Awarepreneurs #310 Reclaiming Your Online Sanity: A Social Media Plan for Polarized Times with Paul Zelizer

πŸ”– Titles
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1. Unplugging and Reclaiming Sanity: Your Social Media Survival Guide in Polarized Times 2. Finding Balance: Paul Zelizer's Social Media Plan for Maintaining Your Online Sanity 3. Navigating Social Media in Polarized Times: Paul Zelizer's Expert Advice for Online Wellness 4. From Overwhelm to Well-being: Paul Zelizer's Effective Social Media Strategies in Challenging Times 5. Reclaiming Your Sanity: Paul Zelizer's Social Media Plan for a Balanced Online Life 6. Thriving in a Polarized Online World: Paul Zelizer's Guide to Social Media Wellness 7. Unplugged and Centered: Paul Zelizer's Social Media Survival Tips for a Sane Mind 8. Mastering Social Media in a Polarized World: Paul Zelizer's Strategies for Online Sanity 9. The Art of Disconnecting: Paul Zelizer's Plan for Reclaiming Peace in the Digital Age 10. A Social Media Plan for Empaths: Paul Zelizer's Guide to Staying Centered in Polarized Times

πŸ’¬ Keywords
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wild places, nature, restoration, rejuvenation, social media fasts, disconnect, screens, extreme activities, unplugging, engaging, life offline, loved ones, food, spirituality, wilderness activities, breaks, polarized times, weekend, social media, work perspective, week off, nature experiences, trail runs, Gila National Forest, phone signal, well-being, happiness, appearance, demeanor, Paul Zellazer, Awarepreneurs podcast. Twitter, X, early user, social media overwhelm, mental health, research, harsh topics, reactive conversations, polarized conversations, complicated, support, guidance, complex algorithms, conflict, polarization, crazy, conversation, five tips, distractions, anxiety, agenda, morning rituals, evening rituals, digital wellness, cup of tea, meditation, exercise, individual goals, multiple platforms, large marketing team, LinkedIn, choosing platforms, energy investment, depth, compassion, complex situations, sponsor, strategy session packages, content channel, multilayered issues, podcast, deep dive, newsletter, restorative activities, personal well-being, impact work, the situation in Israel, the war on the Gaza Strip, historical events, mental health challenges, depression, anxiety, sleep, checking social media.

ℹ️ Introduction
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(Intro music) Host: Welcome back to Awarepreneurs, the podcast where we explore the intersection of social impact, conscious entrepreneurship, and online well-being. I'm your host, Paul Zelizer. Today, we have a truly important topic to delve into: "Reclaiming Your Online Sanity: A Social Media Plan for Polarized Times." In these divisive times, it's no secret that social media can sometimes feel like a battleground, leaving us feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and disconnected. But fear not, my friends, because we have an incredible guest joining us today, someone who knows firsthand the challenges of navigating the online world while maintaining our mental and emotional well-being. Our guest is none other than Paul Zelizer, the founder of the Awarepreneurs podcast. As an avid nature enthusiast, Paul understands the importance of disconnecting from screens and finding solace in the wild places of the world. He's no stranger to the power of social media breaks and has mastered the art of reclaiming his own online sanity. Throughout this episode, Paul will share his insights, strategies, and personal experiences on the journey to finding balance amidst the chaos of social media. He'll provide five essential tips to help you navigate these turbulent waters and reclaim control over your online well-being. So, if you're ready to step into a world where self-care reigns supreme, and where you can engage with social media in a way that aligns with your values, then stay tuned because this episode of Awarepreneurs is for you. Let's dive in! (Outro music)

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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I. Introduction to the Episode and Speaker - Paul Zelizer as the host and founder of the Awarepreneurs podcast II. The Speaker's Relationship with Nature and Social Media - The speaker enjoys going to wild places in nature for restoration and rejuvenation - Social media fasts or breaks to disconnect from screens - Unplugging and engaging in life offline through various activities III. Importance of Taking Breaks in Polarized Times - Taking breaks from social media in polarized times is crucial - Real weekend breaks without checking social media from a work perspective - Longer breaks, like a week off, to recharge and reconnect IV. Speaker's Nature Experiences and Well-being - The speaker's love for trail runs in the Gila National Forest - The positive impact of being in wilderness areas without phone signal on well-being - Observations of positive changes in appearance and demeanor after breaks V. Speaker's Early Use of Social Media and Challenges - Speaker joined Twitter more than 15 years ago - Clients discussing social media overwhelm and its impact on mental health - Detrimental effects of excessive time spent on social media supported by research - Avoiding harsh topics on social platforms to prevent polarized conversations VI. Five Tips for Navigating Social Media Skillfully A. Establish Morning and Evening Rituals Without Social Media - Research showing the negative effects of starting the day with social media - Importance of creating wellness routines that don't involve social platforms B. Prioritize Social Media Platforms Based on Goals - Differences in strategies needed for success on different platforms - Discouragement from investing in every platform and focusing on specific ones - Speaker's expertise in studying effective strategies on LinkedIn C. Develop a Deep Dive Content Channel - Importance of creating a space for nuanced and multilayered conversations - Using social media to promote the content channel and notify followers - Providing a positive experience by discussing polarizing topics indirectly D. Give Yourself Permission to Take Breaks - Importance of taking breaks, even when there are intense industry or client issues - Unplugging and engaging in restorative activities for mental well-being - Encouragement to build and create something, listen to inner voice, and engage in spiritual projects E. Acknowledge the Connection Between Personal Well-being and Social Media - Clients recognizing negative consequences of social media on well-being and businesses - Challenges of handling incidents on social media and suggestions for handling them VII. Using Podcasts for Complex and Nuanced Conversations - Podcasts as a platform for discussing complex issues with depth - Examples of thoughtful exploration of historical events on the speaker's podcast - Comparing depth and centered attention of podcasts to social media platforms VIII. The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health - Correlation between high social media usage and mental health challenges - Negative effects of using social media first thing in the morning and late at night - Mental health challenges associated with frequent checking of social media IX. Conclusion and Call to Prioritize Personal Well-being - Final reminder to prioritize personal well-being while engaging with social media - The Awarepreneurs podcast as a resource for complex and transformative conversations - Impact of social media on mental health and the importance of mindfulness and balance.

πŸ“š Timestamped overview
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01:30 Excessive social media usage harms mental health.

05:05 Maintaining well-being amid social media challenges.

08:53 Center yourself, limit social media, prioritize goals.

11:44 LinkedIn connections; choose platforms wisely; reduce stress; strategy session package.

15:53 Use content channel to host nuanced discussions.

18:49 Challenging for business owners to take breaks.

23:30 Avoid harsh topics on social media. Take breaks. Connect for help with challenging issues.

24:48 Take care, thank you for positive impact.

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Paul Zelizer 00:01:43 00:02:09

The Impact of Social Media Usage on Mental Health: "When the overall number of hours that people spend more hours, they're on the top 25% or even top 10% of users in terms of hours spent per day on social media. The correlation between those robust users of social media and mental health challenges like depression and anxiety is way, way up."

Paul Zelizer 00:05:29 00:05:45

The Impact of Social Media on Managing Conflict: "When there's an incident on social media where somebody comes after you with a lot of heat or says bad things about you or your business, in the modern marketplace of social media, how do we handle all that?"

Paul Zelizer 00:08:53 00:09:07

"Maintaining a Healthy Relationship with Social Media: And when I do decide to check what's going on in the social platforms that I choose to partake in, I'm in a centered place. I'm ready for it. And I've had some centering practice time."

Paul Zelizer 00:11:58 00:12:16

"Choosing the Right Social Media Platform for Your Goals: So you might think about which platforms fit your goal for most likely to move the needle on your goals and which ones are less important and which ones can you just say, you know what? Right now I don't need to invest in that platform?"

Paul Zelizer 00:14:58 00:15:16

The Importance of Time and Space for Complex Conversations: "And by definition, if you're doing an interview with somebody on a podcast or you have a YouTube channel where you're going to spend 20 minutes and really unpack something where you write a blog post and it's very thoughtful and you can say, well, here are some of the things that have happened in the past that maybe not everybody knows."

Paul Zelizer 00:16:18 00:16:44

Creating a Deep Dive Content Channel: "If something gets heated or it's very current but it feels complex in a social media environment could easily be a place where people with very intense emotions get into conflict with each other, where you can hold the kind of space you can create the container that allows the kind of nuanced and multilayered conversation that you want to hold."

Paul Zelizer 00:19:26 00:19:33

The Importance of Taking a Break: "Your business isn't going to come crashing down because you took a 72 hours fast or you took a week off."

Paul Zelizer 00:20:34 00:21:19

The Importance of Taking Time Off: "I do nature experiences, trail runs, and there's times if I'm in the Gila National Forest, the largest block of wilderness in the Lower 48 here in New Mexico, an incredible place. There's large sections of the Gila where my phone doesn't even work if I wanted it to. And that's for a text, let alone getting on the internet. It's just very rural when I'm in that kind of wilderness I recharge and my well being, I come home and the people who love me like, oh my gosh, you look so relaxed, so happy. It's like your eyes are sparkly. It does something for me."

Paul Zelizer 00:22:31 00:22:42

"Prioritizing Your Inner Voice: Go remember who you are as a human who's not primarily in that moment listening to large crowds of other humans, but what's that inner voice?"

Paul Zelizer 00:23:30 00:24:02

Navigating Social Media and Harsh Topics: "Number four, don't attempt to primarily deal with harsh topics on the social platforms themselves, at least most of the time. That's more likely to get into those kind of very reactive conversations where that polarization vortex kind of happens on your page or where you're sucked into something that feels like it's not serving you and could potentially be harmful to your goals."

🎬 Reel script
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[Background Music] Entrepreneurial minds, listen up! 🎧 In our latest episode of Awarepreneurs, we dive deep into "Reclaiming Your Online Sanity: A Social Media Plan for Polarized Times." πŸ“±πŸ’‘ Our insightful host, Paul Zelizer, shares mind-blowing tips to navigate social media with grace and intention. ✨ First, establish morning and evening rituals without social media, fueling your day with self-care and focus. πŸŒ… Next, prioritize the right platforms for YOUR goals. Don't feel the pressure to be everywhere at once. 🀝 Build a unique content channel, a haven for complex conversations, where nuance and depth can truly shine. ✍️ Give yourself permission to take breaks and fully unplug, rejuvenating your mental well-being. You deserve it! πŸŒΏπŸ’†β€β™€οΈ Remember, social media is just a part of your journey. Engage in creative and spiritual projects that speak to your soul. 🌌 Join us on Awarepreneurs, where we explore transformational topics with expertise and compassion. πŸŽ™οΈ Let's reclaim our online sanity together! Tune in today! πŸ™Œ [Background Music fades out]

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» LinkedIn post
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🌿 Reclaiming Your Online Sanity: A Social Media Plan for Polarized Times 🌿 Are you feeling overwhelmed and drained by the constant noise and negativity on social media? You're not alone. In this episode of Awarepreneurs, I share my insights on how to navigate social media in these polarized times and reclaim your online sanity. Here are three key takeaways from the episode: 1️⃣ Establish morning and evening rituals without social media: Research suggests that starting the day by checking social platforms is not ideal for our well-being. Instead, focus on activities that promote self-care, such as meditation, exercise, or enjoying a cup of tea. Create a digital wellness routine that sets a positive tone for your day and helps you disconnect from screen time before bed. 2️⃣ Prioritize social media platforms based on your goals: With so many platforms to choose from, it's important to be intentional about where you invest your energy. Identify which platforms align best with your goals and target audience. Don't feel the need to be present on every platform if it's not serving your purpose. Quality over quantity is key. 3️⃣ Develop a deep dive content channel: Instead of engaging in polarizing discussions directly on social media, consider creating a content channel, such as a newsletter, where you can explore multilayered issues in depth. Use social media to promote this channel and engage with your audience, but reserve the space for thoughtful conversations and positive engagement. Building your own platform creates a more meaningful experience for both you and your audience. Remember, your well-being and mental health should always come first. Take breaks, create offline moments, and engage in activities that nourish your soul. By implementing these strategies, you can reclaim your online sanity and navigate social media more skillfully. Listen to the full episode on Awarepreneurs to dive deeper into the topic, and let's start a conversation about finding balance in the digital world. Together, we can create a healthier and more intentional online presence. #Awarepreneurs #SocialMediaWellness #DigitalDetox #OnlineSanity

πŸ—žοΈ Newsletter
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Subject: Reclaiming Your Online Sanity: A Social Media Plan for Polarized Times Dear [Subscriber], In these polarized times, it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending cycle of social media, which can often leave us feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and disconnected from our own well-being. That's why in this week's episode of Awarepreneurs, we're diving into the topic of "Reclaiming Your Online Sanity: A Social Media Plan for Polarized Times" with our host, Paul Zelizer. Paul understands the importance of disconnecting from screens and immersing oneself in nature for restoration and rejuvenation. He shares his experiences of taking social media fasts and breaks to unplug from the divisive world of social media and reconnect with what truly matters. It's not about going on extreme adventures in the wilderness, but rather finding activities that help you disconnect from technology and engage with life offline. Paul suggests spending quality time with loved ones, savoring delicious food, exploring spirituality, and immersing oneself in wilderness activities. These experiences not only help recharge your batteries but can also deeply impact your well-being and happiness. During this episode, Paul will provide five practical tips to navigate social media more skillfully and reclaim your online sanity. He emphasizes the importance of establishing morning and evening rituals that don't involve social media, as research suggests that starting the day by checking social platforms can negatively affect our well-being. Creating intentional rituals that prioritize digital wellness can set the tone for a healthier relationship with social media. Paul also advises prioritizing social media platforms based on individual goals and not feeling the need to invest energy in every platform. By being intentional about where you direct your attention, you can reduce stress and learn the norms of each platform. Moreover, he encourages entrepreneurs to develop a content channel that focuses on multilayered issues, which allows for more nuanced and compassionate conversations away from the polarizing environment of social media. Taking breaks from social media is essential, especially for entrepreneurs facing intense situations in their industry or with clients. Paul urges listeners to give themselves permission to take a break and engage in restorative activities that ignite their creativity and spirituality. Building something meaningful, listening to your inner voice, and participating in projects outside the realm of social media can rejuvenate your spirit and mental well-being. The Awarepreneurs podcast values deep and thoughtful conversations about complex issues faced by impact-driven professionals. We understand that social media platforms may not always provide the depth and space needed to explore and understand these issues. That's why we curate podcast episodes and blog posts that allow for a more thoughtful exploration of historical events, current situations, and their impact on our world today. If you've ever felt the negative consequences of too much time spent on social media or struggled with handling incidents online, this episode is for you. Join Paul Zelizer as he shares valuable insights and strategies for reclaiming your online sanity and creating a healthier relationship with social media. To listen to the latest episode of Awarepreneurs and discover how you can navigate social media more skillfully, click here [insert hyperlink]. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Let's reclaim our online sanity and create a digital space that promotes well-being, compassion, and transformative conversations. Stay aware, [Your Name] Awarepreneurs Newsletter Team

🧡 Tweet thread
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(Thread 1/10) 🌟 Reclaiming Your Online Sanity in Polarized Times 🌐 Feeling overwhelmed by social media? Join me in uncovering the secrets to maintaining your well-being in today's digital age. Let's dive in! πŸ’‘ #SocialMediaSanity #DigitalWellness (Thread 2/10) 🌿 Nature, our Ultimate Restorer πŸŒ„ When the digital noise becomes deafening, retreat to nature for restoration and rejuvenation. It doesn't have to be extremeβ€”just find an activity that allows for unplugging and engaging in life offline. 🌳 #UnplugandRecharge (Thread 3/10) ❀️ Prioritize Loved Ones & Self-Care πŸ‘ͺ Spending quality time with loved ones, enjoying delicious food, practicing spirituality, and engaging in wilderness activities can all help us unplug from technology and reconnect with what truly matters. πŸ’š #OfflineConnections (Thread 4/10) ⏰ Take a Break, You Deserve It! ⛱️ In these polarized times, it’s crucial to step away from the screen and take breaks from social media. Start by dedicating a real weekend without checking work-related updates. You'll be amazed at the positive impact it has on your well-being. 🌈 #DigitalDetox (Thread 5/10) πŸ—“οΈ Go Longer, Go Stronger! 🌴 If a weekend doesn't quite cut it, consider taking longer breaks. A week off can do wonders for your mental health and overall happiness. Disconnect from the digital world and immerse yourself in the beauty of the offline realm. 🌊 #TheOfflineExperience (Thread 6/10) 🏞️ My Love for the Wilderness πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Personally, I find solace and joy in nature experiences, especially trail runs in the Gila National Forest. Being in a wilderness area without phone signal improves my well-being and brings a renewed sense of happiness. 🌿 #WildernessRevival (Thread 7/10) ✨ Visible Changes for the Better 🌟 It's not just me who notices the positive effects of these breaks from social media. Others have commented on the positive changes in my appearance, demeanor, and overall energy. Give it a try, and let the magic unfold in your life! 🌈 #PositiveTransformation (Thread 8/10) πŸŽ™οΈ Say Hi to @paulzelizer! πŸ’Ό I'm Paul Zelizer, the founder of the Awarepreneurs podcast. Today, we're diving deep into "Reclaiming Your Online Sanity: A Social Media Plan for Polarized Times." Join me as I share insights into creating a healthier relationship with social media. 🎧 #Awarepreneurs (Thread 9/10) πŸ’­ Navigating the Complexity 🌍 Social media can be a double-edged sword, especially in these polarized times. But fear not! I have five tips to help you skillfully navigate these platforms and reclaim your online sanity. Stay tuned, we're just getting started! πŸ—ΊοΈ #SocialMediaStrategy (Thread 10/10) 🌞 Tip 1: Morning & Evening Rituals πŸŒ™ Start your day by establishing rituals that don't involve social media. Make that cup of tea, meditate, exerciseβ€”prioritize your well-being before engaging with social platforms. It sets the tone for a mindful and balanced day. πŸŒ„ #DigitalWellnessRituals Stay tuned for the next part of the thread, where I'll discuss Tip 2: Prioritizing Social Media Platforms to Achieve Your Goals. Let's reclaim our online sanity together! πŸš€ #SocialMediaSanity #ReclaimYourWellBeing

❓ Questions
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1. How do you personally disconnect from social media and technology to find restoration and rejuvenation? 2. Have you ever taken a social media fast or break? How did it impact your well-being and mental health? 3. Do you agree with the speaker's suggestion of spending time with loved ones, enjoying food, and practicing spirituality and wilderness activities as ways to unplug from technology? Why or why not? 4. What strategies do you currently use to navigate the challenges of social media in polarized times? 5. How does social media affect your overall well-being and mental health? Do you find it difficult to disconnect from social media and take breaks? 6. Have you noticed any positive changes in your appearance, demeanor, or overall well-being when you take breaks from social media? 7. How do you prioritize your use of different social media platforms based on your goals and what works best for you? 8. Have you considered creating a content channel to promote deeper, more nuanced conversations about complex issues, rather than discussing them directly on social media platforms? Why or why not? 9. How do you handle incidents or conflicts that arise on social media? Do you have any strategies for maintaining your well-being and mental health in these situations? 10. How do you find the balance between engaging with social media for your business or personal interests and prioritizing your own well-being and mental health?

πŸͺ‘ Threads by Instagram
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1. 🌿 Reclaim Your Sanity πŸ“± Unplug and Reset πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Start your day with a peaceful morning ritual, away from screens. Step into nature, savor a cup of tea, and meditate to center yourself. Social media can wait! #DigitalWellness #MorningRituals #UnplugandReset 2. 🎯 Go Where You Thrive πŸ’ͺ Prioritize the social media platforms that align with your goals. Don't spread yourself too thin. Invest your energy where it matters most. Quality over quantity! #ChooseWisely #FocusOnYourGoals #InvestStrategically 3. 🌐 Deep Dive Content πŸ“š Build a content channel that explores complex issues with depth and nuanceβ€”your own blog, newsletter, or podcast. Create a space for thoughtful conversations beyond social media noise. πŸ—£οΈ Engage, connect, and transform! #DeepDiveContent #NuancedConversations 4. β˜€οΈ Take a Break 🌴 Give yourself permission to rest and rejuvenate. Unplug from social media, embark on a digital detox, and engage in creative and spiritual projects. Recharge your energy and come back stronger! πŸ’ͺ #DigitalDetox #RestandRejuvenate #CreativeProjects 5. πŸ’¬ Beyond Social Media πŸ’‘ Social media has its limitations. For complex topics, dive deeper. Listen to podcasts, read blogs, and engage in transformative conversations. Explore the full picture beyond the constraints of social platforms. 🌍 Expand your understanding! #BeyondSocialMedia #TransformativeConversations #ExploreandLearn

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