Tame Your Tongue #3 Week 3
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1. The Power of Faith and the Word: Moving Mountains with Jesus' Authority 2. Understanding Faith Through Jesus' Authority: Lessons from Mark 11 and the Centurion 3. Jesus' Authority and Our Faith: Overcoming Life's Mountains 4. Speaking with Authority: Jesus' Lessons on Faith and Transformation 5. How Faith and Jesus' Words Bring Change in Our Lives 6. Developing Spiritual Confidence: Faith in Jesus' Power Over Challenges 7. Jesus, Authority, and Faith: Commanding Mountains Through God's Power 8. Faith in Jesus: Inviting His Authority into Our Daily Lives 9. Lessons from Mark 11: Exercising Faith and Spiritual Confidence 10. Building a Jesus-Centered Home: Faith, Authority, and Overcoming Life's Barriers

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Brookside Church, Jesus-centered homes, gospel-saturated communities, Eric Dubach, Mark 11, faith in God, vocal projection, confidence in the gospel, authority of Jesus, fig tree, spiritual confidence, trust in Jesus, repentance, power of words, disciples’ questions, Roman centurion, divine authority, kingdom outcomes, belief, prayer, forgiveness, Psalm 51, practical application, speaking God's word, confronting challenges, personal story.

💼 Youtube Description
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Join Pastor Eric Dubach as he walks us through the powerful ways Jesus communicated in Mark chapter 11. Discover how faith and the authority of our words can transform lives. - Personal story about learning vocal projection - Jesus' authoritative communication skills - The story of Jesus cursing the fig tree in Mark 11 - Explanation of faith as recognizing God's authority - Practical applications of faith in overcoming life’s challenges

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Quiet child to aspiring preacher, surprising transformation.

06:26 Peter questions Jesus's powerful transformative words.

09:13 Faith: Recognizing Jesus' authority and accessing it.

12:40 Belief can achieve the seemingly impossible.

14:40 Jesus calms storm while disciples fear capsizing.

19:44 Faith overcomes impossible barriers backed by God.

22:24 Belief, forgiveness, sin block God’s authority flow.

26:07 Trust God continuously, repent for spiritual confidence.

28:08 Seek forgiveness, project God's authority through faith.

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Eric Dubach 00:00:16 00:00:27

Building Jesus-Centered Homes: "We believe that we're here to build Jesus centered homes through healthy relationships. And we believe when those healthy relationships happen more and more, more of our communities will be saturated with the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Eric Dubach 00:01:08 00:01:13

From Shy Kid to Public Speaker: The Surprising Aspiration: "you can imagine their shock when in college I informed them that I planned on becoming a preacher."

Eric Dubach 00:04:17 00:04:25

The Power of Authority in Communication: "Oftentimes, when he spoke to a crowd, the crowd would respond by saying, oh, man, who is this guy who speaks with such authority?"

Eric Dubach 00:06:39 00:06:59

The Power of Jesus' Words: "Rabbi, look, how is it that you spoke to the fig tree and its reality changed? How did you do that? How is it that you spoke a word and there is so much authority in your word that it changed reality in the thing you spoke to."

Eric Dubach 00:12:40 00:12:56

Viral Topic: The Power of Belief

"Truly I tell you, if anyone, not just me, but anyone says to this mountain, go throw yourself into the sea and does not doubt in their heart, but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them."

Eric Dubach 00:14:15 00:14:30

What is Spiritual Confidence?: "It's the ability to leverage faith to produce kingdom outcomes. Spiritual confidence is the ability to leverage faith to produce kingdom outcomes."

Eric Dubach 00:15:23 00:15:27

"Jesus Calms the Storm": Jesus gets up, looks at the storm, says, peace be still.

Eric Dubach 00:19:48 00:20:02

Overcoming Impossible Barriers: "The way you get past these impossible barriers is by speaking faith to them so that your faith or let me say this, the authority of your God overwhelms the authority of the impossible barrier."

Eric Dubach 00:22:24 00:23:58

The Power of Belief: "Belief is even though you know how to turn light switches on, even though you know how much electricity you need or even though you know how electricity works, it doesn't matter if there's no relationship with the electric company because there's no electricity coming into your house."

Eric Dubach 00:29:33 00:29:38

Overcoming Adversity with Faith: "Nothing can stand against the authority of God when it comes through our lives by faith."

📧 Email Newsletter
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Subject: 🌟 New Video Alert: Discover the Power of Faith and Words ✨ Hey Brookside Family! We’re excited to share the latest message from our series “Tame Your Tongue”! Pastor Eric Dubach delivers an inspiring and impactful sermon in “Week 3”. This week, we're diving into what it means to harness the power of faith and words, drawing wisdom from Mark 11 and some personal stories from Pastor Eric himself. Here are **5 keys you’ll learn** from this Week's message: 1. **Finding Your Voice**: Pastor Eric shares his own journey from a quiet kid to a confident speaker, illustrating the importance of vocal projection in delivering a powerful message. 2. **Jesus' Authority**: Understand Jesus’ supreme authority over reality, as demonstrated in the story of the fig tree and how His words yield transformative power. 3. **Faith in Action**: The centurion’s faith in Matthew 8 shows us how faith in Jesus’ word can manifest healing and miracles in our lives. 4. **Overcoming Barriers**: Learn how Jesus’ teaching on moving mountains symbolizes breaking through life’s biggest obstacles with steadfast faith. 5. **Practical Faith Application**: Discover how to apply faith in daily life, speaking with authority over areas such as marriage, addiction, and finances. **Fun Fact from the Episode:** Pastor Eric shared a humorous and vulnerable memory from his 5th-grade presentation where he first learned the importance of speaking up. It's a touching story demonstrating that growth often starts from humble beginnings! **Outro:** We're so grateful to have you with us on this journey, exploring how our words, grounded in faith, can create profound changes. Pastor Eric's message is a powerful reminder that we have been given authority through Christ to speak life into our circumstances. **Call to Action:** Don't miss out on this week's video! Watch “Week 3” now and join us in building Jesus-centered homes through healthy relationships. Let’s keep growing our faith together and see our communities saturated with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Feel encouraged? Share the video with friends or family members who could use a message of hope and faith. And remember, we'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences – drop us a comment after watching! Blessings, The Brookside Church Team P.S. Take a moment to reflect on how God's authority can manifest in your life this week. Let’s speak His word boldly and watch mountains move! 🌿💬🙏

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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### Comprehensive Sequence of Topics Covered in Week 3 #### 1. **Introduction by Eric Dubach** - Expresses love for opportunities at Brookside. - Encourages building Jesus-centered homes through healthy relationships. - Highlights the importance of gospel-saturated communities. - Announces focus on Mark chapter 11. #### 2. **Personal Story by Eric Dubach** - Recalls being a quiet kid often asked to speak up. - Significant 5th-grade presentation experience. - Learned to project his voice. - Realized the importance of content confidence and vocal projection. #### 3. **Learning Confidence in Presentation** - Strong content must be matched with vocal authority. - Importance of message projection to reach and impact the audience. - Relates to preaching where both content confidence and vocal authority are essential. #### 4. **Jesus' Communication Skills** - Jesus’ confidence in the gospel content. - Jesus spoke with authority, impacting crowds. - Aspiration to have content authority and impressive presentation skills like Jesus. #### 5. **Example from Mark 11** - Jesus curses a fig tree for not bearing fruit. - Disciples’ confusion about Jesus’ actions perceived as anger. - The withered fig tree showed Jesus' authority over reality. #### 6. **Application to Faith** - Comparing disciples’ and new believers' questions on Jesus' authoritative speech. - Moving from questioning Jesus’ words to inviting Jesus to speak changes into one’s life. - Areas to invite Jesus’ word: marriage, addiction, financial wisdom. #### 7. **Answering the Disciples' Question** - Jesus’ response: "Have faith in God" (Mark 11:22). - Example of the Roman centurion's faith in Jesus' healing authority (Matthew 8). #### 8. **Centurion's Faith** - Recognition of Jesus' authority by the centurion. - Jesus amazed by the centurion’s faith. #### 9. **Faith Defined by Jesus** - Faith as recognition of God's authority over everything. - Inviting God to work in one's life. - Confidence in Jesus’ word and His impact. #### 10. **Authority and Power of Words** - Importance of having faith in God. - Believers can speak with authority through faith. - Jesus’ instruction on commanding a mountain to move for those who believe. #### 11. **Spiritual Confidence** - Leveraging faith for kingdom outcomes. - Jesus calming the storm and teaching disciples to have faith. - Focusing on Jesus' authority over problems. #### 12. **Practical Application** - Using faith to speak authoritatively to life challenges. - Confidence derived from faith in God's power. #### 13. **Key Question** - Are you listening and recognizing God's authority and voice in your life? #### 14. **Faith and Substance** - Emphasis on the substance and authority of God in whom faith is placed. #### 15. **Mountains as Metaphors** - Mountains symbolize impossible barriers. - Faith enables overcoming barriers through God’s authority. #### 16. **Exodus Story** - Comparing those who return to slavery (sin) and those who embrace freedom (obedience). #### 17. **Prayer and Sin** - Belief and faith in God’s power during prayer. - Forgiveness as necessary for spiritual confidence. #### 18. **Electricity Analogy** - **Belief**: Like a relationship with an electric company. - **Faith**: Like using electric power by turning on a switch. #### 19. **Spiritual Confidence Defined** - Using faith in Jesus for kingdom outcomes. - Not for personal desires, but for God's plan in different life aspects. #### 20. **Three Takeaways for Faith** - Act on God's Truth: Speak with the authority granted by God. - Trust in Jesus: Consistent trust in Jesus, bigger challenges strengthen faith. - Repentance: Restores spiritual confidence, allowing God’s authority to manifest. #### 21. **Psalm 51** - Illustrates the power of repentance and restoration of spiritual confidence. #### 22. **Final Call to Action** - Encourages congregation to actively repent and seek God's authority. - Reinforce faith through public or personal acts of prayer and forgiveness.

❓ Questions
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Certainly! Here are ten discussion questions based on this week's sermon on Mark 11 and Pastor Eric Dubach's insights: 1. **Personal Reflection**: Pastor Eric shared a story about learning to project his voice during a 5th-grade presentation. How can you relate to experiences where you had to find confidence in speaking or presenting? 2. **Content and Authority**: Why is it essential to have both confidence in your content and authority in your presentation? How can one develop both in the context of sharing the gospel? 3. **Jesus' Authority**: In Mark 11, what does Jesus' cursing of the fig tree teach us about His authority over reality? How does this incident encourage you to recognize the power of Jesus' words in your life? 4. **Faith in Jesus' Words**: How does the story of the Roman centurion in Matthew 8 illustrate faith in Jesus' authority? What specific areas of your life need you to exercise similar faith? 5. **Inviting Jesus' Word**: Pastor Eric talked about inviting Jesus' word into our marriage, addiction, and financial wisdom. Which area of your life are you inviting Jesus’ word into right now, and how are you doing it? 6. **Spiritual Confidence**: What does it mean to have spiritual confidence according to Pastor Eric's teaching? How can focusing on Jesus' authority help you overcome life's challenges? 7. **Mountain as Metaphor**: How do you interpret the metaphor of "moving mountains" in your own life? What "mountains" do you need faith to overcome, and how can Jesus’ authority play a role in this? 8. **Power of Words**: How can our spoken words, rooted in faith and God’s authority, impact our circumstances and those around us? 9. **Repentance and Authority**: Why is repentance important in restoring spiritual confidence and allowing God’s authority to flow freely in our lives? How can Psalm 51 be a guide in this process? 10. **Three Takeaways for Faith**: Pastor Eric mentioned acting on God's truth, trusting in Jesus, and pursuing repentance. Which of these resonates the most with you currently, and why? How will you apply it this week in your faith journey? Use these questions to facilitate a meaningful discussion and encourage practical application of the sermon’s teachings.

Thick Questions
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Certainly! Here are 15 thought-provoking and somewhat unconventional follow-up questions aimed at sparking deeper conversation and sometimes challenging the speaker: 1. If Jesus' authority allows believers to speak to mountains and move them, why do we still often find ourselves overwhelmed by life's challenges and unable to change our circumstances? 2. Is there a limit to the authority believers have in using faith, especially in speaking life into specific areas like finances or relationships? 3. If a believer speaks authoritatively to a challenge in their life and nothing changes, does it mean their faith was too small or misdirected? 4. Considering the story of the fig tree in Mark 11, how do we reconcile Jesus’ actions in causing destruction with His message of love and restoration? 5. If the size of our faith determines the outcome of our prayers, how do we measure or grow our faith adequately? 6. If new believers are discouraged by unmet expectations of moving their 'mountains,' how should we guide them through their initial disillusionment? 7. How do we determine which words or promises of Jesus apply directly to our personal struggles today versus those that were context-specific for His time? 8. If significant barriers (mountains in scripture) symbolize both personal and societal challenges, how should we engage in social justice as an exercise of faith? 9. Can overemphasis on vocal authority and projecting faith overshadow the quieter, more contemplative aspects of Christian living and spiritual growth? 10. If the power of words can bring about God's kingdom outcomes, can silence ever be a more powerful act of faith? 11. How do we responsibly wield spiritual confidence without falling into the trap of spiritual arrogance or presumption? 12. If belief is akin to an electric relationship with God, how do we handle the 'power outages' when we feel disconnected or our faith wanes? 13. Can the concept of speaking authoritatively over one's life lead to a prosperity gospel mentality, and if so, how do we guard against it? 14. Does the analogy of electricity imply that God's power is always readily available to believers, and if so, how do we account for seemingly unanswered prayers? 15. How does the call for repentance and restoration fit into the narrative of faith-based authority, especially when dealing with deeply rooted, systemic issues like substance abuse or marital infidelity?

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Week 3 focuses on finding spiritual confidence and understanding Jesus' authority in Mark 11. Pastor Eric Dubach opens with his own story of learning to project his voice during a 5th-grade presentation. Even with strong content, the message falls flat without vocal authority. Jesus' communication in the Bible wasn't just about His powerful messages; it was how He spoke them, with undeniable authority. This is seen in Mark 11 when Jesus curses a fig tree and showcases His power over nature. The tree withered, proving His words alter reality. Pastor Eric relates this to our lives, urging us to trust Jesus' transformative words. Whether it is marriage, addiction, or finances, inviting Jesus to speak into these areas can bring profound change. Key principle: Have faith in God, just as the Roman centurion did in Matthew 8. Faith, as described by Jesus, involves recognizing God's authority over everything. When we speak with that faith, mountains—symbolizing life's challenges—can be moved. Spiritual confidence means using our faith for kingdom purposes, not just personal gains. Pastor Eric reminds us that belief allows God's power to flow, while active faith engages that power. He uses an electricity analogy: belief is the connection; faith is flipping the switch. Spiritual confidence is trusting God's power over our struggles. Take action by speaking God's truth with authority, consistently trusting Jesus, and seeking repentance to maintain spiritual confidence. Pastor Eric concludes, urging the congregation to invite Jesus' authority into their lives through heartfelt prayer.

🪡 Threads by Instagram
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1. Pastor Eric Dubach reminds us: The power of the tongue is immense; it shapes lives. Let’s use our words to bless, love, and instill hope, reflecting Jesus’ authority and grace. #TameYourTongue 2. Learn from Jesus’ authority in Mark 11. Just as He commanded the fig tree and it obeyed, invite Jesus' words to transform your life. Faith moves mountains, even the ones in your heart. #FaithInAction 3. Are you struggling with doubt? Pastor Eric shares: "Have faith in God," just like the centurion in Matthew 8. Real faith acknowledges and trusts in Jesus’ ultimate authority over life’s challenges. 4. Speaking God's word can alter your reality. Invite His authority into your marriage, finances, and struggles. Spiritual confidence isn’t about our strength, but God’s power through us. #JesusCenteredLife 5. Repentance restores spiritual confidence, letting God’s authority flow through us. Psalm 51 shows the way. Let’s turn to God, realign our hearts, and speak His life-giving words into our world. #KingdomOutcome

Sermon discussion guide
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## Sermon Discussion Guide ### Read Mark 11:20–26. Take some time to make observations and consider the significance of Jesus’ words and actions in this passage. ### Sermon Recap Review the sermon with your group, focusing on these highlight statements from Pastor Eric Dubach: 1. “Even with strong content, without projection, your message won’t reach or impact your audience.” 2. “Faith is not just believing in God’s power but also calling upon Jesus to speak changes into your life.” 3. “Anyone who believes and does not doubt can command a mountain to move, illustrating the power of faith.” 4. “Spiritual confidence comes from faith in the size and power of God, not from oneself.” 5. “Are you listening and recognizing God's authority and voice in your life?” ### Group Discussion 1. In Mark 11:20-21, Jesus curses the fig tree, and the disciples marvel at its withering. What does this incident teach about Jesus' authority and the power of His words? 2. Jesus responds to the disciples’ question by saying, "Have faith in God" (Mark 11:22). How does this statement reflect the core message of having faith in God’s authority? 3. The centurion's faith in Matthew 8:5-13 amazed Jesus. What can we learn from the centurion’s understanding of authority and faith when we face challenges in our lives? 4. How can we invite Jesus to speak changes into specific areas of our lives, such as marriage, addiction, or financial wisdom? 5. Reflect on the metaphor of moving mountains. What “mountains” in your life seem immovable, and how can you use faith in God’s authority to overcome them? ### Dig Deeper #### Faith in Action Compare Mark 11:20-26 with the story of the Roman centurion in Matthew 8:5-13. Reflect on these questions: 1. How does the centurion’s recognition of Jesus' authority lead to the healing of his servant? 2. In what ways can we demonstrate similar faith in Jesus’ authority over the “mountains” in our lives? 3. How can repentance restore our spiritual confidence, enabling us to act on God’s truth with authority? ### Prayer to Align with the Scripture **Heavenly Father,** We come before You in humility and awe of Your great authority and power. We thank You for Jesus, Your Son, who demonstrated His authority over all creation, and who invites us to have faith in that same power. Grant us the discernment and boldness to hear and recognize Your voice, to call upon Jesus to speak transformative changes into our lives. Lord, we face many “mountains” that seem insurmountable at times. Help us to remember that with faith in You, we can command these obstacles to move. Strengthen our spiritual confidence, not through our capabilities, but through the mighty power of Your Word. Forgive us for the sins that hinder Your authority from flowing freely in our lives. As we repent, restore us and fill us with the courage to act on Your truth. May we speak with the authority You have granted us through Jesus Christ, bringing Your kingdom outcomes to fruition in our marriages, our battles against addiction, our financial stewardship, and beyond. Thank You, Father, for Your unwavering goodness. We pray that our faith will grow, recognizing Jesus’ sovereignty and calling upon His name in all circumstances. Empower us to be living testimonies of Your Word’s power, resulting in Gospel-saturated communities centered on Jesus. In Jesus’ mighty and authoritative name, we pray. **Amen.**

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1. Given the authority of Jesus’ words, do you think the concept of speech therapy aligns with biblical teachings on vocal projection? 2. If someone were to be mute, how would they demonstrate faith similar to that of the centurion in Matthew chapter 8? 3. In what ways can musical praise amplify the authority of God's word compared to spoken words alone? 4. How might we cultivate spiritual confidence in the context of a secular work environment where open expressions of faith are discouraged? 5. Considering Jesus’ cursing of the fig tree, should modern Christians view agricultural failures as a sign of divine displeasure? 6. How does the concept of fasting intertwine with the use of authoritative prayer and spoken faith? 7. Could you argue that different languages or dialects have a unique influence on the spiritual authority of spoken words? 8. In the story of David and Goliath, can David’s taunts be considered an example of using authoritative speech to instill fear and faith at the same time? 9. Are there secular examples of authoritative speech we can learn from, even if they stem from non-Christian traditions? 10. How would you counsel someone struggling with imposter syndrome in their ministry, especially regarding speaking with authority? 11. Do you think the prominence of social media alters the traditional understanding of spoken authority and faith? 12. How should we handle speaking with authority in interfaith dialogues or debates? 13. What role does humor play in authoritative speech within a Christian context? 14. Are there biblical examples where an individual's written word held as much immediate power and authority as spoken word? 15. How can Christians balance the need for vocal projection and confidence with humility, ensuring they do not seem overly self-assured or arrogant?

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A good question to support this sermon and engage the congregation could be: "How can we, as believers, confidently speak God's authority over the challenges in our lives and see His power at work?" This question aligns with the sermon’s emphasis on faith, spiritual confidence, and the transformative power of speaking God's word, encouraging listeners to apply these principles in their daily lives.

Blog Discription
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**Week 3: "Will Jesus Give Me Whatever I Ask?"** Join Pastor Eric Dubach as he delves into the powerful text of Mark 11. Through personal stories and insights into Jesus' communication, discover the profound authority of faith-filled words. Learn how to invite Jesus' transformative power into your life, speaking with the same confidence and hope He exemplified. Perfect for those seeking to deepen their faith and understand the true essence of asking in Jesus' name. Enhance your spiritual journey and build a Jesus-centered home through this impactful sermon.

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Faith, Prayer, Authority, Repentance, Trust

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Discover the profound authority and power of faith as Pastor Eric Dubach shares impactful lessons from Mark chapter 11. Learn how Jesus’ confidence and communication can transform your life, empowering you to speak with divine authority. Join us for an inspiring exploration on “Will Jesus give me whatever I ask?” and unlock the true potential of a faith-filled tongue.

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