Creator Database [Codie Sanchez] Businesses that Never Fail 6 Businesses with Amazingly Low Failure Rates [Backed by Data]

1️⃣ One Sentence Summary
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Six low-risk businesses to start, backed by data.

🔑 Key Themes
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1. Low failure rate businesses backed by data 2. Laundromats: simple, passive, recession-proof, high success rate 3. Rental properties: leverage, appreciation, tax benefits, passive 4. Self-storage: unmanned, technology-driven, high success rate 5. Transportation: last-mile delivery, low inputs, scalable 6. Vending machines: low-cost, simple, high success rate 7. Senior care centers: subsidies, demographics, zoning considerations

💬 Keywords
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1. Business failure rates 2. Small business success 3. Laundromats 4. Rental property businesses 5. Real estate investing 6. Self storage facilities 7. Unmanned self storage 8. Transportation businesses 9. Last mile delivery 10. Trucking company 11. Short distance trucking 12. Long haul trucking 13. Uber side hustle 14. Online business deals 15. Buying online businesses 16. Flippa 17. Startup failure rates 18. Buying businesses vs building 19. Seller financing 20. Vending machine business 21. Vending machine success rate 22. Healthy food vending machines 23. Sprinkles Cupcakes vending machines 24. Starting a vending machine business 25. Scaling a vending machine business 26. Senior care centers 27. Government subsidies for senior care 28. Demographics and senior care demand 29. Assisted living in residential homes 30. Zoning and certifications for senior care homes

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Real estate offers high success, stable assets.

04:52 Self storage: profitable, low maintenance investment option.

07:44 Start small, build value, minimize risk.

11:04 Vending machine business is a solid opportunity.

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Codie Sanchez 00:01:27 00:01:34

"Laundromat Business Success Rates: According to Laundrelux, laundromats have about a 94.8% success rate over a 5 year period."

Codie Sanchez 00:02:46 00:02:51

"Laundromat Business Insights: Your employees end up being your machines." "Real Estate Wisdom: I think it was Andrew Carnegie that said, 90% of all millionaires become so through owning real estate."

Codie Sanchez 00:02:51 00:02:55

"Profitability in Real Estate: More money has been made in real estate than almost all industrial investments combined."

Codie Sanchez 00:03:58 00:04:13

"Benefits of Real Estate Investment: There's also great tax benefits to being a real estate investor only. And then there's the passive component and that you could just hire a property manager. There's no such thing as free money, with no work, but real estate prices are interesting if you're in the right cycle of the market."

Codie Sanchez 00:05:03 00:05:14

"Real Estate Investment Opportunities: They have been one of the leading asset classes in real estate since 2008, and according to a few studies, 1 by Rhino Building, these resilient businesses have, like a 92% success rate."

Codie Sanchez 00:05:53 00:06:02

"Advantages of Automations in Self Storage: All of this allows people to get in and out of their units without you. Then there's the value add component, a k adding things to the business to make it more valuable and efficient. It doesn't take a ton to make self storage pretty interesting. So the phone has allowed us to have no manager on-site needed in most ways."

Codie Sanchez 00:07:10 00:07:16

"Success Rate of Driving Businesses: These businesses have a success rate about 76.4%, according to adviser Smith."

Codie Sanchez 00:08:03 00:08:15

"Small Business Investment Wisdom: I always am looking for how can I make sure a deal can never bankrupt me? I don't ever wanna do a deal where if this one deal goes sideways especially in the beginning, I could wipe out the past 20 years of me investing and working, and neither do you."

Codie Sanchez 00:11:04 00:12:15

"Exploring the Vending Machine Business: You start small, it's not gonna bankrupt you, you figure out how the business works, and then you slowly expand, and this business has more than a 90% almost success rate. There are a slew of $1,000,000,000 vending companies, which is interesting, also because it does show that you can scale this space. So when you combine the low failure rate, affordable start up cost, and simple operations of this business, I really like this starter business for people who wanna hustle."

Codie Sanchez 00:12:23 00:12:38

"Senior Care Center Success: One, government subsidies, state subsidies, city subsidies that basically allow people to run senior care centers like this with some help from the government. 2 is, obviously, the demographics in the US are changing. There's a lot of older people, less young people, and they need more care."

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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Here is a comprehensive sequence of topics covered in the text, with sub-topic bullets: 1. High failure rates of businesses - 20% of US small businesses fail within the first year - 50% fail by year 5 - After 10 years, 2/3 of businesses have gone under 2. Importance of the first business or deal - Recency bias: if the first one succeeds, more likely to take risks again - If the first one fails, less likely to continue taking risks 3. Six businesses with low failure rates a. Laundromats - 94.8% success rate over a 5-year period (Laundrelux) - 93% success rate (Chamber of Commerce and Speed Queen study) - Simple to understand, passive component, downside protection b. Rental property businesses - 85.3% success rate - Simple business with hard assets, monthly cash flow, leverage, tax benefits c. Self-storage facilities - 92% success rate (Rhino Building study) - Advances in technology allow for remote management - Value-add components to make the business more efficient d. Transportation businesses (last-mile delivery) - 76.4% success rate (Adviser Smith) - Low inputs, starter business potential e. Vending machine routes - 90% success rate (Drop Vending) - 82% success rate (US Bureau of Labor) - Low startup costs, simple operations, scalable f. Senior care centers - Government subsidies and changing demographics - Smaller-scale options like renting or buying a house for assisted living 4. Flippa as a platform to buy and sell online businesses - Codie's experience selling a website for 8k that she bought for $100 - Benefits of buying businesses instead of starting from scratch 5. Codie's personal experiences and anecdotes related to the topics - Candice Nelson, founder of Sprinkles Cupcakes, creating vending machines

How to Create Content Like This
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Here are a few ways to achieve viral success similar to Codie Sanchez's video on businesses with low failure rates: Focus on a topic people are searching for: There are over 30,000 monthly Google searches for "businesses with low failure rates". By creating content that directly addresses a frequently searched query like this, you boost the odds of your video being found and gaining momentum. Provide data-backed, specific examples: Codie doesn't just list random business ideas - she cites statistics on the actual success rates of each one from reputable sources. Backing up your points with hard data and naming specific business models makes the information more credible and useful to viewers. Share personal stories and case studies: For several of the businesses, like laundromats and vending machines, Codie references her own experience investing in them. Weaving in personal anecdotes and real-world case studies helps illustrate the concepts and forms a stronger connection with the audience. Mention potential hurdles and profitability: Codie is honest that none of the businesses are completely hands-off and explains factors to consider before diving in. She also gives realistic figures on startup costs and profit potential for some. This transparent, balanced perspective makes viewers feel they're getting the full picture, not just hype. By applying these elements - targeting an in-demand topic, providing concrete data-supported examples, drawing from personal experience, and giving an honest take on challenges and results - you put yourself in a strong position to create content with viral potential, just as Codie did here. The key is packaging truly valuable insights in an engaging way.

Anatomy of Good Content
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This transcript is from a video by Codie Sanchez, an established content creator who focuses on business and investing topics. The structure and elements that make this content effective include: 1. Engaging introduction: Codie starts by addressing a common concern (businesses failing) and promises to provide a solution backed by data, hooking the viewer's interest. 2. Clear structure: The video is organized around a list format, discussing 6 businesses with low failure rates. This makes the content easy to follow and digestible. 3. Credible sources: Codie cites data from reputable sources like the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and industry-specific studies, adding credibility to her claims. 4. Personal anecdotes: She shares her own experiences and those of her friends, making the content more relatable and authentic. 5. Actionable insights: For each business, Codie provides practical information on why they have low failure rates and how one could get started, offering value to the viewer. 6. Engaging delivery: Although this is a transcript, Codie's conversational tone, humor, and enthusiasm are evident, likely making the video more engaging. 7. Sponsored content integration: Codie smoothly incorporates a sponsor (Flippa) into the content, providing value to the viewer while also promoting the brand. 8. Audience interaction: At the end, she asks viewers which businesses they'd like to see covered next, encouraging engagement and making the content feel more inclusive. Overall, the content is well-structured, informative, and engaging, demonstrating Codie's skill as a creator in delivering valuable insights to her audience.

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