DTC POD #327 - How Good Girl Snacks Captured Gen Z’s Heart (and Stomach) with Hot Girl Pickles

DTC Pod Linkedin
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🥒 From viral pickle trends to capturing Gen Z's hearts (and stomachs), @Leah Marcus and @Yasaman Bakhtiar, the masterminds behind @Good Girl Snacks, join hosts @blaine and @Ramon Berrios on this week’s episode of DTC Pod. They dive into their grassroots beginnings at USC and how they hustled to spotlight Hot Girl Pickles on social media. From kitchen experiments to tackling "cucumber gate," Leah and Yasaman share the sour and sweet of disrupting a traditional industry. Discover how daily vlogging and authentic engagements fueled their brand's climb, the pivotal role of being lean and nimble without large ad spends, and how embracing real-time content creation kept their brand fresh and engaging. Tune in to this juicy tale of pickles and branding: Full episode here: [Spotify Link] #DTCpod #GenZmarketing #foodentrepreneurship #contentstrategy #organicproducts #bootstrapping #socialmediastrategy #brandstory #CPGindustry #communitybuilding

1️⃣ One Sentence Summary
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Founders discuss content, pickles, and startup challenges in DTC space.

💼 LinkedIN - 6 Reasons Post
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Ignoring social media as a startup is a one-way ticket to obscurity. Here's why disregarding the power of online platforms in today's digital age could mean missing out on invaluable growth opportunities for new companies: 1. Social proof is fundamental. When people discover a new brand, their first step is often checking social platforms to gauge credibility. Without a presence, you're at risk of being deemed non-existent or unreliable. Trust builds when potential customers see a brand's interactions and content online. 2. Direct feedback is invaluable. Social media is a goldmine for real-time responses from your target audience. Dismissing it means missing out on quick, honest feedback that can refine your product better than any focus group. 3. Content marketing drives awareness and engagement. Avoiding social media eliminates a key channel for storytelling and connecting with your audience. Engaging content fosters brand loyalty and can turn casual viewers into passionate advocates and customers. 4. Networking opportunities abound. Social media isn't just for customer engagement; it's also a networking powerhouse. By not participating, startups forfeit the chance to connect with influencers, potential partners, and industry leaders who could catapult their growth. 5. Cost-effective marketing at your fingertips. With limited budgets, startups can't afford to ignore a marketing avenue that offers both organic reach and targeted advertising at relatively low costs. Social platforms provide a scalability that's hard to match with traditional media. 6. Virality isn't just luck; it's strategy. Organic reach on social platforms offers the potential for exponential audience growth. Startups that ignore social media lose out on the opportunity for their brand or product to become a viral sensation, missing a critical chance for substantial market penetration. TAKEAWAY: Make social media central to your startup strategy. Harness direct feedback to refine your product quickly. Use content marketing to tell your brand's story. Network effectively to build valuable industry connections. Capitalize on cost-effective marketing channels. Aim for viral growth through strategic social media engagement. In short, don't get left behind—embrace social media and use it to your business's advantage.

Interview Breakdown
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In today's episode of DTC POD, we pull back the curtain on the journey Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar took as they crafted a unique niche in the pickle industry, leveraging social media to build their brand, Good Girl Snacks. They share insights on content creation, product development challenges, and the value of authenticity in connecting with Gen Z consumers. Today, we'll cover - The strategic process behind Leah and Yasaman's focused content creation and marketing efforts. - The innovative approaches they took in product development, from kitchen experiments to overcoming the "cucumber gate." - How they capitalized on quick, real-time content to engage with their community and promote their business on social media. - The importance of bootstrapping for creativity and the influence of being genuine in content for building a loyal Gen Z following. - Leah and Yasaman's decision to learn through industry experiences, consultants, and the wisdom of advisors in the CPG space.

🔑 7 Key Themes
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1. Importance of marketing and content creation 2. Real-time content for engagement 3. Overcoming supply chain challenges 4. Embracing authenticity in branding 5. Consulting experts for business growth 6. Learning from industry experiences 7. Community building via social media

💬 Keywords
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content creation, marketing strategy, scheduling film blocks, social media calendar, video editing, vlog content, voiceovers, Gen Z engagement, remote work collaboration, trending topics, real-time content, Instagram engagement, TikTok strategy, reels content, product development, organic cucumbers, sourcing challenges, brand name decisions, niche market, D2C marketing, HubSpot podcast network, bootstrapped business, organic sales, user-generated content, influencer marketing, short form content, direct-to-consumer community, CPG industry, operational challenges, industry consultants.

🎞️ Clipfinder: Quotes, Hooks, & Timestamps
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Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:08:00 00:08:17

Entrepreneurial Optimism: "But to be completely honest, I think we were maybe both a bit naive in a sense, but in a good way where we weren't really thinking too far ahead and we were just like, okay, let's focus on now and what we can build now. And I don't know, I think we were both very optimistic that things would fall into place and thankfully they did."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:09:34 00:10:41

Trends in Food Branding: "I mean, I think nowadays if you try to pick a beverage at Whole Foods or erawan or whatever supermarket, you're just overwhelmed with choice. And it all feels, I don't know, like there's something for everyone."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:11:24 00:11:46

Disrupting the Pickle Industry: "Before people even tried the product, I think there was an initial immediate appeal with the brand from this demographic that we were targeting and, yeah, so I think even though it was a bit daunting at first to kind of come in as a new player and disrupt this industry that's been around forever, I think we were also excited to do something different and to kind of join the industry at the same time."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:17:10 00:17:26

Importance of Marketing in Startups: "I think we took it super seriously from the beginning and I think we knew we needed to allocate as much time to content creation as we did to anything else in the business. And I think, like we mentioned, we knew at the very beginning, branding, marketing, that's what's going to push us forward."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:24:39 00:24:58

Social Media Strategy For Branding: "Yeah, I think for feed, we wanted to kind of look like a portfolio. That's kind of how we like to think about it when people look at our grid, we like to kind of showcase what the brand is about, its images that represent what we stand for, our mission, the product, and then anything else."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:28:06 00:28:20

Brand Development Insights: "We really took care of the branding, um, kind of building out the skeleton for what the company would look like, both aesthetically, branding wise, and also legally, like, making sure we have all our ducks in a row."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:29:14 00:29:23

Challenges in Startup Growth: "And then it all kind of went to shit because, like, our entire cucumber order basically got ruined in transit."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:34:55 00:35:05

Creative Marketing Strategies: "And I think that allowed us to come up with really fun ideas that were very low lift and cost us $0 and that ended up being effective for us."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:45:58 00:46:34

Building Connections in Business: "And for sure, outside of even working with consultants, I think Leah and I, and something that we still do to this day is we'll connect with anybody in the industry who's willing to speak to us. And we did that from the very beginning when we were kind of like, oh, is this a good idea? Should we start, like, what do you think? Is this something we should do full time to now, meeting with fellow CPG founders and hearing about their experience? And whenever we meet with those people, we're like, what are some mistakes you've made that you have learned from? What are some things that you would tell yourself when you first started? What are some things that you think we should answer? What's something that you wish someone had told you when you were starting out? We always ask those kinds of questions when we're meeting with somebody that's in the industry."

Yasaman Bakhtiar 00:48:08 00:49:19

Entrepreneurial Mindset: "And to, I think, not be so stuck on doing the things a certain way and to be open to change and open to, I think, to just be fluid if something doesn’t go this way, to be able to shift, pivot, and go the other way instead, and to not be so stuck on doing things a specific way, which I know that a lot of founders that we speak to can be this way."

📚 Timestamped overview
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00:00 Longtime friends find success through TikTok trend.

06:35 Interest in social strategy, domain purchase discussion.

09:34 Pickle market lacking diversity and appeal.

11:47 Gen Z consumer market, unique brand perspective.

14:53 Series gains attention through social media strategy.

19:51 Vlogging: Recording first, then voiceover work.

22:02 Weekly brainstorming sessions, remote work, daily collaboration.

24:39 Instagram feed showcases brand and engages community.

28:52 Hired consultants, faced setbacks, quick brand trajectory.

31:16 Marketing scheme, customer feedback, product improvement, production.

35:05 Learning through networking and consultants saves money.

38:50 Visualize authentic content, scale with influencers, delegate.

41:20 Hiring consultants over full-time employees for budget.

45:58 Networking with industry professionals for valuable insights.

48:08 Advice for new founders: Embrace change and adapt.

50:49 Show support with rating, review, follow, subscribe.

❇️ Key topics and bullets
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**Introduction to Guests and Good Girl Snacks Background** - Meeting at USC and identifying a market trend - Transition from corporate jobs to entrepreneurship - Conceptualizing a brand in the pickle industry targeting Gen Z **Initial Strategies for Content Creation and Marketing** - Emphasis on the importance of early marketing efforts - Trial and error in content development - Adopting a social calendar and dedicated brainstorming sessions **Evolution of Content Strategy** - Shift towards more efficient filming and editing processes - Creation of vlog content with accompanying voiceovers - Targeting a fast-paced format for short attention spans **Remote Collaboration and Content Planning** - Weekly meetings for content planning - Text communications for trend spotting and idea generation - Balancing between pre-scheduled and spontaneous content **Real-Time Content Creation and Engagement** - Filming and posting within the same day - Maximizing social media engagement on platforms like Instagram and TikTok **Product Development and Challenges** - Development of the Pickle 2.0 product, from kitchen testing to co-packer collaboration - Facing hurdles such as "cucumber gate" and sourcing organic ingredients - Dealing with setbacks and leveraging customer feedback for product improvement **Branding and Market Positioning** - Deciding on brand names and domain despite initial hesitation - Addressing an innovation gap for female audiences in the pickle market - Overcoming skepticism with unique marketing and demographic targeting **Building an Online Community** - Daily vlogging leading to community growth - Gaining attention via social media trends and SEO tactics - Achieving a surge in followers and viral content **Business Approach and Philosophy** - Bootstrapping and reliance on organic content for sales - Creativity in the absence of initial ad spend - Emphasizing authenticity and leveraging non-paid content - Planning for content scaling with the inclusion of UGC creators and influencers **D2C POD and HubSpot Network Announcements** - Official inclusion in the HubSpot podcast network - Introduction of the Slack community for D2C founders and operators - Promotion of HubSpot's new sales hub features and advantages **Overcoming Operational Fears and Optimism in Marketing** - Sharing initial concerns about the operational side - Belief in the co-founders' marketing skills and optimistic outlook **Challenges in Organic Product Business** - Facing supply chain issues and the necessity of adaptation - The intersection of tech background with the slower CPG industry dynamics - The importance of patience in navigating the CPG sector **Engagement and Learning from the Industry** - Ramon Berrios's question on choosing consultants over full-time employee hiring - Financial reasons for consultant hiring due to budget considerations - Importance of hands-on learning and vision implementation - Valuing lessons from mistakes and advisor insights - Emphasis on absorbing knowledge through industry insider interactions **Guests' Call to Action and Engagement** - Sharing social media and website information for audience follow-up - Hosts encouraging ratings, reviews, and accessing show notes and resources **Conclusion** - Recap of the importance of learning from the DTC and CPG industry experiences - Guests discussing the benefits of mentorship and networks in their journey

🎬 Reel script
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Hey listeners! Join us on the DTC POD, where Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar, the brilliant minds behind Good Girl Snacks, unpack the journey of starting from a love for pickles to creating a viral sensation. They share invaluable insights on prioritizing content creation and marketing from day one. Discover their unique vlogging voiceover technique, how they leverage trending topics for real-time engagement, and how their dedication to authenticity captures Gen Z's attention. From overcoming 'cucumber gate' to embracing their unique brand identity, they prove that with a strong niche and smart marketing, even pickles can become a disruptor in the food industry. And for all our D2C founders and operators, don't miss out on joining our exclusive Slack community! Tune in to DTC POD for this pickle of an episode, and let’s crunch into the success story of Good Girl Snacks!

👩‍💻 LinkedIn post
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🎙️ New Episode Alert: Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar V3 on DTC POD 🥒 In a riveting discussion on DTC POD, Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar, co-founders of Good Girl Snacks, peel back the layers of their journey from concept to viral brand success. 🌟 Here’s what we uncovered: 📈 Content Strategy: From meticulously planning their social media calendar to embracing the spontaneous nature of trending topics, Leah and Yasaman stress the importance of adaptability in digital marketing. 🌐 Real-time Connection: Discover the compelling reasons behind filming and posting content the same day and how this strategy can skyrocket engagement and authenticity. 🥒 Niche Brand Building: The founders give us the inside scoop on their pickle product development - from "cucumber gate” to receiving skepticism, and ultimately, cultivating a loyal Gen Z following through dedicated vlogging and relatable content. Key Takeaways: - **Content Precision**: Planning and strategy are key, but being flexible enough to capitalize on real-time trends can make your content stand out. - **Authentic Storytelling**: Staying true to your voice can transcend aesthetic concerns and resonate more with today’s social media audience. - **Resourcefulness and Adaptability**: Bootstrapping not only nurtures creativity but also instills a deep understanding of your industry through facing and overcoming challenges. 🔊 Tune into DTC POD, now proudly a part of the HubSpot Podcast Network, to gain more insights on consumer trends and strategies from trailblazing business professionals. And remember, joining our new Slack community can add even more value through connection and support. ✅ Follow us for more stories behind successful DTC brands, and get the tools and inspiration you need for your entrepreneurial journey. #DTCPOD #GoodGirlSnacks #MarketingStrategy #ContentCreation #Branding #startup #podcast #DTC #CPG #entrepreneurship #businessstrategy #GenZ #socialmediastrategy #viralbranding #hubspot #networking [🔗 to episode and show notes]

✏️ Custom Newsletter
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Subject: 🔥 New DTC POD Episode Alert: Pioneering the Pickle Space with Good Girl Snacks! Hey there Snack-savvy Listeners! Grab your earbuds and get ready for a *crunchy* new episode of the DTC POD that's sure to tickle your taste buds and your business brains! Episode "Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar V3" drops today, featuring the daring duo from Good Girl Snacks who are shaking up the snack aisle, one pickle jar at a time. 🥒 **5 Juicy Nuggets You'll Learn:** 1. **Content Creation Chronicles**: Learn how Yasaman and Leah have tailored their content to catch the fleeting attention span of Gen Z, crafting a must-watch mix of strategic and on-the-fly content. 📹 2. **#CucumberGate**: Discover the drama behind sourcing organic cucurs – it's a bumpy ride full of twists, turns, and valuable takeaways for anyone handling product development in the DTC world. 🌱 3. **Branding Brilliance**: Find out why sticking to their gut (and their unique brand names) despite initial skepticism helped them carve out a niche that resonates with their audience. 💡 4. **Marketing Mastery**: Dive into their approach to social media, where authenticity rules and daily vlogging builds a strong, pickle-loving community. 🤳 5. **Bootstrap Bandwidth**: Wrap your head around the art of thriving without a hefty advertising budget, and see how being cash-conscious can ignite out-of-the-jar creativity. 💸 **Fun Fact Alert!** Did you know that Leah and Yasaman's leap into the world of pickles began with a social media trend? They spied a chance to infuse zesty flavors into the viral whirlwind and haven't looked back since! #PicklePopularity 🚀 **To Wrap It Up...** Every crunchy bite of this episode is packed with tangy tales and spicy strategies, so don't miss out! Tune in to hear how these trailblazers went from concept to crunch time with their daring brand. **Your Call to Action:** Ready for a dill-lightful listening experience? Click [here] to dive straight into the episode. Then, while the taste is still fresh, drop us a review or send us your feedback – we relish your thoughts! Also, don't forget to spread the love by sharing this episode with fellow snackers and business enthusiasts! Let's grow this DTC community into a mighty oak – starting with the power of a tiny pickle seed. Stay Snappy, The DTC POD Team 🎙️ P.S. Craving connections with other DTC dynamos? Join the waitlist for our exclusive Slack community – it's the virtual brunch spot for DTC founders and operators to mix, mingle, and munch on innovative ideas. 🌟 --- [Unsubscribe](#) from these updates if you've had your fill, but remember, you'll be missing out on the juiciest DTC tidbits around!

🐦 Business Lesson Tweet Thread
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1/ Starting a business? Content and marketing aren't just king, they're the whole kingdom. Here's a tale of two founders who grasped this from day one. 2/ Yasaman and Leah got it right: they carved out huge chunks of time early on for creating killer content and strategic marketing. It's the hustle before the hustle. 3/ They didn't wing it. Scheduling film blocks, brainstorming sessions, and having a robust social calendar were the building blocks of their content empire. 4/ As their journey unfolded, filming got easier, their ideas sharper. The secret sauce? Vlog content with voiceovers. Efficiency met perfection. 5/ They aimed their content canon at a tricky target—Gen Z's short attention span. Fast-paced formats were the ammunition of choice. 6/ What's better than a meeting? Less of them. Yasaman and Leah thrived on remote work, syncing up once a week to align their creative compass. 7/ Trends are fickle friends. They knew balancing planned content with the spontaneous kind was key to staying relevant. 8/ Content isn't just king. It's live. They'd film and post the same day, seizing the moment to maximize engagement. 9/ Embracing TikTok and reels felt risky, but the payoff was authenticity. Their community didn't just grow, it thrived on realness. 10/ The journey to perfect pickles? Recipe tests, expert consultations, setbacks. Ever heard of cucumber gate? It's a thing. 11/ Bootstrapping's not just about saving costs. It's a creative crucible. Without the easy out of ads, Yasaman and Leah's creativity flourished. 12/ Pursuing an authentic voice, investing in community, and avoiding lazy, paid promotions cultivated a fiercely loyal Gen Z following. 13/ Thriving in the DTC space isn’t just about being on social media, it’s about mastering it. That’s a lesson in adaptability from Good Girl Snacks. 14/ Starting a brand with the operational know-how of a cucumber? That fear didn't stop them. Marketing was their magic wand. 15/ Patience in the CPG game is like waiting for dough to rise. Slow but for a tasty reason. Balancing tech with tradition is an art. 16/ Need a smart strategy? Hire consultants, not full-time staff when starting. It's budget-smart tactics for bootstrapped ventures. 17/ Building a business is a hands-on affair. Learning the ropes and tuning into your vision makes for a brand with a beating heart. 18/ Mistakes are your hidden mentors. Yasaman and Leah knew that embracing errors and seeking advisors amplified their learning tenfold. 19/ All in all, Yasaman and Leah's narrative isn't just inspiring, it's a playbook for success in the digital age. 20/ This is the story of how two founders turned pickles and content into a brand that resonates with the pulse of today’s gen.

🎓 Lessons Learned
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1. Content Scheduling Mastery Create regular film blocks, brainstorming sessions, and a solid social calendar to stay consistent and organized. 2. Embrace Trending Topics Balance planned content with spontaneous posts to capture trending moments and engage a dynamically changing audience. 3. Real-Time Engagement Film and post content on the same day to maximize social media engagement and showcase current events. 4. Trial, Error, Repeat Initial hesitation in content approaches leads to breakthroughs; trial and error are essential parts of the marketing journey. 5. Fast-Paced Content Strategy Craft content tailored for short attention spans, targeting younger demographics who favor quick, engaging media formats. 6. Remote Synergy Employ effective remote collaboration by weekly meetings and constant communication to remain synchronized and responsive to trends. 7. Product Development Steps Navigate branding, legalities, and production challenges like 'cucumber gate' to bring an innovative product from concept to market. 8. Organic Growth Wins Utilize a bootstrapped mentality to drive creativity in content creation and marketing, avoiding reliance on paid ads initially. 9. Building Community Ties Consistent content creation fosters a strong online community, leading to greater brand recognition and viral marketing successes. 10. Consultant Collaboration Hire industry consultants for insight and direction, enabling a focus on vision implementation without the overhead of full-time staff.

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Welcome to the DTC POD, where we uncover the strategies for success straight from the founders reshaping consumer brands. Today's episode with Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar has given us a trove of wisdom that every entrepreneur should adhere to. Here's a comprehensive list of maxims, inspired by their journey with Good Girl Snacks, to guide you in the pursuit of business excellence: 1. Prioritize content creation and marketing from the start—visibility is key to growth. 2. Embrace trial and error in your content strategy—learning what resonates with your audience is a journey, not a one-time event. 3. Organize your creative process—establishing a routine for film blocks, brainstorming, and social planning pays dividends in efficiency. 4. Develop your process over time—while strategizing may take longer, efficiencies will emerge, like faster filming, as you hone your skills. 5. Adapt content to your audience—keep it quick and energetic to match the pace of the digital age and the attention span of Gen Z. 6. Balance spontaneity and planning—be ready to shift gears when trends emerge to keep your content fresh and timely. 7. React fast—film and post content on the same day to maximize engagement and maintain relevance. 8. Be brave with new formats—letting go of aesthetic hesitations can lead to more authentic engagement and can resonate more with your audience. 9. Face production challenges head-on—whether it's recipe development or cucumber sourcing woes, persistence is crucial. 10. Leverage your unique brand story—distinguishing your product through innovation and crafted appeal to specific demographics can unlock markets. 11. Build a community through daily engagement—this is an investment in long-term loyalty and visibility. 12. Bootstrapping encourages ingenuity—lean on organic growth and content to creatively and effectively scale your business. 13. Cultivate authenticity—it's vital for connecting with an audience that values real, relatable content. 14. Embrace the power of the non-paid social content—it can be a more genuine and cost-effective way to build your brand's presence. 15. Maintain a lean approach—focusing on what's current, such as short-form content, allows you to stay agile and relevant. 16. Collaborate and seek peer engagement—joining communities like DTC POD's new Slack group can lead to valuable insights and support. 17. Utilize robust tools for efficiency—platforms like HubSpot's sales hub can streamline processes and foster scalability. 18. Learn from industry vets—seeking advice from consultants keeps costs down while enriching your understanding of the business. 19. Build strong advisory relationships—advisors and industry insiders can be invaluable sources of knowledge and connections. 20. Embrace a learning mindset—every mistake is a lesson that enriches your entrepreneurial prowess. Incorporating these maxims into your entrepreneurial ethos can help you navigate the complexities of starting and growing a consumer brand. Stay tuned to DTC POD for more insights, and join us as we continue exploring the playbook of direct-to-consumer success. If you found value in our discussion today, support us with ratings and reviews, and for more resources, check out the show notes on our website.

📧 Podcast Thank You Email
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Subject: Your DTC POD Episode Just Dropped 🚀 Hey Yasaman and Leah! Just wanted to shoot you both a quick thank you for dropping by on our podcast. Your energy and insights made the episode a standout. It’s not every day we have guests who can fully capture the essence of what it means to build a business from the ground up, especially in an industry as crunchy as the pickle biz! So, guess what? Your episode, "Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar V3" has officially hit the digital airwaves. 🎧 It's all out there for the world to be inspired by your journey, your marketing savvy, and those pickley challenges that you’ve turned into a super cool brand. If you could share and engage with the episode on your socials, that'd be super awesome. We've seen it time and time again - a little love on social media can really give the episode legs and help your story reach even more ears. Plus, our community loves to see the faces behind the voices. Thanks again for bringing such firepower to the mic. You two are a powerhouse duo, and we can’t wait to see where Good Girl Snacks takes off to next! Stay awesome and crunchy, [Your Name] DTC POD_TEAM 😎🥒

🌟 3 Fun Facts
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1. The co-founders chose to spotlight the trend of pickles going viral on social media as an entry point into the snacks industry. 2. They referred to their supply challenge as "cucumber gate," which underscored the stressful nature of product development with organic ingredients. 3. Both co-founders juggled quitting corporate jobs to pursue their passion for creating a niche pickle product aimed at Gen Z, leveraging unique marketing techniques without initial ad spend.

📓 Blog Post
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Title: Navigating the Pickle Industry: The Good Girl Snacks Story Introduction: Creativity Meets Crunch In the world of business, it's not just about having a great idea—it's about having the tenacity and creativity to bring it to life. This is the story of Good Girl Snacks, a brand that took the pickle industry by storm, as shared by co-founders Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar on the DTC POD. Their journey from content creation to product perfection sheds light on the challenges and triumphs of building a business from the ground up. Building a Brand Through Content At the core of Good Girl Snacks' early strategy was a laser focus on content creation and marketing. Leah and Yasaman intuitively understood the importance of engaging with their audience from the get-go. They invested significant time into developing a content calendar, brainstorming sessions, and scheduling film blocks, ensuring that their marketing machine was as finely tuned as their business vision. Content Creation: A Balancing Act Initially, the intricate process of brainstorming and filming demanded most of their resources. But as the duo became more adept, filming turned into a more streamlined endeavor, although strategizing continued to require dedicated effort. One effective technique they pioneered involves vlogging with voiceovers—a time-efficient approach that also makes editing less of a chore. Fast-paced and Authentic Interaction Acknowledging the short attention spans that characterize the internet, particularly among Gen Z, Leah and Yasaman aimed to strike the right balance with their content. While planning remains paramount, they preserve spontaneity by adapting content to current trending topics, occasionally filming and posting on the same day to capitalize on real-time dynamics. Adapting Content Strategy Good Girl Snacks leverages Instagram and TikTok, platforms that seamlessly blend the brand’s ethos with feed posts, stories, and short-form videos like reels. As their confidence grew, the co-founders embraced reels, despite initial hesitation, for its genuine and distinctive style, which resonated well with their audience. Pickle Product Perfection The pickle product that put Good Girl Snacks on the map evolved through home kitchen experimentation, professional consultations, and ample trials. Navigating setbacks, such as a massive cucumber order issue dubbed "cucumber gate," stretched their resilience but ultimately led to an improved Pickles 2.0, responding saliently to customer feedback. Distinctive Branding and Niche Marketing Leah and Yasaman faced initial skepticism for their ambition to innovate in an established space. However, their focus on a niche demographic and imaginative marketing carved a unique niche within the pickle market, proving to naysayers that even the most traditional industries can be reinvented. Building Community with Content Regular vlogging fostered a strong, engaged community that propelled Good Girl Snacks to viral status, illustrating the power of consistency in content creation. Their success isn't unfounded; as a company proudly a part of the HubSpot podcast network, they give credit to organic content and savvy business decisions for their growth trajectory. Bootstrapping Brilliance Good Girl Snacks' bootstrapped beginnings birthed a culture of ingenuity and a drive to learn directly from industry experts. They strategically hired consultants rather than full-time staff and continuously tapped into their advisors' networks to grow their knowledge. Connecting D2C Founders and Operators Lastly, host Blaine Bolus announced the creation of a Slack community dedicated to connecting D2C founders and operators—a testament to the power of sharing knowledge and resources within the business community. Additionally, HubSpot’s new sales hub offers tools to streamline and enhance sales processes, valuable resources for burgeoning businesses like Good Girl Snacks. Conclusion: Lessons from the Pickle Path The Good Girl Snacks saga brims with hard-earned wisdom. Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar have not only envisioned a zesty pickle empire but also navigated the unpredictable terrains of supply chain woes and operational learning curves. They have emerged with a brand that remains true to its core—innovative, female-focused, and irrepressibly authentic. For enthusiasts eager to follow their journey or those looking to emulate their tenacity, the founders encourage connecting via social media and their website—ensuring that the narrative of Good Girl Snacks and its lessons become part of entrepreneurial folklore. As the hosts remind listeners, support for the podcast through ratings and reviews helps share these inspiring stories with a wider audience, continuing the cycle of learning and growth in the vibrant DTC ecosystem.

🎤 Voiceover Script
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Venturing into the world of organic snacks isn't just about a tasty product—it's about smart, savvy marketing and a sprinkle of spontaneity. Today, we're dishing out the winning recipe with Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar from Good Girl Snacks. They're peeling back the layers of their pickle brand's juicy success. In this flavor-packed episode, we're serving up insights on: - The art of content creation that sizzles across social platforms. - Balancing the crunch time of trending content with carefully planned strategies. - Embracing the organic growth hustle by leveraging non-paid strategies to connect with Gen Z's fleeting focus. - Stirring the pot with inventive marketing to disrupt the pickle space. Join us as we uncover how to cultivate a brand that resonates, roll with the punches of supply chain woes, and why sometimes, a consultant's touch is the secret sauce for DTC and CPG spice. Tune in and relish in the crunch of entrepreneurial spirit with Good Girl Snacks!

🔘 Best Practices Guide
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**Effective Content Strategies for Emerging Brands: A Best-Practices Guide** 1. Prioritize early marketing: Allocate substantial time to content creation and be prepared for trial and error. 2. Organize content creation: Schedule dedicated time for brainstorming, filming, and strategize your social calendar for consistency. 3. Embrace the learning curve: Accept that strategizing will require more time as you progress, but filming can become more efficient. 4. Optimize for attention spans: Target fast-paced content delivery, particularly for engaging with Gen Z audiences. 5. Balance content types: Mix planned and spontaneous content, staying responsive to trending topics for maximum relevance. 6. Engage authentically: Use platforms like Instagram and TikTok to connect with your community through regular posts, stories, and short-form content. 7. Community building: Aim for daily vlogging to nurture a strong community and enhance visibility through trends and SEO.

🎆 Social Carousel: Do's/Don'ts
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Cover Slide: "10 Essential Tips from DTC Experts" Slide 1: Avoid Delay Act swiftly on content creation and marketing for immediate impact. Slide 2: No Rigidity Be flexible; alter content plans to leverage trending topics when necessary. Slide 3: Skip Perfection Embrace authenticity in your posts, even if it means a less polished aesthetic. Slide 4: Plan Excessively Schedule brainstorming and filming in advance but allow room for spontaneity. Slide 5: Overthink Filming Keep filming straightforward to save time - focus more on brainstorming and strategy now. Slide 6: Ignore Trends Utilize daily trends for SEO and social media presence to boost brand engagement. Slide 7: Dismiss Community Create a strong community through daily vlogging for brand loyalty and growth. Slide 8: Rely on Ads Use organic content to drive sales and connect authentically with Gen Z. Slide 9: Hire Staff Early Work with consultants to save costs and learn crucial industry implementations. Slide 10: Fear Mistakes Embrace errors as lessons and seek advisor expertise for continuous growth.

🎠 Social Carousel
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Cover Slide:

"10 Must-Know Tips for DTC Brands"

Slide 1:

"Content Commitment"

Prioritize time for marketing and creative content from day 1

Slide 2:

"Marketing Trials"

Embrace a trial and error approach in your marketing strategies.

Slide 3:

"Strategic Planning"

Schedule brainstorming and filming, use a social calendar for consistency.

Slide 4:

"Efficient Creation"

Vlog with voiceovers post-filming to streamline editing and save time.

Slide 5:

"Fast-Paced Formats"

Tailor content for short attention spans, focusing on engaging Gen Z.

Slide 6:

"Real-Time Relevance"

Film and post content quickly to capture current events and maximize engagement.

Slide 7:

"Flexible Strategy"

Mix planned content with spontaneous reactions to trending topics.

Slide 8:

"Embracing Authenticity"

Use social platforms authentically; worry less about aesthetics.

Slide 9:

"Community Building"

Create a loyal following by sharing daily experiences and being relatable.

Slide 10:

"Bootstrap Wisdom"

Leverage organic growth and expert knowledge; stay creative.

Call to Action Slide:

"Join the Conversation"

Connect with fellow D2C pioneers in our DTC POD Slack community – sign-up link in bio! #DTCPOD

One Off Tweets
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Tweet 1 Content creation is a sprint AND a marathon. Early investment in marketing paves the way for your brand's narrative. Ready, set, engage! Tweet 2 In the world of instant gratification, quick content wins. Capture Gen Z's eyes with fast-paced formats. Keep it snappy, keep it fresh! Tweet 3 Remote work meets weekly power sessions. Behind every trending post is a duo diligently plotting their social media takeover from afar. Tweet 4 Sometimes chance outshines the plan. Nimbleness in content can scoop the trend wave – today’s spontaneity is tomorrow's viral sensation. Tweet 5 Raw and real trumps polished perfection. Embracing reels can connect and reflect your brand’s heart to a scrolling world. Tweet 6 From 'cucumber gate' to Pickles 2.0, every hiccup is a step towards a product that customers relish. Resilience is your secret sauce. Tweet 7 Launching straight from the kitchen to market, brand founders prove that a great idea doesn’t need deep pockets, just organic reach. Tweet 8 Empower D2C brands by building a community. Good news: a new Slack hub for founders and operators is on the horizon. Collaboration awaits! Tweet 9 A leap from 9-to-5 to full-time business owners is no small feat. Exiting the corporate world with only a social strategy as your parachute. Tweet 10 Hiring consultants isn't just cost-effective for bootstrapped startups; it's an intensive masterclass in the nuts and bolts of your business.

Twitter Post 1
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They called it "cucumber gate" – not your usual business setback. Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar once faced a real pickle when a cucumber order hiccup nearly soured their plans. But they turned that challenge into a crunchy success for Good Girl Snacks. #PickleProblems #Resilience

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If you're looking to navigate the thrilling world of content creation and entrepreneurship, consider these transformative mindset shifts inspired by the savvy founders of Good Girl Snacks, Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar, featured on our latest DTC POD episode: 💭 Embrace the power of experimental marketing and content creation. Leah and Yasaman taught us that the early stages of building a brand are not about perfection, but about exploring what resonates with your audience. Embrace the process of trial and error. The more you test, the better you'll understand what captivates your niche, especially in a fast-paced online world. 💭 Recognize the strategic benefits of bootstrapping. Our guests believe that operating without the cushion of extensive funding can actually fuel your creativity and drive. Challenge yourself to think outside the box and harness organic growth strategies. It's about leveraging your ingenuity to build a brand connection without relying solely on ad spend. 💭 Cultivate authenticity and foster community through your platform. Leah and Yasaman's trek into the pickle virality taught us that genuine engagement trumps polished aesthetics. Align your brand with content that's true to your values and encourages interaction. This authenticity not only attracts your target audience, Gen Z in their case, but also builds a loyal community invested in your journey. Immerse yourself in the DTC POD episode “Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar V3” to uncover the intricate details of their entrepreneurial journey, and discover why treating content creation as a continuous learning experience can propel your brand to new heights. Hungry for more behind-the-scenes insights into the world of DTC business? Waitlist for our exclusive Slack community, and don't miss exploring the new sales hub from HubSpot for actionable tips on scaling efficiently.

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If you’re eager to enhance your engagement and success with your business, consider these specialized tactics gleaned from our recent DTC POD episode with Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar: 🔍 Prioritize Real-Time Content Creation: Emulate Leah and Yasaman by capturing and sharing content on the same day. This showcases the immediacy of your brand and can significantly boost social media engagement, as your audience feels they are part of your day-to-day journey. 📅 Blend Scheduled Content with Spontaneity: While maintaining a structured social calendar is essential, the ability to pivot and create spontaneous content in response to trends is equally important. Striking a balance between these approaches can keep your content fresh and relevant. 🤝 Build a Remote Synergy: Follow Leah and Yasaman's lead in working remotely yet staying in sync. Regularly schedule virtual meetings to brainstorm and plan, and use text communications effectively to share spur-of-the-moment ideas or trending topics. 💡 Embrace Non-Paid Marketing Channels: As Yasaman and Leah have demonstrated, a strong non-paid content strategy, focused on authenticity and leveraging user-generated content, can be incredibly powerful, especially when engaging with an audience like Gen Z. 🔄 Leverage a Consultative Approach for Growth: When resources are tight, hiring consultants, as recommended by our guests, can be a shrewd strategy. This allows for financial flexibility and enhances your learning curve, providing you with the necessary expertise without the commitment of full-time hires. Remember, applying these tactics is not just about immediate results; it's about nurturing a sustainable and adaptable business model. Stay tuned to DTC POD for more insights, and don't forget to check out our resources for additional support in your business ventures.

In Depth Thread
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Overrated: Generic content. Rapid, unplanned posts may seem spontaneous, but they lack strategy and don't capitalize on engagement opportunities. Underrated: Strategic scheduling and film blocks. Here’s the exact methodology Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar used to skyrocket their brand: Rhythmic Calendar Strategy Regular brainstorming, film blocks, and a social calendar to keep content fresh and relevant. Keep it synced. If you’re not planning out at least a week ahead, you’re behind. Top Five Content Pillars Your audience can only hold so many ideas at once, so make them count. For Good Girl Snacks, that might look like: 1. Product Innovation 2. Behind-the-Scenes Creation 3. Real-time Trend Participation 4. Brand Storytelling 5. Community Highlights Market Snapshot Streamline the conversation around your market. 5 Top Points: Here's what Good Girl Snacks might share… 1. The Cucumber Landscape (current) 2. The Pickle Popularity Surge (trend data) 3. Gender & Gen Z as Target Segments (audience) 4. Brand Vision & Ethos (mission) 5. Anticipated Market Shifts (projections) One-Liner Wisdom Craft a brand tagline that captures the essence of your operation: Good Girl Snacks: "Revolutionizing pickles with a fresh twist for the Gen-Z palette." Control the Narrative Good Girl Snacks talks about the feminine edge in a traditionally male-dominated space. Your brand should define its space in the market with similar conviction. Content Lifecycle What comes after the click? Tell me the journey. Good Girl Snacks walks you through from ideation to viral sensation. Brand DNA Be clear about your brand identity upfront. This prevents misalignment with audience expectations. Good Girl Snacks champions organic produce, a bold aesthetic, and snappy content. Evidence-Based Engagement Use your content metrics & community interactions as visual indicators of growth. Remember, numbers talk. Creative Force Nothing beats an aligned team. Show off those who power your content and brand innovation. Expertise is non-negotiable. Novice to Authority If the track record isn’t there yet, zoom in on team dynamics and content strategy. A strong team and smart strategy can compete with years in the game. Triple P Playbook • Personality, Presence, and Platform • Precision, Process, and Performance Sharpen these P’s to carve your niche in the digital tapestry.

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Idea #2: Embracing Authenticity in Branding Championing authenticity in your brand's voice and content can lead to deeper audience engagement and loyalty: 1. Showcasing Real-Time Content: Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar highlight the effectiveness of filming and posting content the same day, demonstrating to their audience that they are experiencing events in tandem with them, which enhances trust and relatability. 2. Balancing Planned and Spontaneous Posts: The co-founders underscore the balance between structured and impromptu content, showing a willingness to pivot and engage with trending topics, inviting a sense of immediacy and responsiveness that resonates with their Gen Z audience. 3. Prioritizing Non-Paid Content Strategies: Focusing on organic growth and bootstrapping, Leah and Yasaman stress the importance of authentic narratives and community engagement over paid advertisements, signifying a genuine commitment to building relationships rather than simply pushing for sales.

Tweet thread on learnings
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Tweet 1: Diving into the world of DTC with Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar from @GoodGirlSnacks, their journey from corporate to creators is one for the books! Here are the gems from their episode on DTC POD: 🥒📈🎥 #DTC #BusinessGrowth #ContentCreation Tweet 2: 1. Embrace the Grind of Early Marketing Starting a business? Focus on marketing and content creation. This isn't just advice; it's what propelled Good Girl Snacks forward. Yasaman and Leah set aside major time upfront to define their brand voice and message. #MarketingStrategy #BrandBuilding Tweet 3: 2. Strategize Then Streamline Once brainstorming dominated their schedule, but practice makes perfect. Filming has now become second nature for these queens of pickles, thanks to repeated action and their master scheduling. Efficiency for the win! #ContentCreation #Efficiency Tweet 4: 3. Fast Content for Fast Times Their strategy to cater to the micro-attention spans of today's viewers? Quick and compelling content, targeting Gen Z with snappy editing and relatable narration. Timely and authentic is the mantra. #SocialMediaStrategy #GenZ Tweet 5: 4. Real-Time Content Wins There's magic in immediacy! Leah and Yasaman film and post the same day, keeping their audience hooked with what's happening NOW. It's all about riding the wave of engagement and moment marketing. #EngagementStrategy #TrendingNow Tweet 6: 5. Aesthetics vs Authenticity? Why Not Both? Initially wary of reels, they took the plunge and discovered a balance between polished and real resonated more with followers. Authenticity can go hand-in-hand with aesthetic; blending both invites connection. #InstagramStrategy #Reels Tweet 7: 6. Bootstrapping Breeds Creativity No ads? No problem. @GoodGirlSnacks bootstrapped their business, driving them to innovate and hustle harder. Pro tip: constraints can be the canvas for your greatest ideas. #Bootstrapping #OrganicGrowth Tweet 8: 7. Building a Community is Key Here’s a special shoutout: #DTC founders & operators, join the Slack community launched by DTC POD! A space to share, learn, and support – because community is crucial, not just for podcasts but for brands too. #CommunityBuilding #Networking Tweet 9: 8. The Art of Learning On-The-Go Starting a DTC? Leah and Yasaman swear by hiring consultants over full-timers initially - saves costs and you learn the ropes hands-on. Each misstep is a golden lesson in the steep climb of business setup. #StartupLife #LearningCurve Remember, the DTC POD is now part of the @HubSpot podcast network, so tune in for more insights and stories of hustle and heart from the bright minds in direct-to-consumer space. Ratings and reviews are gold, folks—drop a ⭐️ or five! #DTCPOD #BusinessPodcast

Future State, 6 reasons post
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In just one quarter, our organic content strategy has skyrocketed our social media engagement, carving a niche for Good Girl Snacks in the highly competitive pickle market, and establishing a vibrant and lively brand presence that resonates with Gen Z. As co-founders Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar shared on DTC POD, the journey began with a focus on creative marketing and authentic connection. Despite industry skepticism, their tenacity and innovative approach have placed them on the DTC map. But, to harness the full potential of their content strategy, certain enhancements could lead to even greater growth. Old State: - Ad-hoc content scheduling and creation - Operational challenges with “cucumber gate” - Learning curve in balancing branding with marketing strategies - Dependency on conventional, time-consuming product development practices - Concerns about maintaining aesthetic on social media New State: - Streamlined and efficient content production pipeline - Strong supply chain resilience and procurement strategies - Harmonious blend of brand identity and market trends - Agile product development and response to customer feedback - Embrace of platform diversity while maintaining a cohesive brand image We've already seen how bootstrapping has fueled their inventiveness and forged a meaningful connection with their audience without paid advertising. Implementing the following six steps could solidify their standing as leaders in DTC brand evolution: 1. Implement a data-driven content scheduling platform to predict the best times for posting and automate the process, allowing for real-time engagement and trend capitalization. 2. Develop a diversified supplier network and invest in robust supply chain analytics to preempt issues like the cucumber supply mishap. 3. Employ A/B testing rigorously on social media to refine the brand voice in alignment with both aesthetics and marketing effectiveness. 4. Incorporate rapid prototyping and customer co-creation sessions in product development to iterate swiftly based on real-time feedback. 5. Leverage cross-platform analytics to integrate brand storytelling seamlessly across various mediums, preserving authenticity while expanding outreach. 6. Create a feedback loop from social listening tools to catch emerging trends and incorporate them into content and product planning swiftly. Embracing these advancements doesn't just mean maintaining momentum; it's about setting a new benchmark for DTC brands. With their compelling origin at USC and the subsequent leap into entrepreneurship, Leah and Yasaman exemplify the tenacity required for success. As DTC POD is now a part of the HubSpot podcast network, these stories continue to inspire listeners aiming to revolutionize consumer brands. P.S. What strategies do you believe are critical for DTC brands to thrive in a market dominated by larger corporations? Would you also endorse a move towards stronger analytics and automation as a means to keep pace with consumer trends? Share your thoughts and join the conversation.

About the Episode
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In this captivating episode of DTC POD, Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar from Good Girl Snacks share their visionary content creation strategies that have propelled their pickle brand into the limelight. At the forefront of their approach is the art of balancing meticulously planned content with the dynamism of spontaneous posts that capture trending topics. The entrepreneurial pair dive into their disciplined schedule for brainstorming and filming, revealing the efficiency of coupling vlog-style clips with voiceovers to streamline editing and manage time effectively. Emphasizing quick, digestible content, they cater to Gen Z's brisk attention spans, ensuring their brand message resonates within the fast-paced digital environment. Leah and Yasaman's journey through the intricacies of product development unveils a tale of resilience and adaptability. From "cucumber gate" to brand name dilemmas, the co-founders navigated through a maze of challenges, including sourcing organic ingredients and legal hurdles. Their hands-on strategy, involving testing recipes in their kitchen and hiring consultants rather than full-time employees, not only made financial sense for a bootstrap budget but also helped refine their vision. The result? A Pickles 2.0 version that responds directly to customer feedback, propelling their niche brand into a beloved staple for pickle aficionados. Throughout the episode, the guests underscore the power of authenticity and connecting with their community. By harnessing social platforms like Instagram and TikTok, they've built an authentic dialogue with their followers, fostering a bond through daily vlogging and engaging content. As Leah and Yasaman continue to craft their brand's narrative, they involve user-generated content and influencers to keep their communication relatable and impactful. This approach, coupled with their focus on non-paid content, has led to a wave of organic growth, cementing Good Girl Snacks as a brand that's not just about flavor but also about fostering a genuine relationship with its audience. Remember to tune into the full episode with Leah Marcus and Yasaman Bakhtiar on DTC POD for a deep dive into the strategies behind their thriving business and how they're carving out their unique space in the pickle industry!

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