Awarepreneurs #304 Learning Humility from the Communities You Want to Serve with Arturo Sneider

πŸ”– Titles
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1. The Power of Learning by Doing: Lessons in Humility from Communities You Serve 2. Street Smarts and Adaptability: Essential Skills for Serving Communities with Authenticity 3. From Real Estate to Economic Development: Unpacking the Journey of Humble Entrepreneurship 4. Building Bridges: The Intersection of Learning, Community Empowerment, and Economic Development 5. The Impact of Hands-On Learning: How Humility Shapes Projects and Communities 6. Creating Change from Within: Humble Entrepreneurs and Their Commitment to Quality 7. Embracing Curiosity and Lifelong Learning: Inspiring Stories of Humble Entrepreneurs 8. Empowering Underserved Communities: How Humility and Learning Lead to Positive Impact 9. Listening, Learning, and Leading: How Humility Fuels Effective Economic Development 10. The Art of Humility: Lessons from Entrepreneurs Reshaping Communities with Purpose

πŸ’¬ Keywords
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learning on the job, practical experience, problem-solving, tangible outcomes, formal education, real-world challenges, street smarts, adaptability, unexpected obstacles, relentless curiosity, desire to learn, starting a business, financial markets, building relationships, generational shift, assimilation process, working together, bringing about change, unique brands, authentic products, mainstream options, interaction between Latino and black community, coexistence, shared openness, positive friction, personal learnings, impact on employees, impact on communities, sponsor message, details and unpacking experiences, Prime Store website.

πŸ’‘ Speaker bios
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Arturo Sneider, originally from Mexico City, had a chance encounter that would change his life. In 1986, he moved to Los Angeles, where his older brother was a minority investor in a Mexican restaurant. At the young age of 17, Arturo found himself working as a cook in the restaurant. It was there, surrounded by his colleagues in the kitchen, that he was introduced to their stories and experiences as immigrants in their respective communities. Arturo's fascination with the lives of immigrants and the impact of real estate on communities grew steadily. Armed with only a few resources and without a formal education, he decided to take action. Drawing on connections from friends and family, Arturo embarked on a grassroots journey in the field of real estate. His mission was to change the narrative surrounding Latino and black neighborhoods, advocating for positive change and progression. Driven by his activist spirit, Arturo devoted himself to making a difference. Despite facing challenges and limited means, he persistently worked to uplift these communities. Arturo's inspiring journey reflects his unwavering determination to reshape the narrative and improve the lives of those in immigrant and minority neighborhoods.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Welcome to another episode of Awarepreneurs, the podcast where we explore the intersection of entrepreneurship and social consciousness. I'm your host, Paul Zelizer, and today, we have an incredible guest joining us: Arturo Sneider. In this episode, titled "Learning Humility from the Communities You Want to Serve," Arturo shares their journey of learning on the job and gaining practical experience in the world of real estate. They highlight the importance of problem-solving and how hands-on learning can lead to tangible outcomes. We delve into the impact of street smarts and adaptability when faced with unexpected obstacles, as well as the relentless curiosity and desire to learn that are essential for success. Arturo also shares their insights on the challenges of starting a business, particularly in their quest to understand financial markets and build relationships. Join us as we explore the profound shift in the community Arturo serves, from a generational and cultural perspective. They discuss how the dominant language has transitioned from Spanish to English, and how this reflects a broader assimilation process. We also explore the evolving dynamics between the Latino and black communities, and the heartwarming sense of coexistence and shared openness that exists among the younger generation. Throughout the episode, Arturo reflects on their own journey, emphasizing the lack of formal business education and the valuable lessons learned through their hands-on approach. They passionately share their mission to find great people and create great work, particularly in the realms of effective economic development and providing quality food to underserved communities. Listeners, be sure to check out the Prime Store website and explore other resources mentioned by Arturo. They also invite you to share your ideas for topics and guests, underscoring their deep appreciation for listener engagement. So, get ready for an episode filled with inspiring stories, practical wisdom, and thought-provoking insights. Let's dive into "Learning Humility from the Communities You Want to Serve" with our guest, Arturo Sneider.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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Topic: Learning on the job and gaining practical experience - Problem-solving skills obtained through learning on the job - Tangible outcomes that result from practical experience Topic: The value of formal education - Formal education provides knowledge but may not fully prepare individuals for real-world challenges Topic: Street smarts and adaptability - Dealing with unexpected obstacles in projects requires street smarts and adaptability Topic: Relentless curiosity and a desire to learn - The importance of having a constant desire to learn and be curious for success Topic: Challenges in starting a business - The difficulties of starting a business - How formal education could have helped in understanding financial markets and building relationships Topic: Shifts in language and community dynamics - The shift from Spanish to English indicates a generational and assimilation process - A clearer understanding and willingness within the community to work together and bring about change Topic: Shifting consumer preferences - The community seeking unique and authentic brands and products - Moving away from mainstream options like Starbucks Topic: Interactions between Latino and black communities - Heartwarming coexistence and shared openness in meetings - Positive friction in finding common ground between the two communities Topic: Personal learning journey and impact on employees and communities - Lack of formal business education - The benefits of a hands-on learning approach - The impact on employees and communities Topic: Inviting listeners to engage - Encouragement to check out the Prime Store website and other resources - Passion for finding great people and doing great work - Desire for listener suggestions and ideas Topic: Building Prime Store and community impact - Origin of Prime Store after the 1992 civil unrest in South Los Angeles - Lack of motivation, interest, and alignment in the community - Obtaining a grant and building a 4000 square foot building - Challenges faced in building without capital or experience - Positive impact on both the speaker and the community - Belief in working together with the community Topic: Prime Store company structure and assets - A team of 55 talented, passionate, and diverse individuals - Diverse communities served - $750 to $800 million in development and entitlement for new projects - Service departments with names reflecting their focus - Different departments, including development services and leasing - Portfolio divided into joint venture and non-Federal Prime Store assets Topic: Importance of dialogue and interaction with the community - Respect for community needs, particularly job creation - Construction jobs and building-related jobs as a fundamental part of the business Topic: Humility and listening - The importance of humility and listening before taking action Topic: Long-term planning and community involvement - The process of rezoning and allowing mixed-use development - The role of the community in educating and guiding the planning process - Initial resistance from commercial tenants - Community support for densification Topic: Importance of adaptation and learning - Alignment with a Darwinian perspective - Value of being adaptable like water - Seeking open dialogue to adapt to new circumstances and challenges - Constant learning through various methods Topic: Lifelong curiosity and learning - Shortness of time and the importance of lifelong curiosity - Reading a variety of genres to stimulate the brain Topic: Local hire and fresh food access - Prioritizing local hire and access to fresh foods in projects - Involving the community early on in projects Topic: Expanding impact to include home ownership and business ownership - Employment of people touched by the prison system in a project - Aim to expand impact to include home ownership and business ownership

πŸ“š Timestamped overview
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00:02 Paul Zellazer welcomes Arturo Schneider to the show.

06:17 Prime Store began after 92 civil unrest - small, old building burned. Lacked motivation, interest, and basic services. Built 4000 sq ft building with grant. Real estate can reshape community dialogue. Hard work, rewarding, skeptical neighborhood.

10:09 Community dialogue built strong business foundation. Humility essential for success.

15:31 Diverse team, large portfolio, unique department labels.

20:54 From kitchen worker to CEO: personal journey.

24:08 Learning on the job builds problem-solving skills. Needs adaptability and relentless curiosity. Lack of formal education was a challenge.

29:20 Community engagement, local hiring, and ambassador program.

34:14 La zoning limits change after Rodney King. Community educates on mixed-use support, densification encouraged.

36:56 Shift from Spanish to English dominant language, embracing change, desire for unique products, positive interactions between Latino and black communities.

43:25 Always adapting, learning, and staying curious in life.

47:03 Social media may hinder true accomplishment. Change through individual agency is important.

48:54 Listeners, check out Prime Store website, resources. Amplify. Passionate about great people doing great work. Visit site for more information. Love listener suggestions for topics and guests. Contact page on Awarepreneurs website for criteria. Thank you for listening and making a positive impact.

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Arturo Sneider 00:08:36 00:08:43

Revitalizing Communities through Real Estate Investment: "If someone's willing to spend the time, the effort and invest in our neighborhoods, then maybe we all should do it together."

Arturo Sneider 00:11:48 00:11:58

Building the Foundation: "The community understood its deficiencies and its strengths and weaknesses...And it really defined that. Our core principle is humility, because you walk into any situation...let me just listen, let me absorb, learn, ask questions before anything else."

Arturo Sneider 00:13:19 00:13:40

Building a Culture of Humility: "It's a great question, Paul. I think it's all about the culture and the team you build. And one of the fortunate things for us is that we have always been searching for talent and people to join the organization that in some way understand the self-selection of what we do. It is incredibly hard work. It has no hours. It has limited boundaries as to what is expected of each of the team members. And we have in our core values the concept of humility and teamwork."

Arturo Sneider 00:15:45 00:16:03

The Strength of Diversity: "The communities that we serve, everything from first to fourth generation immigrants, very diverse from backgrounds and cultures and ethnicity and race, and everything really adding value to each other based on perspective."

Arturo Sneider 00:24:10 00:24:42

Learning on the Job: "Learning on the job and learning sort of, as the expression goes, flying the plane, as it's already in the air, building the plane, so to speak. The beauty of that is that you're learning what actually applies in the world, and you're becoming a problem solver on very tangible, measurable outcomes, which then forces you to realize that you have to have metrics."

Arturo Sneider 00:29:27 00:29:59

Local Engagement: "We realized early on that every project, no matter what community we were in, when we were doing the surveys and we were coming back and resurveying and reconnecting with the community, some of these projects have 100 community meetings over a span of two or three years. Every community. Number one on the list was either local hire or access to fresh foods, groceries, one or two. The majority were jobs."

Arturo Sneider 00:34:48 00:35:07

The Evolution of Mixed-Use Zoning: "And the community again would be educating us on whether they would embrace, reject, tolerate, love. The idea that you could have a business on the same property as a house or an apartment or living workplace, kind of the expression goes."

Arturo Sneider 00:37:43 00:38:00

The Changing Narrative: "Yes, if we work together as a community, we can bring about the change we want to see. We can be facilitators of what we want to see, and there's less apprehension or reluctance to believe and to dig in with us to create the change."

Arturo Sneider 00:40:07 00:40:23

The Future of Prime Store: "We have been pursuing that goal for a long, long time. And that capital, having the wherewithal to take advantage of more opportunities, be a little more nimble on the decision making, gives us a lot more reach."

Arturo Sneider 00:43:31 00:43:34

The Importance of Adaptation: "The species that survives is those that adapt."

🎬 Reel script
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[Video opens with energetic music playing in the background] Entrepreneur Business Influencer: Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! I just hosted an incredible episode on my podcast, Awarepreneurs, with the amazing Arturo Sneider. We talked about learning humility from the communities we want to serve. Here are the top takeaways: 1. Learning on the job is invaluable! Practical experience teaches problem-solving and leads to tangible outcomes. 2. Formal education provides knowledge, but real-world challenges require street smarts and adaptability. 3. Relentless curiosity and a desire to learn are key to success in any endeavor. 4. Starting a business can be tough, but education on financial markets and building relationships can help. 5. The Latino community is evolving, seeking unique and authentic brands, moving away from mainstream options. 6. There's a heartwarming coexistence and shared openness between the Latino and black communities in the younger generation. 7. Lack of formal business education didn't hold Arturo back. Their hands-on approach taught them valuable lessons and skills. [Video transitions to images of the speaker and some highlights from the episode] Entrepreneur Business Influencer: I'm inspired by Arturo's journey, and you will be too! Check out the full episode on Awarepreneurs to dive deeper into their experiences and insights. [Video cuts to the speaker expressing their gratitude] Arturo Sneider: Thank you all for the amazing support and positive impact we can create together. Head over to our website if you're interested in effective economic development and providing quality food to underserved communities. [Video ends with a call to action] Entrepreneur Business Influencer: If you have any suggestions for future episodes or guests, reach out to us. We'd love to hear your ideas! [Video fades out with upbeat music] Remember, entrepreneurs, learning from the communities we serve is a powerful way to grow and make a positive impact. Stay tuned for more inspiring content from Awarepreneurs. Keep hustling and stay aware! [End screen displays podcast logo and handles]

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» LinkedIn post
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🎧 Excited to share the latest episode of the Awarepreneurs podcast, where host Paul Zelizer interviews Arturo Sneider, Founder of Prime Store! In this episode, Arturo shares his journey of learning humility from the communities he serves and how it has shaped his approach to business and community development. Here are three key takeaways for you: 1️⃣ Practical experience as a valuable teacher: Arturo emphasizes the importance of learning on the job and gaining practical experience. While formal education provides knowledge, it may not fully prepare us for real-world challenges. Through hands-on experience, we develop problem-solving skills and achieve tangible outcomes. 2️⃣ Building authentic relationships with communities: Arturo's journey in real estate taught him the significance of listening to and respecting the needs of the communities he serves. By involving the community early on in projects and prioritizing local hiring and access to fresh foods, he works towards effective economic development and empowering underserved communities. 3️⃣ Lifelong curiosity and adaptability: Arturo has a relentless curiosity and desire to learn, constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences. He believes in being adaptable, like water, to overcome unexpected obstacles and challenges. Learning doesn't stop with formal education; it is a lifelong pursuit that fuels growth and opens new possibilities. Tune in to this inspiring episode to discover more about Arturo's experiences and how he's making a positive impact with his company, Prime Store. Don't miss the valuable lessons on humility, community engagement, and the power of relentless curiosity! πŸŽ™οΈ Listen to the full episode and support the Awarepreneurs podcast on their website or your favorite podcast platform. And if you have any suggestions for future topics or guests, be sure to reach out to the Awarepreneurs team. Let's keep the conversation going and amplify stories of positive impact in business and communities! #AwarepreneursPodcast #CommunityDevelopment #LearningOnTheJob

πŸ—žοΈ Newsletter
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Subject: Learning Humility from the Communities We Serve Hello Awarepreneurs community, We hope this email finds you well and inspired to make a positive impact in the world. In our latest episode of the Awarepreneurs podcast, we had the pleasure of speaking with Arturo Sneider, a remarkable individual who has learned invaluable lessons from the communities he serves. Learning on the job and gaining practical experience is something Arturo emphasizes as crucial in his journey. As we delve into his story, we uncover how formal education, while important, may not fully prepare individuals for the real-world challenges that arise in business and community work. Street smarts and adaptability become essential when facing unexpected obstacles. Arturo shares his relentless curiosity and desire to learn, which have been instrumental in his success. Starting his business without formal business education, he reflected on how such knowledge could have helped him understand financial markets and build stronger relationships. But it is through his hands-on approach and willingness to learn from the communities he serves that he has been able to make a profound impact. Speaking of communities, Arturo highlights a generational shift and assimilation process occurring within the Latino community he works with. The dominant language has shifted from Spanish to English, indicating a changing landscape. However, he has also witnessed a clearer understanding and a growing willingness within the community to work together and bring about positive change. Moreover, Arturo notes that communities are seeking unique and authentic brands and products, moving away from mainstream options like Starbucks. This shift in consumer preferences underscores the opportunity for entrepreneurs to create meaningful offerings that align with the values and aspirations of their target communities. One heartwarming aspect that emerged from our conversation was the interaction between the Latino and black communities in the younger generation. Arturo shared how meetings between the two communities have fostered coexistence and shared openness, which is truly inspiring. Throughout the episode, Arturo reflects on his personal journey, highlighting the learning experiences and challenges he faced along the way. He encourages listeners to check out the Prime Store website and other resources, particularly if they are interested in effective economic development and providing quality food to underserved communities. As always, we value your input and appreciate your support in suggesting topics and guests for upcoming episodes. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please visit the Awarepreneurs website and submit your recommendations. We love hearing from our incredible community of changemakers. Before we end this newsletter, we extend our gratitude for your continued support and the positive impact you bring during these intense times. Together, we can make a difference. With appreciation, Paul Zelizer Host, Awarepreneurs Podcast

🧡 Tweet thread
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🧡THREAD🧡 Learning on the job and gaining practical experience is invaluable. It teaches problem-solving and leads to tangible outcomes.πŸ’‘ Formal education provides knowledge, but it may not fully prepare us for real-world challenges. Street smarts and adaptability are necessary when dealing with unexpected obstacles in projects.🌟 In a recent interview, Paul Zelizer and Arturo Sneider discussed the importance of hands-on learning. They shared their insights on starting a business, adapting to change, and making a positive impact on communities.πŸ‘₯ One key takeaway was the relentless curiosity and desire to learn that drives success. Learning doesn't stop after graduation. It's a lifelong journey that keeps us sharp and adaptable.πŸ“š 🌐Prime Store🌐, founded by Arturo, is an example of this mindset in action. With no formal business education, he started in real estate at 17 years old and learned everything he could from the ground up.πŸ—οΈ The journey wasn't easy, but the hands-on approach allowed Arturo to manage projects effectively and build relationships with communities.🏒 What's remarkable is the impact that Prime Store has had on communities. From the shift in dominant language to the pursuit of unique and authentic brands, the company has played a role in revitalizing and reshaping local neighborhoods.🌍 But it's not just about business. It's about the interaction between different communities. The heartwarming coexistence and shared openness between the Latino and black community in meetings is an example of positive friction and finding common ground.🀝 Arturo emphasizes the importance of being open to learning and working together. Building a strong team of talented individuals who share a passion for great work has been crucial to Prime Store's success.🌟 Prime Store's impact goes beyond profits. They prioritize local hiring and access to fresh foods in their projects, bringing job opportunities and quality products to underserved communities.πŸ›’ The dedication to economic development and community prosperity is inspiring. Arturo invites listeners who resonate with their message to visit the Prime Store website and explore resources for effective economic development and providing quality food to underserved communities.🌱 It's incredible to see the positive impact that Prime Store has made, and I encourage you to listen to the full interview to gain more insights into Arturo's journey and the importance of learning on the job.🎧 Let's celebrate the power of practical experience and continuous learning.πŸ™Œ Remember, education doesn't just happen in classrooms; it happens in the real world. So keep exploring, stay curious, and make a difference in your communities!πŸ’ͺ πŸ™A big shoutout to Paul Zelizer and Arturo Sneider for their enlightening conversation and for sharing their wisdom. And as always, thanks to our listeners for your support and positive impact during intense times.🌟 (End of thread)

❓ Questions
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1. How does the guest's personal journey and lack of formal education in business contribute to their success in real estate development? 2. What are the benefits of learning on the job and gaining practical experience, as opposed to solely relying on formal education? 3. How does the guest's emphasis on relentless curiosity and a desire to learn contribute to their success in their field? 4. How does the generational shift from Spanish to English in the community reflect the assimilation process and changing dynamics within the Latino community? 5. How has the community's shift towards seeking unique and authentic brands and products impacted the guest's business and approach to development? 6. What examples from the episode demonstrate positive interaction and coexistence between the Latino and black communities in the younger generation? 7. How does the guest's hands-on approach to learning and managing projects resonate with you? 8. In what ways does the guest's company prioritize local engagement and the hiring of individuals who have been impacted by the prison system? 9. How does the guest's emphasis on adaptability and constant learning contribute to their business's success and ability to address community needs? 10. What are some other ways that business owners can collaborate with communities to bring about meaningful change and economic development?

πŸͺ‘ Threads by Instagram
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Post 1: πŸŽ™οΈ Excited to share this new episode of @awarepreneurs podcast! In this thought-provoking conversation, we dive into the importance of learning on the job, gaining practical experience, and the impact it can have on communities. Tune in for some valuable insights! #Awarepreneurs #LearningOnTheJob Post 2: 🌍 Join us as we explore the power of relentless curiosity and a desire to learn in this episode of @awarepreneurs podcast. Discover how these qualities can pave the way to success in entrepreneurship and creating change within communities. #Curiosity #Entrepreneurship Post 3: 🀝 The interaction between the Latino and black community discussed on @awarepreneurs podcast is heartwarming. It's incredible to see a sense of coexistence, shared openness, and positive friction when finding common ground. #CommunityUnity #Inclusivity Post 4: πŸ’‘ This episode of @awarepreneurs podcast showcases the power of hands-on learning and the impact it can have on individuals, employees, and communities. Dive into the speaker's journey of building a business and creating positive change. #HandsOnLearning #PositiveImpact Post 5: πŸ”Š Discover the inspiring story of @prime_store, a company reshaping communities and creating economic development through real estate. This episode of @awarepreneurs podcast highlights their journey, challenges, and commitment to serving underserved communities. #CommunityDevelopment #EconomicEmpowerment

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