Creator Database [Gary Vaynerchuck] HOW TO START A Gary Vaynerchuk Original
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:00:00 - 00:00:12
There's no excuse for not talking to the world. It just doesn't have to be your thoughts and words every time. My friends, the key to content success is you've got to start documenting instead of creating. Let me tell you how.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:00:12 - 00:00:14
Just start, man.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:00:27 - 00:00:39
Hey, guys. I know I look like the emperor from, Star Wars right now, but I'm, very high in the air back from London headed to, New York City.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:00:39 - 00:00:40
I decided to
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:00:40 - 00:00:55
do a, video. So many of you are stuck and can't start and I broke it down into that what, how and where. Right? WHW, right? Like what are you gonna talk about? But the way all of you need to do this and how you actually start is by doing.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:00:55 - 00:00:55
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:00:55 - 00:01:17
haven't done anything yet. You know, this whole fake it till you make it brings no value to anybody. You need to make something and that thing is a manifesto. It's always been obvious to me. It's always been obvious what caused success, what I needed to do. You know, every time I watch content through the internet or television I watched Oprah the other night. Lizzie was watching it. I was working.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:01:17 - 00:01:20
She was interviewing George Lucas and he was saying the same shit.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:01:20 - 00:01:27
We took it to all the studios, every single one of them, them and nobody wanted it. So what'd you do? So I said, well, I'm not gonna give up now.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:01:27 - 00:01:51
You're stuck. You haven't started because you're stuck. I I think the fear of losing trumps the excitement of victory for so many people. So here you go. What? What are you gonna talk about? What do you wanna be known for? Look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself, what do I want to do every day for the rest of my life? Do that. And see what people need to understand is the way we communicate today is so different. Yeah. And the platforms have been redefined.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:01:51 - 00:02:29
You wanna be in health and fitness, you wanna be in strategy, you wanna be in social media, you want to be in sneakers, you want to be in coffee, you want to be in electronics, you want to be in fashion. You collect Smurfs, Smurf it up. You can make $70,000 a year talking about the Smurfs. Whether that's your mission or where you're at right now. Your truth. Manifesto. Tell me what you're thinking about it. Like, if somebody made a video 8 years ago that I think fashion should be high low, I think people should wear expensive stuff and inexpensive stuff in one wardrobe, they would have been like the queen or king of the vision of the fashion industry just by making a video where they think that Facebook acquires Instagram.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:02:29 - 00:03:00
It's like Facebook's gonna buy Instagram. 4 months later it happens. So I was on Piers Morgan. This company's 550 days old. How the hell is it worth a $1,000,000,000? And my opening line is they stole it. And then I guess last year this time, right? Facebook bought WhatsApp for 18,000,000,000 and every article like the next day after the news came out is like, oh, wait a minute. They fucking stole Instagram. The how is there's only a certain few ways to communicate in the world whether this is video form, something extreme.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:03:00 - 00:03:01
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:03:01 - 00:03:12
Like just get on a train and go away for a week or something different. You have to break pattern. Whether this is audio form. Sitting here listening to my music list and I'm starting to find a little clarity. Audio being a podcast.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:03:12 - 00:03:18
You're an outspoken advocate both hustle and self awareness. Yes. But if you had to put them in order even if it's a 1 a and 1
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:03:18 - 00:03:31
b Self awareness. Self awareness. Self awareness. And this is not even close. When you know who you Yes. When you know who you are, hustle's sexier. Yeah. Like it would have been cooler for like the people listening for me to say hustle because it's cooler, right? Heck, you don't even do podcasts.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:03:31 - 00:04:03
Put the recorder on your phone and just speak your truth. As I sit here right now writing this article, or at least memoing it because that's how I do it. Get in front of a camera. Selfie style. You know, I'm old now kids so at 40, I've observed a lot and I can tell you that optimism and positivity is a huge variable. Good morning, Instagram. It's me, Gary. Instead of a motivational quote or some sort of clip, just wanted to go camera to face and just tell you how much I appreciate
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:04:03 - 00:04:04
all of you guys.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:04:04 - 00:04:11
Your attention means the world to me. Set it up on a tripod or have a DRock. It's your nephew, your sister. Mate, give me this.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:04:11 - 00:04:12
Give me this real quick.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:04:12 - 00:04:34
Nathan, the intern is here. Some of you guys might remember him or you write it but the way all of you need to do this and how you actually start is by doing. I create an obnoxious amount of content because of the strategy of how we do it. Don't do anything. Just keep watching. Keep watching my stuff. Keep being entertained by my energy. Keep being inspired.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:04:34 - 00:05:02
Don't do. Don't fucking have dinner at 7 o'clock and drink 2 beers. Like, when your strategy is right, you win. And so we have figured out that pillar content creates content underneath it at scale. Hey everybody, welcome to the first hashtag askgaryvee. I think it's the first one but I actually do think I tried to do this once before. I feel like I've got the team now in place to actually do this more often. It's macro patience.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:05:02 - 00:05:08
Macro patience. Deploy patience. You've got to deploy patience. You've got to love the process. What's the ROI of social media?
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:05:08 - 00:05:09
So I look at her and go,
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:05:09 - 00:05:11
what's the ROI of your mother?
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:05:11 - 00:05:12
There are so many people
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:05:12 - 00:06:06
in here that shouldn't be producing video because that is not the best way they communicate. Only a decade ago if I was speaking here, all I would be talking about is blogging. Yet, there are people in this room that are caught up by picture and video communication and they are tremendous writers and they don't realize that blogging or posting on medium or even my favorite little hack right now. If you're a good writer and you wanna build up a profile for your business or for yourself, I actually highly recommend you start blogging inside of Facebook and Instagram. I literally mean writing 7, 15, 25 sentences. 3, 4, 5 paragraphs word of written content within your feeds that people will absolutely consume. So that's number 1 and 2. The what and and how, right? Like how are you gonna do it and then where? Distribution.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:06:07 - 00:06:39
That's that's what you need to figure out next and it's the hardest part for a lot of you. Hardest part is to start. The next hardest a lot of things are hard. Hard to start, hard to know what format to do it in, audio, written, video and then number 3, how do you get people to see it? It all goes down in the DM. The key is providing other people more value. I just don't see people doing it. It blows me away and it is absolutely I want the full and it is absolutely going down on Instagram DM. Influencers or you pay for it.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:06:39 - 00:07:31
Either you pay in Facebook ads, Instagram ads, sponsorship deals, YouTube pre rolls against people of those interests, fashion, you know, food, wine, sneakers, technology or or you reach out to people that have audiences. Search hashtags, click them, look at the account then see how you can bring them value, DM them, go in soft, bring value, rinse and repeat 2, 3, 4, 5000 times. So the thing mainly should do is go upper east side. Let me go this guy. Looks like he took a picture. Hey, g. Instagram influencers right now today for doers is the probably only behind Facebook ads, the single best arbitrage in marketing and then you try and then you learn. When you're a pioneer, you have to taste it.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:07:31 - 00:08:03
There's no report. There's no white paper. There's no modeling mixed metrics that are gonna teach you how that's gonna work. When you're the 1st explorer, you have to taste the berries and hopefully they're not poisonous. We're living through this incredible era of massive opportunity yet everybody's talking and reading and nobody's fucking doing. Start fucking executing. So what does that mean? That means you should write a medium blog post every week. Content, podcast, video, written, quotes, pictures and then tactics.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:08:04 - 00:08:41
What scares me quite a bit is that most of you when you see these logos, you think of a piece of content that you make and you think of those 5 channels and more as places where you distribute it. Twitter and Facebook are tools. Twitter and Facebook are markers and crayons. Right. They're a fax machine. These are not just distribution channels. These are channels where you have to natively story tell. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are ABC, NBC and CBS and what I've figured out for the last decade is how to make MASH and the Emmy Griffin show and ER and Seinfeld.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:08:41 - 00:08:47
And my question is Yeah. How do I hustle in stopping a pussy in a tap in the world? Like, I wanna be where you are. I've got
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:08:47 - 00:08:48
people What's blocking
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:08:48 - 00:08:49
you? Some I don't know.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:08:49 - 00:08:51
Other people's POV?
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:08:51 - 00:08:51
Yes. That's the
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:08:51 - 00:09:10
one, man. Wanted to see classic in its style. Wouldn't guess Santa Rita Hills. Yes, that's a pig. Snippy snip. Please take a step back and think about how awesome it actually is. It is imperative that not only do you start thinking about your content strategy on these platforms for your business. Facebook targeting.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:09:10 - 00:09:11
I mean like, you know, I
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:09:11 - 00:09:47
mean that's it. Like you can literally put your business address, run a mail, a radius around it or everybody in the 07081 zip code or the 0 8802 Asbury Jersey in the house, zip code and everybody will see it in that in that zip code in that feed. It's a piece of cake. So if you talk about coffee, Google the word coffee and the word blog or coffee and media company and literally email every editor and writer of every coffee blog on the Internet. The way you're gonna make money online and by the way, anywhere is by grabbing it. So if I were you, I would do this.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:09:48 - 00:09:49
I would go to Google.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:09:49 - 00:10:01
I would type in beer. So I would click this 1, I'd go to this site. I'd see what they have. I would find the phone number of this place. Here's a phone number. I'd pick it up. Hello.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:10:01 - 00:10:06
Who would I speak to about you guys possibly, advertising on my beer
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:10:06 - 00:10:08
blog? That's me, the owner of Dean.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:10:09 - 00:10:39
Then search the hashtag coffee and go to every coffee influencer and coffee barista and coffee media site on Instagram and DM them and ask them to give awareness to this manifesto you just wrote. And 1 out of the 347 will but that's better than 0. Undervaluing just that one view needs to be the right view but it's one view is a humongous mistake. That's it. That's how you do it. The what? That I'm willing to sit here right now and make this video hoping that one fucker, one fucker says, oh, shit. Yeah. Like fuck it.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:10:40 - 00:11:04
The where that's written word, we look at the mediums, the LinkedIn, the Wordpresses. You you start a blog, right? Or you do it on your Facebook or you do it on your Instagram. How? There's only really 3 core ways in the current internet to really communicate to the world. The written word or video. What I'm doing right now, YouTube, Facebook video, Instagram 1 minute versions. Video is the other way we communicate and number 3, audio. The the boom of podcast. These are things that matter.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:11:04 - 00:11:48
What the fuck do you wanna talk about? How are you gonna communicate it? Written audio or video and how do you get people access to see it? This is where we showed you how to go into the DM, right? Then or you've got to figure out how to use some money and use Facebook ads and target the people that you're trying to reach or grinding hustle. Just literally emailing 700 to 1500 different blogs or media sites and saying, do you want to distribute my content? Somebody has a 14,000 person email newsletter about coffee news. Find that person and ask them. Just gotta ask and be smart. Jab your jab right hook. Ask them what you can do for them because you want everybody to read this. Post it on Medium and hit up the editors of Medium who curate content. Post the link on it into Reddit.
Gary Vaynerchuk 00:11:49 - 00:12:03
Right? Hit up the 47 100 coffee influencers on YouTube and send them a message and ask them if they wanna read it on their YouTube channel that has a 147 views. 147 views is better than 0. Cut 35. The fucking work. That's how you start.

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