I’m Speaking…with Elizabeth West #78 Ep 78 My Self-Discovery Journey - I'm Interviewed by Rachel Lee This Time | WHYA PS Ep 2
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1. Ep 78: Elizabeth West's Inside Story: Unveiling My Journey to Self-Discovery 2. Ep 78: Elizabeth West Reveals Her Introvert Identity & HSP Traits 3. Ep 78: From Extrovert Assumptions to Introvert Realizations with Elizabeth West 4. Ep 78: Navigating Work Life as an Introvert: Elizabeth Shares Her Experience 5. Ep 78: The Empath's Path: Elizabeth West on Finding Purpose Over Profit 6. Ep 78: ADHD, Introversion, and Self-Love: Elizabeth West's Journey of Understanding 7. Ep 78: Defying Salesy Jobs: Elizabeth's Journey Towards Authentic Connection 8. Ep 78: Reflecting Inward with Elizabeth West: Empath Insights and Strengths 9. Ep 78: Elizabeth West’s Tale: Discovering the Power of Introversion and Sensitivity 10. Ep 78: The Introverted Perspective: Elizabeth's Guide to Thriving in an Extroverted World

💬 Keywords
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introverts, highly sensitive people (HSP), empaths, ADHD, purpose-driven jobs, non-salesy jobs, connecting with customers, workplace wellbeing, rest and sleep, avoiding screens, introvert challenges, extroverted world, self-love, self-awareness, podcast series for introverts, manifesting generator, human design, recharging alone time, societal portrayal of introverts, Myers-Briggs test, 16Personalities test, extroversion vs. introversion, shyness, strengths of introversion, setting boundaries, self-discovery, Oprah magazine, empath vs. HSP, Tracy Otsuka, corporate environment coping strategies

💡 Speaker bios
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Rachel Lee is a keen communicator and interviewer known for delving into nuanced subjects in psychology and human behavior. With an inherent curiosity and a deep-seated interest in personal development, Rachel seeks to uncover and understand various human traits. Specifically, she has distinguished herself through her exploration of empathy, high sensitivity (HSP), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and introversion. Her approach isn't just theoretical; Rachel actively engages with individuals to discuss how these traits manifest in different people, how they were first identified, and the impact they have on one’s life. In her interviews, Rachel facilitates discussions that illuminate the definitions and experiences of these traits, offering her audience a more profound understanding of themselves and others. Her excitement and fervent analysis have made her a respected figure in the field of personality studies.

ℹ️ Introduction
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[Podcast intro music fades in] Elizabeth West: Welcome, welcome to another insightful episode of "I’m Speaking…with Elizabeth West"! I'm your host Elizabeth, and we're diving into a truly introspective journey today in Episode 78: My Self-Discovery Journey - I'm Interviewed by Rachel Lee This Time | WHYA PS Ep 2. In this special episode, the tables are turned as I sit on the other side of the mic, being interviewed by the wonderful Rachel Lee. We're exploring why money isn’t the end-all for introverts, highly sensitive people, and empaths like us—it's purpose that fuels our fire. I open up about my own struggles with sales-oriented roles and how connecting with others rather than chasing profits has guided my career decisions. For those of us with ADHD, finding purpose in our work isn't just beneficial; it's essential. Rachel and I delve into this topic, and we concur on how vital it is to have a purpose-driven life. You'll hear us talk about the importance of making your voice heard and why rest, yes rest, plays such a crucial role in our daily lives. We'll tackle the challenges of being a highly sensitive person in an extroverted world and how it's pushed me to create this very podcast. Plus, I'll share a sneak peek into my upcoming book and course on self-love and self-awareness, tailored to support introverts navigating through extroverted spaces. This episode is all about self-exploration, recognizing your innate strengths, and yes, finding your own zone of genius. Join Rachel and I as we reflect on our introverted beginnings, the misconceptions about personality traits, and the philosophies that have empowered us to recharge and embrace our unique qualities. So grab your favorite cozy blanket, and maybe a notebook for those 'aha!' moments, because it's time to lean into your own self-discovery journey, right here on "I’m Speaking…with Elizabeth West." [Podcast intro music fades out]

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 We're all a mix of introverted/extroverted. Recharge differs.

05:00 Introduction to Myers-Briggs test explanation and experience.

06:54 Childhood memory of introvert cartoon in newspaper.

10:10 Discovering introversion, realizing the impact of society.

14:03 Planning book on self love for sensitive types.

16:46 Discovering I'm a highly sensitive person.

19:17 Discovering undiagnosed ADHD, facing insurance barriers.

25:00 Rest, no screens before sleep, recharging needed.

27:30 My zone of genius: connecting, sharing, encouraging.

29:34 Podcast offers help to introverts and empaths.

32:22 Changed title to Self Awareness Mentor, mentoring traits.

34:37 Money not driving introverts, sensitive people; purpose does.

❓ Questions
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1. How do you think introverts can navigate a society that often values extroversion, based on Elizabeth's experiences shared in this episode? 2. Elizabeth mentioned that money was never a driving factor for her in sales jobs, but connecting with customers was. Can you think of other professions where introverts might thrive by focusing on personal connections rather than the traditional metrics of success? 3. Considering that purpose is a significant motivator for HSPs, introverts, and those with ADHD, what are some strategies that these individuals can use to identify jobs and careers aligned with their sense of purpose? 4. What tips does Elizabeth have for introverts to manage their energy at social events, and how might these strategies differ from those an extrovert might use? 5. Can you share your thoughts on the importance of self-love and self-awareness for introverts, highly sensitive people, and empaths, and how these traits impact personal and professional growth? 6. Elizabeth talks about the distinctions between introversion, high sensitivity, and being an empath. How might recognizing these differences be beneficial to someone who identifies with one or more of these traits? 7. Rachel Lee and Elizabeth both value alone time for recharging. How can recognizing your need for alone time improve your wellbeing, and what are some ways to ensure you get it in a busy, extroverted world? 8. Elizabeth is planning to release a book and course focused on self-love and self-awareness. What content would you expect to see in these resources that could support introverts, HSPs, and empaths? 9. Reflecting on Elizabeth's self-discovery journey and the realization of her potential ADHD tendencies, how can podcasts like Tracy Otsuka's be a valuable resource for personal growth and understanding? 10. How can society shift its portrayal of introverts to be more inclusive and accurate, given the conversation between Elizabeth and Rachel about societal assumptions and misconceptions?

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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Here is a comprehensive sequence of topics and subtopics covered in the podcast episode: 1. Introverts, Highly Sensitive People, and Empaths - The drive for purpose over money - Challenges faced by introverts in salesy, extroverted careers - The unique job needs of individuals with ADHD 2. Elizabeth West's Personal Experiences - Struggles as a highly sensitive person in an extroverted world - The journey towards self-discovery and doing her own thing - Creation of a podcast as a way to express and recharge 3. Upcoming Projects by Elizabeth West - Announcement of a forthcoming book and course on self-love and self-awareness - Development of a podcast series aimed at supporting introverts in extroverted professions - Elizabeth's vision to assist introverts with her resources 4. Interview Dynamics - Elizabeth West being interviewed by Rachel Lee - Discussion of traits related to being an introvert and HSP - Exploration of the distinctions between introverts and extroverts 5. Society's Misconceptions and Realities of Introversion - Portrayals of introverts in media - The misconception of extroversion as a societal norm - Elizabeth's personal realization of her introverted nature 6. Self-Awareness and Strengths of Introverts - The significance of self-awareness in personal growth - Identifying and utilizing the strengths inherent to introversion - Setting social boundaries based on personal energy levels 7. Personal Discoveries and Labels - Discovering introversion through personality assessments like Myers-Briggs - The revelation of being a highly sensitive person from an Oprah magazine article - Identifying as an empath and the nuances that come with it 8. Impact of Traits on Daily Life and Work - Coping with the corporate environment as an introvert, HSP, and empath - The recent exploration of potential ADHD tendencies - Importance of adequate rest and sleep for maintaining balance 9. Self-Love and Managing Social Capacities - Plans for a book focused on self-love for introverts, HSPs, and empaths - Strategies for managing social energy, like capacity at parties 10. Dialogue and Shared Experiences - Rachel Lee's perspective on alone time and recharging - Shared appreciation for using self-exploration as a teaching moment Remember to interweave the personal anecdotes and insights shared by Elizabeth West and Rachel Lee throughout the topics to provide depth and relate to the listeners' experiences.

🎬 Reel script
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"Hey everyone, it’s Rachel Lee here. Just wrapped up a truly insightful chat with Elizabeth West on our latest episode of ‘I’m Speaking…with Elizabeth West.’ Elizabeth shared her deeply personal journey of self-discovery, revealing how she navigated a world that often doesn't cater to introverts, highly sensitive people, or those with ADHD. She's turning her experiences into empowering tools—like an upcoming book and course on self-love—specifically designed to help people like her thrive in a society that prizes extroversion. If you've ever felt out of place in extroverted environments or wondered about the power of purpose over profit, you don't want to miss this episode. Tune in to ‘Ep 78 My Self-Discovery Journey’ and let Elizabeth’s journey inspire you to find your own zone of genius. Catch you next time on WHYA PS!"

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Rachel Lee 00:01:38 00:01:54

Understanding Empathy and Personality Traits: "But first, I guess and I know we kind of talked about this in our last interview as well, but I just kind of wanted, like, a brief definition explanation of some of the traits of empath, HSP, ADHD and introversion, just so we have a context."

Rachel Lee 00:04:00 00:04:20

The Beauty of Shared Solitude: "Because I feel like one of the biggest things I love is sharing alone time, if that makes sense. We can be alone together. You can be doing your thing, I'm doing my thing. But there's no social obligation, there's no pressure. We're just existing in the same space. That is beautiful to me. I love recharging in that space."

Rachel Lee 00:09:59 00:10:02

Understanding Introversion: "50% of the population is actually introverts."

Rachel Lee 00:11:38 00:11:45

The Power of Introversion: "A strength in introjection, especially when you can understand it and see what purpose and role it can play in your life."

Rachel Lee 00:12:46 00:12:54

The Misunderstanding of Introverts: "Just because I have this outward appearance and I can create a time and structure for that. I'm not like that all the time. I can't do it all the time."

Rachel Lee 00:13:47 00:14:01

The Power of Mystique: "You got to keep them wanting more. There's a strength in it. When you do go to a party, they're going to appreciate your presence because they don't get it all the time. That's how I think about it."

Rachel Lee 00:15:48 00:16:01

Discovering Self-Awareness and Empathy: "See, that's crazy, though, the self-awareness. The self-awareness. Okay, but you did also focus, or you mentioned also being an empath. So when did you discover these traits in yourself?"

Rachel Lee 00:24:11 00:24:25

Impact of Personality Traits in Professional Settings: "How have you felt that these traits have impacted you, I guess, in your daily life? But also I'm thinking you've got in the corporate environment. How has that impacted you and how have you worked to overcome them?"

Rachel Lee 00:26:29 00:26:40

The Importance of Aligning Jobs with Personal Traits: "how does that impact what type of jobs and careers that you look for even like in your side hustles and trying to find something that aligns with those traits that you have."

Rachel Lee 00:28:29 00:28:51

Advice on Incorporating Personal Traits into Career Goals: "But I guess I've always just kind of been interested in how are you looking to involve these concepts into your future career hustles, whatever else and do you have any advice for other people who experience these traits?"

👩‍💻 LinkedIn post
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🎙️ New Podcast Episode Alert: Ep 78 - My Self-Discovery Journey | "I’m Speaking…with Elizabeth West" 🔊 In a revealing episode of our podcast, "I'm Speaking…with Elizabeth West," I switch from interviewer to interviewee, with Rachel Lee steering an enlightening conversation about the journey of self-discovery that many introverts, empaths, and highly sensitive people can relate to. We delve deep into: 🌟 How an innate search for purpose defines us more than the pursuit of wealth 🌟 Embracing our unique traits and turning them into strengths 🌟 The significance of rest and self-awareness for overall well-being 📖 As I edge closer to releasing a book and course on self-love, and a specialized podcast series for introverts in extroverted professions, this episode is a snippet of my own voyage into understanding - and honoring - what makes me 'me.' 📌 **Three Key Takeaways:** 1. **The Power of Purpose:** Unlock motivation by aligning your career and life aspirations with your true purpose, rather than external incentives like money. 2. **Rest & Recharge:** Learn the art of resting well and setting boundaries to maintain energy as an introvert, HSP, or empath in a busy world. 3. **Understanding Self:** Dive into the journey of self-discovery to understand how to navigate an extroverted society while staying true to your introverted nature. 🔗 Listen to the full episode for a dose of inspiration and to discover ways to harness your unique traits in both personal and professional spheres. #SelfDiscovery #IntrovertsAtWork #HighlySensitivePerson #Empaths #Podcast #PersonalGrowth #I'mSpeakingWithElizabeth Give us a listen, share your thoughts, and don't forget to subscribe for more insightful episodes! 🎧

🗞️ Newsletter
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Subject: Journey to Self-Discovery✨ – Ep 78 of I'm Speaking...with Elizabeth West Hello fellow introspective souls, Plug in your headphones and prepare for a deep dive into self-awareness on the latest episode of "I'm Speaking...with Elizabeth West." Episode 78, titled "My Self-Discovery Journey - I'm Interviewed by Rachel Lee This Time | WHYA PS Ep 2," promises an intimate exploration of the inner workings of an introvert navigating an extroverted world. 🔹 Discover What Drives You In this revealing session, Elizabeth recounts how purpose, not profit, fuels the fire of introverts, empathic individuals, and those with ADHD. Her personal narrative details the struggles faced in traditional 'salesy' jobs and the breakthrough realization that meaningful connections, not monetary gain, truly nourished her spirit. 🔹 The Power of Purpose Both Elizabeth and Rachel agree on the transformative power of purpose. Hear how they advocate for seeking out roles that allow you to work from a place of passion, providing practical advice for like-minded listeners on the same quest. 🔹 Rest is Your Right Learn from Elizabeth about the importance of restorative alone time and disengaging from screens before bedtime. These precious moments of tranquility are a must in our hyperconnected world, especially for those sensitive to overstimulation. 🔹 Nurturing the Introverted Spirit Listen as Elizabeth recounts the epiphanies leading to her self-identification as an introvert and highly sensitive person (HSP). The challenges presented by societal expectations are dissected, and the cathartic creation of her own podcast platform is celebrated. 🔹 Upcoming Treasures for Self-Reflection Exciting news! Elizabeth is working on a book and a course centered around self-love and self-awareness, coupled with a supportive podcast series for introverts in extroverted roles. It's a toolkit designed to empower and inspire. 🔹 Recharging Differently Elizabeth and Rachel dive into how introverts, like themselves, find solace in smaller group settings and solitude. Sharing these moments without the pressure of social demands is where they thrive. 🔹 Embracing Introversion in an Extroverted World The episode tackles misconceptions about introversion, the confusion between shyness and introversion, and celebrates the strengths that come from being reflective, sensitive to stimuli, and often misunderstood. 🔹 A Look Ahead Anticipation builds as Elizabeth shares a sneak peek of her forthcoming book dedicated to the self-love journey of introverts, HSPs, and empaths. Get a practical takeaway on managing social energy that has been a game-changer for Elizabeth herself. Join the conversation in venture into the rich inner landscape of introversion, high sensitivity, empathy, and the echo of ADHD traits with Elizabeth and Rachel. Tune in for the kind of empathy and wisdom that can only come from those who have walked the winding path of self-discovery. Listen to Ep 78 now, available on all your favorite podcast platforms! Stay inwardly curious, The I'm Speaking...with Elizabeth West Team P.S. Don't forget to share your own experiences with us on social media using #SpeakingIntroverts and let us know what purpose drives you! Follow our journey for more insights and resources tailored to our introspective community.

🧵 Tweet thread
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🧵1/18 Hey Twitter peeps! Ever found yourself questioning the mainstream rush for success, money, and endless hustle? Ever felt like there's something more soul-filling than the latest sales target? Well, buckle up because this thread is all about finding PURPOSE over profit! 🚀 #PurposeDrivenLife 2/18 Let's start with an inspiring tale from our host, Elizabeth West. She's your not-so-typical introvert who found herself worn out in the world of sales. Why? Because while money buzzes for some, Elizabeth thrives on genuine connections with people, not just closing deals. #IntrovertStrengths 3/18 If your heart beats to the rhythm of PURPOSE and you find crowded places and sales pitches draining, you're not alone. Folks with traits like ADHD, high sensitivity, or empathy aren't fueled by cash rewards – their drive is that inner sense of mission and impact. ✨ #ADHDawareness 4/18 Joining Elizabeth is the radiant Rachel Lee, agreeing wholeheartedly that finding your purpose isn't just motivational fluff – it's vitally IMPORTANT. It's not just about earning a paycheck but about doing work that resonates with your very core. ✊ #FindYourWhy 5/18 Elizabeth isn't shy about the need to let your voice echo through the halls of conformity. Speaking up, sharing your story, and owning your individuality are not just acts of courage; they're your contributions to a more authentic world. 🌍 #BeHeard 6/18 One lifesaver tip from Elizabeth: Protect your Zzz's! She suggests unplugging from screens well before bed and embracing solitude during breaks at work to recharge. Believe it or not, your best ideas might just come post-catnap. 😴 #RestIsProductive 7/18 If you've ever felt like a square peg in a round hole, especially amid our extroverted society, Elizabeth's journey will resonate with you. She took her sensitivity and her longing for meaningful work and channeled it into her very own podcast! 🎙️ #DoYourOwnThing 8/18 📚 BIG NEWS: Elizabeth is crafting a book and course centered on self-love and self-awareness, specifically for YOU – the introverts, HSPs, and empaths of the world. Plus, she's planning a podcast series for those navigating extrovert-laden jobs. Game changer! #SelfLoveRevolution 9/18 Through her resources, Elizabeth isn't just offering a lifeline; she's championing a movement. A movement to empower those who feel deeply, think quietly, and move through the world with gentle strength. 💪 #EmpathEmpowerment 10/18 Rachel shines a spotlight on Elizabeth's self-exploration, showing how vulnerability can be your greatest teacher. And Elizabeth? She's all in – helping you find that sweet spot where your unique talents shine the brightest. 🌟 #ZoneOfGenius 11/18 Take a moment to dive into this rich convo between Elizabeth, a proud introvert, HSP, potential ADHD'er, and Rachel Lee. You'll learn that what drains and energizes us isn't one-size-fits-all – and that's perfectly okay. 🛌 #RechargeYourSoul 12/18 Sharing alone time = Sharing love. ✨ Elizabeth and Rachel remind you that recharging isn't anti-social; it's about creating space to be your best self. Sometimes that means saying "No" to the crowd and "Yes" to quiet. 📴 #IntrovertRecharge 13/18 A childhood article sparked Elizabeth's self-awareness journey, which got its exclamation point in 2020. It's a stark reminder that the way society presents introverts often misses the beautiful complexities of quieter personalities. #IntrovertAwareness 14/18 Thought you were the only shy one at the party? Think again. Half the room might be introverts, just like you. Yet so often, we don these extroverted masks, not seeing our reflective nature as the superpower it is. 🦸‍♀️ #IntrovertPride 15/18 It wasn't shyness for Elizabeth; it was introversion, a revelation fueled by a quote that flipped her world view. She and Rachel examine the quiet fortitude that introversion brings and how it shapes their social cosmos. 🌌 #QuietStrength 16/18 Are you ready for some groundbreaking self-love specifically for the quietly brilliant and beautifully sensitive among us? Elizabeth's book is on the horizon, and she's dropping wisdom like "party capacity" for managing energy in bustling environments. 🎉 #PartySmart 17/18 Guess what? Elizabeth's "aha" moment about being a HSP came from an Oprah mag article, and her discovery was like finding the missing piece of a puzzle. Fast forward to now, learning about being an empath and the delicate dance with others' emotions. 💃 #HSPUnlocked 18/18 Finally, if you've tuned into Tracy Otsuka's podcast or explored INFP traits, you might also see the ADHD tendencies that Elizabeth is exploring. It's a quest for understanding how her unique brain works in a 9-to-5 world that loves a good sprint. 🏃‍♀️ #NeurodiverseAcceptance That's a wrap on this thread, folks! Dive into this universe of introspection, inspiration, and intimate understanding with Elizabeth and Rachel. Remember, there's room for all types of energy in this world. Find your purpose, follow your heart. ❤️🌟 Would you consider yourself an introvert, HSP, or empath? Do you resonate with this conversation? Let's keep it going below.👇 #IntrospectiveEndings

🪡 Threads by Instagram
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1. "Ever felt off-track in salesy roles? Elizabeth West shares her story on 'I’m Speaking' Ep 78. Money isn't all – for some, it's about the connection. Especially true for introverts." 2. "ADHD & purpose-driven work: a crucial link. Elizabeth dives into how purpose fuels productivity and satisfaction in our latest podcast episode. Tune in for insights!" 3. "Elizabeth West is flipping the script – her upcoming book and course on self-love aim to empower introverts to find their voice. Anticipate practical advice for thriving in extroverted spaces." 4. "Introvert discovery: not just a label but a journey. Elizabeth recalls connecting the dots later in life, as discussed with Rachel Lee. It's about finding strength in solitude." 5. "Did you know being an empath is different from being highly sensitive? Elizabeth discusses the nuances and her personal experience with these traits on our show. It's a deep dive worth listening to!"

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