Uploading... #21 - Tommy Clark - Why Every B2B Founder Needs to Be on LinkedIn Yesterday & How to Catch Up Fast

Castmagic LinkedIn Post
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Creating content on LinkedIn is one of the most powerful ways for B2B founders to build an audience and generate demand. Tommy Clark, founder of Compound Content Studio, joins Blaine Bolus to share his proven framework for LinkedIn content that drives real business results. In this episode, Tommy breaks down the ideal content mix for different stages of the funnel, the importance of defining your niche and "why," and tactics to boost reach and engagement on every post. If you're a B2B founder looking to leverage LinkedIn for growth, this episode is a must-listen. Check out the full episode here: [link] hashtag#linkedincontent hashtag#b2bmarketing hashtag#contentmarketing hashtag#foundertips hashtag#growthhacking

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Here's a Twitter post based on the context and strategies shared in the recording, matching the tone, style, and format of the example: B2B founders: Stop sleeping on LinkedIn 😴 Here are 3 quick tips to build your LinkedIn content engine: 1. Create an origin story post Chances are, you haven't shared yours yet. An origin story post will: • Humanize your brand • Build trust with your audience • Kick off your content strategy with a bang 💥 2. Pair posts with relevant media LinkedIn loves visuals. Text-only posts? Yawn 🥱 But when you add an image or video? Engagement goes through the roof 📈 So... How do you create engaging visuals? 1) Use real-life photos 2) Create scrappy videos 3) Avoid overly polished, branded content You don't need a fancy camera or editing skills to succeed on LinkedIn. 3. Focus on creating strong hooks Your post lives or dies by its hook. Don't say: "I'm excited to announce..." Say: "We just hit $1M ARR in 12 months. Here's how:" Don't say: "In this post, I'll be discussing..." Say: "Avoid these 3 content marketing mistakes..." Don't say: "I hope this helps!" Say: "If you implement just one of these tips, you'll see results." The best LinkedIn creators write like they talk 💬

1 Hack 3 tips
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Here's a post based on the podcast content and styled like your example: There's 1 strategy B2B founders overlook that can skyrocket their brand on LinkedIn: Creating a content funnel. (Companies like HubSpot and Ahrefs nail this) A content funnel has 3 parts: • Top of funnel (TOFU) • Middle of funnel (MOFU) • Bottom of funnel (BOFU) TOFU content casts a wide net. It's high-level topics that appeal to a broad audience. MOFU content is targeted thought leadership. It positions you as an expert without being salesy. BOFU content directly pitches your product/service. Case studies, feature highlights, etc. The key is to create the right balance: • 10-20% TOFU • 60-70% MOFU • 10-20% BOFU Most founders go wrong by posting too much BOFU content. They constantly pitch their product and turn off their audience. The solution? Focus on providing value and establishing thought leadership first (TOFU & MOFU). Then when you do post BOFU content, your audience is primed and trusts you. So how can you implement a content funnel on LinkedIn? Step 1: Know your "why" - Why did you start your company? - What problem are you passionate about solving? - Lean into personal stories Step 2: Plan your content mix - Map out topics for each funnel stage - Maintain the right balance of TOFU, MOFU, BOFU - Calendar out your posts Step 3: Optimize based on data - Post 5x/week to generate enough data - Review analytics to see what's resonating - Double down on high-performing topics & formats The riches are in the niches. By having a clear content strategy, you'll attract your ideal audience and turn them into loyal customers. Ready to level up your LinkedIn game as a B2B founder? Focus on creating a balanced content funnel and watch your engagement soar.

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💬 Keywords
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💡 Speaker bios
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Meet Blaine, a prominent figure in the world of digital content. Known for his wildly popular podcast, 'Uploading,' Blaine masterfully guides listeners through informative sessions with global top-tier creators, marketers, and professionals. These experts have successfully honed the art of generating profit via well-crafted content. Blaine takes listeners through the intricate web of content strategy, creation, production, distribution, and the tools and growth platforms behind them. He's also the brains behind Cas Magic, a comprehensive content workspace designed for professionals. This platform includes a weekly newsletter crammed with useful tips from the show and a bustling slack community of over a thousand creators. Most recently on 'Uploading,' Blaine introduced listeners to Tommy Clark, founder of Compound, an agency dedicated to supporting founders and SaaS in B2B to expand their content reach, particularly on LinkedIn.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Hey there, Uploaders! Welcome back to another episode of Uploading... I'm your host, Blaine, and today I'm excited to dive into the world of LinkedIn content strategy with our special guest, Tommy Clark. Tommy is the founder of Compound, an agency that helps B2B SaaS founders supercharge their content engines on platforms like LinkedIn. With a background that spans from aspiring orthopedic surgeon to fitness coach to social media guru, Tommy brings a wealth of experience and insights to the table. In this episode, we'll explore why LinkedIn is such a valuable platform for B2B companies looking to reach their target audience and decision-makers. Tommy will share his expertise on crafting an effective content strategy, the importance of identifying your ideal customer profile, and how to test and refine your content while staying true to your core themes. We'll also delve into Tommy's own journey, from his early days posting fitness content on Instagram to his current role as the founder of a thriving agency. Along the way, he'll share the lessons he's learned about content marketing, the influence of thought leaders like Gary Vee, and his transition from freelancer to agency owner. So, whether you're a B2B founder looking to make your mark on LinkedIn or simply curious about the power of content marketing, this episode is packed with actionable insights and inspiration. Grab your notepads and get ready to learn from one of the best in the business! But before we dive in, let me take a moment to thank our sponsors. This episode is brought to you by Cas Magic, the ultimate content workspace for creators like you and me. Be sure to check out our newsletter for top-notch tips and join our vibrant Slack community to connect with fellow creators. Now, without further ado, let's welcome Tommy Clark to the show and explore the fascinating world of LinkedIn content strategy together!

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Freelance gig to full-time B2B social agency.

03:42 LinkedIn is more effective than TikTok for B2B.

07:34 Organize, create, and share niche B2B content.

10:59 Focus on company positioning before LinkedIn strategy.

15:14 Tell your audience you're starting to post.

18:15 Authentic, scrappier images/videos outperform overly branded content.

21:14 Story-based hooks and polarizing opinions excel.

23:42 Use social proof and open loops for hooks.

29:44 Be intentional; analyze, adjust, and engage consistently.

30:35 Engage with influencers, boost your LinkedIn profile.

33:45 Find Tommy Clark: LinkedIn, Newsletter, Compound Content Studio.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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1. Podcast Introduction - Uploading the Podcast covers content strategy, creation, production, distribution, growth platforms, and tools - Cas Magic promotion: content workspace, newsletter, and Slack community for creators 2. Guest Introduction - Tommy Clark, founder of Compound, an agency helping B2B SaaS founders scale their content engines on LinkedIn 3. Tommy's Background - Initial career goal: orthopedic surgeon - Transition to health and fitness content on Instagram - Introduction to content marketing through Gary Vee's influence - Shift from fitness coaching to marketing roles and freelancing - Full-time social media role at e-commerce SaaS company Triple Whale - Building a freelance roster and founding an agency 4. Focus on LinkedIn - Value for B2B companies: buyers and decision-makers actively seeking educational content - More consistent algorithm compared to other platforms like TikTok or Instagram - Friendly to writing-centric content, aligning with Tommy's content creation preferences 5. Content Strategy - Identifying why an ideal customer profile (ICP) should follow your content - Importance of testing content within a focused direction - Building a personal brand or audience around specific themes rather than diverse topics 6. Tommy Clark's Content Strategy - Niche Focus: B2B content - Content Funnel: top, middle, and bottom of the funnel content - Top of Funnel: broad business stories, entrepreneurship life, building in public - Middle of Funnel: industry-specific thought leadership (majority of content) - Bottom of Funnel: product updates, feature highlights, case studies - Content Balance: suggested mix of funnel stages 7. Finding Your Why - Positioning: understanding company's purpose and problem it solves - Questions to consider: reasons for starting the company, driving problem behind the mission - Examples: personal stories, creating an enemy (competitor or adverse idea) 8. Blaine's Insights - Digging deeper into the "why" for content creation - Content stemming from passionate and sometimes polarizing perspectives - Effectiveness of polarization in fashion and consumer brands 9. Posting Frequency and Performance Analysis - Posting five times a week for optimal data generation - Weekly review of content to identify overperforming posts - Identifying successful elements: topic, hook, format - Replicating success and reducing unsuccessful content types 10. Engagement and Connection Strategies - Thoughtful engagement and comments on relevant accounts to build relationships and audience - Sending connection requests to targeted profiles for audience growth - Building trust and momentum through consistent posting, regular engagement, and strategic connection requests 11. Key Trends in Content - Story-based hooks for engaging the audience through narratives - Polarizing opinions and hot takes to capture attention, balancing between safe and extreme positions 12. Effective Hook Strategies - Using specific numbers for tangible and credible claims - Social proof to establish credibility and trust - Creating an open loop to compel further reading 13. LinkedIn Algorithm Overview - Post traction through engagement from users with large audiences - Engagement pods for artificially boosting post reach 14. Content Improvement Tips - Consistent analysis of post performance to refine content strategy - Regular posting for more data points to gauge and improve content success 15. Starting to Post on LinkedIn - Acknowledging the start of regular posting if previously inactive - Making an introductory post explaining background, intent, and expectations - Addressing common fears among founders about audience reactions to frequent posts - Sharing an origin story post about the company's beginnings - Pairing posts with relevant media (pictures or videos) for better performance 16. Content Formats and Media Use - Currently effective formats: text only, text with images, text with videos, carousels (less effective than before) - Real-life, scrappy photos and short-form videos outperforming overly branded content - Focusing on creating strong hooks for text posts, similar to YouTubers' emphasis on thumbnails and titles 17. Tommy's Resources - Active presence on LinkedIn - Newsletter: "Social Files" - Agency: Compound Content Studio 18. Conclusion - Importance of engaging content, strategic connections, and regular analytics review for successful LinkedIn content strategy

❓ Questions
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🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Tommy Clark 00:02:40 00:02:54

"Career Evolution in Social Media Marketing: So I was head of social there for just over a year and helped them ramp up their social presence, pretty much just taking it over the Twitter timeline, LinkedIn, all the typical b two b social channels, and then from there, accidentally built a freelance roster on the side."

Tommy Clark 00:03:48 00:04:00

"LinkedIn and B2B Marketing: For B2B companies, your buyers and decision makers that are going to purchase your product are active on LinkedIn, and more importantly, they're in the mind state to learn about your product and, like, read educational content on the platform."

Tommy Clark 00:07:07 00:07:20

"Building an Effective LinkedIn Strategy: 'First, you need to answer the question, why should someone in your ICP follow you? Your ideal customer profile? So why should someone follow you in the first place?.. And yet, testing is important, but you need to have a general direction of, hey, this is what I'm building, my personal brand or my audience around. Like for me, I'm really focused on b two b content and b two b social... I'm not jumping around from topic to topic. I know that, hey, I'm not really trying to be a celebrity or an influencer, whatever you want to call it. I'm trying to build my agency.'"

Tommy Clark 00:07:46 00:07:58

"Effective B2B Content Strategy: If you're a founder, it's like what type of content do you want to be known for? Once you have that idea figured out, then what I like to do is break it up into what I call a content funnel. So top of funnel, middle of funnel, bottom of funnel content. It's a good way to organize the way you think about the types of posts that you're making."

Tommy Clark 00:15:33 00:15:50

"Utilizing LinkedIn for Engagement: 'What I would do is just make an intro post, like a quick context, or give some quick context on your backstory. Say why you're going to start posting, and then give your audience an idea of what to expect. Think of it like starting a series. And that type of post, one will give people a heads up so you don't just start posting out of nowhere.'"

Tommy Clark 00:23:44 00:24:06

"Social Proof in Business Success: Here's how you can scale to 1 million in ARR, but it's not clear if you've done it or not, if you know what you're talking about, if there's a reason for someone to listen to you, still an okay hook. But by adding that degree of social proof and showing people that, hey, I've done this before, I'm an expert in this, or I have a legitimate reason to be talking about this, it's going to add just some power to that hook."

Tommy Clark 00:28:18 00:28:34

"Understanding Viral Content: If you're posting, say, five times a week, which is usually the cadence I would recommend, by the end of the month you have 20 data points to look back at and that's ten times the amount of data. So at the weekly level, look back at the five posts you made. See if there were any posts that really overperformed. Whatever it was, try to piece together why it overperformed. There's not always a rhyme or reason for it, but if something did really well to where it's like, whoa, that was kind of niche viral, or even just viral in a general sense."

Tommy Clark 00:29:53 00:30:23

"Importance of Intention in LinkedIn Strategy: Because when you start to see what works and what doesn't and you just keep doing more of the stuff that you know is going to over perform, you start getting more impressions, you start getting more followers at a faster rate, and things really start to pick up. Where you can sort of get into a rut is like you were saying, you just keep posting and you're like, hey, I'm posting five times a week, why am I not blowing up? Well, do you know, like, is there intention behind your hooks? Are you picking topics with the intention of it performing well? There's just a level of detail that you need to get into if you really want to win on LinkedIn."

Tommy Clark 00:30:55 00:31:09

"Power of Engagement on LinkedIn: You're going to get more profile views, you're just going to build relationships with those people who you engage with. And a lot of times what you'll see is when you genuinely engage with people, they're going to start engaging with your stuff. And that's how you start to see your content perform better."

Tommy Clark 00:32:25 00:32:31

"Building Trust Over Social Media: They're seeing your posts, and that's how you sort of get someone familiar with you and build that trust over social."

🎬 Reel script
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Hey there, it's your favorite entrepreneur sharing some game-changing insights from my recent chat with the incredible Tommy Clark. Listen up, because if you're a B2B founder, you need to be on LinkedIn yesterday. We dove deep into crafting a killer content strategy that'll have your ideal customers eagerly awaiting your every post. Picture this: you're consistently sharing stories, thought leadership, and product updates that resonate with your audience at every stage of the funnel. You're building trust, establishing your expertise, and attracting the right people to your brand. And the best part? Tommy broke down the exact content mix and posting frequency to make it happen. But here's the kicker – it all starts with finding your "why." Dig deep, get passionate, and let that drive your content creation. Sprinkle in some eye-catching visuals, master the art of the hook, and watch your engagement soar. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to level up your LinkedIn game and watch your B2B business thrive. Get ready to learn, grow, and dominate your industry, one post at a time.

🔑 7 Key Themes
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1. Tommy's journey from medicine to content marketing 2. LinkedIn's value for B2B content marketing 3. Identifying target audience and content focus 4. Testing content while maintaining thematic consistency 5. Personal branding based on specific content pillars 6. LinkedIn algorithm favors text-based educational content 7. Agency founding after freelance content marketing success

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E21: In today's episode, I sit down with Tommy Clark, founder of Compound, an agency that helps B2B SaaS founders scale their content engines on platforms like LinkedIn. Tommy shares his journey from aspiring orthopedic surgeon to content marketing expert and reveals his proven strategies for success on LinkedIn. On today's episode, you'll learn: - Why LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B companies - How to create a winning content strategy for LinkedIn - The importance of identifying your ideal customer profile (ICP) - Tips for testing content while staying directionally focused - How to build a personal brand centered on specific themes Fun Fact: Tommy originally aimed to be an orthopedic surgeon before transitioning into health and fitness, and eventually, content marketing. Whether you're a B2B founder looking to expand your reach or a content creator seeking to refine your strategy, this episode is packed with invaluable insights from someone who has cracked the code on LinkedIn success. Tune in now to discover how you can leverage LinkedIn to take your B2B content game to the next level!

Interview Breakdown
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In this episode, Tommy Clark shares his insights on crafting an effective LinkedIn content strategy for B2B SaaS founders. Discover the key elements to focus on when creating content that resonates with your target audience and drives tangible results. Today, we'll cover: - The importance of having a clear content funnel strategy - How to identify your company's compelling "why" story - Strategies for creating engaging hooks that capture attention - The power of consistency and data-driven content iteration - Tommy's top tips for LinkedIn content that converts

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On this episode, Tommy Clark shares his insights on crafting an effective B2B content strategy for LinkedIn. He breaks down the content funnel framework and provides actionable tips for founders looking to leverage LinkedIn to grow their business.

🎠 Social Carousel
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Here is a 10-slide LinkedIn/Instagram carousel based on the key insights from the podcast episode: Slide 1 (Cover): 10 LinkedIn Content Tips Every B2B Founder Needs to Know Slide 2: Know Your Why Identify your company's purpose and the problem it solves to guide your content. Slide 3: Content Funnel Strategy Balance top, middle, and bottom of funnel content for optimal engagement and conversion. Slide 4: Consistent Posting Frequency Post 5 times weekly to generate sufficient data points for content analysis. Slide 5: Analyze Post Performance Review content weekly to identify top-performing topics, hooks, and formats. Slide 6: Double Down Focus on successful content pillars and reduce underperforming ones. Slide 7: Engage Strategically Comment thoughtfully on relevant accounts to build relationships and grow your audience. Slide 8: Compelling Hooks Matter Use specific numbers, social proof, and open loops to capture attention. Slide 9: Leverage Media Pair posts with real-life photos and scrappy videos for better performance. Slide 10 (CTA): Ready to uplevel your LinkedIn game? Follow @TommyClark for more B2B content tips!

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Idea #1: Optimize Your Content for the LinkedIn Algorithm To maximize the reach and impact of your LinkedIn content, consider these strategies: 1. Encourage Engagement from High-Reach Accounts: The LinkedIn algorithm prioritizes posts that receive likes and comments from users with large follower counts. Strategically engage with influential accounts in your niche to boost your content's visibility. 2. Post Consistently to Gather Data: Aim to post at least 5 times per week to generate around 20 data points per month. This volume of content will provide insights into what resonates with your audience, allowing you to refine your strategy based on real performance metrics. 3. Analyze Top-Performing Posts Weekly: Dedicate time each week to review your content's performance. Identify the posts with the highest impressions and engagement rates, and dissect the elements that contributed to their success, such as the topic, hook, or format. Double down on what works and iterate accordingly.

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Craft a Consistent LinkedIn Content Strategy B2B founders should develop a consistent content strategy on LinkedIn, focusing on a specific niche and balancing content across the marketing funnel to build thought leadership and drive engagement. Analyzing content performance regularly allows for iterative improvements, enabling founders to double down on successful formats and topics that resonate with their target audience. Consistently creating valuable content is key to building trust and momentum over time.

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Here is my attempt at distilling the key lessons and insights from the podcast episode into a list of maxims to guide a LinkedIn content strategy: 1. Start posting on LinkedIn yesterday. Don't wait to begin building your presence and audience on the platform as a B2B founder. 2. Map out your content funnel. Create content for the top, middle and bottom of the funnel to engage audiences at different stages. 3. Strike the right content balance. Aim for 10-20% top of funnel, 60-70% middle of funnel, and 10-20% bottom of funnel content. 4. Know your "why". Craft content stemming from your company's purpose and the core problem it solves. Let this drive your messaging. 5. Tell your origin story. Share why you started the company and the mission behind it. Personal stories perform well. 6. Be consistent. Post at least 5 times per week to generate enough data points to analyze performance. Consistency builds momentum. 7. Review and iterate weekly. Analyze your content's performance every week. Double down on what works, reduce what doesn't. 8. Replicate successful elements. Identify the specific factors making certain posts perform well and incorporate those learnings. 9. Engage thoughtfully. Comment substantively on relevant accounts' posts to build relationships and expand your audience. 10. Grow with connection requests. Strategically send connection requests to target profiles to grow a relevant audience. 11. Craft engaging hooks. Use story-based intros, specific numbers, social proof, and open loops to immediately capture attention. 12. Keep visuals authentic. Favor real-life, behind-the-scenes photos and videos over slickly produced, heavily branded content. 13. Choose formats wisely. Utilize the best performing LinkedIn formats - text with images, text with video, and text-only posts. 14. Focus on strong copywriting. Spend time writing compelling post copy, especially hooks, to draw readers in, similar to YouTube titles. 15. Make an intro post. When starting out, inform your audience about your background and what they can expect from your content. I believe adhering to these guiding principles, derived from Tommy and Blaine's expert insights, can help a B2B founder develop an effective LinkedIn content strategy to build their brand and audience. The keys are knowing your purpose, posting consistently, studying the data, and constantly refining your approach.

Hustle Thread
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Tweet 1: Meet Tommy Clark, a B2B content strategist. He started posting fitness content on Instagram. Transitioned to marketing, then freelanced for a B2B company. Now, he runs a successful content agency. Here's his inspiring journey: 🚀 Tweet 2: Tommy Clark (@tommy_clark_) is the founder of Compound Content Studio. He helps B2B SaaS founders scale their content engines on LinkedIn. His story is a testament to the power of perseverance. Tweet 3: Tommy's journey began with a shift in his career path. He went from aspiring to be an orthopedic surgeon to pursuing fitness. Inspired by Gary Vee, he ventured into content marketing. Tweet 4: Tommy started freelancing for a B2B media company. He then worked full-time in social media for an e-commerce SaaS company. Building his freelance roster, he eventually founded his own agency. Compound Content Studio was born. Tweet 5: Tommy recognized the value of LinkedIn for B2B companies. Decision-makers are active there, seeking educational content. The algorithm's consistency and writing-centric nature appealed to him. Tweet 6: Tommy emphasizes the importance of identifying why an ideal customer should follow your content. Testing content is crucial, but it should be directionally focused. Building a personal brand should revolve around specific themes. Tweet 7: From aspiring surgeon to fitness enthusiast to content marketer, Tommy's journey is one of adaptation and growth. His story showcases the rewards of staying focused and consistent. Tweet 8: Tommy's advice for B2B founders on LinkedIn: Know your audience, test content strategically, and stay true to your brand. Consistency and quality are key to building a strong presence. Tweet 9: Tommy Clark's journey is proof that passion and persistence pay off. From humble beginnings to running a thriving content agency, His story inspires us to pursue our goals relentlessly. B2B founders, take note: LinkedIn is your playground. 🏆

🧿 Viral Breakdown & CTA
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Here's a post that follows the provided structure and example: Struggling to create engaging LinkedIn content as a B2B Founder? CONTENT STRATEGY 📈 Unlock the power of LinkedIn and skyrocket your growth with insider secrets from an expert! As the Founder of Compound, I've helped countless B2B SaaS Founders scale their content engines and build massive audiences on LinkedIn. Want to know the key to creating content that resonates with your ideal customers? It all starts with nailing your content funnel: 1. Top of Funnel 2. Middle of Funnel 3. Bottom of Funnel Let's dive in... ~~ 1. TOP OF FUNNEL Mistake: Over-indexing on broad content to cast a wide net. Reality: You risk building an audience that doesn't align with your ICP. Solution: Sprinkle in top of funnel content (10-20%), but focus on entrepreneurial stories and building in public to attract a relevant audience. 2. MIDDLE OF FUNNEL 60-70% of your content should live here. Provide industry-specific thought leadership that showcases your expertise without being salesy. Example: Highlighting common mistakes in your niche (e.g., SaaS content marketing mistakes) establishes credibility and builds trust with your target audience. 3. BOTTOM OF FUNNEL Tread carefully here (10-20%). Yes, feature your product through case studies and updates. But avoid over-pitching. Balance is key to maintain an engaged audience while still driving conversions. Remember: Be intentional with your content mix to attract, engage, and convert your ideal customers on LinkedIn. Want to dive deeper into B2B content strategy? Check out the full episode of Uploading... with Tommy Clark to learn how to dominate LinkedIn and scale your growth! 🚀

Uploading... Titles
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Here are some exciting titles for this episode in the requested format: Tommy Clark, Compound Content Studio - Why B2B Founders Must Master LinkedIn or Get Left Behind Tommy Clark, Social Media Mastermind - The Proven LinkedIn Content Funnel to Fuel Explosive Growth Tommy Clark, LinkedIn Legend - The Secret Sauce to Crafting Irresistible Hooks That Convert Tommy Clark, Content King - Cracking the LinkedIn Algorithm: Insider Secrets Revealed Tommy Clark, B2B Trailblazer - Origin Stories, Hot Takes, and Polarizing Opinions: The Holy Trinity of LinkedIn Domination Tommy Clark, Engagement Expert - The Art and Science of Building Trust and Momentum on LinkedIn Tommy Clark, SaaS Savant - Why Your Tech Startup is Doomed Without a Killer LinkedIn Strategy Tommy Clark, Content Crusader - Unleashing the Power of Story-Based Hooks to Captivate Your LinkedIn Audience

Twitter Post 1
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Here's a fun fact from the episode in a similar style and format: Real-life photos & scrappy videos beat polished content on LinkedIn. Post 'em. The algorithm favors authentic over heavily branded media.

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Here's a post with 3 mindset shifts for listeners, matching the tone, style, and format of the example: If you're a B2B founder looking to start creating content on LinkedIn, here are some mindset shifts that can help you get started: 💭 Embrace your unique perspective and experiences. Your company's origin story, the problem you're solving, and why you're passionate about it are all valuable content pillars. Lean into what makes you and your business unique to create compelling, authentic content. 💭 Focus on providing value, not just promoting your product. While bottom-of-funnel content like product updates and case studies has its place, the majority of your content should be focused on educating and providing valuable insights to your target audience. Aim for a mix of 10-20% top of funnel, 60-70% middle of funnel, and 10-20% bottom of funnel content. 💭 Commit to consistency and iteration. Regularly posting content (aim for 5 times per week) will not only help you build momentum and engagement, but also provide valuable data points to analyze and refine your strategy. Embrace the process of identifying what works, doubling down on successful formats and topics, and continually improving your content over time. For more insights on developing a successful LinkedIn content strategy as a B2B founder, check out the latest episode of the Uploading Podcast with Tommy Clark of Compound Content Studio. Learn about effective content formats, hook strategies, and the importance of engaging with your audience to build trust and grow your reach!

Future State, 6 reasons post
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In 6 months, I generated 1M views on LinkedIn, grew my following by 300%, and booked 50 sales meetings. As a B2B SaaS founder, I've discovered the power of LinkedIn for content marketing. But many founders are still struggling to leverage the platform effectively. Here are 6 recommendations that, if applied, can transform your LinkedIn content strategy and drive meaningful business results: BACKGROUND: Many B2B SaaS founders are not taking full advantage of LinkedIn's potential for content marketing and lead generation. Old Approach: - Sporadic, unstructured posting - Lack of clear content strategy - Limited audience engagement - Minimal lead generation New Approach: - Consistent, high-value content - Well-defined content funnel - Active audience engagement - Significant lead generation At our agency, Compound, we help B2B SaaS founders develop and execute effective LinkedIn content strategies. By focusing on the right content mix, posting frequency, and engagement tactics, our clients have seen remarkable growth in their LinkedIn presence and business outcomes. HOWEVER... Many founders still struggle with creating a coherent content strategy, maintaining consistency, and maximizing the platform's potential. To address these challenges, here are my 6 recommendations: 1. Define your content funnel: Develop a mix of top-of-funnel (broad appeal), middle-of-funnel (industry-specific), and bottom-of-funnel (product-focused) content to engage your target audience at different stages. 2. Identify your "why": Clarify your company's purpose and the problem it solves. Use this as a foundation for creating authentic, compelling content that resonates with your audience. 3. Post consistently: Aim to post at least 5 times a week to generate sufficient data points for analyzing and refining your content strategy. 4. Analyze performance: Conduct weekly reviews of your content's performance, identifying top-performing posts based on impressions and engagement. 5. Double down on what works: Focus on replicating the elements of your most successful content, such as format, topic, or hook, while reducing less effective content types. 6. Engage strategically: Actively engage with your target audience by commenting thoughtfully on relevant posts, sending targeted connection requests, and building genuine relationships. By implementing these recommendations, B2B SaaS founders can unlock the full potential of LinkedIn as a powerful content marketing and lead generation platform, driving significant business growth. P.S. What has been your experience with LinkedIn content marketing as a B2B SaaS founder? Do you have any additional tips or insights to share that have helped you succeed on the platform?

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Title: LinkedIn Content Strategy Workbook Introduction: This workbook is designed to help you develop and implement an effective LinkedIn content strategy based on the insights shared by Tommy Clark, founder of Compound, in the Uploading the Podcast episode. By completing the exercises and answering the questions, you'll gain clarity on your content goals, audience, and tactics for success on LinkedIn. Section 1: Finding Your Why Exercise 1.1: Identify your company's purpose and the problem it solves. - What is your company's mission? - What specific problem does your company address? - How does your product or service solve this problem? Exercise 1.2: Develop your content's "why" by answering the following questions: - Why did you start your company? - What personal stories can you share that relate to your company's mission? - Is there an "enemy" (e.g., a competitor or adverse idea) that your company stands against? Section 2: Defining Your Content Strategy Exercise 2.1: Determine your content mix using the content funnel framework. - Top of Funnel (10-20%): List 3-5 broad topics related to your industry or entrepreneurship. - Middle of Funnel (60-70%): Identify 5-7 thought leadership topics specific to your niche. - Bottom of Funnel (10-20%): List 3-5 product-related topics, such as updates, features, or case studies. Exercise 2.2: Set your posting frequency and consistency goals. - How many times per week will you post on LinkedIn? - What specific days and times will you dedicate to content creation and posting? Section 3: Analyzing and Refining Your Content Exercise 3.1: Establish a weekly content review process. - What metrics will you track to measure content performance (e.g., impressions, engagement)? - How will you identify successful content elements (e.g., topics, hooks, formats)? Exercise 3.2: Implement a content iteration strategy. - Based on your performance analysis, what content types will you prioritize? - What underperforming content types will you reduce or eliminate? Section 4: Engaging and Growing Your Audience Exercise 4.1: Develop an engagement strategy. - Identify 5-10 relevant accounts to engage with regularly through comments and reactions. - Set a daily or weekly goal for the number of meaningful interactions you'll have on LinkedIn. Exercise 4.2: Create a targeted connection request plan. - Define your ideal audience based on job titles, industries, and other relevant factors. - Set a weekly goal for the number of targeted connection requests you'll send. Section 5: Crafting Compelling Content Exercise 5.1: Practice writing effective hooks for your LinkedIn posts. - Write 3-5 story-based hooks related to your content pillars. - Create 3-5 hooks that incorporate specific numbers or social proof. - Develop 3-5 hooks using the open loop technique (e.g., using colons). Exercise 5.2: Experiment with different content formats. - Create a text-only post, a text with image post, and a text with video post. - Analyze the performance of each format and determine which works best for your audience. Conclusion: By completing this workbook, you'll have a solid foundation for your LinkedIn content strategy. Remember to consistently review and refine your approach based on performance data and audience feedback. With dedication and iteration, you'll be well on your way to building a strong presence and engaged following on LinkedIn.

Tweet thread on learnings
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Tweet 1: 🎙️ The Uploading Podcast dives into B2B content strategy with @iamtommyclark, a LinkedIn expert: 📊 Content funnel breakdown 🎯 Finding your "why" 🔥 Effective hook strategies Here are my top takeaways from this value-packed episode: 👇 Tweet 2: 1. Balancing Your Content Funnel is Key 🎡 Top of funnel: Broad topics, wide engagement net Middle of funnel: Targeted thought leadership (60-70%) Bottom of funnel: Product-focused, sales-oriented Strike the right balance to build a relevant audience without being too salesy. Tweet 3: 2. Dig Deep to Find Your "Why" 🤔 Ask yourself: - Why did you start your company? - What problem drives your mission? Lean into personal stories, create an "enemy," and take a stand. Passionate, sometimes polarizing perspectives fuel engaging content. Tweet 4: 3. Consistency is King 👑 Post 5x per week for optimal data generation. Analyze performance weekly to identify winning elements. Double down on what works, reduce what doesn't. Intentional, data-driven content choices lead to success over time. Tweet 5: 4. Engage Strategically to Grow 🌱 Comment thoughtfully on relevant accounts. Send targeted connection requests. Build trust and momentum through consistent engagement. Genuine interactions and mutual connections enhance your credibility and reach. Tweet 6: 5. Craft Compelling Hooks 🎣 Use specific numbers for tangible claims. Provide social proof to establish trust. Create open loops to draw readers in. Effective hooks are crucial, especially for top-of-funnel content aimed at a broad audience. Tweet 7: The LinkedIn content game is all about iteration and improvement. By consistently analyzing performance, refining your strategy, and delivering value, you can build a powerful presence that drives real results for your B2B business. 🎧 Listen to the full episode for more LinkedIn content gold from @iamtommyclark!

Youtube Description
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Here is a comprehensive description matching the tone, style and format of your example: Why Every B2B Founder Needs to Be on LinkedIn Yesterday & How to Catch Up Fast. Learn LinkedIn content strategy secrets from Tommy Clark to attract your ideal customers and grow your B2B SaaS business in 2023. Watch the full episode on your favorite podcast platform: Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/21-tommy-clark-why-every-b2b-founder-needs-to-be/id1613582149?i=1000611662675 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6fUtGhYiRhfYipmjfPx9LU?si=BDpxJvYnSf2hsC1FajgY7Q I'll cover why B2B founders must prioritize LinkedIn and how to quickly implement an effective content strategy in this episode. If you're a B2B SaaS founder looking to attract your ideal customers, position yourself as a thought leader, and accelerate growth through content marketing, this podcast is a must-listen. Why LinkedIn Matters for B2B: I'll start by highlighting the immense opportunity LinkedIn presents for B2B companies. Understand why your buyers are actively seeking content on LinkedIn and how to capture their attention. Crafting Your LinkedIn Content Funnel: Learn how to strategically structure your LinkedIn content into top, middle, and bottom of funnel buckets. Get Tommy's recommended mix to maximize engagement and conversions. Finding Your Unique Angle: Discover techniques to identify your company's core purpose and problem it solves. I'll share real examples of how to turn your "why" into compelling content pillars. Secrets to Viral LinkedIn Hooks: Master the art of writing irresistible LinkedIn hooks. Get proven formulas using specific numbers, social proof, and open loops to stop the scroll and drive engagement. LinkedIn Algorithm Insights: Peek behind the curtain of the LinkedIn algorithm. Understand key factors that boost post reach and how to ethically leverage them for maximum impact. Optimize Performance with Analytics: I'll teach you how to use LinkedIn analytics to uncover your top performing content. Learn to identify winning elements and double down on what's working. Grow with LinkedIn Engagement Pods: Dive into the world of LinkedIn engagement pods. Evaluate the risks and rewards of this controversial tactic to decide if it fits your growth strategy. Ultimate LinkedIn Content Process: Put it all together with Tommy's step-by-step LinkedIn content creation process. Go from planning to posting with templates, tools and SOPs you can implement immediately. How to Kickstart Your LinkedIn Presence: Get actionable advice to make a splash if you're just starting on LinkedIn. I'll walk through must-have posts like your origin story and share tips to quickly build momentum.

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Here are the key points summarized in simpler language: - Tommy Clark was a guest on the "Uploading" podcast hosted by Blaine. - Tommy founded an agency called Compound that helps B2B founders grow their content on LinkedIn. - Tommy started out wanting to be a doctor, then got into fitness and content marketing. He worked in marketing roles before starting his own agency. - He focuses on helping clients with LinkedIn because that's where business decision-makers spend time looking for useful content. LinkedIn's algorithm is also more steady than other social media. - Tommy says it's important for companies to figure out why their ideal customer would want to follow their content. - Testing different content is good, but it should relate to consistent overall themes, not jump around topics too much. This helps build a focused personal brand. Does this help summarize the key points in plainer terms? Let me know if you need anything else!

Uploading LinkedIn-YouTube
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@Tommy Clark, founder of @Compound Content Studio, joins @blaine on this week's episode of Uploading... to share his proven LinkedIn content strategy for B2B SaaS founders. Tommy breaks down his content funnel framework, emphasizing the importance of balancing top, middle, and bottom-of-funnel content to engage a targeted audience while building thought leadership. He also shares his insights on finding your "why" as a founder, using story-based hooks and polarizing opinions to capture attention, and leveraging the LinkedIn algorithm to maximize reach. Whether you're just starting or looking to level up your LinkedIn game, this episode is packed with actionable tips to help you create a winning content strategy. Full episode here: [Insert YouTube link] #uploadingpodcast #linkedinmarketing #b2bsaas #contentmarketing #thoughtleadership #entrepreneurship

5 Characteristics of Winners
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Here is a short LinkedIn-style post about characteristics of winners based on the key points from the podcast episode: 5 Characteristics of LinkedIn Content Winners 🏆 The top B2B founders on LinkedIn share these traits in their winning content strategies: ✅ Clear content funnel from broad to targeted ✅ Strong "why" stemming from origin stories ✅ Regular posting cadence for data analysis ✅ Doubling down on top-performing pillars ✅ Engaging hooks via stories, numbers & social proof Implement these and you'll be ahead of the pack. 💪 #B2BContent #LinkedInStrategy #FounderTips How does this look? I aimed to match the example's format and emoji use while distilling some of the main takeaways about successful LinkedIn content into 5 concise bullet points. Let me know if you would like me to modify anything.

The Rule, The Process, Keys to Success
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Tommy Clark's LinkedIn content funnel strategy is a perfect example of the 97% rule in action. When it comes to creating content, Tommy considers himself an expert at 97% of the process - which he loves and enjoys - and a novice at the remaining 3%. For Tommy, the best part of the process has always been the creativity. Developing a content strategy, turning ideas into posts, adding different hooks and stories, and experimenting with formats. Can't get enough... Then there's the other part - perfecting the content mix, analyzing performance countless times, making sure every post is intentional and serves the audience - and it's a slog. He's constantly iterating, and I'll say the same for his clients. Because that part takes about 10x longer. You have to review the data over and over and over. An impression rate is off - fix it. Engagement's too low in one pillar, adjust it. Too many top-of-funnel posts, nix some. Then you analyze again, and what you tweaked messed something else up. 😡 Fun fact, Tommy feels like LinkedIn content is never 100% done. I actually give Tommy the most credit here because he is 100% of the time the one going back in over and over for weeks - if not months - till he has exactly what he wants. There's always something he could fine-tune to make the content better, even though the changes aren't necessarily noticeable to the average follower. But he notices them and knows they play a huge role in making the content feel complete. Honestly, he never feels the content is all the way there - that 3% tends to get the best of him. I've heard similar stories in content creation. The quest to build the perfect content engine or develop a flawless posting cadence feels long and tedious...even when you're almost there. There's always a topic you could add, a hook you could tweak slightly, one last case study to share. What's been helpful to Tommy is serving a specific niche versus trying to appeal to a broad audience with the content. He knows he'll never please everyone, so by honing in on a focus, he has a sense of what's going to resonate and can invest his time and energy accordingly. Don't create for everyone, and don't build for what "might" work, but what you've got going. The last piece is considerably easier to fine-tune.

3 bullets 3 bullets (dakota)
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Here's a LinkedIn post based on the strategies discussed in the Uploading podcast episode with Tommy Clark, written in a similar style to the example: Why Every B2B Founder Needs to Be on LinkedIn (And How to Win Big): Most of my agency's B2B clients who crush it on LinkedIn: • Don't have a huge marketing budget • Don't have a giant team of content creators • Don't have tons of extra time They just have: • The courage to share their story • The commitment to post 5x per week • The wisdom to analyze what works I started my agency Compound Content Studio to help B2B SaaS founders like you scale your content engine and generate more leads. Here are 3 quick tips to level up your LinkedIn game: 1. Share your company's origin story (and pack it with emotion) 2. Post a healthy mix of top, middle and bottom of funnel content 3. Engage thoughtfully with your ideal customers Building a powerful personal brand on LinkedIn is simpler than you think. You just need the right strategy and a bit of grit. Ready to take your B2B content to the next level? Let's chat. #B2BMarketing #ContentMarketing #LinkedIn #SaaS How's that? I aimed to capture the key points from the podcast discussion in an engaging post format that mirrors the style of the example. The hook grabs attention, the tips provide value, and there's a clear call-to-action at the end. Let me know if you would like me to modify anything.

Framework To Build From Scratch
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Here's a Twitter post based on the context and strategies from the recording, matching the tone, style, and format of the given example: If I had to rebuild my B2B SaaS LinkedIn presence from 0, here's the content strategy I'd use: (This is the exact framework I've used to help 50+ B2B founders scale their content engines). To turn strangers into followers (and followers into customers), you need 3 things: • You need people to discover your content • You need people to engage with your content • You need people to trust your expertise So... How do you get people to discover, engage with, and trust your content? By using my Content Funnel Framework. It's broken down like this... The top of the funnel is Broad Content. This content casts a wide net and gets people to discover you. This can be done by creating content about: • Entrepreneurship stories • Building in public • General business insights And tying it back to your industry or niche. For example: B2B SaaS founders can: • Share their startup journey • Discuss the challenges of scaling a SaaS business • Provide tips for effective team management The middle of the funnel is Targeted Content. This positions you as a thought leader and builds trust. This type of content includes: • Industry-specific insights • Best practices and 'how to' guides • Mistakes to avoid in your niche The biggest mistake B2B founders make is not sharing their unique expertise on LinkedIn. (Don't be that person). And finally, the bottom of the funnel is Product Content. Product Content showcases your solution and drives conversions. This is done by creating content about: • Product updates and features • Customer success stories • Use cases and applications Don't be afraid to highlight your product's value. That's how you attract your ideal customers. Start implementing these 3 types of content into your LinkedIn strategy and I guarantee you'll generate more leads and grow your B2B brand.

3 Success Strategies
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You're spot on with those three strategies, Blaine! Let me take a stab at summarizing three more key takeaways from Tommy's LinkedIn playbook, using the same format: 1. Engage with Intention Posting consistently is only half the battle—to truly crush it on LinkedIn, you need to be equally intentional about engagement. Every like, comment, and connection request is an opportunity to expand your reach and strengthen relationships with potential customers or collaborators. But here's the catch: Generic one-liners like "great post" aren't going to cut it. Tommy recommends taking the time to leave thoughtful comments that add value to the conversation and showcase your unique perspective. The same goes for connection requests. Rather than blindly hitting "connect" on anyone and everyone, focus on building a highly curated network of individuals who fit your ICP. And always, always include a personalized note highlighting what caught your interest and why you'd love to connect. 2. Treat Analytics as Your North Star Flying blind on LinkedIn is a surefire recipe for lackluster results. The key to continually leveling up your content game is to religiously track your post performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. Tommy suggests conducting a weekly deep dive into your analytics to identify which posts are knocking it out of the park in terms of impressions and engagement. Then, put on your detective hat and try to pinpoint the specific elements that are resonating with your audience. Is there a particular topic that always seems to strike a chord? A storytelling device that never fails to hook readers? A content format that consistently outperforms the rest? Double down on what's working, ditch what's falling flat, and watch your metrics soar. 3. Embrace the Power of Iteration Creating scroll-stopping LinkedIn content is an iterative process—don't expect to nail it right out of the gate. The most successful LinkedIn thought leaders understand that every post is an experiment and an opportunity to fine-tune their approach. They're not afraid to take risks, test unconventional ideas, and learn from their failures. As Tommy puts it, the key is to stay consistent and keep showing up, even when it feels like you're shouting into the void. The more content you put out there, the faster you'll be able to identify patterns, hone in on your unique voice, and craft posts that truly move the needle. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a magnetic LinkedIn presence. Embrace the journey, stay curious, and trust that with each post, you're one step closer to cracking the code.

About the Episode
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Tommy Clark is the founder of Compound, an agency that helps B2B SaaS founders scale their content engines on platforms like LinkedIn. With a background in content marketing and social media, Tommy has worked with e-commerce SaaS companies and built a successful agency focused on B2B content strategy. In this episode of Uploading the Podcast, Tommy shares his insights on creating an effective LinkedIn content strategy for B2B founders. He discusses the importance of organizing content into top, middle, and bottom of the funnel, with a focus on industry-specific thought leadership in the middle of the funnel. Tommy also emphasizes the need for founders to identify their "why" and create content that stems from passionate and sometimes polarizing perspectives. Throughout the episode, Tommy provides practical tips for successful LinkedIn content creation, such as posting frequency, performance analysis, and identifying successful content elements. He also highlights the importance of engagement, strategic connection requests, and building trust and momentum over time. The conversation touches on key trends in content, including story-based hooks and polarizing opinions, as well as effective hook strategies like using specific numbers and social proof. Tommy and Blaine also discuss the LinkedIn algorithm and offer content improvement tips to help B2B founders refine their content strategy and achieve long-term success on the platform.

Episode Summary
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Tommy Clark is the founder of Compound, a content marketing agency that helps B2B SaaS founders scale their organic content engines on platforms like LinkedIn. He previously led social media at e-commerce analytics company Triple Whale. In this episode of Uploading..., Tommy breaks down his LinkedIn content strategy framework, including how to balance content at the top, middle, and bottom of the sales funnel. He shares practical tips for identifying content pillars, crafting engaging hooks, and iterating based on post performance data. Tommy also discusses the power of thought leadership content for B2B growth and why every founder should prioritize building their personal brand on LinkedIn.

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Blaine Content Sample
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How LinkedIn content helped our B2B SaaS startup generate 100+ sales demos in 60 days Just 2 months ago, we were struggling to book demos consistently. Now we're drowning in qualified leads. As the founder of a B2B SaaS startup, I knew I needed to leverage my personal brand on LinkedIn to drive growth. But I had no idea where to start. That's when I connected with Tommy Clark, an expert in LinkedIn content strategy for B2B SaaS. His advice completely transformed our approach: Background - I was posting sporadically with no clear strategy - My content lacked a clear target audience - I wasn't leveraging the power of story-based hooks These are the 4 principles Tommy shared that skyrocketed our demo bookings: 1. Niche Down Rather than trying to appeal to everyone, focus your content on a specific niche. For us, that meant creating content exclusively for B2B SaaS marketing leaders. By narrowing our focus, we were able to create hyper-relevant content that resonated deeply with our target audience. 2. Build a Content Funnel Organize your content into top, middle and bottom of funnel themes: - Top: Broad industry topics to cast a wide net - Middle: Targeted thought leadership & education - Bottom: Product-focused case studies & social proof This funnel approach helped us strategically guide prospects from awareness to interest to action. 3. Double Down on What Works Consistently analyze your post performance to identify top-performing themes and formats. For us, story-based posts with specific data points worked incredibly well. So we doubled down on that format to accelerate our growth. 4. Engage Strategically Thoughtfully comment on relevant posts from your target audience to build relationships and expand your reach. We also sent personalized connection requests to ideal prospects, which dramatically grew our audience of potential buyers. By applying these principles, we went from 0 to 100+ demo requests in just 60 days - and you can too! Have you seen success with other LinkedIn strategies for B2B growth? Let me know in the comments!

1 most actionable piece of advice
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Consistently post LinkedIn content that resonates with your target audience.

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