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1️⃣ One Sentence Summary
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🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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"Broadening Your Audience Reach: So what that means is if you're selling dog shirts, for example, or cat shirts instead of just going after maybe people who own a dog, who also love shirts, you want to go after dog lovers in general or cat lovers in general."
"Understanding Google Ads Algorithms: The Google Ads algorithms crawls through your landing page and reads the description to note these keywords. So the more keywords you have, and again, making sure they're broad, that's when the algorithm notices these keywords as they cross through your landing pages and they cross through your product feed, and then it's able to then kind of get an idea of what you sell based off of that."
"Importance of Quality in Ads: If you have a high quality creative, which not only showcases and displays your brand in a very powerful manner. With high perceived value, you're gonna get higher people, higher quality people onto your website."
"Budget Efficiency in Digital Marketing: And if you have like a day budget, well, how much are you going to distribute that $100 a day budget across six different things? Right? Is this not efficient, at least to a lot of wasted money? And you will notice by the end of the month that your top product, your top spending product, barely spend like $50 in the whole month, even though your budget is $100 a day."
"Decoding Display Traffic: 'The reason why it happened is because PMAG decided to spend your money on this display traffic, because that's how it makes most of the money.'" "Comparing Marketing Approaches: 'What this will do is it will now force Google to choose which one is working better over the other. Or even if it doesn't choose it, at least you personally know, based on looking at the profitability, which one is actually working for your brand.'" "Strategic Asset Launching: 'If you do have a bunch of images, videos, etc., in which you think are good, then you can launch a separate P max approach, adding those assets in, or you can launch a different asset group within that first p max to test the feed only approach side by side with the different images, logos approach.'"
"Building Momentum in Business: After you initially start gaining that momentum, which again comes after building that strong foundation, that strong base, you will start to notice that, you know, whatever campaigns you're running, they are starting to pick up a little bit of sales and they're starting to scale. Essentially. At that point it becomes extremely crucial to now guide the algorithm even a bit further."
"Maximizing Product Exposure in Marketing: You take out those products which are not spending any money or barely have spent any money and have not gotten tested, and you give them their own separate performance max and bin approach, could be feed only, could be assets, whichever way, you know, you decided based on the results that came in."
"Product Segregation Strategy: Some segregation strategies which work extremely well include things such as segregating based on the product price points. If you have products, let's say between one hundred dollars to five hundred dollars, you want to give them their own testing campaign strategy versus those products which are $5000 to $10,000."
"The Power of Google's Algorithm: 'And this is the beauty of Google, because now what you have done at this point is you have given the algorithm enough direction to know exactly how to find a customer for a $10 product versus how to find a customer for a $5,000 product.'"
"Optimizing Return on Ad Spend: 'Because keep in mind, when you fix all these things up, that's when you have high thing, high metrics. Just click through rates as high average border value because now more people want to buy from you and they want to buy more stuff from. All these things influence your return on ad spend.'"
🔑 7 Key Themes
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💬 Keywords
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Interview Breakdown
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DTC Pod Linkedin
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📚 Timestamped overview
✨ Preset prompt
💼 LinkedIN - 6 Reasons Post
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❇️ Key topics and bullets
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🎬 Reel script
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✏️ Custom Newsletter
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🐦 Business Lesson Tweet Thread
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🎓 Lessons Learned
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💎 Maxims
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🌟 3 Fun Facts
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📓 Blog Post
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🎤 Voiceover Script
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🔘 Best Practices Guide
✨ Preset prompt
🎆 Social Carousel: Do's/Don'ts
✨ Preset prompt
🎠 Social Carousel
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One Off Tweets
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Twitter Post 1
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✨ Preset prompt
✨ Preset prompt
In Depth Thread
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New Idea
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Tweet thread on learnings
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LinkedIN - Start from Scratch
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Future State, 6 reasons post
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About the Episode
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Episode Summary
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Success Strategies
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Castmagic LinkedIn Post
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