Creator Database [Iman Gadzhi] Best Online Business To Start As A BEGINNER (2024)

1️⃣ One Sentence Summary
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Start a profitable marketing agency with no experience using arbitrage.

🔑 Key Themes
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1. Profitable business model for beginners 2. Arbitrage economy and contractor outsourcing 3. High-demand marketing services for businesses 4. Step-by-step agency setup and outreach strategies 5. Success stories and income potential 6. Comprehensive training program and resources 7. Limited-time opportunity and call-to-action

💬 Keywords
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1. ROI marketing services 2. Local businesses 3. Small online ecommerce brands 4. No prior experience 5. 4-step plug and play system 6. Niche selection 7. Service selection 8. Arbitrating 9. Client outreach 10. Monthly recurring revenue 11. High revenue niches 12. Average order value 13. Result-based services 14. Revenue-driven services 15. Facebook ads 16. Google ads 17. TikTok ads 18. Contractor arbitrage 19. Agency Navigator 20. Marketing agency growth 21. Agency setup 22. Mindset 23. Systems and processes 24. Finding leads 25. Sales 26. Service delivery 27. Operational supremacy 28. Templates 29. Private mastermind community 30. Success stories

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Vaclav went from Uber Eats to $57,000.

03:40 Evaluate online business models before investing money.

08:11 Finding an ideal beginner friendly business model.

10:43 High demand for ROI marketing services, lucrative opportunity.

14:58 Choose high-revenue niche for easy clients.

18:08 Big agencies charge clients a high markup.

19:28 Outsource skilled contractors for cost-effective marketing.

24:25 Businesses invest in marketing for high returns.

25:53 Program teaches to build successful marketing agency.

30:19 Agency Navigator empowers individuals to build successful agencies.

33:36 Expert coaching helps break the failure cycle.

37:09 Take action now or watch others succeed.

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Iman Gadzhi 00:03:40 00:03:49

"Evaluating Online Business Models: So most people try to start making money with drop shipping or Amazon FBA or affiliate marketing or info products, but they never take the time to evaluate the business model on a fundamental level...Now what if you decided to actually evaluate how beginner friendly are the online business models available out there before risking your money on them?"

Iman Gadzhi 00:08:25 00:08:31

"Challenges for Start-up Businesses: Now when it comes to unitary gain, ideally, it should require just a handful of sales to get you to 10 k a month so that it becomes a realistic and achievable goal. Now when it should sell for at least $1500. Now when it comes to startup capital, ideally, it should be as close as possible to $0 because as a beginner, you don't wanna be risking high amounts of money until you have a consistent source of income to pay for it."

Iman Gadzhi 00:10:43 00:10:54

"The Power of ROI Marketing Services: 'And the best part is, the demand for such services is way, way higher than the number of people who can deliver them, Meaning, there's a gigantic gap in the market, and the people who take advantage of this opportunity are inevitably going to do well.'"

Iman Gadzhi 00:18:16 00:18:32

"Business Strategy for Agencies: They pay their employees $15 an hour, and they charge their clients $50 an hour plus and simply pocket the difference. They just figure out how much to charge a client based on the number of hours that the project will take and how much they're paying their employees, and then they will add an extra 100 to 300% markup on top of that."

Iman Gadzhi 00:19:33 00:19:51

"Outsourcing labor internationally: And the craziest part of all this is that it's actually cheaper to hire an experienced contractor who speaks impeccable English from countries like South Africa, New Zealand, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippines, and a bunch of others than it is to hire someone who just graduated with a basic marketing university in the US and has literally zero experience."

Iman Gadzhi 00:25:03 00:25:13

"Demand for Online Marketing Services After Quarantine: 'The reality is there's unprecedented demand for online marketing services since the quarantine started to hit most countries, and there's simply not enough people to fulfill such demand. So if you ever want to be early for something big, this is it.'"

Iman Gadzhi 00:26:25 00:26:39

"Empowering Marketing Agencies: Because when you do it with help from experts who have walked the path that you wanna walk, it not only goes faster, but it also ends up being cheaper in the long term. A bit of well placed advice can get you unstuck and give you confidence by having a proven process to follow."

Iman Gadzhi 00:30:19 00:30:35

"Success Stories from Agency Navigator: The majority of people who join Agency Navigator start out from step 0. And we even get people like Eleazar, who went from not being able to afford rent and getting evicted from his apartment in Portland to building a $20,000 a month results driven agency and having his own studio in a beautiful city in a matter of 1 year's time."

Iman Gadzhi 00:33:41 00:33:52

"Online Education Challenges: The reason is that they go through courses and inevitably end up having a lot of questions along the way, but have no expert advice to answer said questions. So they get stuck and end up getting frustrated and giving up. And it's what I call the failure cycle."

Iman Gadzhi 00:37:15 00:37:22

"Taking Action in Business: So you can either be the one taking action yourself and getting what's yours or you can be the one sitting back and watching others succeed. The choice is yours really."

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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Here is a comprehensive sequence of topics covered in the text, with sub-topic bullets: 1. Introduction to the ideal business model for beginners - New arbitrage economy and its impact on the way people do business - Promise of earning high income without prior experience - Host's credentials and transparency in sharing results 2. The 4-step plug and play business model for beginners - Explanation of beginner-friendly business model and metrics for evaluation - Evaluation of common business models: affiliate marketing and Amazon FBA - Challenges and requirements for affiliate marketing and Amazon FBA 3. Selling ROI marketing services as a beginner-friendly business model - Benefits of selling ROI marketing services to local businesses and small online ecommerce brands - Success stories of individuals with no prior experience or skill - High demand for online marketing services and the opportunity for success in the arbitrage economy 4. The 4-step process for starting an ROI marketing agency - Set up - Niche and service selection - Picking a niche with high revenue and average order value - Choosing result-based or revenue-driven services - Arbitrating (Contractor arbitrage) - Hiring experienced contractors from various countries for service delivery - Structuring deals with contractors for profitability - Finding contractors online through platforms and closed communities - Reaching out (Client outreach) - Focusing on client outreach through various tactics - Step-by-step plug and play strategy: targeted Loom plug and play - Charging what one is worth based on potential return on investment for clients 5. Potential challenges and the importance of seeking support - Challenges in niche selection, contractor hiring, and outreach efforts - Importance of seeking support or guidance to avoid wasting time and missing out on profits 6. Introduction to Agency Navigator program - Overview of the program's offerings and resources - Success stories of individuals achieving significant income advancements - Pricing and future plans for the program - Iman Gadzhi's investments in his company and charity work 7. Call to action - Urging viewers to take advantage of the opportunity before price increases - Emphasizing the current demand for marketing services in 2022 - Encouraging viewers to book a call for assistance or send a WhatsApp message for questions or payment queries

How to Create Content Like This
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Based on the key facts provided about Iman Gadzhi's successful YouTube content, other creators can replicate his success by considering the following strategies: 1. Offer a unique and promising business opportunity: Iman Gadzhi presents a compelling business model that promises high income without prior experience, which attracts a wide audience. Creators should focus on offering unique, valuable, and attainable opportunities to their viewers. 2. Establish credibility: Iman Gadzhi shares his credentials and transparently discusses his results, building trust with his audience. Creators should demonstrate their expertise and provide proof of their success to establish credibility. 3. Break down complex concepts into simple steps: Iman Gadzhi introduces a 4-step plug-and-play business model that is easy for beginners to understand and follow. Creators should aim to simplify complex ideas and provide actionable steps for their audience. 4. Address common challenges and objections: Iman Gadzhi discusses the challenges and risks associated with different business models, addressing potential concerns his viewers may have. Creators should anticipate and address their audience's questions and objections to build trust and credibility. 5. Offer a comprehensive solution: Iman Gadzhi's Agency Navigator program provides extensive resources, tools, and support to help participants succeed. Creators should consider offering a complete package of resources and support to help their audience achieve their goals. 6. Create a sense of urgency: Iman Gadzhi encourages viewers to take advantage of the opportunity before the price increases, creating a sense of urgency. Creators can use limited-time offers or exclusive opportunities to motivate their audience to take action. 7. Engage with the audience: Iman Gadzhi encourages viewers to book a call or send a message for assistance, fostering a sense of personal connection. Creators should actively engage with their audience and offer personalized support to build loyalty and trust. By implementing these strategies and providing genuine value to their audience, other creators can increase their chances of creating successful, viral content like Iman Gadzhi's.

Anatomy of Good Content
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The video content follows a well-structured narrative that effectively engages the audience and promotes the creator's program. Here are some elements that make this content effective: 1. Attention-grabbing introduction: The creator starts by introducing a new arbitrage economy and the promise of earning a high income without prior experience, which captures the viewer's attention. 2. Credibility establishment: The host shares his credentials and transparently discusses his results, building trust with the audience. 3. Problem identification: The creator evaluates common business models, such as affiliate marketing and Amazon FBA, and highlights their challenges and requirements, identifying the need for a better solution. 4. Solution presentation: The 4-step plug and play business model is introduced as a beginner-friendly solution, with clear metrics for evaluation and success stories to support its effectiveness. 5. In-depth explanation: The creator delves into the details of the business model, including niche selection, service selection, contractor arbitrage, and client outreach strategies, providing actionable insights for the audience. 6. Addressing potential objections: The host acknowledges potential challenges and offers counterarguments, such as the high demand for online marketing services and the willingness of businesses to invest in marketing for returns. 7. Social proof: Success stories of individuals who have followed the creator's program are shared, demonstrating the real-world application and effectiveness of the strategies taught. 8. Scarcity and urgency: The creator emphasizes the limited-time opportunity to join the program at a discounted price before it moves to a yearly subscription model, encouraging viewers to take action. 9. Clear call-to-action: Viewers are directed to book a call for assistance or send a message for further information, making it easy for them to take the next step. The content is well-structured, informative, and persuasive, guiding the viewer through a logical progression from problem identification to solution presentation and a clear call-to-action. The creator's transparency, credibility, and use of social proof further enhance the effectiveness of the content.

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