would love to hear your thoughts! Looking forward to reconnecting soon and dissecting more pressing marketing issues. Stay awesome! Best, Blaine & Ramon DTC POD

🌟 3 Fun Facts
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1. As part of successful performance initiatives, Ettitude launched Pinterest for Cyber Week and experimented with new channels resulting in unexpected successes like podcasts and direct mail for generating sales. 2. An interesting fact shared by Chelsea Schulz is that they prefer podcast hosts to read their ads rather than using their own. Gumball and Red Circle are self-serve platforms where Ettitude books ads directly. 3. Instead of using one data platform for everything, Ettitude uses a myriad of platforms for various KPIs, and they use Yappo for reviews, which are linked to Google and other search platforms.

📓 Blog Post
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**Title:** "Navigating the Future of Performance Marketing with Chelsea Schulz on DTC POD #245" **Subheading:** Insights from Ettitude’s data whiz on data platforms, channel performance, and the balancing act of ad budget allocation. **Introducing the Data Whisperer** In this thrilling episode of DTC POD, Blaine Bolus and Ramon Berrios have a heart-to-heart with Chelsea Schulz, the Director of Performance Marketing at Ettitude, the sustainable textile company. Known for her expertise in data and analytics, Chelsea shares insights from successful performance initiatives at Ettitude, the challenges of setting up new data platforms, and her vision for the future of data-driven marketing. **Adapting to Google's GA Four: An Inevitable Transition** Chelsea Schulz talks candidly about the upcoming transition to Google’s new platform, Ga Four. With the current structure of Google Analytics set to become redundant in June, she advises marketers to embrace Google's new service to ensure seamless tracking and year-over-year data. Despite the possible struggle for smaller brands, she recommends taking classes and staying updated to facilitate a smooth transition. **Decoding Marketing Success with Podcasts and Direct Mail** Practical real-life examples adorn our conversation as Chelsea recounts Ettitude's triumph with podcasts and direct mail. Despite the challenges in measuring podcast performance and vetting partners, the personal connection and word-of-mouth recommendations from podcasts drive purchases. However, she highlights the constant need to test and adapt the marketing strategies as partnerships sometimes lose their effectiveness. **Managing Creatives Across Multiple Platforms** Chelsea reveals the backstage realities of managing creatives across various platforms. She mentions the effective utilisation of the task management platform, Asana, for coordinating with the creative team, despite time zone differences. Simultaneously, she stresses the necessity of maintaining a coherent brand image when working with multiple new content sources. **The Power of Ad Copy and Autonomous Algorithms in Google Ads** While discussing Google Ads for DTC brands, Chelsea calls out the complexity of Google Shopping. She questions the need for additional optimization for high-value customers, positing that the Google algorithm is already doing the heavy lifting, thus underscoring the importance of leveraging technology in ecommerce businesses. For the same reason, she advocates for the use of imagery and ad copy that align with Google's audience to entice high-value customers. **Championing Consolidation over Fragmentation of Data** In response to the query about missing elements in performance marketing, Chelsea expresses the desire for a consolidated data platform. She considers this vital to integrate the different aspects of data—financial, operational, customer analytics, and more. However, as she notes, despite the seamless integration and user-friendliness of Shopify, large brand often require multiple dedicated platforms for comprehensive insights. **Final Remarks: Embrace Changes and Nurture Growth** Sunsets on our podcast episode as Chelsea Schulz illustrates her career evolution from performance marketing to branding. She stresses the significance of exploring unfamiliar territories as it contributes to one’s career growth. Bolus and Berrios couldn't agree more as they define the importance of understanding user scenarios, platform differences, and always being ready to test different platforms and channels. Chelsea’s narrative leaves one with a deeper understanding of data-driven performance marketing, encouraging us to remember that even in numbers, the human factor reigns supreme. Join us for the next episode of DTC POD for more enlightening conversations with industry experts.

🎤 Voiceover Script
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"In episode 245, Chelsea Schulz from Ettitude shared insightful nuggets on data-driven performance marketing. We covered the essential transition to Google's Ga Four, the power of podcast marketing, Attitude's successful use of varied platforms like Pinterest for growth, and the impact of customer reviews. She emphasized the importance of targeted ad copy for Google's audience, and the potential of Google Ads for Direct-to-Consumer brands. Chelsea also discussed her vision for a perfect one-size-fits-all data platform, giving us a glimpse of the future of performance marketing."

🔘 Best Practices Guide
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In this episode, Chelsea Schulz highlights the importance of mastering Google Analytics (Ga) and transitioning to Ga Four. Marketers should be proactive in understanding features of new platforms like Ga Four and use Google classes or agency support for efficient transition. Also, brands need to have clear performance indicators and use data tracking tools like landing pages, utms, and post-purchase surveys. She emphasizes on vetting podcast partners for loyal audiences and cautions about high dropout rates. Engaging with various advertising platforms like Red Circle and Gumball and creating personal connections with audiences through podcasts can drive sales. When advertising, consider demographic preferences, like Attitude's female-oriented ad strategy on Bachelor podcasts. Lastly, regular testing of different channels, and openness to new opportunities can reveal winning platforms for advertising and scaling spend.

🎆 Social Carousel: Do's/Don'ts
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Slide 1: Title: "10 Tips Every Retention Marketer Needs to Know" Description: Uncover your path to effective retention marketing with these key tips from industry expert, Chelsea Schulz. Slide 2: Title: "Ignore Ga Four" Description: Embrace Google's 'Ga Four' instead of ignoring it, it helps to track year-over-year data seamlessly. Slide 3: Title: "Underutilize Platforms" Description: Test new channels, platforms like Pinterest can generate significant growth and sales. Slide 4: Title: "Choose Carelessly" Description: Carefully vet your podcast partners to ensure loyal and genuine audiences. Slide 5: Title: "Forget Audience" Description: Craft your ad copy and imagery to fit the platform's audience, it attracts high-value customers. Slide 6: Title: "One-man Show" Description: Collaborate; coordinate with creative, organic, and influencer teams for effective campaigns. Slide 7: Title: "Use Data Blindly" Description: Be specific about which KPIs to measure and optimize. Don’t drown in metric overrun. Slide 8: Title: "Neglect Reviews" Description: Utilize reviews from platforms like Yappo, they build trust and boost retention. Slide 9: Title: "Avoid Testing" Description: Continually test and learn with podcasts, find ones that are consistently successful. Slide 10: Title: "Resist Change" Description: Stay open to new opportunities, leverage technology and step outside comfort zones for company growth.

🎠 Social Carousel
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Cover Slide: "10 Growth Hacks Every Data-Driven Marketer Needs to Know" 1. "Transition Well" Navigate to Ga Four smoothly to guarantee accurate tracking and data gathering. 2. "Channel Experimentation" Diversify your platforms like Pinterest, Podcasts, and Direct Mail for varied customer engagement. 3. "Utilize Tools" Leverage project management software like Asana for team coordination and oversight. 4. "Continual Testing" Keep experimenting with podcast channels for increasing effectiveness. 5. "Opt For Attribution" Use attribution platforms for accurate cost calculation and performance tracking. 6. "Retain Customer Trust" Incorporate reviews via platforms like Yappo to improve customer retention. 7. "Advanced Integration" Adopt a platform that consolidates all financial, operational, and customer data. 8. "Realize Subscriptions" Consider implementing subscription offerings using platforms like Recharge for recurrent revenue. 9. "Insightful Analytics" Emphasize on Google Analytics for audience insights and traffic source determination. 10. "Adopt TikTok Reels" Benefit from social media trends like TikTok and Instagram Reels for organic brand awareness. CTA Slide: "Unleash Your Brand's True Potential! Stay tuned to DTC POD for more growth hacks."

One Off Tweets
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1. Embrace the unexpected move to Ga Four. It might feel like walking in the dark, but think of it as an adventure, a crucial leap into data-tracking's future. If it feels hard, you're probably doing it right. 2. Adopting new platforms tests the agility of small brands. But remember, resilience dots the journey of success. Roll up those sleeves, dive into those classes, and watch the transformation happen. 3. Testing new channels can feel like a gamble. Remember, though, the greatest victories often come from the uncharted territories. So, set off and let the winds of performance initiatives guide your sails. 4. Podcasts and direct mail, unlikely heroes in sales generation, hint at the power of personal connections. In an increasingly digital age, warm word-of-mouth whispers prevail. Listen closely. 5. It's often when we step outside our comfort zones that we encounter growth. Be open to different opportunities. The unfamiliar terrain might just be the landscape on your map to success. 6. Navigating the complex waters of Google Shopping might feel daunting. But let the algorithm do its magic while you focus on the allure of captivating ad copy and imagery. Remember, you're not just selling products, you're selling experiences. 7. The quest for the 'one platform to rule them all' continues. Navigating the maze of data platforms can seem exhausting. But don't forget - it's in facing the most daunting challenges that we find innovation. 8. The unexplored potential of YouTube advertising can be scary. Remember, formidable frontiers are the breeding grounds for the extraordinary. So, place your stake in this digital land and wait for the magic to unfurl. 9. Transitioning to new data platforms can be as difficult as leaving the old behind. But with every end comes a new beginning. Embrace this leap into the future and watch your growth picture become clearer. 10. Pioneering into branding can feel like charting unfamiliar galaxies. But remember, each step propels your career rocket towards an unexplored, boundless universe. Set your navigation, engage thrust, and embark on a cosmic journey of growth.

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