Awarepreneurs #300 300th Celebration Episode

πŸ”– Titles
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1. Breaking Conventions: Social Entrepreneurs Thrive in a Non-Traditional Podcast Accelerator Program 2. Podcasting for Impact: Creating an Accessible and Inclusive Space for Social Entrepreneurs 3. The Power of Podcasting: Overcoming Failure Rates in Business Development for Social Entrepreneurs 4. Beyond Traditional Accelerators: Unleashing the Potential of Social Entrepreneurs through Podcasting 5. From Trend to Transformation: Social Entrepreneurship and the Podcasting Revolution 6. The Podcasting Advantage: Accessible and Inclusive Support for Social Entrepreneurs 7. Celebrating 300 Episodes: Reflections and Insights from Successful Social Entrepreneurs 8. Inspiring Conversations: 300 Episodes of Empowering Social Entrepreneurship 9. The Journey of 300: How Podcasting Transformed Social Entrepreneurship 10. Podcasting Success: 300 Episodes of Empowering Social Entrepreneurial Strategies

πŸ’¬ Keywords
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conventional accelerators, social entrepreneurs, failure rate, traditional business development accelerator programs, accessible, inclusive, experiences, successful social entrepreneurs, podcasting, medium, internet, expensive devices, downloaded, minimal technology, marketing strategy, podcast guesting, accelerator program, podcast episodes, guest episodes, solo episodes, website's contact page, dinner, celebration, talkative, comfortable with words, educational background, professional background, articles, podcasting space, New York Times, saturated, decline, working on podcast, gaining traction, family, nervous, reassurance, long-term venture, compounding interest, conversations, scheduling issues, technical difficulties, brainstorming, attempts, working process, generosity, honesty, podcast guests, podcast mentor, reservations, opportunities, 8 years ago, humans, center of attention, listeners, support, 6 years, 100 episodes, increasing number of guests, listeners suggestions, hosts, percentage of guests, gratitude, projects in the works, rebooted, rebranded, podcast accelerator, Impact podcast network, brand, A werepreneurs, shout out, goals, business, paid, enlightened self-interest, win-win-win situation, visibility.

ℹ️ Introduction
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On this episode of Awarepreneurs, host Paul Zelizer reflects on the 300th celebration episode of the podcast. He starts by discussing the shortcomings of conventional accelerators for social entrepreneurs, noting that research shows a higher failure rate for social entrepreneurs who participate in traditional business development accelerator programs. Recognizing this trend, Zelizer wanted to create a more accessible and inclusive platform for successful social entrepreneurs to share their experiences. He explains why he chose podcasting as the medium, highlighting its accessibility and ability to be listened to even on devices with minimal technology. Zelizer dives into the benefits of being a podcast guest and discusses a marketing strategy called podcast guesting. He invites listeners to check out an accelerator program and shares exciting things happening in relation to podcasting. Celebrating 300 episodes and 6 years of podcasting, Zelizer expresses his excitement about the incredible conversations they have had. He asks for suggestions for future guest episodes or topics to cover on solo episodes, directing listeners to the website's contact page. Zelizer then shares a personal anecdote about going out to dinner with his girlfriend to celebrate reaching 300 episodes. He reflects on being an introvert and feeling "at a loss for words" despite usually being comfortable with words due to his educational and professional background. He also recounts receiving articles about the podcasting space, including one from The New York Times claiming that the podcast space was saturated and on the decline. Zelizer reassured his concerned family that everything would be okay and compared podcasting to a long-term venture, similar to compounding interest. The host acknowledges the challenges faced during the podcasting journey, such as scheduling issues, technical difficulties, and missed conversations. However, he emphasizes the productive process overall, with brainstorming and attempts at different strategies. Zelizer expresses gratitude towards the generosity and honesty of his podcast guests, as well as his podcast mentor, Keith Carlson, who convinced him to start a podcast and understand its power. Despite initial reservations, Zelizer recognized the opportunities podcasting presented and started his own podcast eight years ago. Zelizer concludes the episode by thanking the listeners for their support and acknowledging the milestone of reaching 300 episodes. He mentions exciting projects in the works, including a rebooted and rebranded podcast accelerator on the Awarepreneurs website and the launch of an Impact podcast network in the fall. Emphasizing that the brand is not stagnant, Zelizer gives a shout out to his guests and highlights the win-win-win situation he aims for, benefiting the guests, listeners, and himself. He also notes that more visibility for himself benefits his business. Overall, this celebration episode of Awarepreneurs highlights the journey, challenges, and future endeavors of this impactful podcast.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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Episode Topics Covered:
- Introduction to the podcast and its purpose: Creating a more accessible and inclusive platform for social entrepreneurs. - Why podcasting was chosen as the medium for sharing information: Accessibility and compatibility with minimal technology. - Benefits of being a podcast guest and the marketing strategy of podcast guesting. - Invitation for listeners to check out an accelerator program and other podcast-related events. - Celebrating 300 episodes and 6 years of podcasting. - Requesting suggestions for future guest episodes or solo topics. - Reflection on reaching a milestone and unexpected feelings of being at a loss for words. - Mention of the New York Times article claiming the decline of the podcasting space. - Challenges faced during the podcasting journey, such as scheduling issues and technical difficulties. - Acknowledgment of the generosity and honesty of podcast guests and gratitude towards a podcast mentor. - Initial reservations about starting a podcast and recognizing its opportunities. - Gratitude to listeners for their support throughout the podcasting journey. - Increasing number of guests coming from the listeners and the uniqueness of this practice. - Teaser of exciting projects in the works, such as a rebooted podcast accelerator and an Impact podcast network. - Acknowledgment of the evolving nature of the Awarepreneurs brand. - Recognition of guests' contributions and the concept of enlightened self-interest. - The pursuit of a win-win-win situation for guests, listeners, and the podcast itself. - The benefits of increased visibility for the podcast host's business.

πŸ“š Timestamped overview
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02:24 Conventional accelerators not suitable for social entrepreneurs.

06:49 Generous guests drove successful podcast creation.

11:17 Podcasting: guest strategy for building and growing.

12:11 Growing number of guests from listeners, love it.

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Paul Zelizer 00:00:22 00:01:35

Podcasting Milestone: "When I started my podcast, I didn't think about getting to this moment. 300 episodes."

Paul Zelizer 00:02:24 00:04:34

Why Conventional Accelerators Aren't a Good Fit for Social Entrepreneurs: "The failure rate actually goes up according to the most recent research for social entrepreneurs take part in more traditional business development accelerator type experiences."

Paul Zelizer 00:04:55 00:05:41

Podcast Milestone: "Love humans, but don't like to be the center of attention is the honest truth."

Paul Zelizer 00:05:41 00:06:08

"Overcoming Technical Challenges and Scheduling Issues: 'Oops, that got disappeared a few times, you know, save very well or there was a problem electronically or somebody cut out in the middle of an episode, and we had to rerecord the second half.'"

Paul Zelizer 00:06:13 00:06:48

"Creating a Win-Win-Win Situation for Guests, Listeners, and Myself: 'They share out of the goodness of their hearts and also a mentor of mine called the enlightened self interest.'"

Paul Zelizer 00:06:49 00:08:37

The Power of Podcasting: "Keith was the one who sat me down as a pulp. let me help you understand why I'm seeing a real opportunity for you."

Paul Zelizer 00:08:55 00:09:24

"The Power of Podcasting: This is a long play. This is, like, compounding interest."

Paul Zelizer 00:10:32 00:11:11

Exciting News: "There's some exciting things in the works. Can go to the Aware printer's website and see our rebooted, rebranded podcast accelerator, which is really exciting. I'll talk about that more some other time. We're in the process of launching an Impact podcast network. Again, so much to say about that. You'll be hearing more about that this fall. But just know that a werepreneurs is not static."

Paul Zelizer 00:11:17 00:12:11

Podcast Guest Strategy: "If you're curious about podcasting either as starting your own podcast as a host or getting another people podcast. 1 of my favorite marketing strategies called a podcast guest strategy or podcast guesting."

Paul Zelizer 00:12:11 00:12:34

"Growing Listener Engagement: 'More and more of our guests are coming from you, the listeners. And I love that.'"

🎬 Reel script
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[Opening shot: Exciting visuals with text overlay - "300th Celebration Episode!"] Voiceover: Hey there, fellow entrepreneurs! It's Paul Zelizer, and I cannot believe we've hit our 300th episode of the Awarepreneurs podcast. Whew! [Cut to shots of Paul and his girlfriend celebrating at a dinner] Voiceover: The journey hasn't always been smooth, but we've learned so much along the way. And guess what? You're invited to celebrate with us! [Cut to shots of the podcast recording equipment, showing the process] Voiceover: In this milestone episode, we reflect on the power of podcasting, how it has transformed our lives and connected us with amazing guests. [Cut to shots of diverse podcast guests] Voiceover: Our commitment to you, our incredible listeners, is to keep delivering insightful content. That's why we want YOUR suggestions for future episodes and guest appearances. [Cut to shots of the website and contact page] Voiceover: Head over to our website and let us know who you'd love to hear from or what topics we should cover. Your input matters! [Cut to shots of Paul discussing the New York Times article and the podcasting space] Voiceover: Oh, and by the way, to those who claim the podcast space is saturatedβ€”think again! We're still here, thriving and growing! [Cut to shots of Paul expressing gratitude to listeners] Voiceover: Thank you for being with us on this incredible journey. Here's to 300 episodes and counting! [End with shots of the upcoming projects, the rebooted accelerator, and the Impact podcast network] Voiceover: Stay tuned for our exciting projects and collaborations coming your way. Awarepreneurs is evolving faster than ever! [Closing shot: Paul raising a toast to the camera] Voiceover: Cheers to you, our amazing community of Awarepreneurs. Let's keep making a positive impact together! [Background music fades out]

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» LinkedIn post
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πŸŽ‰ Celebrating 300 Episodes of the Awarepreneurs Podcast! πŸŽ‰ πŸ” Key Takeaways: 1️⃣ Conventional accelerators may not be the best fit for social entrepreneurs, as research shows a higher failure rate in traditional business development programs. 2️⃣ Podcasting provides an accessible platform for sharing experiences and insights of successful social entrepreneurs, without needing strong internet or expensive devices. 3️⃣ We're grateful for our incredible guests and the generous sharing of 1000+ strategies. Join us as we continue to explore topics and feature impactful guests on the podcast! πŸ“’ In our latest episode, we dive into the world of podcasting and the benefits of being a podcast guest. We reveal a marketing strategy called "podcast guesting" and invite you to check out our accelerator program and other exciting projects on the horizon. πŸŽ™οΈ With a track record of 300 episodes and 6 years of podcasting, we've had amazing conversations and learned valuable lessons along the way. We're always looking for suggestions for guest episodes or solo topics to cover – connect with us on our website's contact page! πŸŽ‰ Reaching this milestone has been a humbling experience. We reflect on the journey, from overcoming skepticism to technical difficulties, and express deep gratitude to our podcast guests, mentor Keith Carlson, and our amazing listeners. We couldn't have done it without your support! πŸ’‘ Stay tuned for upcoming projects, including a rebooted and rebranded podcast accelerator and the launch of an Impact podcast network. The Awarepreneurs brand is always evolving to provide more value and impact. πŸ™ Thank you to our guests for joining us on this incredible journey. Your appearance on the show not only benefits your goals and business but also creates a win-win-win situation for our listeners and ourselves. Together, we're making a difference! #podcasting #socialentrepreneurship #300episodes #awarepreneurs

πŸ—žοΈ Newsletter
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Subject: Celebrating 300 Episodes of Impactful Conversations! Hello, Awarepreneurs community! We are absolutely thrilled to share this special 300th Celebration Episode with you. It's hard to believe that we have reached this incredible milestone of 300 episodes over the past 6 years. This journey has been a transformative and inspiring one, and we couldn't have done it without your support and engagement. In this milestone episode, we delve into an important topic: the limitations of conventional accelerators for social entrepreneurs. Our research has shown that the failure rate increases when social entrepreneurs participate in traditional business development accelerator programs. Recognizing this trend, we wanted to create a more inclusive and accessible space to share the experiences and insights of successful social entrepreneurs. That's why we chose podcasting as the medium for our mission. With its accessibility and the fact that it doesn't require strong internet or expensive devices, podcasting enables everyone to access valuable knowledge and wisdom. Even on devices with minimal technology, podcasts can be downloaded and listened to anytime, anywhere. In this episode, we're delving into the benefits of being a podcast guest and exploring a marketing strategy called podcast guesting. We invite you to consider this powerful way to share your expertise and stories to reach a wider audience. But it doesn't stop there! We have some exciting announcements to make. Firstly, we are proud to share that we have a track record of 300 episodes and 6 years of podcasting. It has been an honor to have had so many incredible conversations along the way, and we couldn't be more grateful for the generosity and honesty of our podcast guests. We want to hear from you! As we continue this journey, we want to know your suggestions for guest episodes or topics to cover on solo episodes. Your input is invaluable, and we invite you to share your ideas through our website's contact page. In the spirit of celebration, we wanted to take a moment to share a personal anecdote. Recently, we went out to dinner with our girlfriend to commemorate the achievement of reaching 300 episodes. As someone who usually feels comfortable with words, we were surprised to find ourselves at a loss for words when reflecting on this accomplishment. It truly highlighted our tendency towards introversion. Nonetheless, we are immensely grateful for the opportunity to connect with an incredible community like yours. Speaking of connections, we recently received articles from someone regarding the podcasting space. The New York Times published an article claiming that the podcast space was saturated and on the decline. This resonated with us deeply, as we have been working on our podcast for 2 to 3 years and were just starting to gain some traction. Naturally, it caused concern amongst our family and loved ones. However, we reassured them that podcasting is a long-term venture, much like compounding interest. We believe in the power and potential of this platform to make a lasting impact. Of course, no journey is without its ups and downs. We've faced our fair share of conversation scheduling issues, technical difficulties, and even episodes getting cut out in the middle. But through it all, we've remained committed to finding solutions and continuously improving our process. We've experimented with different approaches and strategies, noting down what works and learning valuable lessons from what doesn't. We owe a tremendous amount of gratitude to our podcast mentor, Keith Carlson. It was Keith who initially convinced us to start a podcast, helping us understand its power and potential. Although we had reservations at first, we eventually recognized the incredible opportunities podcasting presents, and we began our podcasting journey about 8 years ago. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you, our listeners. Your support has been invaluable on this podcasting adventure. We've reached not only our 300th episode but also 100 impactful episodes. We've noticed a growing trend of guests who have been referred to us by you, our incredible listeners. This is not a common practice among hosts, and it truly sets our community apart. We are grateful for your contributions and the trust you place in us. As we continue this journey, we are excited to share that we have some exciting projects in the works. We will be rebooting and rebranding our podcast accelerator on the Awarepreneurs website, providing even more resources and support for aspiring podcasters. Additionally, we are unleashing an Impact podcast network in the fall, further amplifying the voices of those making a positive difference in the world. Please know that our brand, Awarepreneurs, is always evolving and growing. We are committed to providing you with the best content and opportunities to support your entrepreneurial goals. Your success is our success. Lastly, we want to extend our gratitude to all the incredible guests who have graced our podcast. We hope that appearing on our show has benefited your goals and business, even though we do not pay our guests. We firmly believe in the concept of enlightened self-interest and strive for a win-win-win situation, where everyone involved benefits. We hope that by increasing our visibility, we can continue to create a positive impact together. Thank you once again for being a part of this journey with us. Your support has been instrumental in making Awarepreneurs what it is today. Here's to 300 episodes filled with eye-opening conversations, and to many more inspiring moments ahead! With heartfelt gratitude, Paul Zelizer Host, Awarepreneurs

🧡 Tweet thread
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🧡 Thread: The Power of Podcasting for Social Entrepreneurs πŸŽ™οΈ 1/ Conventional accelerators may not be the best fit for social entrepreneurs. Research shows that the failure rate increases when they participate in traditional business development programs. πŸ“Š 2/ That's why we wanted to create a more accessible and inclusive way to share the experiences of successful social entrepreneurs. And what better medium than podcasting? It's accessible, doesn't require strong internet or expensive devices. 🎧 3/ Podcasts can be downloaded and listened to even on devices with minimal technology. We're discussing podcasting and the benefits of being a guest in this thread. πŸŽ™οΈ 4/ Speaking of which, have you heard of podcast guesting? It's a marketing strategy where you become a guest on different podcasts to reach new audiences. 🎀 5/ If you're interested, check out our podcast accelerator program and other exciting things happening in the world of podcasting. πŸš€ 6/ We've got a track record of 300 episodes and 6 years of podcasting. The conversations we've had are absolutely incredible! πŸ’― 7/ We're always looking for suggestions for guest episodes or topics to cover on solo episodes. Head to our website's contact page and let us know your ideas! πŸ“§ 8/ In other news, we recently celebrated 300 episodes with a dinner out with my girlfriend. It was a special moment for us! πŸ₯³ 9/ I'm usually talkative and comfortable with words, but I have to admit, reaching 300 episodes left me feeling somewhat at a loss for words. 🀐 10/ It's funny how being an introvert can sometimes catch you off guard. But hey, it's all part of the journey. 🌟 11/ When I first started this podcast, I never anticipated reaching this milestone. But over the years, I've learned so much from the incredible guests who've shared their wisdom and strategies with us. Their generosity and honesty are awe-inspiring. πŸ™ 12/ I'm incredibly grateful to my podcast mentor, Keith Carlson, who convinced me to start this venture and helped me understand its power and potential. It's been about 8 years since I started this journey. Time flies! ⏰ 13/ I've got to admit, I love humans, but being the center of attention isn't exactly my cup of tea. Nevertheless, we're here, acknowledging the achievement of 300 episodes. πŸŽ‰ 14/ Thank you, listeners, for your constant support and engagement. Your feedback means the world to us! This podcast has been running for 6 years and we've hit 100 episodes! πŸŽ‰ 15/ It's amazing to see an increasing number of guests coming from our listeners. Not all hosts are as receptive to guest suggestions, but we believe in the power of our community. Thank you for your trust and recommendations! πŸ™Œ 16/ It's a win-win-win situation for us all. Guests share their knowledge, listeners benefit, and we get more visibility for our business. πŸ’ͺ 17/ Speaking of which, we have some exciting projects in the works! Stay tuned for a rebooted and rebranded podcast accelerator on our website and the launch of an Impact podcast network in the fall. πŸš€ 18/ As we move forward, our brand, A werepreneurs, is far from stagnant. We're always striving for growth and impact in the social entrepreneurship space. πŸ’Ό 19/ Lastly, a big shout out to all our incredible guests. We hope that appearing on our show has benefited your goals and business. Remember, it's all about enlightened self-interest! 🌟 20/ Thank you once again for being on this journey with us. Here's to 300 episodes and counting! Let's keep making a positive impact together. πŸŽ™οΈβœ¨

❓ Questions
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1. How does the speaker's experience with traditional accelerators differ from their approach to creating an inclusive platform for social entrepreneurs? 2. How does the accessibility and inclusivity of podcasting make it a suitable medium for sharing experiences of successful social entrepreneurs? 3. What are some of the benefits of being a podcast guest and utilizing podcast guesting as a marketing strategy? 4. How has the podcast evolved over the course of 300 episodes, and what have been some of the most memorable conversations or moments? 5. What challenges and obstacles did the speaker encounter while working on their podcast, and how did they overcome them? 6. How have the speaker's family and loved ones supported or expressed concern about their podcasting journey? 7. In what ways has the speaker learned and grown from the insights and strategies shared by their guests over the years? 8. What role did the speaker's podcast mentor play in encouraging them to start a podcast, and how did it shape their understanding of its potential? 9. How does the speaker's introverted nature and discomfort with being the center of attention manifest in their experience of running a podcast? 10. How does the speaker express their gratitude towards the guests, listeners, and the impact of their podcast, and what future projects and developments can listeners look forward to?

πŸͺ‘ Threads by Instagram
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Post 1: Thinking about starting a podcast? πŸŽ™οΈ Social entrepreneurs face unique challenges, and traditional accelerators might not be the best fit. In our 300th episode, we explore how Awarepreneurs has created an inclusive platform to share powerful conversations and insights. #Podcasting #SocialEntrepreneurship Post 2: Did you know that podcasting is a powerful tool for social impact? 🌍 Join us as we dive into the world of podcast guesting and the benefits it offers to both guests and hosts. Tune in to our 300th episode of Awarepreneurs for all the details! #PodcastingCommunity #GuestExperience Post 3: πŸŽ‰ Celebrating 300 episodes of Awarepreneurs! πŸŽ‰ Six years of thought-provoking conversations with inspiring social entrepreneurs. We've learned so much from our guests and can't wait to see where the next 100 episodes take us. Thank you for your support! #Milestone #Podcasters Post 4: Reaching 300 episodes is a testament to the power of podcasting and the incredible stories shared on Awarepreneurs. From technical difficulties to brainstorming sessions, we've come a long way. Grateful for our guests, listeners, and the journey itself! #PodcastJourney #Gratitude Post 5: Exciting projects on the horizon! πŸš€ We're rebooting our podcast accelerator, helping social entrepreneurs thrive. Plus, get ready for the launch of the Impact podcast network. Stay tuned for updates and more meaningful conversations on Awarepreneurs! #PodcastNetwork #SocialImpact

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