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Episode Category
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🔖 Titles
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A Subtitle - A Single Sentence describing this episode
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Episode Tags
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Episode Summary with Intro, Key Points and a Takeaway
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📚 Timestamped overview
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🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Anniversary Reflection: "And this week that we're recording this episode is the year anniversary of me going to the doctors and then obviously getting diagnosed with breast cancer."
Trust the Process:
"You have to trust the process and, like, for the whole time that from diagnosis to, you know, going through everything when you're literally your whole life is determined by hospital appointments and waiting rooms and everything gets put on hold."
Returning to Work After Cancer: "There's a lot of challenges around people returning to the workforce, like, who have been through a cancer diagnosis."
Facing Mortality as a Single Mum: "So of course, as a single mom, like, that for me my biggest concern immediately around my mortality was, like, what what are the what's gonna happen to the kids, you know?"
The Reality of Chemotherapy: "And I mean, just the one little chemo ward that I go to, they see 2,800 patients a month and they have the stats up on the board and it's like, wow, like 2,000 and that's just a tiny little I live in Derby."
"Holiday Horror in Bali: I came back to a crime scene and 27 teenage boys had moved into my property and had destroyed it to the point of no return."
The Power of Sobriety During Cancer Treatment: "If I'd have actually been still drinking when I got diagnosed, I don't think I would have handled it as well. Like emotionally or physically, I think my sobriety made a massive difference to my treatment, I believe."
Viral Topic: The Power of Vulnerability on LinkedIn: "When I did a post about Oscar last week and how he's come through bullying and, you know, through his challenges through neurodivergence and how we've our relationship has come through the other side. And that post has had a 160,000 impressions, which is a lot on LinkedIn at the moment. The algorithm does not do that these days. The amount of amazing things that have happened off the back of that one post about his neurodivergence and his differences and his bullying and all of those things."
Social Selling Tips: "Just think about just what you champion. Like, get behind you probably care passionately about 3 things outside of work that you would be happy to talk about so you don't have to share every deepest secret that you've got or every, like, everything that's happened to you, but just think about what you can champion."
"Living for Every Moment": "It's definitely about living for every day and living for every moment and just not putting too much pressure on myself to achieve all these amazing things that I always have on my goals list."
TikTok/Reels/Shorts Video Summary
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ℹ️ Introduction
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💬 Keywords
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About this Episode
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💡 Speaker bios
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❇️ Key topics and bullets
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The Hook
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🎬 Reel script
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🗞️ Newsletter
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🧵 Tweet thread
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Guest's content for their marketing
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Pain Points and Challenges
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Questions Asked that were insightful
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Blog article based on the episode
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The standout line from this episode
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❓ Questions
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FAQs from the Episode
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Tell me more about the guest and their views
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Ideas for Future Training and Workshops based on this Episode
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🪡 Threads by Instagram
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Leadership Insights - YouTube Short Video Script on Common Problems for Leaders to Address
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SEO Optimised Titles
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Email Newsletter about this Podcast Episode
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Potted Summary
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LinkedIn Poll
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Highlight the Importance of this topic on LinkedIn
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L&D Insights
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Shorts Video Script
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Glossary of Terms and Phrases
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SEO Optimised YouTube Content
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Root Cause Analyst - Why!
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Canva Slider Checklist
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Episode Carousel
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6 major topics
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TikTok Summary
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Slogans and Image Prompts
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Inclusion Bites Spotlight
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YouTube Description
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10 Question Quiz
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Rhyme Scheme and Rhythm Podcast Poetry
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Key Learnings
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Book Outline
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Maxims to live by…
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