Creatives WithAI #51 E51 - Lena Robinson
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1. AI and Art: Navigating New Frontiers with Lena Robinson 2. Creativity Across Media: Lena Robinson Explores AI in Art 3. Blending Tech and Tradition: Lena Robinson on AI and Artistic Expression 4. Visionary Voices: Lena Robinson on the Future of AI in Art 5. The Art of Innovation: Lena Robinson Discusses AI's Role in Creative Fields 6. Lena Robinson: Bridging Art, Business, and AI 7. Beyond Brushes: Lena Robinson on the Artistic Potential of AI 8. Lena Robinson: Debating AI's Place in the Art World 9. Legacy and Innovation: How Lena Robinson Is Shaping the Future of Art with AI 10. Insights from Lena Robinson: Artistry in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

📖 Host Read Intro
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Hey everyone, welcome back to Creatives WithAI. In today’s episode, we’re diving into the bustling intersection of art and artificial intelligence with Lena Robinson. Lena's gonna share her journey from the ad world to launching her own online art gallery, and her thoughts on how AI is shaping the future of creativity. It's a chat brimming with insights and a fresh perspective on what it means to be a creator today. So, grab your coffee, and let’s get started.

📣 Guest Social Post Suggestions
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**LinkedIn Post:** --- Thrilled to share my conversation with David Brown on the Creatives WithAI podcast (@CreativesWithAI). We dove deep into the intersection of art, business, and technology, exploring how AI can be a tool for creativity. Listen to the full episode to learn about our views on the future of AI in art and the importance of understanding the business aspects of the art world. 🎨🤖 #ArtAndTech #BusinessOfArt #CreativeIndustry **Twitter Post:** --- Had a great time discussing AI and creativity with @4dmbrown on @withaifm! We covered everything from AI’s role in art to ethical implications and the future of digital creativity. Check out the episode here [link] #CreativesWithAI #ArtTech **Facebook Post:** --- I recently joined David Brown on the Creatives WithAI podcast to chat about the evolving world of art and AI. We discussed the challenges and opportunities artists face in the digital age and the importance of blending creativity with business savvy. Tune in to gain insights into how AI can be a powerful tool for artists and why understanding the business of art is crucial for success. Listen to our conversation here [link] 🎨💡 #ArtMeetsAI #CreativeBusiness

💬 Keywords
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AI-generated art, ethical rules, AI development, copyright issues, human creativity, AI decision-making, AI ethics, emotional influence, AI responses, creativity in business, online art gallery, corporate marketing, unconventional upbringing, artistic tools, digital photography, bias in AI, data representation, societal change, artistry perspectives, street art, modern art, AI creativity, NFTs, instinct in art, intuition in business, empathy and AI, traditional film photography, AI imagery, art as legacy, support for artists.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Welcome to Episode 51 of Creatives with AI, titled "Lena Robinson: Art, AI, and Legacy". Today, our host David Brown is joined by Lena Robinson, an innovative force in the intersection of art and technology. Lena, who hails from New Zealand, comes from a vibrant background blending corporate marketing expertise with a profound passion for the arts. Having established her own online art gallery in 2022, she's rooted in helping artists achieve their dreams and leave a mark on the world through their art. In this episode, Lena discusses her views on the ongoing debate around AI-generated art and its legitimacy. Drawing parallels with the initial resistance faced by photography, she emphasizes that the true value of art lies in its concept and skill, irrespective of the medium. David and Lena also delve into broader themes such as the evolution of creativity in business and science, the role of human intuition versus data in making decisions, and the ethical considerations surrounding AI. With Lena’s fresh insights combined with examples from her experiences, this episode serves as a thoughtful exploration of how traditional artistry and modern technology can coexist and enhance one another. Whether you're an artist, a technologist, or simply an art enthusiast, join us as we unpack the complexities and the future of creativity in the age of artificial intelligence.

👩‍💻 LinkedIn post
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🎨🤖 New Episode Alert: Creatives With AI - E51 Featuring Lena Robinson! 🎙️ Join us this week as we dive deep into the intersection of AI and the art world with New Zealand's own Lena Robinson. Lena, a pioneering figure with a rich background in marketing and the arts, discusses the evolving landscape of AI-generated art and its implications within the creative industry. **What's in store for you in this episode?** - **Insights from Lena Robinson**: Discover how Lena's unique upbringing and corporate experience have shaped her commitment to helping artists thrive in a digital age. - **Debating AI in Art**: Understand the complex views within the art community about the adoption of AI technologies and what it means for future artistic creation. - **Ethics and AI**: Delve into discussions on the ethical standards necessary for integrating AI into creative sectors, inspired by Lena's collaboration with AI artist Tom from Scritty Polity. 🔑 **Key Takeaways:** 1. **AI as a Tool and Medium** - AI is shaping up as a critical tool in art creation, akin to the evolution seen from film to digital in photography. 2. **Importance of Ethical Guidelines** - As AI technologies develop, establishing clear ethical guidelines will be essential to protect creative integrity and copyright. 3. **Embracing Technological Change** - Acknowledging and adapting to technological advancements can empower artists, much like the historic shift to digital photography revolutionized visual storytelling. 👂 Listen to the full conversation to gain a deeper understanding of how AI is redefining the boundaries of creativity and what this means for artists around the globe. 🔗 [Listen to Episode 51 - Lena Robinson on "Creatives With AI"](insert-link-here) #CreativesWithAI #ArtAndTechnology #AIEthics #DigitalArt #PodcastEpisode #CreativeIndustry #Innovation_in_Art #LenaRobinson

Primary bullet points
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- Lena Robinson discusses the integration of AI into the art world, detailing her collaboration with AI artist Tom and emphasizing the importance of concept and skill in determining the artistic value of AI-generated works. - The episode explores the broader implications of AI in creative industries, touching on ethical considerations, copyright issues, and the need for clear regulations to ensure AI enhances rather than undermines human creativity. - David Brown and Lena Robinson delve into the personal impact of their backgrounds on their approach to creativity and business, highlighting misconceptions about creativity being confined to traditional arts and the importance of understanding business to successfully support artists.

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From the rich discussion between David Brown and Lena Robinson in Episode 51 of "Creatives WithAI", here are the distilled maxims to live by, reflecting the multifaceted dialogue on art, AI, and creativity: 1. **Embrace New Technologies**: Open yourself to the possibilities of AI and other emerging technologies. They can be tools for revolutionary expressions and new forms of art. 2. **Understand the Business of Creativity**: As artists or creators, gaining knowledge of the business side can significantly enhance your ability to share your work and sustain your craft. 3. **Preserve Human Elements in Art**: Recognize that while AI can assist and enhance the creation process, the unique human qualities of intuition, empathy, and ethical judgment are irreplaceable. 4. **Ethics Over Emotion**: When setting rules or guidelines, especially in new technological arenas like AI, strive for clarity and consistency, rather than being driven by emotional or subjective responses. 5. **Advocate for Diverse Inputs**: To combat biases in AI and other data-driven technologies, ensure the data reflects a diverse range of human experiences and perspectives. 6. **Challenge Traditional Boundaries**: Whether in art or any other field, push against conventional boundaries and definitions to explore and create new forms and expressions. 7. **Value Legacy and Purpose**: In your creative endeavors, consider the longer-term impact and the legacy you wish to leave through your work. 8. **Educate on New Paradigms**: With the advent of new technologies impacting creative fields, education about these changes is crucial for broader acceptance and understanding. 9. **Trust Your Instincts**: Balance data-driven decisions with human intuition and instincts, which are often invaluable in creative and business pursuits. 10. **Promote Ethical Technology Use**: Advocate for the development and implementation of ethical standards in AI to protect creative integrity and copyright, ensuring fairness and respect for human creators. These maxims encapsulate the essence of the conversation in Episode 51, providing guidance for artists, creators, and professionals navigating the intersecting worlds of art, business, and technology.

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Imagine you're in a bustling art studio, where traditional painters with their easels and canvases share space with digital artists, each wielding tablets as their brushes. Among them wanders a curious robot named ARTi, equipped with algorithms instead of a paintbrush, observing and learning from both types of artists. Now, picture ARTi starting to create artwork, mixing the bold strokes learned from the traditional painters with the precision and variety of the digital artists. As ARTi's pieces appear on the walls next to those of human artists, spectators begin to murmur. Some marvel at the fusion of tradition and technology, while others debate whether ARTi’s creations—born from circuits and code—belong in the same league as those crafted by human hands. In this lively art studio, Lena Robinson is like an enthusiastic curator, fascinated by ARTi's potential yet mindful of the scepticism from some corners of the gallery. She advocates for ARTi’s place in the art world, arguing that like the camera in the early days of photography, ARTi is just another tool—not replacing the artist but extending their capability. David Brown roams the studio like a thoughtful critic, probing into what makes art truly ‘art’. Is it the touch of the human hand, or can the cold precision of a machine stir souls as well? As discussions flow and ARTi’s pieces evoke both awe and critique, the studio becomes a lively arena of debate, a melting pot where tradition meets modernity. This art studio, with its blend of old and new, human and machine, encapsulates the essence of the episode—exploring, debating, and appreciating the evolving landscape of creativity where robots like ARTi join the ranks of artists and stir the very definition of artistry and expression.

💡 Speaker bios
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David Brown grew up in a suburb near Memphis, spending his formative years amidst 35 acres of woodland and 300 acres of his grandparents' farmland. This rural upbringing offered him a profound connection to nature and traditional values. David remembers his environment as distinctly conservative, a reflection of the broader political landscape in the United States, which he notes leans more to the right compared to other countries. His childhood, rich with outdoor experiences and grounded in a particular socio-political context, shaped much of his perspective and values in life.

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Established businesses, delved into art world, diversified.

10:10 Creativity and business need a balanced approach.

13:03 Conceptual creativity is crucial for executing ideas.

19:46 Mike Russell and Nadia skilled at using AI.

25:11 Excited about helping artists achieve their dream.

28:32 Gallery owner sees AI artist's potential, collaborates.

33:32 Hire skilled photographers for amazing, precise photos.

42:29 Technology excites then faces ethical challenges.

45:08 AI creating art challenges traditional artistic norms.

52:51 Dove ad promotes diverse and ethical beauty.

55:08 Recent data underrepresents women in business.

59:54 Difficulty choosing art, diverse artists, personal preferences.

01:05:26 Links in show notes for easy access.

❓ Questions
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1. How does Lena Robinson believe AI is changing the perspectives on creativity within the art community? 2. Given the ethical concerns discussed, what are some potential guidelines that could be implemented to regulate AI in art? 3. Lena discusses the importance of both skill and concept in evaluating art. How do these elements interact differently in AI-generated art as compared to human-created art? 4. How does Lena’s background in advertising and marketing influence her approach to managing her online art gallery? 5. Lena and David talk about the transition from traditional tools to digital ones in art. Can you think of other industries where similar transitions have occurred, and what were the impacts? 6. Discuss Lena’s view on the role of instinct and intuition in business decision-making. How can these human qualities be balanced with data-driven decisions, especially in creative industries? 7. What are the implications of AI potentially harboring biases, as discussed by Lena and David? How can artists and technologists work together to minimize these biases? 8. In what ways does Lena’s approach to helping artists make money relate to her views on AI’s role in creativity? 9. Discuss the comparison made between AI-generated art and photography. How did photography's acceptance as an art form pave the way for other technological tools like AI? 10. What future potential does Lena see in AI creativity and how might this influence new artists entering the field?

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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### Comprehensive Sequence of Topics: 1. **Introduction to Lena Robinson and the Session Overview** - Lena Robinson's aim for legacy and artist support. - Her partnership with Tom, exploring AI-generated art and music. - Overview of her journey from the advertising industry to launching an online art gallery. 2. **Art and AI Integration** - Discussion on AI-generated art being viewed as legitimate art within the community. - Lena’s views on the importance of skill and concept in determining art's value. - Comparison of AI in art to the historical rise of photography. - Debate within the art community regarding the acceptance of AI-generated art. 3. **Technological Advancements and Their Patterns** - Drawing parallels between AI and past technological booms like the internet and social media. - Discussion on the potential future of AI, including ethical regulations and copyright issues. - Differences in copyright challenges between AI and human creativity. - Impact of AI's decision-making processes and the necessity for human oversight in ethical matters. 4. **Ethics and Emotional Influence in Decision Making** - The role of emotions in human ethical decisions. - The advantage of AI in maintaining clarity and consistency in applying ethical rules. - Article discussion on AI's performance in ethical reasoning compared to humans. 5. **Business and Creativity Intersection** - Lena's appreciation for her corporate experience aiding her business acumen in the art world. - Discussion on the necessity for artists to comprehend the business aspect of their careers. - Creativity in non-traditional fields like technology and science. 6. **Bias in Artificial Intelligence** - Exploration of inherent biases in AI reflective of the human data it processes. - Example of biased outcomes in AI systems used in advertisements. - Discussion on societal change to influence unbiased future data sets. 7. **Role of Instinct and Intuition** - Lena’s perspective on the importance of gut feeling in business and art decision-making. - Challenges of conveying instinctual decisions to artists and business leaders. - Skepticism about over-reliance on data-driven decisions. 8. **Discussion on the Nature of Art and Tools** - Debate on whether AI can be considered an artist or merely a tool. - Comparison of AI tools to traditional artistic tools like paintbrushes and cameras. - Reference to historical resistance to new technologies in art. 9. **Future of AI in Creativity** - Lena’s enthusiasm for future technologies and their role in creativity. - Historical examples like the introduction of NFTs shaping new art forms. - Potential for AI to develop unique styles in content creation. 10. **Conclusion and Further Resources** - Plans for future podcast episodes. - Information on how listeners can find Lena’s gallery and follow her on social media. This structured sequence ensures a thorough exploration of the wide-ranging topics discussed during Lena Robinson’s podcast episode, providing listeners with a deep dive into the intersection of art, business, technology, and ethics.

🎞️ Clip finder: Quotes, hooks, and timestamps
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Global Career Aspirations: "So what brought me here to the UK was my grandmother's from Scotland, and I kind of wanted to have a go see what was going to happen from a career perspective in the UK." — Lena Robinson 00:01:50 00:02:02

Entrepreneurial Spirit: "fuck the status quo." — Lena Robinson 00:02:42 00:02:43

Influence of Art and Music in Rural Settings: "we always had artists and musicians because he's a musician as well, musicians and really creative, artistic, hippie ish type, bohemian type people going in and out of my life." — Lena Robinson 00:04:38 00:04:49

Balancing Creativity and Commerce: "And I think when you got a good balance, that's when you see good business done from any kind of creative organisation." — Lena Robinson 00:11:16 00:11:23

Harnessing AI in Creative Fields: "like me, you see AI as a tool, a tool that a creative person can use, like a paintbrush. It's no different." — Lena Robinson 00:13:54 00:14:03

Artistic Legacy in the Modern Era: "The first thing I do is like, oh, what's all the things that I can do for the gallery and my artists is it got me all excited. So that sort of legacy piece that I want to leave behind is at the end of my life, I want to have gone, how many artists did I help do what and achieve their dream of leaving behind a legacy in the world?" — Lena Robinson 00:25:13 00:25:31

Redefining Artistic Tools: "it's no different than using a paintbrush" — Lena Robinson 00:29:17 00:29:19

Evolving Tech Ethics: "Now, I'm not a big fan of a rule, you know, fuck the status quo and all that. But I'm okay with an approach which is being honourable and being decent and, you know, I'm not necessarily in agreement with the whole ripping off of other people's copyrights and all that." — Lena Robinson 00:43:09 00:43:32

The Complexity of Ethics: "But I think when it comes down to ethics, ethics shouldn't be emotional, it's the opposite. Ethics is about in one hand, I suppose it's a bit emotional in the fact that it's about doing the right thing, but everybody has a different viewpoint on what the right thing is." — Lena Robinson 00:48:56 00:49:16

Readdressing Beauty Standards: "One of the things that dove beauty has been really good at is that there is beauty in a million different shapes, sizes, heights, weights, colours, multi colours, whatever." — Lena Robinson 00:53:19 00:53:27

🎬 Reel script
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Welcome to Creatives With AI, where we explore the intersection of art and technology. I'm your host, David Brown, and today we've had the incredible Lena Robinson, who blends corporate acumen with a passion for the arts, diving deep into the world of AI-generated art. Lena foresees vast potential for AI in art, comparing its revolutionary impact to that of photography. We tackled key ethical concerns, the crucial need for clear rules, and the undeniable role of human creativity. Lena’s insights challenged us to think critically about the evolving landscape of art and technology, urging us to embrace innovation while preserving the human essence that underlies true creativity. Don't miss this enlightening dialogue on bridging art with AI! Join the conversation and help shape the future of creativity.

🗞️ Newsletter
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**Subject:** Dive Deep into AI and Art with Lena Robinson on Creatives WithAI **Dear [Subscriber’s Name],** In this week's episode of *Creatives WithAI*, we're thrilled to welcome a dynamic guest, Lena Robinson, who explores the stirring intersection of creativity, technology, and entrepreneurship. Join us for Episode 51 - Lena Robinson, as we delve into what the future holds for art in the age of artificial intelligence. **Exploring New Avenues with Lena** Hailing from a unique background blending corporate marketing and art, Lena shares her journey from her advertising career to launching her own online art gallery in 2022. Discover how her experiences are shaping the way artists engage with digital tools and embrace AI in their creative processes. **AI in Art: Shoving Shit Together or a New Frontier?** Lena and host David Brown tackle the provocative debate within the art community about whether AI-generated art deserves recognition alongside traditional forms. ? Find out Lena’s take on how AI parallels historical shifts in artistic mediums, much like the evolution from film to digital photography. **The Great Ethical Debate in AI** Ethics and AI often share a contentious spotlight. Lena discusses how establishing clear ethical guidelines for AI, untouched by emotion, could lead to more reliable decisions than those influenced by human subjectivity. Together with David, they examine the implications of bias in AI and how human input shapes machine output. **What Truly Defines Art?** Drawing parallels between intuitive human creations and AI-generated works, Lena offers her perspective on why AI should be seen as a tool rather than an artist. Walk through the philosophical and practical implications of this viewpoint on both the creators and the audience. **What’s Next?** As Lena weighs in on the future trends of AI, including its regulatory landscape and emerging technologies like NFTs, you’re invited to ponder the broader impacts of these advances on creativity and industry standards. **Don’t Miss Out!** Hear the full conversation and more intricate details by tuning into Episode 51 of Creatives WithAI. Whether you're an artist, technologist, or just a curious mind, this episode promises compelling insights into the challenges and opportunities at the nexus of art and artificial intelligence. **Explore More** Curious about Lena’s work and her online gallery? Follow her on social media or visit her website through the links provided at the end of the episode. Engage with her collection and discover the artists championing this new digital frontier. **Stay Connected** Enjoyed the episode? Want more insights into how AI is reshaping our world? Subscribe to our podcast and never miss an episode. Share your thoughts with us via social media or reply to this email—your feedback fuels our passion! Thank you for your continued support and curiosity. Warm regards, **David Brown** Host, Creatives WithAI [Podcast Link] *Empower your creativity. Explore new dimensions with us at Creatives WithAI.*

🧵 Tweet thread
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🎨 Thread: The Fusion of Art and AI: A New Frontier? 🤖✨ 1/ Lena Robinson, a visionary in the art world and leader of an innovative online art gallery, recently delved into the intriguing intersection of art and Artificial Intelligence on the "Creatives with AI" podcast hosted by David Brown. 🖼️🎙️ 2/ Exploring new horizons, Lena has partnered with Tom, a former band member turned AI artist. Their collaboration raises a pertinent question: Can AI truly create art? 🤔💡 3/ Critics within the art community fiercely debate AI's role in art. Some dismiss it as mere data shuffling, while others, like Lena, see a parallel with the emergence of photography and its initial resistance. 📸🖥️ 4/ Lena believes that what defines art isn't just the medium but the skill and concept behind it. This view offers a broader understanding of art's value, much like the transformation seen during the digital revolution in photography. 🎞️➡️📷 5/ David Brown probes into the sweeping effects of tech on art, paralleling past innovations like the internet boom. Lena predicts this tech, like those before it, will soon see a wave of ethical standards and regulations. 🌐📜 6/ A hot topic arises on how AI handles ethical dilemmas, potentially better than humans due to the absence of emotional bias. Lena counters, highlighting the importance of human intuition and emotion in ethical decision-making. ❤️🤖 7/ Discussing bias, Lena and David touch on the reflection of human prejudices in AI. It's not the AI but the data fed into it that holds bias—a mirror to our society. 🪞📊 8/ The podcast also reminisced about Lena's and David's rural upbringings and their divergent creative exposures, illustrating that creativity isn't confined to canvas but extends into every field, including business and tech. 🌳🏙️ 9/ Lena fervently believes in the intersection of business acumen and artistic creativity. Her journey from advertising to running her own art gallery underlines the synergy between commerce and creativity. 💼🎭 10/ As the discussion wraps, a pertinent thought lingers – AI might not replace artists but serves as a tool that broadens the canvas. From photography to AI, each tool has ignited debates yet ultimately expanded what we can create. 🚀📊 11/ What's your view on AI in art? Is it merely a tool, or could it one day be recognized as an artist in its own right? Share your thoughts below! 👇💬 👉 For more insights and to follow Lena's innovative journey through art and tech, check out her gallery and stay tuned for future episodes on the "Creatives with AI" podcast. 🌐🎧 #ArtMeetsAI #PodcastHighlights #CreativeIndustry #FutureOfArt #TechInArt — End of thread —

🪡 Threads by Instagram
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1. Excited to share insights from our latest podcast with Lena Robinson! We delved into AI in art - can machines create true art, or are they just tools for human creativity? Tune in to explore this riveting debate. 2. Lena Robinson highlights a key issue in AI art: emotion. Can AI, without consciousness, truly replicate the emotional depth required in art? Join us on Creatives WithAI to unpack this complex question. 3. In our chat, Lena predicts the future of AI in art, drawing parallels with past tech advances like the internet. How do we regulate and protect creativity in this new frontier? Listen in for intriguing predictions! 4. Lena’s love for both film and digital photography underscores an important point: Both mediums offer unique values. Hear her thoughts on how each influences creativity in different ways in our latest episode. 5. Lena Robinson brings a fresh perspective on AI and ethics in art. She argues that ethics shouldn’t be swayed by emotion but by clear rules. Check out her thought-provoking views on the latest episode of Creatives WithAI.

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1. #CreativesWithAI 2. #LenaRobinson 3. #AIArt 4. #EthicsInAI 5. #DigitalArt 6. #ArtAndTechnology 7. #CreativeIndustry 8. #AIInnovation 9. #FutureOfArt 10. #ArtisticLegacy 11. #AIAndCreativity 12. #HumanVsAI 13. #ArtEthics 14. #ModernArtistry 15. #TechInArt

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