The Angel Next Door Podcast #39 Congressman Bean

πŸ”– Titles
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1. Navigating Government Regulations and Border Security: Solutions for Small Businesses and Angel Investors 2. Small Business Resilience: Insights on Entrepreneurship and Economic Prosperity 3. Paving the Way for Small Businesses: Strategies for Fiscal Responsibility and Growth 4. Unleashing Entrepreneurial Spirit: Support for Small Business and Angel Investors 5. Balancing Budgets and Building Enterprises: A Conversation on Small Business Advocacy

πŸ’¬ Keywords
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Congressman Bean, small business, entrepreneurship, angel investors, Florida, government regulations, political campaigns, border security, budget deficits, government spending, congress, leadership, policy changes, economic impact, political engagement, business development, small business committee, financial literacy, executive orders, political leadership, campaign strategy, securities and exchange commission, investment opportunities, budget planning, political representation, public service, economic growth, banking, legislative experience, energy policy

πŸ’‘ Speaker bios
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Congressman Bean hails from the picturesque surrounds of Amelia Island, just north of Jacksonville, with idyllic views stretching across the river to Georgia. Making his mark at an early age, he earned the distinction of being the youngest mayor in the city's historyβ€”a record he held for a significant period which locals could easily verify with a quick search. Despite his youthful start, Bean's record was eventually bested by a spirited newcomer two years ago, a fact the new mayor of Fernandina Beach playfully reminds him of, perhaps with a twinkle of respect and camaraderie. Though bested in this youthful achievement, Congressman Bean emanates pride toward his successor and the vibrant civic dynamism they represent for their shared community. His journey illustrates a legacy of leadership and a continuous thread of nurturing new voices in public service.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Welcome to The Angel Next Door Podcast, where we explore inspirational stories of leadership and community service. In this episode, our host Marcia Dawood sits down with Congressman Bean to discuss his fascinating journey from small business owner to serving in elected office at almost every level of government. Congressman Bean shares his experiences as the mayor of Fernandina Beach, his journey to the Florida House of Representatives, and ultimately to the U.S. House of Representatives. He delves into the challenges and successes of his political career, and his unwavering commitment to supporting small businesses and entrepreneurship in the United States. Join us as we gain insights from Congressman Bean's unique perspective on public service, legislative priorities, and the future of small business in America.

πŸ“š Timestamped overview
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00:00 Amelia Island north of Jacksonville, mayor rivalry.

04:53 Launched retail insurance, sold it, shifted focus.

08:43 Small business committee is uplifting, tackling regulations.

11:32 Banker highlights advantages of private investors' involvement.

13:15 SEC committee proposes educational component for investors.

18:49 Government aims to slow spending, balance budget.

19:48 Having money allows solving problems and self-care.

❓ Questions
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1. How did Congressman Bean's experience as a city commissioner and mayor of his hometown prepare him for his current role in the US House of Representatives? 2. What insights did Congressman Bean provide about the challenges and successes of establishing and running small businesses while serving in elected office? 3. What impact does Congressman Bean believe the government can have in fostering an environment conducive to entrepreneurial growth and investment? 4. How did Congressman Bean address the potential changes to the accredited investor definition and its implications for angel investors and early stage companies? 5. Based on his interview, what are some of the key legislative priorities and goals that Congressman Bean aims to achieve during his term in the US House of Representatives? 6. What strategies and approaches did Congressman Bean attribute to his electoral success in areas with perceived political disadvantages? 7. In what ways did Congressman Bean stress the importance of fiscal responsibility and balanced budgets in shaping the nation's economic policies, especially in the context of the country's growing debt? 8. How does Congressman Bean view the role of small business owners in driving innovation and economic growth, and what measures does he advocate for to support small businesses at the federal level? 9. What role does Congressman Bean believe individuals and private investors can play in advancing the interests of small businesses and driving economic progress in the United States? 10. What unique insights and perspectives did Congressman Bean share about his experiences and responsibilities as a congressman, especially in contrast to his previous roles in state and local government?

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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Primary Topic: Congressman Bean's Background and Political Journey - Congressman Bean's experience as a city commissioner and mayor of Fernandina beach - His journey from local politics to the Florida House of Representatives and then to the US House of Representatives - Overcoming naysayers and winning elections in districts with challenging demographics - Balancing legislative service with maintaining side businesses to support his family - Transition from Florida Senate to the US House of Representatives Primary Topic: Entrepreneurship and Small Business - Creation and management of multiple small businesses, including a putt golf business and a retail insurance agency - Family involvement in managing and launching new directions for businesses - The role of side hustles and small businesses in supplementing income from legislative positions - The intersection of public service with the entrepreneurial spirit Primary Topic: Congressional Role and Committee Involvement - Congressman Bean's role in the US House of Representatives and the Small Business Committee - Focus on reducing red tape and regulations to support small businesses - Impact of government policies and regulations on small business vitality - Advocacy for private investors and the role of private funding in comparison to traditional banking institutions Primary Topic: Political Campaign and Future Goals - Reflection on the challenges of re-election and maintaining visibility as an incumbent - Commitment to being accessible, transparent, and working tirelessly to serve the district - Future goals of influencing government spending policies and balancing the national budget - Aspirations to serve on the Ways and Means Committee to have a greater voice in fiscal matters Primary Topic: Impact of Government Policies on Small Business and Entrepreneurship - Discussion of Biden administration's policy changes and potential impact on entrepreneurship and investing - Potential changes to the accredited investor definition and its effects on investing - Importance of mentorship, expertise, and educational components in fostering angel investors - Government assistance programs for small businesses and entrepreneur development Primary Topic: Border Security and Fiscal Responsibility - Concerns about border security and potential threats to the country's safety and security - Advocacy for slowing the rate of government spending and achieving a balanced budget - Discussion of the impact of fiscal responsibility on the country's ability to solve domestic and international issues Primary Topic: Reflections and Conclusion - Expression of appreciation for the interview opportunity and encouragement for listeners to take an interest in government and small business issues - Insights into the daily activities and duties of a congressman, including participation in legislative sessions and votes - Encouragement for small business owners to be proactive in advocating for their interests in the political arena

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Congressman Bean 00:03:40 00:03:47

Overcoming the Odds: "We became the first Republican to win that seat since the civil war for 160 years."

Congressman Bean 00:04:14 00:04:20

Navigating Political Odds: "And once again, not listening to naysayers, we went out and we won 60 40 in that race."

Congressman Bean 00:04:53 00:05:02

Entrepreneurial Journey: "We also launched a retail insurance agency as well. That did very well, and I ended up selling it as we went in a different path into."

Congressman Bean 00:08:58 00:09:15

The Impact of Regulations on Small Businesses: "And when somebody recruits you, I'm all in. And that's turned out to be a surprisingly, just a very lifting, uplifting committee, because the people who testify are small business owners who tell us all the time, get government out of the way."

Congressman Bean 00:11:47 00:12:06

Investing in Ideas vs. Traditional Banking: "for the investors, for the dolphins, for angels, you can beat a bank silly, because you can do it faster, quicker, and for many instances, we heard from some venture capitalists that say, and the people running them, that it's been so hard to deal with banks lately."

Congressman Bean 00:12:49 00:12:57

Setting Goals for Success: "And if there's a project that I wanted to do, okay, here's my bullet points of things that I need to focus on if I'm going to lift this business or this idea off the ground."

Congressman Bean 00:14:31 00:14:59

Small Business Development Support: "We referred people to score, which is retired executives, business executives that would volunteer to help. We had, in Florida, we have the small business development centers located at state universities that also would help review and help write business plans, to give people how to shape their ideas and to really put pen to paper, pen to your notepad of what it would take and what you need to do."

Congressman Bean 00:15:27 00:15:40

Impact of Executive Orders on the Economy: "It's these executive orders and rules that the administration just makes up out of the blue that the change really have a drastic effect on our economy, which is devastating."

Congressman Bean 00:19:33 00:19:48

Balancing the Government Budget: "It's taken us over 28 years to get into $34 trillion in debt, and it's faster and faster in debt every year. So it takes us a little while to get out. But when we are strong, when we have money to go forward, then we can solve problems."

Congressman Bean 00:19:48 00:20:16

Fiscal Responsibility in Politics: "If you've got money, you can solve problems, but if you don't have money, it's hard to solve those problems. And, Marcia, they say on the airline, put your own mask on first before helping others. They know if you pass out trying to help everybody else, you don't have the resources. And so we need to take care of ourselves first, make sure that our budget balances first before helping people around the world and other things."

🎬 Reel script
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"Join us for an insightful conversation with Congressman Bean, as we discuss his journey from small business owner to holding elected office at nearly every level of government. Explore the impact of entrepreneurial spirit on America's future and the role of angel investors in supporting early-stage companies. Gain insights on the challenges of government regulations and the importance of fiscal responsibility. Discover how you can make a difference as an entrepreneur or investor in shaping the future of small business and economic growth. Tune in and be inspired to take action for the betterment of our nation's economy."

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» LinkedIn post
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🌟 Exciting news! Congressman Bean, a guest on The Angel Next Door Podcast, discussed his journey from building small businesses to serving in elected office at the local, state, and federal levels. Here are three key takeaways from our conversation: 1. **Entrepreneurial Spirit:** Congressman Bean emphasizes the importance of unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit across America. He highlights the pivotal role of small businesses in driving innovation and technology, and how private investors play a significant role in fostering business growth. 2. **Government and Small Business:** Congressman Bean stresses the need to reduce government red tape and regulations, empowering small business owners to thrive. He discusses strategies to support small businesses, including the impact of executive decisions, and how legislation can influence entrepreneurial dreams and investments. 3. **Future Goals:** Looking ahead, Congressman Bean shares his priorities, including addressing border security and advocating for fiscal responsibility. He aims to slow the rate of government spending, with a focus on achieving a balanced budget to effectively address national challenges and opportunities. Would love to hear your thoughts on these insights and how they resonate with your own experiences in small business, entrepreneurship, or civic engagement! #SmallBusiness #Entrepreneurship #Government #Leadership #CongressmanBean

πŸ—žοΈ Newsletter
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Subject: The Angel Next Door Podcast: Congressman Bean Episode Recap Dear Angel Next Door Podcast Community, We hope you are all doing well! We wanted to share with you the latest episode of The Angel Next Door Podcast, featuring an enlightening conversation with Congressman Bean. Here are some highlights from the episode: - Congressman Bean shared fascinating stories about his journey, including his experience as the mayor of Fernandina Beach and his transition to serving in the Florida House of Representatives and now in the US House of Representatives. - He discussed the importance of supporting small businesses and entrepreneurship, drawing from his own experiences of successfully building and selling four small businesses, including a putt golf business and a retail insurance agency. - Congressman Bean talked about the impact of government regulations and the need to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of Americans by getting government out of the way to allow small businesses to thrive and innovate. - He emphasized the significance of private investors, or "dolphins," in supporting early-stage companies and highlighted the opportunities for private investors to make a valuable impact. - Additionally, Congressman Bean delved into his goals for the future, including his commitment to addressing border security and the national budget, as well as his upcoming re-election campaign. It was a truly insightful and inspiring conversation, offering valuable perspectives on small business, government, and the entrepreneurial spirit. If you haven't had a chance to listen to the episode yet, we highly recommend tuning in to gain valuable insights from Congressman Bean's experiences and vision. You can listen to the full episode titled "Congressman Bean" on your favorite podcast platform. Thank you for being a part of The Angel Next Door Podcast community. We look forward to bringing you more engaging and inspiring content in the future! Best regards, [Your Name] The Angel Next Door Podcast

🧡 Tweet thread
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🌟THREAD🌟 πŸ‘‹ Let's dive into an incredible conversation between Marcia Dawood and Congressman Bean. They cover everything from small business success to the importance of entrepreneurship in shaping America's future. Get ready for some inspiring insights! 1/ Starting off, Congressman Bean shares his journey from building four small businesses and serving in various levels of government. From saving a putt golf business to becoming the youngest mayor in city history, his story is truly captivating. 2/ Congressman Bean's dedication to public service shines through as he shares his experience in legislative service, which began at the city commissioner and mayor level in his hometown of Fernandina Beach, Florida. The power of local governance and community leadership is evident in his words. 3/ One moment that stands out is when Congressman Bean proudly talks about his son, who broke the record as the youngest mayor ever in city history. The intergenerational commitment to public service and business development is truly heartwarming. 4/ When asked about his journey to the US House of Representatives, Congressman Bean dives into the challenges he faced and the importance of perseverance. His approach to legislative service and entrepreneurship is a testament to his unwavering passion for making a difference. 5/ Transitioning to the entrepreneurial landscape, Congressman Bean emphasizes the role of small business in driving innovation and economic growth. The conversation shifts to the impact of government regulations on small businesses and the importance of unleashing the entrepreneurial spirit of Americans. 6/ Congressman Bean delves into the role of investors and angel investors in nurturing and supporting early-stage companies. He offers insights into the challenges faced by small businesses and the need for a supportive ecosystem to fuel entrepreneurial dreams. 7/ The conversation explores the proposed changes to the accredited investor definition and how it could impact angel investors and early-stage companies. Congressman Bean advocates for greater accessibility to mentorship and resources for aspiring angel investors. 8/ As the discussion turns to the upcoming election and the Congressman's goals, he emphasizes the importance of balancing the federal budget and addressing critical issues such as border security. His determination to serve his constituents and uphold fiscal responsibility shines through. 9/ In closing, Congressman Bean reflects on the critical role of engaged citizens in shaping the future of our nation. His commitment to transparency, accessibility, and responsible governance is truly commendable, setting an example for leaders and entrepreneurs alike. ✨ What a phenomenal conversation! From community leadership to small business advocacy, Congressman Bean's insights are a source of inspiration for anyone passionate about public service and entrepreneurship. #Leadership #Entrepreneurship #CongressBean

πŸͺ‘ Threads by Instagram
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Post 1: Just listened to Congressman Bean's journey from mayor to U.S. House of Representatives, highlighting small business success and legislative service. An inspiring story of public service and entrepreneurship. Post 2: Congressman Bean shared his commitment to fiscal responsibility and small business growth. Advocating for a balanced budget and reduced regulations to unleash the entrepreneurial spirit in America. Post 3: Check out how Congressman Bean discusses the vital role of private investors in supporting small businesses. His insights on accessing capital and mentorship opportunities are key for entrepreneurs. Post 4: Learn about Congressman Bean's dedication to building a strong future, emphasizing the importance of border control and responsible government spending. Discover how he aims to make an impact in Congress. Post 5: Join the conversation on Threads as we delve into Congressman Bean's outlook on public service and small business support. His message of accessibility, transparency, and civic engagement sparks meaningful dialogue.

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In this episode of The Angel Next Door Podcast, host Marcia Dawood sits down with Congressman Bean to discuss his journey from building successful small businesses to serving at nearly every level of government. Congressman Bean shares insights into his background as a city commissioner and mayor, and how he has continued to serve in public office, now as a member of the US House of Representatives. Listeners will hear about his passion for small businesses, his dedication to serving his community, and his vision for the future of American entrepreneurship and government. Tune in to gain valuable perspectives on leadership, public service, and the entrepreneurial spirit, and to discover how Congressman Bean's story can inspire and inform the next generation of leaders and investors.

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In this episode of The Angel Next Door Podcast, we are joined by the esteemed Congressman Bean, who shares his remarkable journey from small business owner to serving in elected offices at various levels of government. Congressman Bean's story is both inspiring and insightful, as he discusses his experiences as a city commissioner, mayor, and now a member of the US House of Representatives. Listeners will be captivated as he shares his passion for public service, the challenges faced in politics, and his unwavering commitment to supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs. Tune in to gain valuable insights into the world of politics and entrepreneurship from Congressman Bean's wealth of experience.

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Are you ready to dive into the world of entrepreneurship and small business success? In this episode of The Angel Next Door Podcast, Congressman Bean joins host Marcia Dawood for an enlightening discussion. Congressman Bean is not only a seasoned politician but also a successful entrepreneur who has built four small businesses. The episode delves into his journey, from starting as a city commissioner and mayor, to serving in the Florida House of Representatives and eventually becoming a member of the US House of Representatives. The conversation highlights his experiences, challenges, and successes in both the political and business realms, offering valuable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs and those interested in the intersection of business and government. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding the impact of legislative service on entrepreneurship and the ways in which government can support small businesses.

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Title: Behind the Scenes with Congressman Bean Reel 1: Introduction Clip of Marcia Dawood introducing Congressman Bean on The Angel Next Door Podcast. Overlay text with "Meet Congressman Bean and get an inside look at his journey in public service and entrepreneurship." Reel 2: The Early Years Clip of Congressman Bean talking about his upbringing in Fernandina Beach, Florida, and his early experiences in local government. Overlay text with "From Small Town Beginnings to Big Ambitions." Reel 3: Building Businesses Highlight clips of Congressman Bean discussing how he built four small businesses, including his experience in the putt golf business and retail insurance agency. Overlay text with "From Entrepreneur to Congressman: The Business Journey." Reel 4: Political Journey Show a montage of images from Congressman Bean's political career, including his time as a city commissioner, mayor, Florida House of Representatives, and U.S. House of Representatives. Overlay text with "From Local Leadership to National Representation." Reel 5: Family Legacy Share clips of Congressman Bean talking about passing on the legacy of public service and entrepreneurship to his son, who has followed in his footsteps as the mayor of Fernandina Beach. Overlay text with "Passing the Torch: A Family Tradition." Reel 6: Overcoming Challenges Feature clips of Congressman Bean discussing the challenges he faced in running for legislative seats when the odds were stacked against him. Overlay text with "Resilience and Determination: Overcoming Political Odds." Reel 7: Small Business Advocacy Highlight clips of Congressman Bean talking about his dedication to supporting small businesses, his work on the Small Business Committee, and his efforts to reduce regulatory barriers. Overlay text with "Championing Small Businesses: A Legislator's Mission." Reel 8: Angel Investing Show clips of Congressman Bean discussing the role of angel investors in fueling entrepreneurial dreams and his insights on how government policies can empower more people to invest in early-stage companies. Overlay text with "Empowering Investors: How Policy Influences Entrepreneurial Growth." Reel 9: Financial Wisdom Share Congressman Bean's insights on government spending, budgeting, and the importance of fiscal responsibility. Overlay text with "Balancing the Scales: Fiscal Responsibility in Government." Reel 10: Long-Term Vision Feature clips of Congressman Bean discussing his long-term goals, including his focus on securing the border and working towards a balanced budget in Congress. Overlay text with "A Vision for the Future: Building a Stronger America." Reel 11: Constituent Engagement Show clips of Congressman Bean talking about the importance of accessibility, transparency, and strong constituent relationships in his role. Overlay text with "Connecting with Communities: A Legislator's Commitment." Reel 12: Yellow Pad Goal Setting Feature a segment on Congressman Bean's unique approach to goal setting using a yellow pad, highlighting the simplicity and effectiveness of his method. Overlay text with "The Power of Focus: Goal Setting with Congressman Bean." Reel 13: Serving on Committees Highlight clips of Congressman Bean discussing his aspirations to serve on the Ways and Means Committee and his potential impact in addressing economic challenges. Overlay text with "Committee Leadership: Shaping Policy for Progress." Reel 14: Election Journey Share behind-the-scenes footage of Congressman Bean preparing for the upcoming election, interacting with constituents, and discussing his aspirations for continuity in office. Overlay text with "In the Race: Congressman Bean's Election Aspirations." Reel 15: Call to Action Compile key moments from the series, ending with a call to action for viewers to engage in supporting small businesses, engaging in public service, and staying informed about legislative efforts. Overlay text with "Join the Movement: Be a Voice for Growth and Progress." Each reel will provide an engaging and informative glimpse into Congressman Bean's journey, values, and aspirations, offering viewers an inside perspective on his contributions to public service and small business advocacy.

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