NCH Podcast Dr Kate Beaven Marks
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1. Discovering Rapid Hypnotherapy with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks 2. The Art of Rapid Induction: Insights from Dr. Kate Beaven Marks 3. Dr. Kate Beaven Marks on Effective Hypnotherapy Techniques and Challenges 4. Unpacking Rapid Hypnosis with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks 5. Dr. Kate Beaven Marks Explores the Dynamics of Quick Hypnosis Techniques 6. Inside the Mind of a Hypnotherapist: Dr. Kate Beaven Marks 7. Understanding Hypnotherapy and Business with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks 8. The Science of Swift Hypnosis with Hypnotherapy Expert Dr. Kate Beaven Marks 9. Transformative Hypnosis Practices: A Conversation with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks 10. Dr. Kate Beaven Marks: Blending Hypnotherapy with Business Acumen

💬 Keywords
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hypnotherapy, rapid induction, eye roll technique, autonomic nervous system, induction process, deepening stage, hypnosis stages, hypnotherapy training, doctoral research, professionalism in hypnotherapy, psycho-education, hypnotherapy models, hypnotherapy expectations, collaborative therapy, positive behavior repetition, self-care in therapy, hypnotherapy books, effective communication, marketing skills, business sense in hypnotherapy, AI therapists, personalized AI therapy, National Council For Hypnotherapy Podcast, Tracey Grist, career transition, behavior influence, integrative hypnosis approach, conversational hypnosis, formal trance, client-focused therapy

💡 Speaker bios
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Tracey Grist is a determined advocate for positive mental habits and the power of repetitive practice to forge healthier neural pathways. She eloquently emphasizes the importance of consistency beyond the fleeting hour-long sessions many commit to, advocating for an all-encompassing lifestyle approach. Beyond her speaking engagements, Tracey also shines a spotlight on the works of others in the field, like Dr. Kate Bevan Marks, whose books she praises for their insightful contributions to understanding and improving mental wellness practices. Tracey hints at eagerly anticipating new literature from Dr. Bevan Marks, suggesting not just a respect for ongoing learning but also an ever-curious mind poised on the leading edge of therapeutic advancements.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Welcome to another enlightening episode of the NCH Podcast. I’m your host, Tracey Grist, and today we’re diving into the fascinating world of hypnotherapy with our esteemed guest, Dr. Kate Beaven Marks. Dr. Marks has taken a remarkable journey from a career in risk management to becoming a hypnotherapist, driven by her passion for affecting behavioral and thought changes without authoritative methods. In this episode, she shares invaluable insights from her extensive experience and research. We'll explore her preference for rapid inductions, the significance of psycho-education before therapy, and the intricate balance between therapeutic practice and business acumen in hypnotherapy. Dr. Marks also addresses the evolving role of AI in therapy and underscores the indispensable human touch in hypnotherapy. Whether you’re a professional in the field or simply curious about the power of hypnosis, this episode is packed with compelling discussions designed to enlighten and inspire. So, tune in as we delve into the transformative world of hypnotherapy with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks.

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Encouraging safer choices through persuasive, non-authoritarian methods.

03:57 Balancing two careers, horses, and relationships.

07:05 Closing eyes can aid focus during hypnotherapy.

12:07 Hypnotherapy varies in depth and relaxation levels.

15:09 Fascinating research, maxed out time, costly.

17:18 Discussing hypnotherapy with a professional is crucial.

21:18 Encouraging self-care leads to client empowerment.

24:11 Effective communication requires understanding and mastering language.

28:03 Spare time spent on marketing and SEO.

30:55 Personalized AI can mimic personalities for therapy.

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Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:02:22 00:02:37

The Psychology of Persuasion in Safety Protocols: "Sometimes you need to be [authoritarian] because if people fell into machines they could die. So sometimes you need to be. But generally, if you can persuade people to make safer choices, overall it becomes a safer and more comfortable working environment."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:07:13 00:07:35

The Power of Visualization in Therapy: "You don't need, really, to close your eyes to be in formal hypnosis. One of the reasons that we often say to clients, please close your eyes, is that what you see is such a cognitive load that you're so busy processing all of that, that you're less able to focus on your inner world and the change that you want to achieve."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:12:28 00:12:39

Exploring Hypnotherapy Techniques: "Often for people, if you're doing something very active, like when I'm working with athletes, and it's very active focused, they don't necessarily feel relaxed. They feel super alert or super focused."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:14:39 00:14:56

Exploring Hypnotherapy Education: "I wanted to know how people are taught hypnotherapy and how they learn hypnotherapy because there's sometimes a difference between the methods that we use to teach it and the methods that and the strategies that people use to learn it."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:17:47 00:18:02

Understanding Hypnotherapy: "It's generally a brief strategic therapy. If you want to just go and have a chat and offload, then some forms of counselling, not all, but some forms of counselling might be better for that."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:18:48 00:18:56

Understanding Hypnotherapy: "So it's good to chat to 1, maybe several hypnotherapists to find out if their style works with you and if you resonate with them."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:19:44 00:19:52

Understanding Hypnotherapy: "The more prepared you are for your 1st hypnotherapy session, the more you'll often get out of it because you're giving the hypnotherapist useful information."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:21:33 00:21:51

Empowering Self-Care: "But if you do some self care every day, that's suddenly a massive great percentage of your week. And the thing that happens with that, though, I commonly find is that clients start taking ownership of their change."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:24:39 00:24:54

Effective Communication Insights: "I think one of the things that really sticks out, and it's something that I talk widely on at safety conferences and risk management conferences, is to pay attention to the language that you speak."

Dr Kate Beaven Marks 00:28:34 00:28:48

Modern Challenges in Hypnotherapy: "In the modern marketplace, you need to have your business head on. Yeah. Hypnotherapy head. It's great that you want to help people, but if they don't know about you, then you're not gonna get those people to help."

🎬 Reel script
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Welcome back to the NCH Podcast. In today’s episode, we were joined by Dr. Kate Beaven Marks, a renowned hypnotherapist and author. Dr. Marks shared her insights on the power of rapid inductions for efficient hypnotherapy, the importance of psycho-education before therapy, and the role of strong business acumen for practitioners. She emphasized tailoring hypnotherapeutic approaches to individual needs and discussed upcoming books aimed at enhancing the practice of hypnotherapy. A truly enlightening session for anyone interested in the intersections of healthcare, personal development, and entrepreneurship. Stay tuned for more inspiring episodes!

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🎙️ Exciting insights from our latest NCH Podcast episode with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks, an exceptional hypnotherapist and author who transitioned from a career in risk management to the intricate world of influencing behavior and thoughts through hypnotherapy. Dive into our enlightening discussion where Dr. Marks demystifies rapid induction techniques and explores the practical aspects of hypnotherapy! ### Key Takeaways: - **Rapid Inductions**: Learn about the efficiency of rapid inductions like the eye-roll technique, ideal for those looking for quick results in calming their autonomic nervous system. - **Client-Centered Approach**: Hypnotherapy isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Dr. Marks emphasizes the importance of tailoring the therapy to individual needs and expectations, which includes considering different models of hypnotherapy. - **Business Acumen in Hypnotherapy**: With a keen business sense being increasingly vital for therapists, Dr. Kate highlights how essential marketing and non-hypnosis skills are for thriving in the modern marketplace. Catch the full podcast for a deeper exploration of how hypnotherapy can be a collaborative process focused on positive outcomes and self-care. Don’t miss Dr. Marks's rich insights into the dynamics of learning and practicing hypnotherapy with professionalism and efficacy. 🎧✨ 🔗 [Link to the podcast] #NCHPodcast #Hypnotherapy #KateBeavenMarks #MentalHealth #ProfessionalDevelopment #Podcasts

🗞️ Newsletter
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Subject: Explore Rapid Inductions with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks on this Week’s NCH Podcast Episode! Dear [Subscriber’s Name], This week on the NCH Podcast, we're excited to welcome esteemed hypnotherapist and author, Dr. Kate Beaven Marks, to unravel the intricacies and effectiveness of rapid inductions in hypnotherapy. Join host Tracey Grist in a captivating interview that dives deep into the swift techniques that can help calm your autonomic nervous system in minutes! 🎧 **Highlights of this episode include:** - **Why Speed Matters:** Discover why Dr. Beaven Marks prioritizes rapid inductions and how they can save you time while delivering effective results. - **Behind the Technique:** Learn about the eye roll technique and how rapid inductions can fit seamlessly into your daily routine. - **Journey Through Hypnotherapy:** From her transition from risk management to becoming a hypnotherapis, Dr. Marks shares her personal and professional evolution in the field. - **Education and Expectations:** Understand the importance of psycho-education before therapy and how matching expectations can set you up for success. - **Therapeutic Collaboration:** Delve into why hypnotherapy is a two-way street, requiring client engagement for significant change. - **Business Acumen for Therapists:** Gain insights on the crucial balance between practice and promotion in building a successful hypnotherapy business. 📚 **Plus, learn about Dr. Beaven Marks’ upcoming books!** Get a sneak peek into her current projects aimed at enriching both practitioners and clients within the hypnotherapy community. Whether you’re a professional in the field, a student of psychology, or simply curious about how hypnotherapy can benefit your life, this episode is a must-listen! 🔗 **[Listen to the Episode](#)** (Insert link here) Make sure to tune in and deepen your understanding of this transformative practice. Dr. Kate Beaven Marks’ vast experience and insightful commentary are bound to enlighten and inspire. Thank you for being a part of our community. We hope this episode adds value to your day and uplifts your spirit! Warm regards, Tracey Grist Host, NCH Podcast --- **P.S.** We love hearing from our listeners! Feel free to reply to this email with your feedback or suggestions for upcoming episodes. Your input drives our community forward! [Unsubscribe](#) if you no longer wish to receive these emails.

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🧠💤 Thread: Dive into the Mind with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks on the National Council For Hypnotherapy Podcast! A journey from risk management to the nuanced art of hypnotherapy. #Hypnotherapy #Psychology 1/ 🎙️ Meet Dr. Kate Beaven Marks! Once a risk management professional, she's now a leading hypnotherapist and author. Her shift to hypnotherapy was driven by her interest in subtly influencing thoughts and behaviors without authority. #CareerChange #MentalHealth 2/ 🌀 Rapid inductions? Dr. Marks swears by them! She prefers quick hypnotic techniques like the eye roll method - efficient and effective in calming the nervous system. #Hypnosis #TherapyTechniques 3/ 🤯 Hypnotherapy isn’t one-size-fits-all. Dr. Marks highlights the steps: induction, deepening, and the hypnosis itself. Each stage is tailored to individual responses, making every session unique. #PersonalizedTherapy #MentalHealthAwareness 4/ 📚 From a client in training to a PhD in hypnotherapy! Dr. Marks' research focuses on teaching hypnotherapy with professionalism, ensuring expectations are met through psycho-education pre-therapy. #Education #ProfessionalDevelopment 5/ 💡Different strokes for different folks! Dr. Marks discusses various hypnotherapy models and stresses the importance of finding a therapist whose style matches your needs. #MentalHealthMatters #FindYourMatch 6/ 🤝 Hypnotherapy = teamwork. It’s a collaborative effort requiring clients to engage actively and take responsibility for their change. Thinking about solutions, not just problems, is key! #CollaborativeCare #TherapyGoals 7/ 📈📘 Dr. Marks is not just a hypnotherapist; she’s also editing one book and penning another. A true thought leader making strides in understanding and teaching hypnotherapy effectively. #AuthorLife #HypnotherapyAdvocate 8/ 🗣️ Effective communication tip from Dr. Marks: Focus on what you want, not what you don't. This is crucial both in and out of therapy sessions. #LifeTips #PositiveThinking 9/ 🛠️ Behind every great therapist is strong business acumen. Dr. Marks touches on the necessity for hypnotherapists to have robust marketing and business skills in today’s competitive landscape. #BusinessSkills #Marketing 10/ 🤔 AI therapists? Maybe not yet. Dr. Marks expresses skepticism about AI replacing human nuances and personalized responses in therapy sessions. #AI #HumanTouch 11/ 💬 Closing the insightful session, Dr. Marks and host Tracey Grist highlight the potential for personalized therapy with AI, tailoring experiences to individual needs, yet emphasizing the irreplaceable human element. #FutureOfTherapy #TechInHealthcare 12/ 📅 Whether you’re a student of psychology, a professional in the field, or simply intrigued by the power of hypnotherapy, Dr. Kate Beaven Marks’ insights are a gold mine. Check out the full episode for a deeper understanding! #Learning #PodcastRecommendation 💭 Have experiences or thoughts on hypnotherapy? Share them below or retweet to discuss with others intrigued by the power of the mind! 🔄👇 #CommunityDiscussion #MentalHealthCommunity 🔗 [Link to the podcast episode]

🪡 Threads by Instagram
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1. Excited to dive into the world of hypnotherapy with Dr. Kate Beaven Marks on our latest NCH Podcast episode! Discover the fast-acting power of rapid inductions and how they soothe the nervous system. 2. Ever wondered about the stages of hypnotherapy? Dr. Kate breaks it down from induction to deepening and how personalization in sessions is key for success. Tune in to learn more on NCH Podcast! 3. From risk management to hypnotherapy! Join us as Dr. Kate Beaven Marks shares her fascinating journey and the impact of shifting careers on influencing behavior and thoughts, all on our NCH Podcast. 4. Dr. Kate Beaven Marks emphasizes the importance of a strong business acumen for hypnotherapists in today’s competitive market. Discover her invaluable insights on blending therapy skills with business strategy. 5. Intrigued by AI in therapy? Dr. Kate voices her skepticism about AI replacing human nuances in hypnotherapy. Check out this captivating discussion on the potential future of personalized AI therapists!

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