Freedom Fellowship #2 experience-the-presence-of-god
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1. Experiencing God's Presence: A Journey to Stillness, Gratitude, and Humility 2. The Power of God's Presence: Overcoming Complaints, Finding Unity, and Cultivating Humility 3. Walking with God: Embracing Stillness, Humility, and Gratefulness in Everyday Life 4. Dive Deep into God's Presence: Finding Patience, Unity, and Empathy in Relationships 5. Unveiling God's Presence: Nurturing Humility, Stillness, and Unity Amidst Life's Challenges 6. Embracing God's Presence: Gratitude, Patience, and Unity in Daily Encounters 7. Seeking God's Presence: Cultivating Stillness, Humbly Embracing Unity, and Avoiding Complaining 8. The Omnipresence of God: Nurturing Stillness, Gentle Unity, and Gratitude in Everyday Moments 9. Discovering God's Presence: Overcoming Murmurs, Embracing Unity, and Deepening Gratitude 10. A Journey into God's Presence: Embracing Stillness, Honesty, and Unity in Relationships

๐Ÿ’ฌ Keywords
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Prayer, Guidance, Gratitude, Complaining, Communication, Intimacy, Relationship, God, Humility, Patience, Unity, Relationships, High School, Basketball, Paint, Opportunity, Presence, Praise, Circumstances, Freedom Fellowship, Nondenominational Church, Wisconsin, Omnipresence, Jesus, Faith, Adversity, Coaching, Success, Stillness, Creation, Spiritual Connection

โ„น๏ธ Introduction
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Welcome to the Freedom Fellowship podcast, where we delve deep into the experience of the presence of God. In this episode, Pastor Brent Weide leads a powerful discussion on the omnipresence of God and the importance of cultivating a genuine relationship with Him. As we journey through passages from the Bible, personal anecdotes, and valuable insights, we'll discover the significance of humility, patience, praise, and unity in our walk with God. Join us as we explore the impact of God's presence on our relationships, the power of stillness and gratitude, and the transformative nature of praising God in all circumstances. This episode is a poignant reminder of the beauty and depth of experiencing the presence of God in our lives.

๐Ÿ“š Timestamped overview
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02:00 Crowd seeks miracles from Jesus in Mark.

03:37 Desire for Jesus miracles questioned in church.

10:24 Marriage reflects Christ's relationship with the Church.

11:48 Healthy relationship with God equals healthy marriage.

16:07 Strive for unity, humility, and God's presence.

21:11 Player complains about not getting to play.

24:50 Embraced church opportunity, seeking God's presence patiently.

26:59 Young athletes feeling disconnected, striving for recognition.

29:34 Surrender and devotion to God, Psalm inspiration.

34:09 Coaches need belief to inspire winning teams.

38:46 Finding peace in nature, connecting with God.

40:30 Teach, believe, follow, praise, God, lifestyle.

44:44 Seeking divine guidance and gratitude in prayer.

โ“ Questions
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1. How does Pastor Brent Weide's personal story of starting as a painter reflect the importance of patience and unity in our lives? 2. Why is it important to seek God's presence and praise God in all circumstances, even when it's difficult? 3. What are the implications of Psalm 139:7-10 on our understanding of the omnipresence of God and how it impacts our daily lives? 4. How can we prevent ourselves from seeking a show rather than a genuine relationship with God, as expressed in the concerns raised by the pastor and speaker? 5. In what ways does Apostle Paul's relationship with God amidst adversity inspire and guide our own faith journeys? 6. How does consistency in praising God help us focus less on ourselves and more on developing a strong spiritual connection with the Creator? 7. What are some practical ways we can find time to enjoy and appreciate God's creation, encouraging stillness and gratitude in our lives? 8. How can we intentionally cultivate a gentle and patient nature in our interactions with others, mirroring these qualities in our relationship with God? 9. Why is it important to avoid murmuring and complaining, and instead foster an attitude of humility and unity in our daily lives? 10. Discuss the importance of prioritizing our relationship with God and acknowledging our fearfully and wonderfully made nature, as emphasized in this episode.

โ‡๏ธ Key topics and bullets
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Sure! Here's a comprehensive sequence of topics covered in the text: 1. Seeking God's Presence - Pastor Brent Weide's prayer for guidance, stillness, and gratitude - Encouragement to overcome murmuring and complaining - The omnipresence of God based on Psalm 139:7-10 - Difficulty in finding God's presence despite its omnipresence 2. Relationship with God and Others - Importance of the relationship with God impacting other relationships - Emphasizing humility, gentleness, and patience in walking with God and mirroring these qualities in relationships with others - Apostle Paul's relationship with God amidst adversity - Belief in following God's teachings for success 3. Marriage as a Reflection of Christ's Relationship with the Church - Marriage relationship under attack mirrors Christ's relationship with the Church - Importance of communication and intimacy within marriage - Focusing on the relationship with God first and its impact on other relationships 4. Personal Stories and Examples - Pastor Brent Weide's personal story about starting as a painter to pay for college - Example of high school basketball players not displaying humility and patience relating to walking with Christ - The analogy of coaching a team to win a game as a reflection of following God's teachings for success 5. Cultivating Spiritual Virtues - Emphasizing the importance of patience and unity - How the enemy undermines virtues in our lives - Praising God in all circumstances and acknowledging fearfully and wonderfully made nature - Avoiding complaining and cultivating gentleness and unity - Finding time to appreciate and enjoy God's creation, encouraging stillness and gratitude Overall, the episode covers various aspects of seeking God's presence, nurturing relationships, personal anecdotes, and the virtues of patience, humility, and praise in maintaining a strong spiritual connection.

๐ŸŽž๏ธ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Pastor Brent Weide 00:12:17 00:12:38

The Importance of Prioritizing Your Relationship with God: "If our relationship with God is right, if you're working on your marriage today and you're here and you're asking for a miracle for your marriage today, I'm going to tell you to get your relationship with God right. Stop pointing a finger at your spouse."

Pastor Brent Weide 00:16:07 00:16:13

Unity in the Spirit: "Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace."

Pastor Brent Weide 00:18:41 00:19:29

The Importance of Kindness and Gentleness in Relationships: "I like to use the marriage relationship because people can relate to scripture when we talk about marriages and God uses marriages to mirror himself to us, are we walking humbly and owning up to our spouse when we did something wrong and saying, I'm sorry, please forgive me? How about gentleness? When you're in that heat of the moment where you're disagreeing, I wouldn't call it a fight. I would just say at a heat of a moment of a disagreement, are you walking with gentleness? Honey, I love you. I'm there for you. I can tell you're upset or do we're like, you."

Pastor Brent Weide 00:20:34 00:20:39

Navigating Responsibility and Encouragement in High School Sports: "I don't know if that's my role, but I can encourage them. I can lift them up."

Pastor Brent Weide 00:21:50 00:22:10

The Importance of Patience in Sports and Faith: "Be patient." When I first got involved in ministry and I knew God called me to be a teacher and a preacher of the word of God, I wanted to preach, I wanted to teach, I wanted to lead.

Pastor Brent Weide 00:25:54 00:25:58

The Importance of Unity: "I'll be patient. I'll wait on the Lord for the Lord's timing."

Pastor Brent Weide 00:26:59 00:27:26

The Importance of Unity in Sports: "I think about those kids that were superstars on their team last year, sitting there next to me on the bench, not playing. They weren't crying. But the closest thing to crying is you could possibly see. I felt those kids weren't united with the rest of the kids on the team because they're like, I can play better."

Pastor Brent Weide 00:28:31 00:28:48

Growing in Patience and Humility: "If you're struggling in those areas, you need to say, you know what, Lord? Your presence is all around. I want to seek you with my face. I want you to just touch me and be in every aspect of my life."

Pastor Brent Weide 00:29:34 00:29:46

The Importance of Surrendering to God's Will: "God is chipping away at this flesh of ours because he wants us to be fully, fully surrendered and devoted to him."

Pastor Brent Weide 00:41:22 00:41:36

Developing a Lifestyle of Praise: "We need to learn a lifestyle of praise. We don't just come in on Sunday mornings and praise God. We need to praise God in all circumstances of our life, even those thorns in our flesh."

๐ŸŽฌ Reel script
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"In this episode of 'Freedom Fellowship,' Pastor Brent Weide leads a profound discussion on experiencing the presence of God. From the importance of seeking a genuine relationship with Jesus to the significance of humility and patience in our spiritual journey, every moment is filled with wisdom and inspiration. From the marriage relationship mirroring Christ's love to the necessity of maintaining a strong spiritual connection, Pastor Brent offers powerful insights and encouragement. Tune in and embrace the wisdom shared in this enriching message."

๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ’ป LinkedIn post
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๐ŸŽ™ Check out the latest episode of Freedom Fellowship, where Pastor Brent Weide leads a powerful discussion on "experience-the-presence-of-god" based on Psalm 139:7-10. Key Takeaways: 1. Seek a Genuine Relationship with God: Pastor Brent emphasizes the importance of seeking a real, authentic relationship with God rather than just seeking miracles or a show. 2. Embrace Humility and Unity: The episode highlights the value of patience, humility, and unity in our walk with God and our relationships with others. 3. Cultivate Stillness and Gratitude: The importance of stillness, gratitude, and consistent praise of God is encouraged for a deeper spiritual connection. Tune in to the episode and let Pastor Brent's insights inspire and strengthen your faith journey. #FreedomFellowship #PresenceofGod #SpiritualGrowth

๐Ÿ—ž๏ธ Newsletter
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Subject: Embrace the Presence of God - New Episode of Freedom Fellowship Podcast Dear Friends, We are thrilled to share with you the latest episode of the Freedom Fellowship podcast, "Experience the Presence of God," featuring Pastor Brent Weide. In this uplifting and insightful episode, you will be taken on a journey of exploring the omnipresence of God, the power of praise, and the importance of cultivating humility and patience in our relationship with Him. Throughout the episode, Pastor Brent Weide takes us through the significance of seeking God's presence in our lives, not just for personal gain, but for the nurturance of a genuine and unyielding relationship with Him. Drawing from biblical passages and personal anecdotes, Pastor Brent emphasizes the transformative impact of embracing a humble and patient approach in our spiritual walk. You'll also be inspired by a discussion on the importance of maintaining strong and intimate relationships, both with God and with one another. The parallels drawn between Christ's relationship with the Church and our relationships in daily life shed light on the profound impact of communication, intimacy, and unity. At Freedom Fellowship, we believe in the power of stillness and gratitude, and the significance of acknowledging God's presence in every aspect of our lives. We invite you to tune in to this episode to discover how consistent praise, patience, and unified mindset can lead to a deeper spiritual connection and fulfillment. To access the new episode, simply follow this link [insert link to the podcast episode] or visit our website. We encourage you to share this episode with family and friends who can benefit from the message. Thank you for being a part of the Freedom Fellowship community, and we look forward to continuing this journey of faith and growth together. Blessings, [Your Name] Freedom Fellowship Podcast Team

๐Ÿงต Tweet thread
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๐ŸŒŸ Thread Alert: Pastor Brent Weide delivers a powerful message at Freedom Fellowship, sharing key insights that are truly eye-opening! ๐ŸŒŸ 1/ Pastor Brent Weide kicks off the service with a heartfelt prayer for God's guidance, stillness, and gratitude. He emphasizes the need to overcome murmuring and complaining, setting the tone for a powerful message. 2/ The importance of marriage as mirroring Christ's relationship with the Church is a central theme. Communication and intimacy are highlighted as vital components of maintaining a right relationship. The focus on the relationship with God first impacts all other relationships. 3/ Humility, gentleness, and patience are key qualities to nurture both in walking with God and in relationships with others. Pastor Brent Weide uses a powerful example of high school basketball players to illustrate this point. 4/ Pastor Brent shares a personal story about starting as a painter to pay for college. Reluctant at first, he eventually seized an opportunity that led to building relationships and a future with the church. The importance of patience and unity is emphasized. 5/ Seeking God's presence and praising Him in all circumstances, even when it's difficult, is a powerful message. Pastor Brent Weide's discussion on the omnipresence of God based on Psalm 139:7-10 leaves a lasting impact. 6/ The concern about people seeking a show rather than a genuine relationship with God is expressed. The emphasis on seeking a relationship with Jesus and having faith is truly thought-provoking. 7/ The importance of belief and following God's teachings for success is highlighted, drawing an analogy to coaching a team to win a game. Praise of God and maintaining a humble, patient, and united mindset is encouraged. 8/ Pastor Brent Weide's message also emphasizes the importance of finding time to enjoy and appreciate God's creation, encouraging stillness and gratitude. Consistent praise of God and avoiding complaining are key takeaways in fostering a strong spiritual connection. Incredible insights shared by Pastor Brent Weide! Let's embrace the message of unity, patience, and praise, and strive for a genuine relationship with God. ๐ŸŒŸ #FreedomFellowshipWisconsin #SpiritualConnection

๐Ÿชก Threads by Instagram
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1. The omnipresence of God is a powerful reminder that His presence is always with us, even in the midst of challenges. Tune in to the latest episode of Freedom Fellowship to experience the comforting truth of Psalm 139:7-10. 2. Seeking a genuine relationship with God is essential, especially in a world where many seek a show instead of a true connection. Join Pastor Brent Weide as he discusses the importance of faith and authenticity in the pursuit of God's presence. 3. In relationships, patience, humility, and unity are vital. Discover how these virtues play a key role in our walk with God and our interactions with others. Listen in to gain valuable insights on nurturing healthy connections. 4. Gratitude and stillness are transformative practices that allow us to fully experience the presence of God. Dive into the latest episode of Freedom Fellowship for practical tips on fostering a spirit of thankfulness and embracing peaceful moments in everyday life. 5. The power of praise goes beyond personal gratification. Discover the life-changing impact of praising God in all circumstances, and learn how it fosters a deeper connection with Him. Join us at Freedom Fellowship as we explore the beauty of honoring and acknowledging our Creator.

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