Uploading... #17 - The #1 Startup Coach in the World, Alisa Cohn, Reveals How to Get High-Profile Clients through Content

Market observation, six bullet points, future trend prediction

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The professional landscape in the coaching industry is evolving more than ever, emphasized by insights from Alisa Cohn in today's podcast. Here's what we're seeing: - Escalating demand for seasoned coaches. With the increasing complexity in business environments, experienced coaches like Alisa Cohn are in high demand to guide leaders through transformational changes. - Lower enthusiasm for new or junior coaches. The steep learning curve and the nuanced nature of impactful coaching make onboarding and mentoring new coaches more challenging in a virtual setup. - A notable surge in the need for coaches skilled in 360 feedback and ego management. As organizations strive for more self-aware leadership, coaches who can navigate the delicate balance of feedback and self-perception are highly sought after. - Stable opportunities for coaches with strong personal brands. Alisa's success on LinkedIn underscores the power of a solid personal brand in attracting speaking engagements, client leads, and wider recognition in the coaching field. - An emerging trend where top-tier coaches are increasingly authoring books and starting podcasts to broaden their influence and share valuable insights on a larger scale. While the shifting dynamics present challenges, they also offer abundant opportunities for established coaches to expand their impact and for upcoming coaches to carve out their niches by specializing in particularly valuable skills. As with all market shifts, adapting swiftly and strategically remains key.

Personal success story, 10% mindset explanation.

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Embracing the Power of Content Sharing Reflecting on my journey from emerging coach to a thought leader, the transformative power of content sharing stands out. 🚀 The simple act of consistently distributing ideas, insights, and experiences has been pivotal. For me, it started small — with an email newsletter crafted on my laptop long before 'Influencer' was a term. ✉️🌟 The practice of sharing not only honed my writing but also built my confidence, enabling me to transition to platforms like LinkedIn, where the interaction was immediate and impactful. This wasn't about being the best writer out there; it was about being committed to sharing valuable content consistently. 📈 Every article, every post added up, reinforcing my reputation and expanding my network. More than that, it led to tangible opportunities: keynote speaking, high-value clients, and a heartening volume of feedback that fueled further growth. 🔗🗣️ Continuing this practice, whether through articles or thoughtful reflections, has been less about having a polished, perfect message, and more about genuinely engaging with my community. The compound effects of this approach? Profound. Never underestimate the impact of sharing a piece of your mind. It could very well be your stepping stone to your next big opportunity. 🌟💼 #Leadership #ContentIsKing #ProfessionalGrowth #ThoughtLeadership #ConsistencyIsKey

Anecdotal Story With Lesson

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**The Unconscious Doubt Dilemma.** Every time I share stories about leadership coaching, I'm reminded of a standout moment that illustrates the transformative power of unveiling unconscious doubts. This brings to mind the story of a charismatic founder I worked with, who despite his outward success, harbored deep-seated doubts about his company's future. This unconscious skepticism wasn’t blatant, but it subtlely seeped into his decisions, notably in his inability to attract senior executives—a key component for scaling his business. What does it take to confront the shadows of doubt? Courage. For this founder, admitting these doubts was the first step. Facing them head-on involved recognizing how these doubts influenced his leadership and hindered the company's growth. We undertook a series of personal and strategic interventions, and the change was profound. Here’s where it gets interesting: Once he addressed these shadows, not only did senior executives start coming onboard, but the company also entered a significant growth phase. This wasn’t a fluke—it was the result of deliberate, conscious changes in leadership behavior. This story is a testament to the idea that as leaders (or anyone, really), addressing our deeper, sometimes hidden reservations can catalyze incredible transformation. It’s not about being perfect or fearless inherently but about the resolve to confront and work through our doubts. The power of addressing unconscious doubts – think about it in your context. Could this be the unlock you need? This is the conversation we dive into on the latest episode of “Uploading…” with Alisa Cohn, who sheds more light on such transformative leadership moments. Tune in to discover how these principles can apply not just to founders and CEOs, but to anyone aiming to excel in their professional journey.

Lesson, 3 Steps, 3 Pro Tips

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If you're aiming to replicate the success Alisa Cohn has seen through her strategic content sharing and personal branding on LinkedIn, consider adopting these steps. They are essential for any entrepreneur looking to enhance their impact and reach wider audiences: 3 steps: Step 1: Identify your core message or expertise that distinguishes you from others. Determine what unique insights or services you can offer and articulate these clearly. Step 2: Engage regularly with your audience through consistent and value-driven content. Use platforms like LinkedIn to share articles, posts, and insights that reflect your professional identity and attract the right audience. Step 3: Leverage feedback and interactions from your content to refine your offerings and approaches. Pay attention to what resonates with your audience and adapt your strategy to incorporate more of what works. --------- Pro tip #1, consistency is key in building a personal brand. Make a schedule for your postings and stick to it. Pro tip #2, quality trumps quantity. Focus on creating high-quality content that genuinely adds value rather than posting frequently with little substance. Pro tip #3, use engagement as a tool for insight. Analyze which posts receive more attention and interaction to understand better what your audience prefers. --- Whenever an entrepreneur expresses concern about how to build a robust online presence, I ask them to focus on what they can share that nobody else can. It’s not about filling space on the web; it’s about crafting a clear, compelling voice that cuts through the noise. You may not be able to add more hours to the day, but you can certainly maximize your influence by focusing on strategic content creation and community building.

Hook, True Story, Challenge, Clarification, Result, Takeaway.

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I don’t know who needs to hear this, but sometimes the hardest battles lead to the greatest victories! 🙌💪🌟 True story: when Alisa Cohn was starting to build her brand on LinkedIn, she faced her own share of challenges. The daunting task of reaching out, the fear of not getting feedback, and the uncertainty of sharing ideas publicly weighed heavy. It sometimes felt like she wasn’t making progress... Silence Silence Silence Silence You get the picture. During those early days, the recognition she hoped for didn't come easy. 😓 But perseverance pays off. Alisa kept pushing, kept writing, and kept engaging with her audience. She didn’t let the quiet moments deter her efforts. Then, the breakthrough came. She started receiving positive feedback, her articles caught the eye of major publications, and her following grew significantly! Now, Alisa is a renowned coach, published author, and an influential LinkedIn personality. She surpassed her initial goals and went far beyond! So, if you’re facing silence, if your efforts seem like they aren’t paying off—just remember to stay the course. Your breakthrough moment could be just around the corner. 🚀❤️ I’m rooting for you to capture your dream and maybe even outdo your own expectations!

10 Strategies for Success

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"If I was starting from scratch as a coach or entrepreneur today... here's 10 strategies I'd adopt to build success quickly, inspired by insights from Alisa Cohn on our latest podcast episode: 1. Start with a strong personal brand on platforms like LinkedIn—invest time in sharing insightful content regularly to establish my expertise. 2. Craft and send out a regular email newsletter to keep contacts engaged and informed about my journey and offerings. 3. Engage a tech-savvy person to optimize my online presence and ensure professional presentation across all channels. 4. Actively seek out feedback on my writings and offerings, and use positive responses as a stepping stone to bolster my confidence and refine my approach. 5. Write articles for various publications to expand my reach and enhance credibility in my field. 6. Share brief, reflective thoughts and professional achievements on social media to encourage engagement and build a community. 7. Write a book or start a podcast leveraging my unique experiences and insights, using them as platforms to delve deeper into subjects I'm passionate about. 8. Use every speaking engagement or client interaction as an opportunity to gather testimonials and case studies that demonstrate my impact. 9. Develop a systematic approach to managing my time, ensuring I allocate dedicated slots for content creation, client work, and personal development. 10. Always be open to feedback and willing to address any blind spots, aiming to balance personal growth with professional impacts. Which of these strategies resonates with you, and what additional approaches would you consider essential?"

Common Misconception & Shift of Thinking

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Many believe that posting frequently on LinkedIn will automatically boost their coaching business. They think regular posts will ensure visibility and engagement. 💼 Busy creating content day in and day out. 💼 Trying to stay relevant by pushing quantity over quality. ❌ They aren't engaging their audience meaningfully. ❌ They aren't necessarily building a strong personal brand. ❌ They aren’t converting followers into clients. Despite the common tactic, sheer volume of LinkedIn posts doesn't correlate directly with effective personal branding or business growth. 📉 “Successful coaches need to post on LinkedIn daily to attract clients.” This mindset overlooks the value of impactful, thoughtful content and genuine engagement. During our podcast, Alisa Cohn shattered this misconception, emphasizing that quality trumps quantity. 🌟 Instead of mass-posting, Alisa found success in sharing reflective, succinct thoughts which resonate deeply with her audience. This approach does more than just surface-level engagement—it builds trust and positions her as a thought leader, ultimately attracting higher quality clients and speaking opportunities. — So, the smarter strategy for coaches on LinkedIn? Focus on posting content that truly reflects your expertise and engages your specific audience on a deeper level. This method ensures your posts play a significant role in building your personal brand and converting followers into clients, rather than just adding to the digital noise. 📢

Iterative Launches To Success

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In 2007, Alisa Cohn started her first email newsletter. A simple way for her to share insights directly with her audience. It was rough. She wasn't confident in her writing skills, so the feedback she received was crucial. She took that feedback… and refined her approach. She continued writing, growing her confidence and her audience. Over time, this evolved into writing for prominent publications and a significant LinkedIn presence. … and it worked! Today her articles have helped her not only build an audience but also secure speaking engagements and coaching clients, substantially growing her business. 🚀 By persisting through her initial failures and continuing to refine her approach, Alisa unlocked substantial success, transforming from a cautious writer to a respected thought leader. The key takeaway here is to view each setback as a stepping stone. Each failure provides a wealth of insights for future endeavors. This mindset has been pivotal in Alisa's success. As she emphasizes: "Failing is not the end; it's just a part of the journey to finding what truly works." Failed attempts are not just inevitable; they are invaluable. It's our response to them that shapes our path forward.

10 Maxims, 2 Bullets

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"10 Insights for Thriving in Growth and Coaching 🚀 Every leader and coach, you embark on a journey that tests both your strategy and resilience: 1. Content Creation or Silence? ‣ Sharing your ideas can lead to unexpected opportunities. ‣ Content is not just information; it’s a gateway to engagement. 2. Systematic or Sporadic? ‣ Being systematic in managing tasks ensures consistency. ‣ Invest your time wisely, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. 3. Feedback or Isolation? ‣ Openness to feedback can revolutionize your personal growth. ‣ Being defensive blocks progress; embrace constructive criticism. 4. Hard Work or Ease? ‣ The path to success is paved with hard work, not shortcuts. ‣ Make time for what matters, even when it means pushing boundaries. 5. Mentorship or Solo Journey? ‣ Finding a mentor can accelerate your learning curve. ‣ Learning from others’ experiences prevents repeating mistakes. 6. Brand Building or Anonymity? ‣ A strong personal brand on social media enhances credibility. ‣ Your online presence can be your most powerful asset. 7. Grit or Give Up? ‣ High achievers cultivate self-belief and resilience. ‣ Every setback is a setup for a greater comeback. 8. Reflective or Reactive? ‣ Short, reflective thoughts can resonate deeply with your audience. ‣ Reaction without reflection can lead to missed opportunities. 9. Vulnerability or Guarded? ‣ Sharing personal challenges invites connection and trust. ‣ Vulnerability in leadership can lead to stronger team bonds. 10. Write or Hesitate? ‣ Writing helps crystallize your thoughts and shares your vision. ‣ Your words can inspire, challenge, and transform others. Embrace these insights to enhance both personal growth and professional leadership!"

Rule for Growth & Success

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"This insight reshaped my understanding of visibility and influence... My Content Continuity Rule: Observing patterns in professional growth, I noted this distribution: • 20% of your content will gain huge traction or viral status. • 5% might miss the mark completely. • 75% will perform moderately, maintaining your presence but not necessarily standing out. On the 20% of occasions when your content hits big, it’s thrilling - engagement soars, and your visibility spikes. On the 5% of occasions when it doesn’t resonate, it might feel like a setback. However, the key to sustained influence and credibility hinges on what you do with the 75% of your content that is steadily consumed. Meaning, the consistency of your average content solidifies your reputation over time. Leaders and influencers who are acknowledged in their fields make sure that even their average content delivers value and maintains engagement. They focus on consistency, ensuring each piece, no matter how ordinary it seems, aligns with their overarching message and brand. This consistent delivery builds a reliability factor with their audience, which fosters trust and deeper engagement. This trust and regular engagement facilitate higher conversion rates from content to business outcomes, like consulting gigs, speaking engagements, and collaborative opportunities. Essentially, they harness the power of their 'everyday' content to cement their thought leadership and authority. This rule extends across various professional landscapes: Social Media: Regular, quality posts build a loyal following more reliably than occasional viral hits. Marketing: Consistency in messaging reinforces brand recognition and loyalty. Networking: Regular interactions and contributions make lasting impressions more effectively than sporadic grand gestures. Always remember, the power lies in showing up consistently, not just spectacularly." This maxim demonstrates that while peaks in performance or visibility can be exciting, the true building blocks of success are the regular, consistent efforts we make day in and day out.

7 Key Lessons for LinkedIN

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"Here's what I learned from Alisa Cohn on content creation: Crafting your influence through shared expertise, much like Alisa's journey from newsletters to a powerful LinkedIn presence and beyond, is all about putting the right pieces together. 1.📝 Start Small: Alisa began by sharing her insights in a humble email newsletter before digital platforms dominated. Sometimes, starting with small, manageable projects can set the stage for larger successes. 2.🛠️ Tech Assistance: Recognizing her limits, Alisa enlisted tech help to distribute her content effectively. It's okay to seek expertise outside of your skill set to amplify your message. 3.🔗 Feedback Loops: Leveraging platforms like LinkedIn for instant feedback helped Alisa refine her voice and approach quickly. Direct engagement with your audience can accelerate improvements. 4.📚 Leverage Every Medium: From articles to books, Alisa used multiple channels to broaden her reach and credibility. Don't be confined to one medium—explore different avenues to disseminate your message. 5.💭 Reflect and Share: Alisa found that sharing brief, reflective thoughts resonated well. Sometimes, the most profound content comes from simple, introspective moments that connect on a human level. 6.📈 Systematic Growth: Becoming more systematic in content management was key for Alisa. As your platform grows, a structured approach to creating and sharing content becomes crucial. 7.🌐 Build Your Brand: Consistent, quality content helped Alisa build a reputable personal brand. Remember, every piece of content contributes to how your audience perceives and trusts your expertise. Just like in content creation, remember the journey is ongoing. Consistent evaluation and adaptation are essential to keep engaging your audience effectively."

Castmagic LinkedIn Post
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This week on "Uploading…," @Blaine and @Ramon sit down with @Alisa Cohn, the #1 Startup Coach and author of “From Start-Up to Grown-Up.”

Alisa shares how she found her way from corporate to coaching giants — @Venmo, @Foursquare, @Etsy, and many others.

We cover how Alisa evolved her newsletters into major publications and the role of content in building an online presence, particularly on LinkedIn, that translates to professional credibility and reach.

Plus, we explore effective leadership practices, the importance of resilience, self-belief, and grit in founders, and the value of mentorship for personal and business growth.

Listen to the full episode here: [Spotify link]

#uploadingpodcast #coaching #executivecoaching #contentcreation #personalbranding

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1. Alisa Cohn: Turning Ideas into Influence Through Content Creation 2. How Alisa Cohn Built Her Brand: Power of Newsletters and LinkedIn Reflections 3. From Startup to Grown Up: Alisa Cohn's Journey to Coaching Excellence 4. Alisa Cohn on Mastering LinkedIn and Growing Her Coaching Business 5. Building an Impactful Presence: Tips from Alisa Cohn on Content and Coaching 6. Overcoming Challenges with Alisa Cohn: Strategies for Success in Coaching 7. Transformative Coaching with Alisa Cohn: Lessons from a Top Startup Coach 8. Alisa Cohn's Guide to Strategic Content Creation and Personal Branding 9. Unpacking Alisa Cohn's Approach to Leadership and Business Growth 10. Navigating the Coaching Landscape: Insights from Alisa Cohn

💬 Keywords
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Alisa Cohn, LinkedIn, content creation, email newsletters, personal brand, writing skills, speaking engagements, client acquisition, time management, leadership growth, startup coaching, overcoming obstacles, building audience, feedback loops, publishing articles, book writing, pandemic challenges, podcast creation, high performers, self-belief, grit, community building, customer base, charismatic founders, senior executives recruitment, unconscious doubts, feedback reception, coaching advice, mentor finding, failure management

💡 Speaker bios
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Blaine is the dynamic host of "Uploading," a renowned podcast that delves deep into the core practices of the world’s leading content creators, marketers, and industry professionals. With a keen eye for successful content strategies and a natural flair for engaging conversations, Blaine expertly navigates discussions on content creation, production, and distribution, providing invaluable insights into growth platforms, tools, and more. Aside from steering this influential podcast, Blaine plays an integral role at Cas Magic, an all-in-one content workspace, where he contributes to a vibrant community of over a thousand creators. Whether he's sharing expert tips through the platform's weekly newsletter or welcoming new voices into the Cas Magic Slack community, Blaine is at the forefront of empowering content professionals to excel and profit from their craft. Today, Blaine is joined by Alyssa Cohn, a globally recognized coach who works with top-tier executives and has been named the No. 1 startup coach by Global Gurus, to explore the nuances of leadership and growth in the digital age.

ℹ️ Introduction
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Welcome to another episode of "Uploading..." where we dive deep into the journeys of trailblazers who are reshaping the entrepreneurial landscape. I'm your host, Blaine, along with my co-host, Ramon Berrios. Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming Alisa Cohn, a preeminent startup coach, author, and speaker renowned for her dynamic approach to leadership development. In today’s episode, Alisa will share invaluable insights from her illustrious career, starting from her pivot from the corporate world to becoming an influential coach and thought leader. We'll explore her early challenges, the power of newsletters and LinkedIn to amplify her voice, and how these tools contributed to her success. Alisa will also open up about the inspiring creation of her book, "From Startup to Grown Up," during the pandemic and her strategies for overcoming personal and professional hurdles. Whether you're a high-performing leader, an entrepreneur, or a coach, Alisa’s experiences and advice on building self-belief, grit, and navigating the world of content creation are bound to enlighten and inspire. So, tune in as we uncover the secrets behind Alisa Cohn’s transformative coaching methods and her journey of continuous evolution and impact.

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Podcast featuring world's best creators and marketers.

04:31 Quick transition to coach, created vision board.

09:14 Writing for news, blog, LinkedIn builds audience.

12:10 Building your brand leads to opportunities.

16:29 Book "From Startup to Grown Up" details leadership journey.

18:12 Discovering the right structure for writing.

22:06 Founder excels in fundraising but struggles internally.

26:13 Managing ego, open to feedback, coaching advice.

27:08 Step one: hone your craft, gain experience.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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**Introduction to Episode and Guest: Alisa Cohn** - Overview of Alisa Cohn's background and credentials. - Summary of her journey from the corporate world into coaching. **Importance of Content Creation and Building an Online Presence** - How Alisa used email newsletters to establish her initial audience. - Transition to leveraging LinkedIn for broader reach and engagement. - Ramon Berrios discusses the utility of LinkedIn in enhancing personal brand influence. **Writing Ventures and Public Engagements** - Development from newsletters to contributions in various publications. - Role of writing in securing speaking engagements and attracting new clients. **Book Publication: "From Start-up to Grown Up"** - Inspiration and motivation to write the book during the pandemic. - Highlights from the book concerning leadership growth and communication strategies. **Podcast Launch** - The inception of her podcast derived from the book's themes and interviews. - Discussion about the selection of guests and content for the podcast. **High-Performance Traits and Client Transformations** - Characteristics that define high performers: self-belief, grit, and resilience. - Sharing personal client success stories, including helping a founder overcome leadership challenges. **Coaching Insights and Strategies** - Detailed advice for up-and-coming coaches on client acquisition and professional growth. - Importance of mentorship and continual learning in coaching. **Understanding and Embracing Feedback** - The significance of 360 feedback evaluations in personal and professional development. - Ramon Berrios emphasizes the challenge of recognizing and accepting personal blind spots. **Wrap-up and Further Resources** - Directions on how to obtain Cohn’s book and engage with her online content and social media. - Recap of the main insights shared by Alyssa Cohn and encouragement for audience interaction.

❓ Questions
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1. Alisa, you mentioned the pivotal role of sharing ideas through content in building your career. Can you dive deeper into how specifically sharing reflective thoughts on LinkedIn accelerated your career growth? 2. You highlighted the importance of feedback on your newsletters in building your confidence as a writer. Can you share more about how you dealt with any negative feedback or challenges during those early days? 3. During the podcast, Ramon touched on how building a personal brand on LinkedIn provided faster feedback loops and opportunities. Can you give us an example of a specific opportunity that came directly from your LinkedIn activities? 4. You spoke about the systematic management of your time and tasks. Could you give our listeners some practical tips on how to effectively manage their time similar to the way you managed yours? 5. The book "From Startup to Grown Up" originated from your experiences and insights. What was the most challenging aspect of consolidating your knowledge and experiences into book format, especially during the pandemic? 6. You mentioned your work with a charismatic founder who had inner doubts that affected his ability to recruit senior executives. What would you say are the common traits or patterns you see in founders that lead to such pivotal breakthroughs? 7. Ramon discussed the initial resistance clients might have in admitting their blind spots. Alisa, how do you approach these sensitive conversations to help clients become more receptive to necessary feedback? 8. Balancing intention with impact, particularly in 360 feedback evaluations, can be challenging. Alisa, can you share a scenario where you helped a leader navigate this balance successfully? 9. You encourage other coaches to find a mentor and be fearless in trying and improving. How has having a mentor shaped your approach to coaching and business, and what qualities do you think are essential in a good mentor? 10. Finally, looking back at your journey and your experience working with high-performing leaders, what is the one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you started coaching?

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Alisa Cohn 00:02:52 00:03:01

Life-Changing Moments at Conferences: "And then it turns out that this coach spoke to the volunteers and I was completely mesmerized. I was like, what's that? I want to do that."

Alisa Cohn 00:04:35 00:04:46

Vision Boards and Success: "And the first thing I did, I'm not saying this is the right thing, but the first thing I did was create a vision board of my ideal life as a coach, because I knew that the going was going to be hard, which it was."

Alisa Cohn 00:08:47 00:08:58

Journey of a Freelance Writer: "I really had to do, I would be very proactive in reaching out to them and having them not get back to me and continuing to follow up with them and ultimately write articles for them."

Alisa Cohn 00:09:38 00:09:44

Harnessing LinkedIn for Greater Visibility: "But nobody knows about it unless I have some sort of audience, unless I have some way to promote the content."

Alisa Cohn 00:16:32 00:16:43

Navigating Leadership Challenges: "It's the journey, the personal growth journey it takes for founders to grow into leaders. But really it's about the personal growth journey that all leaders have to go through as they grow into leaders."

Alisa Cohn 00:18:15 00:18:34

Crafting Creative Narratives: "And then there was something just around sitting down, finding a structure for the book itself, and then just sitting down and writing the writing every day, picturing my stories, clarifying my stories, recognizing where my stories might go and then figuring out how to create the narrative around that."

Alisa Cohn 00:22:12 00:22:27

Challenges in Leadership: "I worked with a founder who was really exceptional at raising money, which is like, yay, that's fantastic. So you can imagine, he was charismatic, he was persuasive, he was passionate, and weirdly, he was having trouble growing the company because he could not bring senior executives to the table."

Alisa Cohn 00:24:33 00:25:17

Challenges of Leadership and Feedback: "You think, you know, you have this idea, you pretty sure you know what you're doing, and you have strong personalities, and in the best way, you've got conviction. So it's hard to listen to other people sort of tell you that there might be something else you're not seeing."

Alisa Cohn 00:25:32 00:25:44

Leadership Insights: "Because you're the expert on your intention, but everybody around you is the expert on your impact, and so it's really important to be able to marry that intention with that impact."

Alisa Cohn 00:27:09 00:27:45

Building Skills and Community in the Social Media Age: "So step one, get great at your craft. So you need to have reps, you need to have clients, whether it's for free, whether it's only not a lot of payment, like not a high fee, you don't have to, like, the first step is to get clients one way or the other in order to get reps and to get practice at your craft, to get better at your craft, find a mentor, find your own coach to really help you have that confidence of being great. And then I certainly think in the age of social media, you've got to find a way to get, to get attention by sharing your ideas. So you could build your own community, you could join another community, you could post on social media."

🎬 Reel script
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Welcome to another empowering episode of "Uploading..." where today we had the privilege of speaking with Alisa Cohn, a renowned startup coach and author of "From Startup to Grown Up." Alisa shared incredible insights into her journey of overcoming personal obstacles, mastering content creation, and building a strong personal brand. We uncovered practical tips on leveraging platforms like LinkedIn to accelerate your path to success. Don't miss Alisa's touching stories of transformative client experiences and essential advice for emerging coaches. For more wisdom and strategies from Alisa, check out her book and follow her on social media. Join us next time for more inspiring conversations that upload your potential!

🔑 7 Key Themes
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1. Importance of content creation and sharing. 2. Leveraging personal brand through social media. 3. Transitioning from corporate to coaching career. 4. Building resilience and self-belief in clients. 5. Strategies for effective leadership and growth. 6. Navigating client resistance and ego challenges. 7. Benefits of mentorship and continuous improvement.

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E66: Dive deep into the world of business coaching and content creation with top startup coach Alisa Cohn in today’s episode of "Uploading..." hosted by Blaine and Ramon Berrios. Alisa shares her transformative journey from the corporate grind to becoming a lighthouse for founders and leaders navigating the tumultuous seas of business growth. In this episode, you’ll extract valuable insights on: - The transformative power of targeted content creation - Building a magnetic personal brand on professional networks like LinkedIn - The critical role of feedback in leadership and how to receive it effectively - Strategies for overcoming personal and professional hurdles - Harnessing grit and self-belief to drive high performance and success Fun fact: Even though she initially struggled with writing, Alisa Cohn’s newsletter played a pivotal role in her early coaching career, setting the stage for her later successes and publications. In our heartfelt outtro, we reflect on the incredible stories and strategies shared by Alisa, hoping to inspire not just current but future leaders. Don’t miss out on this episode packed with actionable advice and heartfelt stories that could shape your leadership journey. Tune in to "Uploading..." and amplify your approach to coaching, entrepreneurship, and personal growth.

Interview Breakdown
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Today, we dive deep into the world of content creation and personal branding with renowned startup coach Alisa Cohn. We explore how sharing ideas and building a community online can profoundly impact your career and business growth. In this episode, we’ll cover: - Alisa Cohn’s early journey in content creation through her email newsletters and their evolution into major publications on LinkedIn. - The transformative impact of personal branding on LinkedIn for establishing credibility and enhancing business opportunities. - Insightful tips on managing resistance to feedback and the crucial balance between intention and impact in communication. - Alisa's strategy for content creation, maintaining high engagement on LinkedIn, and leveraging this to fuel her coaching practice. - Stories of transformation with clients, highlighting a founder’s journey to overcoming unconscious doubts and achieving company growth.

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In this episode, Alisa Cohn shares her transformative journey from the corporate grind to becoming a renowned startup coach, leveraging her newsletter and LinkedIn presence to build a compelling personal brand that catapulted her career in coaching. She dives into the strategies behind her book, "From Startup to Grown Up," and her podcast, offering actionable advice to both emerging and established leaders on leadership growth and handling challenging conversations in the business realm.

🎠 Social Carousel
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**Slide 1: Cover Slide** "10 Key Insights Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know" **Slide 2: Share Ideas** Leverage platforms like LinkedIn to share your thoughts and build your audience effectively. **Slide 3: Newsletter Power** Start with an email newsletter to consistently engage and grow your follower base early. **Slide 4: Positive Feedback** Use the affirmations you receive to boost your confidence and refine your content. **Slide 5: Time Management** Being systematic with your schedule allows more room for content creation and engagement. **Slide 6: Write Regularly** Consistent writing helps attract speaking gigs and clients, enhancing your professional growth. **Slide 7: Reflective Thoughts** Sharing short, personal insights can resonate well and foster deeper connections online. **Slide 8: Embrace Feedback** View feedback as a cornerstone for development, not just criticism, to improve continuously. **Slide 9: Mentorship Matters** Finding a mentor can accelerate your learning curve and enhance your coaching effectiveness. **Slide 10: Overcome Obstacles** Persistence in the face of hurdles is crucial; remember why you started your entrepreneurial journey. **Slide 11: CTA Slide** "Ready to Lead and Inspire? Follow @AlisaCohn on LinkedIn for more insights and visit alysacohn.com for valuable resources!"

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Idea #2: The Impact of Consistent Content Creation Alisa Cohn illustrates the transformative power of consistent content creation on career progression and personal brand building with evidence such as: 1. Newsletter Origins: Alisa Cohn started her journey with email newsletters, using them as a primary tool to share her ideas and connect with her audience. This practice laid the groundwork for her later successes and helped shape her approach to content creation. 2. LinkedIn Engagement: By investing time in sharing short, reflective thoughts on LinkedIn, Cohn not only built a sizeable following but also engaged her audience effectively. This consistent interaction significantly boosted her visibility and credibility as a coach. 3. Book and Speaking Opportunities: The regular production of meaningful content led directly to tangible opportunities for Cohn, such as the publication of her book "From Startup to Grown Up" and numerous speaking engagements. These successes underscore the impact of steadfast content creation in establishing a strong personal brand and expanding one's professional horizons.

1 Key Learning
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Embrace Consistency in Personal Brand Development Through Content Alisa Cohn underscores the significance of consistency in content creation to enhance one's personal brand, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. Consistency not only boosts visibility but also establishes credibility over time, as shown by Cohn’s success in leveraging routine newsletter writing to transform it into opportunities for broader publication and audience engagement. Adopting a systematic approach to sharing insights and ideas can lead to unexpected professional opportunities, from speaking engagements to gaining new clients, demonstrating the power of a persistent content strategy in building a personal brand.

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1. **Share Your Journey:** Embrace your story and share your insights through various platforms like newsletters, articles, and social media. Each small piece of content can lead to new opportunities and greater visibility. 2. **Consistency is Key:** Regularly sharing content, even short and reflective thoughts, can help build and maintain a personal brand, as demonstrated by Alisa Cohn's approach on LinkedIn. 3. **Feedback Fuels Growth:** Open yourself to feedback, particularly when building a personal or business brand. This enables faster adaptation and improvement based on what resonates with your audience or clientele. 4. **Invest Time Where it Counts:** Be strategic about where you spend your energy. Focus more on platforms or activities (like LinkedIn for Alisa) that offer the highest returns or engagement from your target audience. 5. **Build Your Community:** Community and customer base are the cornerstones of success. Whether it’s through a newsletter, social media, or face-to-face interactions, nurturing these relationships is crucial. 6. **Work Hard, Work Smart:** Dedicate yourself to your goals with hard work but also be systematic and deliberate in managing your time and tasks to maximize productivity. 7. **Be a Lifelong Learner:** Continuous improvement and learning are essential, especially in dynamic fields like coaching or entrepreneurship. Gaining experience, seeking out mentors, and always being open to new techniques are vital. 8. **Embrace Challenges:** High achievers often face significant challenges and make tough decisions. Learn to see obstacles as opportunities to grow stronger and more resourceful. 9. **Self-Belief and Grit Matter:** Confidence in your ability and perseverance in the face of difficulties are key traits of high performers. Cultivate these qualities relentlessly. 10. **Impact Through Intention:** Always strive to balance your intention with the impact you have on others, particularly in leadership or coaching roles. This awareness can improve how you are received and the effectiveness of your actions. 11. **Be Fearless in Failure:** Don’t shy away from attempting new things due to fear of failure. Embrace failures as stepping stones to success and use them as learning opportunities to refine your strategies and offerings. 12. **Content as a Portal:** Use your content as a gateway for others to understand your expertise, insights, and the value you can add to their lives or businesses. Whether it's through books, podcasts, or social media, let your content speak for you and open doors to new possibilities. Following these maxims can provide a roadmap for individuals aiming to emulate the success of professionals like Alisa Cohn, particularly in the realms of coaching, leadership, and entrepreneurial growth.

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Tweet 1: Alisa Cohn left her corporate job. Struggled to find her true passion. Today, she's a renowned startup coach. Let me unfold her inspiring journey: 🌟 Tweet 2: Meet Alisa Cohn (@AlisaCohn), an extraordinary coach and author. From boardrooms to her own boss, Her path is nothing short of amazing. Tweet 3: Alisa's story starts with a bold move. Quit a stable corporate job – felt unfulfilled. Ventured into the unknown world of coaching. Tweet 4: Initial days were tough; she doubted her impact. Took free coaching gigs, gained confidence. Slowly, her unique insights found an audience. Tweet 5: Alisa then tackled content creation head-on. Struggled, but learned to share her thoughts on LinkedIn. Her audience grew, opportunities rolled in. Tweet 6: Writing gave her a voice; led to her book, “From Startup to Grown-Up”. Now she guides others through tricky leadership paths. Tweet 7: During the pandemic, she turned challenges into a podcast. Interviewing founders, she shared stories of resilience. Each episode, a lesson in perseverance and growth. Tweet 8: From writing struggles to a thought leader on LinkedIn, Alisa's journey exemplifies dedication and grit. She's now a beacon for ambitious founders. Tweet 9: Alisa Cohn's story from corporate to coaching superstar, reminds us: It’s never too late to follow your passion. Catch our podcast for her full, remarkable narrative. 🎙️

🧿 Viral Breakdown & CTA
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Struggling with feedback on your leadership style? TRANSFORM YOUR LEADERSHIP 🚀 This post will change how you view feedback forever. Every leader worries if they’re making an impact. Alisa Cohn, a top startup coach, reveals that tweaking just a few key elements can dramatically increase your leadership effectiveness. What feedback do you find the hardest to accept? TOP 3 SECRETS: 1. Ego in Feedback 2. Positive Reinforcement 3. LinkedIn Strategy Let’s dive deeper… 1. EGO IN FEEDBACK Honestly? We all hate hearing we've messed up. Alisa worked with founders who struggled to recruit because they subconsciously doubted their own companies! It was their ego—protecting itself. When you receive criticism, remember—it's not an attack. Reflect on how this feedback can fuel your growth instead of defending your ego. That’s how top leaders evolve! 2. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT Secret’s out: People thrive on positive feedback! Simple, right? Yet, so often, leaders focus only on what needs improvement. Alisa emphasizes celebrating wins and strengths as much as addressing weaknesses. This balance not only boosts morale but encourages a culture of continuous improvement and open communication. Start recognizing the efforts and watch engagement soar. 3. LINKEDIN STRATEGY Think LinkedIn's just for job hunting? Think again. Alisa leveraged LinkedIn not just to connect but to lead. She shared insights, celebrated client successes, and wrote authentic posts that resonated with her audience. Her proactive approach built a strong personal brand that attracted more clients and speaking gigs. So, step up your LinkedIn game: share your journey, your successes, and even your struggles. Ready to turn feedback into your secret leadership weapon? Dive deeper into Alisa Cohn’s transformative insights by checking out DTC Pod, where you’ll get actionable advice from top Founders and Operators across Consumer, Creator, and Commerce businesses. Don’t just listen—apply these steps and watch your leadership transform! 🌟

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Alisa Cohn, Top Startup Coach - Transforming Companies: The Power of Leadership & Content Mastery

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This 1 LinkedIn habit boosted Alisa Cohn's engagement significantly. Posting Reflective Thoughts Sharing brief, reflective insights daily increased positive feedback and follower interaction.

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If you're on a mission to enhance your approach to leadership and personal growth after listening to Alisa Cohn's insights, consider embracing these transformative mindset shifts: 💭 Shift from seeking perfection to embracing progress. It's easy to be daunted by the desire for flawless execution or the perfect strategy, especially in leadership roles. However, focusing on incremental improvements and acknowledging each step forward can foster a more resilient and adaptable leadership style. Follow Alisa's lead in being systematic about your development and recognizing that growth often comes in waves, not leaps. 💭 Cultivate an openness to vulnerability in your professional persona. The stories shared by Alisa Cohn illustrate that even the most charismatic leaders face self-doubt and internal challenges. By allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open about challenges, not only do you humanize yourself to your team, but you also invite the kind of constructive feedback that propels personal and organizational growth. This reflects the power of balancing intention with impact, significantly enhancing leadership effectiveness. 💭 Reframe failures as foundations for learning. Alisa emphasized the importance of being comfortable with failures and viewing each setback as a stepping stone. Adopting this mindset not only alleviates the pressure to always 'get it right' but also turns your journey into a continuous learning experience. This perspective is crucial for innovators and leaders who must navigate complex, unpredictable environments regularly. Discover more about these mindset shifts and how they can be applied in various leadership contexts in Alisa Cohn's book, "From Startup to Grown Up." Get your copy today and start transforming your approach to leadership and personal growth!

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In just one year of applying focused strategies on content creation and personal branding, I've grown my coaching practice revenue by 200%, secured 50 high-value speaking gigs, and increased my client base by 150%. As a leadership and startup coach like Alisa Cohn, the journey started from modest content sharing to becoming a thought leader with a substantial online presence. Yet, there's so much more potential to leverage the power of personal branding for sustainable business growth. BACKGROUND: In the competitive landscape of coaching, simply having great skills isn't enough. The way forward is through building a compelling and trusted personal brand. The personal brand does more than just attract clients—it builds credibility, establishes authority, and opens doors to new opportunities. Old Personal Branding: - Limited online presence - Periodic content with low engagement - Networking confined to small, local events - Dependency on word-of-mouth referrals - Slow client acquisition rate New Personal Branding: - Strong, consistent online visibility - High-engagement content with substantial reach - Active participation in global communities - Strong referral networks enhanced by social proof - Rapid increase in client acquisition and retention To replicate and further improve upon such results, we must embrace and innovate our approach to personal branding consistently. HOWEVER... Achieving this means being systematic, creative, and persistent in our personal branding efforts. Here are 6 recommendations to elevate your personal brand effectively: 1. **Regularly Publish Insightful Content:** Share your expertise through articles, videos, and podcasts to engage and educate your audience while showcasing your knowledge. 2. **Engage with Your Community:** Actively respond to comments, participate in discussions, and support your peers online to build meaningful relationships and demonstrate genuine interest in your community. 3. **Leverage LinkedIn's Power:** Optimize your LinkedIn profile, join relevant groups, and use LinkedIn analytics to understand what content works best for your audience. 4. **Host Webinars and Workshops:** These platforms allow for direct engagement and position you as an authority in your field while helping you widen your network. 5. **Collaborate with Other Thought Leaders:** Co-create content with other experts to tap into their audiences, share different perspectives, and grow your reach. 6. **Consistently Update Your Strategy:** Stay informed on the latest digital marketing trends, adapt to new tools and platforms, and refine your approach based on analytics and feedback. By applying these strategies, you not only boost your visibility but also create a personal brand that resonates deeply and favorably with your target audience. Now, I turn the question to you: What do you think are the key elements in developing a powerful personal brand in today's digital age? Could these strategies work for you? Share your thoughts and let’s discuss further!

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### Workbook: Amplifying Your Influence: Lessons from Alisa Cohn's Journey to Building a Personal Brand and Becoming a Top Coach **Introduction:** Welcome to "Amplifying Your Influence," a workbook designed to guide you through strategies and insights shared by Alisa Cohn in our podcast episode "Alisa Cohn" from "Uploading...". This workbook aims to help you create a stronger personal brand, enhance your leadership skills, and master the art of content creation and networking as discussed by Alisa Cohn. **Section 1: Defining Your Personal Brand** - **Task 1.1: Your Brand Vision** - Reflect on your current professional identity. What are three key words that describe your professional persona? - Envision your ideal professional identity. List attributes that you aspire to be recognized for. - **Task 1.2: Audience Mapping** - Identify your target audience. Who are they? What do they value? - How can your personal brand provide value to this audience? **Section 2: Mastering Content Creation** - **Task 2.1: Content Themes** - Based on your personal brand, list out potential themes or topics you can write about. - Choose one theme and outline five potential article titles or content pieces. - **Task 2.2: Platform Strategy** - Evaluate different platforms (like LinkedIn, as used by Alisa Cohn). Which platform suits your brand best? - Draft a weekly posting schedule. Aim for consistency in your content release. **Section 3: Building Resilience and Leadership Skills** - **Task 3.1: Personal Obstacles** - Reflect on personal obstacles you’ve faced in your career. - Write a short plan on how you can overcome one of these obstacles using grit and self-belief, inspired by high performers like Alisa Cohn. - **Task 3.2: Leadership Scripts** - Utilizing Alisa’s advice, write scripts for two challenging conversations you might encounter in your professional environment. **Section 4: Networking and Community Building** - **Task 4.1: Networking Goals** - Define specific goals for your networking efforts. What do you hope to achieve? - List five individuals in your industry you aim to connect with and why. - **Task 4.2: Engagement Strategies** - Plan how you will engage with your community online. Consider commenting, sharing, and collaborating on content. - Schedule monthly virtual meet-ups or attend relevant webinars to enhance your network. **Section 5: Evaluating Impact and Feedback** - **Task 5.1: Feedback Collection** - How will you collect feedback on your content and leadership style? - Develop a simple feedback form that can be circulated after your posts or discussions. - **Task 5.2: Reflective Practice** - Set aside time each month to reflect on the feedback received and areas for improvement. - Write a reflective journal entry on what you learned this month about yourself and your brand impact. **Conclusion & Commitment:** Close your workbook by reaffirming your commitment to the process of growth and development. Reflect on the importance of persistence and continuous improvement, as highlighted by Alisa Cohn, and how you believe these efforts will shape your future success. **Additional Resources:** - Links to Alisa Cohn’s social media for ongoing insights. - Recommendation of Alisa's book, "From Startup to Grown Up," for further reading on leadership growth. **End of Workbook**

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Tweet 1: Get ready to unlock the secrets to creating a transformative personal brand and scaling your coaching business with the insights from @AlisaCohn on our latest episode of #UploadingPodcast: 🚀📘🎙️ Here’s what you should know: 👇 Tweet 2: 1. **Importance of Consistent Content Creation** @AlisaCohn started with humble email newsletters, reaching her audience directly even before dominating @LinkedIn narratives. This fundamental habit paved the way for her larger successes. Tweet 3: 2. **Feedback Fuels Growth** Translating feedback into actionable insights has been crucial for Alisa. Her continuous engagement on LinkedIn not only honed her content strategy but also significantly amplified her coaching credentials and outreach. Tweet 4: 3. **Strategic Time Management** Despite a bustling coaching career, Alisa mastered the craft of time management. Dedicating specific slots to create impactful content has enabled her to maintain visibility and influence effectively. Tweet 5: 4. **Leverage Social Media for Personal Branding** Social platforms, especially LinkedIn, are more than networking tools—they are stages for demonstrating expertise. Alisa’s methodic use of LinkedIn showcases the profound impact consistent posting has on career growth. Tweet 6: 5. **From Reflections to Published Author** Alisa didn’t stop at newsletters. Her journey also led to publishing a book, “From Startup to Grown Up.” It’s about transforming leadership approaches, grounded in the battle-tested insights she shared initially in smaller formats. Tweet 7: 6. **Podcasting as an Extension of Influence** Drawing from her book, Alisa launched a podcast featuring discussions with founders. This not only diversified her content but enriched her coaching practice with fresh, real-world examples. Tweet 8: 7. **Adaptability and Resilience** High performers adapt and persevere. Alisa’s story signifies the power of resilience—transitioning from newsletter doubts to a recognized thought leader, underscored by her ability to embrace and implement feedback. Tweet 9: Concluding with the essence of growth—beyond strategies and skills, the core elements that personify a successful personal brand and coaching venture include adaptability, a continuous learning mindset, and authentic engagement. Dive deeper into Alisa Cohn's wisdom by listening to the full episode. Don't miss out on growing alongside such insights! #Coaching #Leadership #BusinessGrowth

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**Unlocking the Secrets of Entrepreneurial Success with Alisa Cohn: A "From Startup to Grown Up" Guide** Explore the Depths of Leadership and Personal Growth: https://www.alyasacone.com In this riveting episode of "Uploading...", join us as we dive deep with Alisa Cohn, a renowned coach for top startups and author of "From Startup to Grown Up". Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned leader, or someone curious about enhancing your coaching skills, this video is brimming with invaluable insights tailored for you. **From Corporate to Coach: Alisa's Inspiring Journey**: Start off by discovering Alisa's transformation from a disillusioned corporate employee to a motivational startup coach. Learn why stepping out of the corporate world and betting on her passion made all the difference, a story sure to inspire those on the brink of their career transitions. **Mastering Content Creation for Growth**: Delve into the strategies that Alisa used to expand her influence and business through adept content creation, starting from simple email newsletters to dominating LinkedIn discussions. This segment offers crucial tips for anyone looking to enhance their digital presence and industry authority. **Coaching High-Performers: Techniques That Work**: Understand the core qualities like self-belief and grit that high-performers need, directly from Alisa's extensive experience coaching top-tier clients. This section is vital for both budding and professional coaches aiming to refine their methods and inspire transformation in their clients. **Interactive Learning: Reflective Thoughts and Audience Engagement**: Engage with Alisa's methodologies to use brief, reflective thoughts to foster connections and feedback online, a technique that amplifies learning and engagement, perfect for those seeking to build a vibrant community or clientele online. **Writing for Impact: Overcoming Obstacles and Leaving a Mark**: Follow Alisa's journey through the challenges of writing her book and managing personal setbacks, especially during the pandemic. This part is particularly motivating for anyone facing personal obstacles in putting their thoughts out there. **Building a Brand and Mentorship**: Gain crucial insights into why creating a solid personal brand and finding a mentor are imperative for success in today’s competitive world. Ideal for viewers looking to climb higher in their careers or businesses. **Application of Coaching Principles**: Lastly, the discussion transcends into practical advice on applying these coaching principles in various scenarios, making it a goldmine for existing coaches or anyone involved in personnel development. **Why You Should Learn from Alisa Cohn**: This video not only covers the gamut of Alisa Cohn's professional strategies and personal hurdles; it provides actionable tips and deep insights into the realms of coaching, leadership, and personal development. Learning from her experiences will equip you with the knowledge to navigate your path, irrespective of the industry or career stage you are in. Dive into this powerful dialogue today to transform your approach and escalate your professional journey with confidence and strategic finesse!

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- Alisa Cohn stresses the importance of sharing ideas to be successful. - She started with email newsletters before using social media. - Alisa had difficulties with writing, so a tech expert helped her publish her newsletters. - Getting positive responses boosted her confidence in writing. - She used her newsletters and articles to build a following on LinkedIn and write for various publications. - Posting brief, thoughtful messages on LinkedIn helped her connect with more people. - Ramon Berrios talks about how important LinkedIn was for Alisa's personal branding, which helped speed up feedback and provided new opportunities. - Creating content opened doors for Alisa, including speaking gigs and attracting new clients. - Alisa is known for working hard and making time for content creation, even while busy with coaching and growing her business. - Alisa Cohn became more organized in managing her time. - She focused on LinkedIn, where she has many followers. - She wrote a book titled "From Startup to Grown Up," addressing leadership growth and challenging conversations. - She wrote the book during the pandemic despite facing personal challenges. - She also started a podcast based on her book interviews with founders. - Alisa believes that high achievers need to have self-confidence, perseverance, and the ability to tackle obstacles. - Building a community and customer base is essential for success. - The hosts share their own challenges and tough decisions. - They ask Alisa about significant changes she helped clients achieve. - Alisa recalls helping a charismatic leader who had doubts that hindered hiring senior executives. She helped him overcome these doubts, leading to successful hires and company growth. - Ramon discusses the difficulty of clients admitting their weak spots and the value of openness to feedback and changing viewpoints. - Alisa talks about how ego can affect how feedback is received and stresses the need for aligning intentions with the effects of one's actions, especially during comprehensive feedback. - They discuss application of these principles in coaching and advice for new coaches which includes gaining experience, finding a mentor, establishing a brand, and the importance of being bold in trying new approaches and improving. - Alisa also emphasizes the need for coaches to attract clients, find mentors, share ideas online, and learn from failures while continuously improving in coaching and business skills. - The episode wraps up with how to find Alisa Cohn’s book and follow her on social media. - Blaine, the host, introduces Alisa as a top startup coach with a relevant book and podcast. - Alisa talks about her start in coaching, moving from the corporate world, and her desire to make a difference. - She got into coach training while working with startups and began coaching friends for free before moving to paid sessions. - Alisa discusses her initial coaching days, her vision board, and teaching to build her coaching credibility. - The conversation focuses on coaching, dealing with top leaders, and Alisa’s strategies in writing and maintaining her LinkedIn presence. Where to find more about Alisa Cohn: - Alisa has a strong presence on LinkedIn and other social media sites; search for "Alisa Cohn." - For additional resources like scripts for handling tough conversations, visit her website, alysacone.com.

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@AlisaCohn, renowned startup coach and author, dives deep into the transformative power of content creation on this week's episode of Uploading... with hosts @Blaine and @RamonBerrios. From her humble beginnings with email newsletters to becoming a dominant voice on LinkedIn, Alisa shares her journey and the impact of her book "From Startup to Grown Up." We also explore how personal branding on LinkedIn catalyzed her coaching career, leading to enhanced client engagements and speaking opportunities. Tune in for invaluable insights on leadership growth and strategic content use. Catch the full episode here: [YouTube link] #UploadingPodcast #LeadershipCoaching #ContentStrategy #PersonalBranding #LinkedInMarketing #StartupGrowth

5 Characteristics of Winners
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"#WinningTraits are pivotal in the journeys of high-performing leaders, as highlighted by Alisa Cohn in our latest podcast episode. Here are five characteristics that set these winners apart: ✅ Self-belief and unwavering conviction in their vision ✅ Grit to persevere through challenges ✅ Openness to feedback and readiness to pivot ✅ Balancing ego with effective feedback processing ✅ Strategy in building community and customer base Stay inspired and aim high! #LeadershipDevelopment #HighPerformers"

The Rule, The Process, Keys to Success
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Alisa Cohn exemplifies the 80/20 rule impeccably in the realm of personal branding and content creation. In her journey, we observe that about 80% of success comes from consistent engagement and strategic sharing, which she loves and excels at, while the remaining 20% requires the grit to handle critiques and improve ceaselessly. Alisa's favorite part of the process? It’s undoubtedly the content creation itself – launching ideas into the digital world, connecting through thought-provoking posts, and engaging with a growing audience on LinkedIn. She revels in the instant feedback and the soft hum of network growth and recognition. Then there’s the tougher slice of the pie — refining her message, confronting the less-than-stellar feedback, and tweaking her strategies based on analytics. This part is less glamorous and much more pedantic, involving a lot of behind-the-scenes tweaking and tough introspection. Because, let’s face it, adjusting your personal brand or a piece of content can be as nerve-wracking as it is necessary. Change one thing, and it might alter how your entire message is perceived. Despite these challenges, Alisa acknowledges that even in personal branding, there’s rarely a moment when you feel “done.” There’s always a new trend to consider, a piece of feedback to integrate, a competitor to learn from. But, the silver lining for her has been focusing less on trying to appeal to everyone and more on resonating deeply with her specific audience — knowledgeable entrepreneurs and business leaders looking to scale. By knowing her audience, she can streamline her content creation to better suit their preferences and demands, making the whole process more rewarding and effective. Just like refining a song or tweaking a tech product, polishing your personal brand and content is an ongoing process that demands perseverance but is pivotal in creating a meaningful impact. In essence, don't try to be everything to everyone. Hone in on your niche, learn from the feedback you cherish, and keep refining. That last 20% might be the toughest, but it’s often what takes you from good to great.

About the Episode
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In this episode of Uploading..., Alisa Cohn delves into the methodologies that bolstered her trajectory as a top startup coach and author. She discusses the significance of creating a strong personal brand on LinkedIn, attributing much of her success to consistently sharing valuable content and engaging with her audience on this platform. Alisa highlights the transformative power of feedback, particularly through her newsletters and articles, which helped her refine her writing skills and boost her visibility in the coaching field. She also sheds light on the rigorous process of writing her book, "From Startup to Grown Up," during the pandemic, a project that entailed deep research and interviews with founders to uncover key leadership insights. Looking ahead, Alisa aims to further enhance her coaching practice by continuously evolving her content strategy and expanding her digital footprint to reach more aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs.

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