Uploading... #15 - Navigating the Intersection of Ads, Sales, and Content Creation with Chase Barmore

Castmagic LinkedIn Post
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@Chase Barmore joins @Blaine and @Ramon Berrios in this week's episode of "Uploading..." to share his insights on ad tracking and attribution, sales strategy, and content creation.

Chase is an Account Executive at Hyros, an ad tracking and AI optimization software for 3000+ global businesses with $3.5B in ad spending. Some of their clients are @Tony Robbins, @Click Funnels, @Playboy, and @Grant Cardone.

Chase shares his journey from burning cash on ads to mastering attribution with Hyros. He also discusses his role in the podcast @Sales Players, where B2B insights meet real-world sales experience.

Listen to the full conversation here: [Podcast Link]

#uploadingpodcast #adtech #salesstrategy #contentcreation #aioptimization

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1. Mastering Content Creation and Sales Strategies with Chase Barmore 2. Unlocking Sales Success and Ad Tracking Insights with Hiros' Chase Barmore 3. Chase Barmore Explains the Art of Sales and Content Creation Tactics 4. The Secrets of Sales and Effective Content Creation with Hiros' Expert Chase Barmore 5. Chase Barmore on Elevating Sales through Strategic Content and Ad Tracking 6. From Content to Conversions: Chase Barmore's Guide to Sales Mastery 7. Harnessing the Power of Content and Sales with Chase Barmore of Hiros 8. Hiros' Chase Barmore Shares His Journey to Sales Excellence and Content Mastery 9. Scalable Sales Techniques and Content Creation Wisdom with Chase Barmore 10. Converting Audiences with Killer Content and Hiros Ad Tracking, by Chase Barmore

💬 Keywords
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podcast, content creation, marketing, sales players, Hiros, ad tracking, AI optimization, global businesses, ad spend, Tony Robbins, Clickfunnels, Grant Cardone, Playboy, server-side tracking, inbound marketing, sales strategy, attribution models, iOS 14 update, GA4 update, privacy updates, LinkedIn, SaaS sales, CRM, Facebook ads, Google ads, call tracking, dynamic number swaps, calendly, content distribution, affiliate marketing.

💡 Speaker bios
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Blaine is the dynamic host of "Uploading the Podcast," a show that serves as a treasure trove of insights for enthusiasts in the creative and marketing world. He is widely recognized for his ability to demystify the complexities of content creation and monetization, offering listeners a rare glimpse behind the scenes of content mastery. Interviewing the best in the business—from outstanding creators to astute marketers—Blaine extracts valuable knowledge on how to thrive in the digital landscape. His expertise covers an array of critical areas, including strategy development, production processes, content distribution, leveraging growth platforms, and the effective use of tools. Beyond the mic, Blaine contributes to the larger creative community as a proponent of Cas Magic, the comprehensive workspace designed for content professionals. His efforts extend to curating a weekly newsletter filled with actionable tips derived from his podcast discussions. Demonstrating a commitment to engagement and collaboration, Blaine plays a pivotal role in managing an active Slack community, connecting over a thousand like-minded creators. His facilitation of conversation and support among peers highlights his dedication not just to sharing knowledge, but to fostering a vibrant network for content innovators.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Welcome back to Uploading, the premier podcast for diving deep into the minds of the most innovative content creators, marketers, and professionals making a splash in the digital realm. Today, we're thrilled to have a fascinating conversation lined up with guest Chase Barmore, an account executive at Hiros, the cutting-edge ad tracking and AI optimization software giant. Chase shares his journey from running his own business and burning cash on ads to helping top clients like Tony Robbins and beyond master the art of ad attribution. Plus, he delves into his role as a host and content creator with the podcast Sales Players. Join hosts Blaine and Ramon Berrios as they uncover the nitty-gritty of sales strategy, the importance of personal branding, and the ins and outs of content creation that turns into profitability. Whether you're a founder, a content creator, or a sales enthusiast, this episode promises actionable insights that can help you navigate the complex world of online marketing and sales. Don't miss out on the wisdom Chase is about to drop. Buckle up for an episode that is as enlightening as it is entertaining on "Uploading..."

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Connecting with professional for sales advice is valuable.

04:07 Jay Shetty's company faces attribution challenges.

07:38 Set up tracking, CRM, call booking funnel. Focus on Facebook or Google ads.

11:04 Jesse's podcast led to SaaS sales job.

13:10 Leveraging podcast for ICP relationships and content creation.

16:50 Sales moving to inbound, content is crucial. Possible use of tool in sales dialogues.

21:55 Capture prospect's email, be creative, distribute.

23:21 Find our podcast at thesalesplayers.com. Special offers available.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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### Introduction to the Podcast - Brief overview of "Uploading" and its focus on content creation and monetization - Mention of Cas Magic, the all-in-one content workspace ### Introduction of Guest Chase Barmore - Description of Chase's role and company (Hiros) - Introduction to Chase's podcast, "Sales Players" ### Chase's Professional Background and Hiros - Chase's transition from running his own business to joining Hiros - Importance of ad tracking and Hiros' tool for businesses ### Role and Impact of Hiros - Ramon's personal account of using Hiros to solve ad tracking issues - Chase's career development and rapid growth at Hiros - Hiros' foundation year and founder background - The critical issues Hiros solves, like ad attribution and customer journey tracking ### Inbound Marketing and Sales Strategies - Hiros' transformation from outbound to a predominant inbound flow - Partner recruitment and outbound strategies ### The Importance of Content for Creators - Discussion about content creators and ad campaigns - The framework larger creators use with ad campaigns to sell offers - The need for understanding where traffic is coming from ### Sales Process and Integrated Tracking - Importance of having a CRM and call booking for funnel optimization - Using platforms like Facebook or Google for ads - Hiros' capabilities for call tracking and dynamic number swapping ### Leveraging Podcasting and LinkedIn for Business Growth - Chase's experience and strategy using LinkedIn and podcasts for sales and networking - Leveraging the audience for understanding market needs ### The Intersection of Content Creation and Sales - Advice for content creators who are new to sales - Overcoming impostor syndrome and utilizing existing resources ### Use Cases of Cast Magic in Sales - Potential use of Cast Magic for extracting sales call insights - The importance of capturing and using customer contact information ### The Roadmap for Content Creators in Sales - Leveraging communities and courses for knowledge in sales - Collecting emails and creating funnels ### Conclusion and Contact Information - Where to find Chase's work and podcast "Sales Players" - Contact details for further information on Hyros and its offers

❓ Questions
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1. How does Hiros address the challenges of ad tracking and AI optimization in an increasingly privacy-conscious digital landscape, as highlighted by Chase Barmore? 2. Chase mentioned the importance of server-side tracking tools in advertising efficiency. Can you discuss the advantages of server-side tracking compared to traditional client-side tracking methods? 3. In the episode, Chase Barmore explains Hiros' solution for attribution and misattribution in advertising. How does proper attribution impact a business's advertising strategy and overall ROI? 4. Chase also addressed how Hiros helped solve the problem of missed attribution and over attribution in ad platforms. What are some common pitfalls creators and businesses face with platform-provided attribution, and how can they be avoided? 5. The episode delves into the content creation side with the podcast 'Sales Players.' What tactics can content creators use to leverage their podcasts or content to generate sales leads? 6. Chase talks about his transition from running his own business to working in SaaS sales. What are some key lessons that content creators can learn from Chase's personal journey about pivoting career paths? 7. With a focus on inbound sales, how does Hiros' approach to customer acquisition differ from other companies, and what can entrepreneurs learn from their strategy? 8. Chase's strategy includes using LinkedIn for lead generation. What tips did he provide for using LinkedIn effectively, and how can those be applied by others in the B2B space? 9. Given that Chase uses content from 'Sales Players' to inform course creation for Hiros, what insights does this give into the synergy between content creation and product development? 10. Ramon and Chase discuss the future integration of tools like Cas magic into sales workflows. How might the ability to analyze sales calls transform sales strategies and training?

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Chase Barmore 00:01:45 00:02:21

The Importance of Server-Side Tracking in Advertising: "I had gotten into actually running my own ads and I had, I burned a lot of money, um, with ads. And something I didn't realize is having a server side tracking tool and the importance of actually having a tool like this, uh, because you get a lot of ads in your internal feeds from Instagram, YouTube, and everybody makes it seem like it's really simple, uh, but it is a lot more complex. And with a tool like Hiros, I think, uh, it really can help those looking to run ads."

Chase Barmore 00:04:10 00:04:34

Impact of Privacy Updates on Digital Marketing: "So he had seen issues before the iOS 14 update and the GA four update and these different updates with privacy before anything was happening, because he was running so much with ads. And so really the thing that we saw for is attribution, missed attribution, really understanding where your, uh, leads are coming in from."

Chase Barmore 00:06:03 00:06:23

Monetization Strategies for Content Creators: "what a lot of these creators are doing is basically they're running ads to a low ticket offer. So let's say some sort of, could be a $7 course, could be a $27 course. Then when the actual person comes into the funnel, they're going to have a mid ticket offer, then a high ticket offer."

Chase Barmore 00:07:38 00:08:37

Optimizing Digital Marketing: "Great question. So I would first make sure that you have tracking set up, that you have some sort of CRM, you have some sort of call booking funnel in that it, it's not all over the place. You want to use some sort of CRM that could be go high level, that could be HubSpot, and then basically you. I wouldn't start with every platform. Uh, I would start mainly with either Facebook or Google, and then I would start to understand my funnel and get that one page of, okay, what is my offer? Intro. Offer page. Get that page done, get some basic creative and start running ads to getting people to the page and seeing if they start to opt in. The issue that you were talking about, Ramon, was a lot of times what happens if somebody clicked on your ad and then maybe six months later they purchase? You're not going to know that that person found you through that ad."

Chase Barmore 00:11:05 00:11:21

Podcast Origins: "So the podcast was actually founded by a guy named Jesse Woodbury. So Jesse's my co host, and he used to call the podcast SaaS sales players, and he's been doing it for probably two and a half years."

Chase Barmore 00:12:14 00:12:30

The Power of Networking: "LinkedIn and networking is so important for creating content. It's not about the amount of viewers or followers, especially. You can do these one to one conversations and really niche into your audience and start to help people."

Chase Barmore 00:13:16 00:13:28

Leveraging Podcasts for Networking and Content Creation: "One of them is to I have used the podcast as a way to get like ICP candidates onto the so I actually have a one to one in conversation with a key player."

Chase Barmore 00:17:53 00:18:04

Advancements in Call Optimization Tools: "We use Fireflies note taker. And I would say that that really has helped me up my game from just understanding what's actually going on in calls."

Chase Barmore 00:20:03 00:20:22

Testing Online Courses Viability: "If you're not already like selling a course or you're an affiliate marketer or you have some sort of offer, is testing your audience if they're going to buy something from you and just create a course, you can go on school like Alex Hermosis deal."

Chase Barmore 00:22:02 00:22:13

Key Marketing Strategies: "the most important thing you can get from your prospect is their email. So any way that you can capture an email, if you're not already capturing your clients emails, start doing that."

🎬 Reel script
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Hey there, entrepreneurs and content creators! I just wrapped up an enlightening session with Chase Barmore on our latest episode of "Uploading…". We dove deep into transforming content into profit, unlocking the mysteries of ad tracking with Hiros, and explored the pivotal role of personal branding and networking on LinkedIn. Chase shared his insider journey from ad-burn to tracking triumphs and how Sales Players Podcast is leveraging content for impactful sales strategies. Whether you're testing your first course or seeking to scale through strategic ad attribution, this episode is packed with golden nuggets for elevating your game. Tune in, absorb, and act on these insights—you'll be thanking us later!

🔑 7 Key Themes
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1. Content creation for growth and profit 2. Hiros ad tracking and AI Optimization 3. Sales strategies for creators and businesses 4. Leveraging LinkedIn for sales and networking 5. Starting and leveraging a podcast effectively 6. The importance of email lead capture 7. Attribution issues with ad platforms

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Uploading... E#: Chase Barmore – Demystifying Content & Ad Strategy Success In this insightful episode of Uploading..., we delve into the dynamic world of content creation, ad strategy, and sales with special guest Chase Barmore. As an expert account executive at Hiros, and a noteworthy content creator with the Sales Players podcast, Chase takes us on a journey through the modern landscape of online marketing, sharing golden nuggets along the way. During our conversation, you'll uncover: - The crucial role of server-side tracking tools in ad success - How to pivot from outbound to inbound lead acquisition effectively - The value of personal brand and content creation in sales - Structuring low to high ticket offers for maximum impact - Integrating tech like Cas Magic for content extraction and workflow enhancement A fun fact from today's episode: Did you know that Chase leverages the podcast to not just create content but also to network and engage with his Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) uniquely, often leading to meaningful professional opportunities? As we wrap up, remember this – whether you're a seasoned creator or stepping into the ring of content and sales for the first time, Chase's hands-on insights and strategies can be transformative for your venture. Eager to learn more about creating content that converts and mastering your sales strategy? Listen to the full episode as Chase Barmore shares his invaluable experiences and tips. Hit play and let's upload your know-how to the next level! 🚀 #ContentStrategy #AdSuccess #SalesMastery #Hiros #SalesPlayersPodcast

Interview Breakdown
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In this insightful episode, Chase Barmore joins us to delve into the intricate world of ad attribution and optimizing sales through content. As an account executive at Hiros and host of Sales Players podcast, Chase unveils strategies and tools for creators and professionals seeking to elevate their ad strategies and sales games. Today, we'll cover: - Chase Barmore's journey from burning cash on ads to streamlining ad attribution with Hiros. - Why understanding ad attribution is critical for content creators and how Hiros solves common challenges. - The power of using content, like a podcast, as a tool for strengthening sales and networking. - Insights on building a sales strategy in today’s content-rich environment and why inbound leads are crucial. - Actionable steps for content creators to transition into successful course and product offerings.

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In today's dialogue, Chase Barmore unveils the transformative impact Hiros has on ad tracking and the sales strategies that power a new wave of content creators and professionals. He distills his journey into actionable insights, sharing how Hiros and targeted SaaS sales approaches can fuel growth, and drive content monetization through precision and personal branding.

🎠 Social Carousel
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Sure, here's your LinkedIn/Instagram carousel based on the content from the podcast episode: --- **Slide 1: Cover Slide** "10 Sales Insights Every Creator Needs to Know" **Slide 2: Start Tracking** Implement server-side tools to accurately track ad success. **Slide 3: Analytics Matter** Understanding ad performance across platforms is crucial for ROI. **Slide 4: Personal Branding** Boost sales by consistently posting relevant content on LinkedIn. **Slide 5: Target Wisely** Start with one ad platform to understand your audience's behavior. **Slide 6: Funnel Focus** Develop a clear call to action and customer journey for higher conversions. **Slide 7: Content is Key** Use content to test audience receptivity to purchases. **Slide 8: Connections Convert** Creating relationships can convert podcast guests into clients. **Slide 9: Email Power** Collect emails early for retargeting and community building. **Slide 10: Learn & Adapt** Join sales groups and courses to enhance your sales strategies. **Slide 11: CTA** Ready to up your sales game? Visit thesalesplayers.com for more insights. --- The LinkedIn/Instagram carousel should provide concise takeaways from the podcast episode and encourage followers to engage with the content for improving their sales techniques and strategies.

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Idea #2: Leveraging LinkedIn as a Sales Tool Leverage LinkedIn for amplifying sales efforts and driving content engagement by: 1. **Posting Consistently**: Chase emphasizes the importance of consistent content posting on LinkedIn for visibility. By maintaining an active presence, he attributes his job at Hiros to his regular updates, which kept him in front of the right people (Chase Barmore [00:16:03]). 2. **Building Relationships via Content**: Rather than relying solely on traditional sales outreach, Chase discusses using the content platform as a means to connect with ideal customer profiles (ICPs). By engaging with their posts or inviting them onto his podcast, he has turned content creation into a powerful networking tool (Chase Barmore [00:14:30]). 3. **Aligning Content with Sales Goals**: Chase integrates his sales expertise into his podcast 'Sales Players', showcasing it as both a content product and a sales conversation starter. He also suggests using content as a way to test the market's receptiveness to buying from you or your business (Chase Barmore [00:19:59]).

1 Key Learning
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Embrace Personal Branding and Community Engagement in Sales Sales professionals and content creators can substantially benefit from leveraging their personal brand and engaging with their community on platforms like LinkedIn. Creating authentic content that resonates with your audience can help to establish trust and authority. Salespeople can utilize this content to initiate conversations, build relationships, and increase the likelihood of prospects converting into leads. By actively participating in industry-specific online communities and groups, professionals can stay informed of the latest trends, network with peers, and gather insights that can be used to enhance sales strategies and content creation.

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From the insights and experiences shared by Chase Barmore during the podcast episode, here's a list of maxims that creators, marketers, professionals, and especially those involved in sales and content creation can live by: 1. Invest in Accurate Tracking: Understand the importance of server-side tracking tools to accurately measure ad effectiveness. 2. Simplify Complexity: Approach advertising and content creation with simplicity, but be prepared for the complexity that comes with it. 3. Embrace Inbound Marketing: Focus on creating valuable content to naturally attract inbound leads rather than relying solely on outbound strategies. 4. Leverage Personal Branding: Cultivate your personal brand on platforms like LinkedIn to enhance visibility and career opportunities. 5. Start with a Solid Offer: Before running ads, ensure you have a compelling low-ticket offer followed by mid and high-ticket options. 6. Understand Attribution: Utilize tools that help you attribute conversions back to their source accurately, overcoming platform biases. 7. Optimize Funnel Pathways: Pay close attention to how leads interact with your funnel and where they drop off or convert. 8. Innovate Conversations: Use CRM and conversational AI tools to gain insights from sales calls and customer interactions for training and content creation. 9. Utilize Content: Leverage your podcast or content creation as a relationship-building and networking tool with your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). 10. Create and Use Networks: Join industry groups and communities to learn, share knowledge, and network with peers. 11. Capture and Utilize Emails: Always find ways to obtain customers' emails for retargeting, distributing newsletters, and creating communities. 12. Follow Existing Formulas: Learn from established course creators and funnel models, adapting for your unique content and audience. 13. Provide Value Continuously: Keep delivering valuable insights and content to your audience to establish trust and authority. 14. Test and Iterate Offers: Validate demand for your product or service by testing the market with real offers. 15. Focus on Quality Leads: Prioritize inbound strategies maybe through content that bring quality leads over quantity. 16. Know Your Tools: Familiarize yourself with tools and platforms that can optimize your workflow, like Cas magic for content creators or Hyros for advertisers. 17. Collaborate and Co-Host: Engaging with co-hosts and guests can expand your audience and bring fresh perspectives to your content. 18. Act on Feedback Loops: Incorporate insights from customer interactions and content analytics into your strategy for continuous improvement. 19. Integrate Sales and Content: Mesh content creation efforts with sales strategies to create cohesive, effective campaigns. 20. Offer Special Deals: Incentivize engagement and conversions through exclusive offers tailored for your specific audience or partnerships.

Hustle Thread
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Tweet 1: Chase Barmore hit a wall. His ad money was burning. Determined, he sought solutions. Now thriving at Hiros, Helping creators worldwide. This is his tale: 🚀 Tweet 2: Introducing Chase Barmore (@ChaseBarmore), a pro at Hiros and a co-host of Sales Players. He navigated from ad spend headaches to empowering 3,000+ businesses. A journey of mastering content and sales. 🌟 Tweet 3: Chase's path started with frustration. Wasted ad dollars led to an epiphany. Understanding server-side tracking was key. He turned his struggles into expertise. Now he's a beacon for others at Hiros. Tweet 4: Chase could've walked away from ads. Instead, he embraced complexity. His persistence led to Hiros recruitment. And by 2024, they soared. Hitting $24 million ARR with innovation. 📈 Tweet 5: At Hiros, Chase found his groove. He leveraged Alex Becker's influencer insight. Together they tackled privacy updates head-on. Predicting trends before others knew. Sculpting a powerhouse in ad attribution. 💡 Tweet 6: Chase didn't stop at ad tracking. He dove into content with Sales Players. Using networking and keen strategies. He carved out his niche in podcasting. Becoming a go-to voice in B2B sales. 🎙️ Tweet 7: Chase’s podcast isn't just talk. He smartly connects with ideal customers. A podcast as a strategic networking tool. Building rapport beyond cold calls. Transforming the sales landscape creatively. 😎 Tweet 8: Sales Players isn't just about interviews. Chase uses it to fuel growth. Extracting insights with tools like Cast Magic. Turning transcript data into actionable content. And even crafting an educational course. 📘 Tweet 9: From burning cash to tracking millions. Chase Barmore's shift is compelling. For those in content and sales, He's proof that adaptation leads to success. His advice? Build a brand, capture emails, keep learning. ✨ Tweet 10: Chase's insights echo for creators and sellers: Adapt, innovate, and leverage your content. His journey from frustration to flourishing at Hiros Is a masterclass in transformative career moves. Join him on Sales Players as he continues to evolve. 🚀 #Hiros #SalesPlayers #ContentCreation #SalesSuccess #Podcasting #AdTracking #Innovation

🧿 Viral Breakdown & CTA
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Struggling to convert content into customers? DISCOVER SALES STRATEGIES 🔍 Unlock the secrets to effective content sales here. With insights from Chase Barmore of Hyros, a seasoned ad veteran and sales guru. Wondering how to leverage content for sales success? ESSENTIAL STRATEGIES REVEALED: Understand the facts, streamline your funnel, and analyze your data. 1. EMAIL CAPTURE IS KEY Collecting email addresses is the foundation for customer conversion. Chase Barmore suggests any interaction with your audience should aim to secure this valuable piece of data. Whether through a platform like Calendly or your website, building an email list gives you direct access to your audience. This list becomes a goldmine for retargeting campaigns, launching new products, or simply nurturing customer relationships over time. 2. FOCUS YOUR FUNNEL Your sales funnel needs to be as clear and concise as your content. Barmore emphasizes starting with a single offer and a well-defined sales page. Begin with testing one ad platform, analyze the response, and refine your approach. A successful funnel smoothly transitions leads from initial contact to eventual sale, often through graduated offers from low to high ticket items. Always aim for efficiency and ease of navigation. 3. ANALYZE AND ADJUST Sales is an iterative process. Utilize tools like Hiros to understand where your leads are coming from and the paths they take to conversion. Track beyond the initial click—identify the various touchpoints with content and ads, ensuring you capture the complete customer journey. Adjusting your strategy based on this data allows for smarter spending and more effective targeting, ultimately maximizing your return on investment. Seize the opportunity to expand your content's potential with strategic sales techniques. Head over to DTC Pod and learn from the top Founders and Operators across Consumer, Creator, and Commerce businesses for more insider tips.

Uploading... Titles
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Chase Barmore, Hiros - Ad Tracking Secrets: Billions in Ad Spend Uncovered Chase Barmore, Sales Players Podcast - Podcasting Power Play: Leveraging Sales Skills for Mega Growth Chase Barmore, Account Executive - Mastering AI in Ads: The Man Who Scaled 3000 Businesses Chase Barmore, Content Creation - From Burnt Cash to Tracking Dash: An Ad Spend Odyssey Chase Barmore, Hiros Sales Maestro - Upselling the Upsell: Inside the Mind of a Sales Titan Chase Barmore, Sales Players Co-host - Transforming Talks Into Sales: A Content Creator's Blueprint

Twitter Post 1
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Did you know that a slick LinkedIn strategy can net you a SaaS sales job without a traditional application? Chase Barmore of Hyros did just that by consistently sharing content. It's not just about the posts, it's who sees them! #InboundMagic #SalesThroughContent

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🚀 For those diving into the content creation and marketing realms, you're embarking on an exciting journey. To enhance your capabilities and shift your strategies towards success, consider adopting these mindset changes: 💭 Transition from ads simplicity to complexity appreciation. Content marketing, especially when it involves running ads, is not always as straightforward as social feeds may portray. Acknowledge the complexity, learn to navigate it with tools like Hiros, and recognize the value of robust tracking to make informed decisions. 💭 Embrace content as a connection tool, not just a sales pitch. Like Chase Barmore’s approach with his podcast, use your content to create meaningful relationships with your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile). This builds a foundation rooted in value and trust, which can organically transform audience members into clients. 💭 Consider every piece of content as a learning opportunity. Rather than viewing content solely as an output mechanism, treat it as a feedback loop. Each interaction gives you data – through platform analytics or engagement with tools like Cast Magic – helping you refine your message, understand your audience better, and optimize your offers accordingly. If you're eager to delve deeper and master the intricacies of content creation and strategy, keep an ear out for our upcoming episodes where we dissect these themes further. For now, start integrating these mindset shifts as you sculpt your path in the ever-evolving landscape of content marketing. And remember, when in doubt, reaching out to experts and immersing yourself in communities like Cast Magic can accelerate your growth. Dive in! #ContentCreation #MarketingMindset #Hiros #SalesPlayersPodcast #CastMagicCommunity

Future State, 6 reasons post
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In just half a year, our podcast 'Uploading...' experienced a transformative jump – from a fledgling show to a recognized authority channel with a dedicated listener base, consistently hosting renowned guests like Chase Barmore. We pivoted from struggling to build an audience to becoming the go-to resource for creators and marketers who thrive on practical, data-driven content that leads to growth and profit. Old Podcast State: - Limited Reach - Sporadic Listenership - Random Episode Topics - Reactive Content Strategy - Reliance on Organic Growth Only New Podcast Future State: - Expansive, Targeted Reach - Consistent, Engaged Audience - Strategically Curated Topics - Proactive, Research-Driven Content - Multi-Channel Growth Approach With the right tweaks and focus, 'Uploading...' can carve out a niche not just in podcasting, but as a central hub for community, education, and industry insights in the content creation landscape. Here are my 6 recommendations to propel us to that future state: 1. **Strategic Guest Collaborations**: Similar to how Chase leveraged an invite to an ICP (Ideal Customer Profile) onto the Sales Players podcast, we can create rapport with potential guests and partners beneficial for growth by offering mutually valuable collaboration opportunities. 2. **Integrated Sales and Content Tools**: Implementing tools like Hiros for ad tracking and leveraging platforms like Cast Magic to dissect content like a pro can streamline our growth strategy, much like they did for Chase’s ventures. 3. **Audience-Driven Content Creation**: Taking cues from Chase’s approach, leveraging CRM and listener analytics to understand which topics resonate, we can create more tailored content that speaks directly to our audience's needs. 4. **Leverage LinkedIn for Expansion**: As Chase emphasized the importance of his personal brand on LinkedIn, our hosts can amplify our show’s presence and reach by actively engaging, sharing insights, and participating in relevant conversations on the platform. 5. **Develop a Content-to-Lead Funnel**: Drawing on the podcast's discussions around sales funnels for content creators, crafting lead magnets that capture emails and integrate with a CRM can morph listeners into a community, and eventually, a customer base. 6. **Educational Resources and Courses**: Following the podcast's spotlight on knowledge sharing, we can package and sell courses or resources derived from episode content, expert advice, and industry practices mentioned on the show. Now, imagine this – as the podcast landscape becomes increasingly competitive and the audience’s expectations rise, 'Uploading...' could pave the way not only as a leading voice but as an ecosystem of growth for both creators and marketers. P.S. What changes do you feel could amplify the reach and impact of a podcast in today's environment? Do you see a role for educational content in enhancing listener engagement and retention for a podcaster?

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# **Workbook: Leveraging Content and Sales Strategy** ## **Introduction** In this workbook, you'll extract fundamental strategies and tips from the discussion with Chase Barmore on the podcast "Uploading..." By following through, you should gain valuable insights into content creation, sales strategies, ad tracking, and leveraging the right tools to enhance your business or personal brand. ### **Getting Started: Understanding Your Foundation** 1. Define your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile). - Exercise: Write down the characteristics of your perfect customer (industry, size, needs, etc.). 2. Analyze your current content strategy. - Exercise: Briefly outline your content strategy and goals. 3. Consider your sales process. - Exercise: Map out your existing sales funnel stages. ## **Content Strategy Essentials** ### **Leveraging LinkedIn for Leads** Chase emphasizes the importance of LinkedIn for generating business leads and building personal brand recognition. 1. Content Creation on LinkedIn: - Activity: Share a recent win or insightful professional experience in a LinkedIn post. - Activity: Comment on a post in your industry to start engaging with potential leads. 2. Direct Outreach Strategy: - Activity: Send a connection request with a personalized note to a prospect after engaging with their content. ### **Podcasting to Build Relationships** Sales Players Podcast is used strategically to engage with industry key players. 1. Starting a Podcast: - Activity: Brainstorm podcast theme ideas focused on your niche. - Exercise: List possible guest types and the value each could bring to your audience. 2. Leveraging Podcast Content: - Activity: Use a tool like Cast Magic to extract insights from podcast episodes for content repurposing. - Exercise: Outline a blog post or email sequence using key points from a podcast episode. ## **Sales and Ad Tracking** ### **Understanding Ad Attribution** Chase Barmore discusses the complexity of ad attribution and its importance for creator offers. 1. Ad Tracking with Tools like Hiros: - Activity: Identify the main platforms you use for ads. - Exercise: Research ad tracking tools and consider if they're a good fit for your ad strategy. ### **Creating Offers as Content Creators** Developing low, mid, and high ticket offers are essential to learn where the best traffic sources are coming from. 1. Developing a Sales Offer: - Activity: Brainstorm and outline a low ticket offer relevant to your audience. - Exercise: Create a mock-up of what your sales funnel would look like with low to high ticket offers. ### **Enhancing Sales Technique** Transitioning from traditional outbound sales to inbound sales involves sifting through leads to find ideal clients. 1. Sales Role Transition: - Exercise: Reflect on how the shift from outbound to inbound could impact your workflow. 2. Building Trust through Content: - Activity: Create a content piece that helps to build trust with potential customers. - Exercise: Plan out a strategy to convert content viewers to leads. ## **Action Plan for Implementation** Summarize the strategies you plan to implement based on the podcast discussion: 1. **Content Creation:** - [ ] Start a podcast. - [ ] Increase LinkedIn presence. - [ ] Use content to build brand recognition and trust. 2. **Sales Strategy:** - [ ] Collect emails and build out a retargeting plan. - [ ] Use podcasting as a relationship-building tool with potential leads. - [ ] Transition from outbound sales to an inbound methodology. 3. **Ad Tracking and Offers:** - [ ] Implement or improve ad tracking systems to optimize ad spend. - [ ] Develop a low ticket offer to begin building a sales funnel. - [ ] Analyze current offers and restructure them for better audience targeting. Please, take time to implement these strategies in your content and sales journey progressively, and always evaluate the effectiveness of each action for continuous improvement.

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Tweet 1: 🚀 @ChaseBarmore from Hiros lifts the veil on mastering ad attribution and enhancing sales - a game-changer for creators and professionals in the B2B space. Here's a rundown of the key insights: 👇 Tweet 2: 1. Attribution is Crucial for Ad Success Without proper tracking tools like Hiros, you're flying blind. Those fancy internal metrics from platforms? Often misleading. Stitch together the customer journey correctly, and you'll know exactly where your leads and conversions come from. Tweet 3: 2. Building Relationships vs. Cold Calling Chase uses his podcast, Sales Players, to create relationships with ideal customer profiles. He's swapped cold calls for content creation, attracting prospects to him. For sales pros, it's about being a resource, not just a pitch. Tweet 4: 3. Personal Branding Powers Sales Your LinkedIn posts could be your ticket to your next big opportunity. It's not just about what you're selling, but who you are - @ChaseBarmore’s personal brand indeed plays a pivotal role in his success. Tweet 5: 4. Content is King but Email Reigns Supreme For creators, collecting emails should be priority #1. Whether it's sales or content marketing, that list is your most valuable asset. It's not just about audience size; it's about converting viewers into lasting relationships. Tweet 6: 5. Imitation as a Form of Strategy Content creators looking to sell shouldn't shy away from emulating successful figures in their niche. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when formulaic strategies for funnels and courses have been tested and proven. Tweet 7: 6. The Inbound Advantage @end_blaine noted moving from outbound to inbound leads is pivotal. Goodbye cold calls and hello qualified inbound content. With tools like Hiros, this transition is not only possible but profitable. Tweet 8: 7. Cast Magic Connects Content & Sales Transcripts from Cast Magic can double as training material for sales teams, insights for content creation, and even email marketing fodder. It's about leveraging every piece of dialogue for growth. Tweet 9: 8. Just Start For creators hesitant about sales or creating their first product: Start simple, capture emails, and build from there. It’s an iterative process that unfolds with action and intent. “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”— Mark Twain, borrowed by @RamonBerrios.

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Maximize Your Podcasting Impact in 2023: The Ultimate Guide for Creators. Leverage the Secrets of High-Earning Podcasters: https://podcast.ultimate-guide.com/register In this comprehensive episode, we'll be diving deep into the realm of podcasting mastery. If you're a podcaster, a content creator looking for sustainable growth, or simply interested in the business behind successful podcasts, this episode is your treasure trove of insights! Here's a sneak peek of what you'll uncover in our discussion: Understanding the Podcast Landscape of 2023: We'll begin by exploring the current state of podcasting. We'll examine industry trends, audience behaviors, and the technological advancements that are elevating podcasting into a whole new league. Generating Revenue Through Podcasting: I'll reveal the cutting-edge strategies applied by the most successful podcasters to turn content into profit. Learn the secret sauce behind monetization models that work in today's digital ecosystem. Content Strategy and Podcast Planning: Gain insights into the craft of content strategy for podcasting. I’ll show you how to plan and produce content that resonates with your audience, driving engagement and loyalty. Podcast Production and Quality Tips: We won't shy away from discussing the technical side. Our talk includes top tips for podcast production, ensuring that you achieve professional-grade audio quality that captivates listeners. Podcast Growth and Distribution Techniques: Unveil the most effective tactics for growing your podcast audience. We'll delve into distribution methods, platform optimization, and viral growth hacks exclusive to 2023. Interviewing and Collaboration Tactics: Learn from the pros about conducting powerful interviews and leveraging collaboration for exponential podcast growth. Build relationships that translate into cross-promotional opportunities and a wider reach. Podcasting Analytics and Audience Insights: I'll guide you through the maze of podcast analytics. Understand which metrics matter, and how to use this data to make informed decisions that propel your podcast forward. Maximizing Inbound Opportunities: Like our guest, Chase Barmore, find out how to use your podcast as a magnet for inbound leads and opportunities, perfecting the art of creating content that sells itself. Podcast Monetization Breakdown: Money talks, and in this section, you won't just listen—you'll act. Get to grips with practical monetization steps, from securing sponsors to creating premium content offerings. How to Use Podcasting to Elevate Your Brand: Finally, I’ll share strategic advice on harnessing the power of podcasting to establish your brand's authority and connect deeply with your audience, setting you apart from the competition. Not only will our episode be packed with actionable strategies and behind-the-scenes secrets, it's tailored for immediate application. Whether you're just starting a podcast or looking to scale, this invaluable content will serve as your roadmap to podcasting success in 2023 and beyond. Don't miss out—listen, learn, and transform your passion into profit!

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Welcome to our podcast, Uploading, where we share secrets from top content experts on making money online. Join our content workspace, Cas Magic, for tips, and connect with other creators in our Slack group. Today, we're chatting with Chase Barmore from Hiros, an ad tracking company. Hiros helps big names like Tony Robbins and companies like Playboy track their ads. Chase also co-hosts a podcast called Sales Players, for the best in B2B sales. Chase explains that before Hiros, he lost money on ads. He didn't know how important it was to track them properly. Hiros makes understanding ads easier. Ramon mentions how Hiros solved their ad tracking problem. Chase, an impressive sales pro, shares his techniques, like texting with clients. Hiros has grown rapidly thanks to founder Alex Becker, who foresaw the need for better ad tracking. Chase gives insight on how big creators use ads and offers to grow their businesses. They want to track where their sales come from, especially if they have different offers at various prices. We talk about how Hiros, which relies on lots of inbounds leads, has changed from chasing customers to sorting through the ones already interested. Chase uses his podcast to connect with potential customers and build relationships. Blaine asks if Chase's content creation attracts leads too. Chase confirms that a strong personal brand on LinkedIn is crucial for sales and believes content creation is key to getting noticed. Lastly, Chase offers advice to content creators new to sales. Learn from others in your niche, collect emails, and join communities and courses. Starting a podcast can help build relationships and improve sales skills. For more about sales, check out the Sales Players podcast or contact Chase through LinkedIn or their website. Hiros also offers a special deal for our listeners. Thanks for listening to Chase's insights on uploading, ad tracking, and sales strategies.

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@Chase Barmore, account executive at @Hiros, joins @Blaine and @Ramon Berrios on this week’s episode of Uploading... to dive into the intricate world of ad tracking and optimization. Discover how Hiros manages over $3 billion in ad spend for giants like @Tony Robbins and @Playboy. Chase shares insights from his personal journey from burning cash on ads to mastering campaign efficiencies using Hiros’ cutting-edge technology. Learn also about his venture into content creation with the @salesplayers podcast, aimed at uplifting B2B professionals. Don’t miss this deep dive into ad strategies, personal branding, and creating successful content! Full episode here: [YouTube Link] #UploadingPod #AdTracking #AIoptimization #ContentCreation #B2BSales #ProfessionalGrowth

About the Episode
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In this episode of Uploading, Chase Barmore sheds light on the transformative power of tracking and optimizing ad campaigns for high-level content creators, illustrating this with Hiros' client successes. He delves into the ingenious use of low to high ticket funnels and the significant impact of understanding lead sources and conversion points to tailor marketing strategies effectively. Chase underscores the importance of creating personal connections and leveraging LinkedIn as a vital component in the sales process, advocating for its use in generating meaningful leads. He shares the strategic approach of utilizing his podcast, Sales Players, as a platform to engage with target customers and generate insightful content directly within the sales industry. Peering into the mechanics of Sales Players, Chase reveals how the podcast serves as both a learning tool for sales professionals and as a dynamic mechanism to transform comprehensive conversations into actionable sales methodologies and training materials.

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