Content Workflows Powered by Castmagic Expert Trainings 7.11.24 Content Workflow Powered by Castmagic - Create a Revenue Stream Podcast Guesting with expert Caren Glasser

1️⃣ One Sentence Summary
✨ Preset prompt

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Caren Glasser and Greg Wasserman discuss using Castmagic to repurpose podcast content, provide promotional materials for guests, and create AI-generated content.

📚 Timestamped overview
✨ Preset prompt

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00:00 Link click leads to client acquisition and promotion.

10:06 Merge host names into follow-up emails effectively.

15:51 Networking tip: Share show content with guests.

17:53 Edit show promotions, include name of show.

23:09 Modify and generate casual speaker bios, create canva quotes.

30:13 Follow up after appearing on shows effectively.

36:53 Publish content, share link, and create more.

37:58 Encourage sign-up with your referral link.

46:00 Encourage podcast hosts to promote shows.

50:03 Diverse content on different platforms for marketing.

57:14 User seeks help modifying prompts within platform.

01:00:17 Thanks, post questions in slack. Email soon.

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1. How can content be shared and adjusted using the Castmagic platform? 2. What advice can you provide on naming interviews for promotion and identifying content to be pulled? 3. Are there any resources available for getting on podcasts? 4. How should podcast hosts provide promotional material to their guests? 5. What strategies can be used to ensure consistent content posting across different platforms for increased audience engagement? 6. How can events be leveraged for creating and sharing content? 7. What is the potential backlash of using a host's content, and how can this be managed? 8. How can podcast guesting be used as a service business to generate income, gain more clients, and expand networks? 9. What are the key post-show activities for hosts and guests, including using email templates, social media posts, and content creation tools like Canva? 10. How can podcast audio files be accessed and converted for content creation using the Castmagic platform? 11. What methods are available for obtaining RSS feeds or YouTube links for podcasts? 12. How can Castmagic be used to generate AI content such as titles, keywords, speaker bios, and promotional materials? 13. How can context be provided in the generated content, particularly for newsletters?

🎓 Lessons Learned
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1. Sharing Content Using Castmagic Caren demonstrates how to share podcast content, removing parts, and sending links to guests effectively. 2. Changing Speaker Labels Explains changing speaker labels and how AI adjusts to new speaker roles efficiently in the Castmagic platform. 3. Naming Interviews for Promotion Advice on strategically naming interviews for promotional purposes and identifying key content for audience engagement. 4. Creating Canva Quotes Shows how to create quotes using Canva, with or without a paid account, to enhance promotional materials. 5. Generating AI Content Caren emphasizes generating content like social media posts, newsletters, and email copy using Castmagic's AI capabilities. 6. Finding Guest Opportunities Discusses directories like and for finding and securing podcast guest spots. 7. Leveraging Evergreen Content Suggests using different images and quotes from podcast episodes for continuous, long-term promotion across platforms. 8. Automating Content Sharing Utilize platforms like Castmagic to automate the sharing of podcast episode materials with guests to boost promotion. 9. Recording and Sharing Speeches Advises recording event speeches and sharing them as value-added content with organizers for increased engagement. 10. Using Podcast Guesting Highlights using podcast guesting as a business model to create income and expand networks through platforms like Castmagic.

🏃‍♀️ Action Items
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Someone eager to learn from this event could take away several actionable items to implement on their own: 1. Utilize Castmagic for Content Creation: Explore features in Castmagic for creating and sharing content, including transcription, social media copy, newsletters, email templates, and video walkthroughs. 2. Provide Up-to-Date Promotional Material: Ensure that as a podcast host, you provide your guests with easily usable promotional material to encourage them to promote their episodes. 3. Identify and Leverage Guest Opportunities: Utilize platforms like and to find podcast guesting opportunities and send out email leads. 4. Repurpose Content Efficiently: Use content from podcast appearances to create new prompts for engagement and update regularly across different platforms to maintain audience interest. Spend around 15 minutes per show using templated processes for efficiency. 5. Create Consistent Content: Maintain a regular posting schedule on social media and other platforms using evergreen content like different images and quotes from the episodes. 6. Modify and Use Templated Prompts: Learn to modify and utilize prompts within Castmagic to generate custom social media posts, email copies, and newsletters. 7. Engage with Hosts Post-Show: Follow up with hosts after sending them content to discuss promotional efforts and understand the traction on shared materials. 8. Monetize Podcast Guesting: Consider creating a service offering for podcast guesting, providing promotional content for clients, leveraging your audience, and charging a fee for these services. 9. Participate in Canva Utilization: Use Canva, even the free version, to create promotional quotes and images for social media posts. 10. Join the Castmagic Community: Engage actively in community spaces like Slack to ask additional questions and participate in discussions for continuous learning. 11. Prepare for Upcoming Trainings: Stay informed about future training sessions such as the one on marketing a book using AI and plan to attend for further knowledge. 12. Streamline Content Sharing: Ensure to acquire audio or video links from hosts accurately to maintain precise speaker identification for AI content. Implementing these action items would help someone effectively use the insights from the event to enhance their podcasting and content creation strategy.

What is Castmagic?

Castmagic is the best way to generate content from audio and video.

Full transcripts from your audio files. Theme & speaker analysis. AI-generated content ready to copy/paste. And more.